Minor Arcana Tarot Eight of Pentacles: meaning and combination with other cards

The card represents moving forward if you boldly take matters into your own hands. The minor arcan Tarot card Eight of Pentacles indicates interest in work or activity and speaks of clear involvement in the process. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Eight of Pentacles conveys the image of a master who skillfully and tastefully implements his plan in accordance with the Creator’s plan.

General meaning of the Eight of Pentacles card

This is a card of Creation, the realization of energy in a productive way, it is about mastering skills and immediately assimilating them, bringing them into everyday life practice. Regardless of the topic of your request, the Eight of Pentacles Tarot is a path of daily effort, following which you will achieve the desired result.

For example, this could be mastering new skills, which is expected to result in an increase in income or receiving some bonuses, but the wisdom of this card is to create out of love for work, without chasing prizes and without spilling yourself. The essence of this Arcanum is to teach the true act of labor, the ability to lovingly transform every action into a creative process. The value of his message lies in the understanding that any business is a product of our creativity, which is born from our very essence.

  • Eight of Pentacles Tarot, the meaning of the card expresses deep satisfaction from the realization of skills, gifts and talents. She draws attention to what we already know perfectly well, and suggests further honing our skills not out of self-interest, but out of a desire to creatively express and learn about ourselves through everyday work. Then the fruits of these labors, recognition and prosperity will come.
  • This is the reward of a master and the bread of an apprentice learning some practical art, striving to learn and acquire new skills. The card speaks of discipline and responsibility in everyday work, of intensity and energetic living of routine tasks. Maturity and independence in work, commitment, and attention to detail reveal the meaning of this card.
  • A person clearly understands what he is going to, how he will do it, and nothing can stop him in realizing this forward movement. Authenticity, precision and attention to detail can be a source of inspiration and joy for the artist.
  • This lasso speaks of the possible emergence of responsible tasks, assignments and responsibilities. The Eight of Pentacles can also indicate the need to go to the end in a given situation or the need to complete, bring to the end the things started, without giving up halfway.
  • This card is about daily repetitive activities, repetitions and sets. However, if we follow the path of development, awareness and mindfulness, Groundhog Day will not scare us. To master a skill you need a very large amount of repetition, both in music or crafts, and in life. By carefully looking at the message of this card, we will be able to see our ordinary life through the prism of meaning, where we live each new day even more skillfully, easier and more interesting, without changing the current order of affairs.
  • The reverse side of the Eight of Coins indicates gray everyday life, some boring situation, walking in circles and a lack of understanding. These may be repeated painful situations, the need to engage in activities that are useless from your point of view. However, these situations simply force us to look at problems openly and honestly, force us to come down to earth and, rolling up our sleeves, take an active part in our own lives, correcting everything that we don’t like through daily efforts.

This is a card about bringing our authenticity and genius into our daily affairs, to discover our inner artist who strives to learn, is not afraid of work, and exhibits the qualities of a master in everything he touches.

Yes or no - the meanings of the major arcana of the Tarot

The jester does not give an exact answer to the question asked. This is a map of uncertainty. The inverted Jester indicates a positive answer, but with some conditions and pitfalls.

Direct Magician - yes, inverted - no. The Empress and Emperor, as well as Justice and Judgment, should be interpreted in the same way.

The priestess cannot answer the question, because the fortuneteller does not know something or does not take into account an important point of the question. If it's upside down, the answer is yes.

The Hierophant, in an upright position, answers positively to all questions of a spiritual nature. If you asked about something material, the answer is no. The inverted Hierophant does not know the answer and needs to do it differently.

Lovers - yes, but if they are reversed, there is a possibility of a negative answer. The Star has the same meaning.

The Chariot answers positively, but sets a condition - not to abandon the process halfway. If the question concerned a trip, it should take place and be successful. Inverted Chariot - yes, but later. If the question was related to travel or transportation, the answer is no.

The hermit gives a positive answer if the essence of the question was purpose or knowledge, as well as what you would prefer to do alone. He answers negatively to questions related to money, relationships, and especially marriage. The interpretation of the inverted Hermit depends on the essence of the issue. If it’s about a meeting - yes, about reconciliation - yes, but you won’t be happy, about work - yes, but there’s nothing special to be happy about, about housing or health - no.

The direct Wheel of Fortune responds positively. Inverted - too, but only if the question concerned the continuation of something or an old business. If the question is about something new, the answer is no.

Strength - yes. Reversed Strength - no, but if the question was about ending something, the answer will be yes.

Hanged Man - no, if the card is upside down - yes.

Death always answers negatively. But if it is upside down, and the question concerned diseases, then the answer may be positive.

Moderation suggests that the answer is positive, but everything will not be as desired. The reversed card most often answers in the negative, but sometimes it is “yes” with conditions that the fortuneteller will not like.

The Direct Devil answers positively to all material questions, but warns that free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap. Inverted Devil - the answer is no. In both cases, the Devil may be saying that you are asking the wrong question or thinking about the wrong thing.

The tower answers in the negative, except for real estate questions. If it is inverted, all meanings are reversed - questions about real estate have a negative answer, and all others have a positive answer.

The moon almost always does not give a definite answer. Only if the question concerned a woman, the answer will be positive.

The Sun gives a positive answer in any case, just like the World.

In general, with the help of this simple fortune telling you can quickly get an answer to the question asked, but its formation should be approached carefully to avoid ambiguity of interpretation. Just like with other fortune telling, it is not recommended to ask the same question again.

Personal Description

A person who is conscientious and passionate about his work.
He clearly knows his goals and tirelessly strives to realize them. A person who gets things done and wants to achieve the best results. Diligence and perseverance, discipline and accuracy, punctuality and commitment. A person may seem emotionally stingy, overly boring or even boring, but attention to what is happening makes him included in life and makes it possible to see the value of its various manifestations. A person who knows how and loves to work is definitely interesting and in demand. He is one of those who is not afraid to live and, as a result, he succeeds in many things.

Positive features

A person is very sincere about life and trusts its manifestations. He lives any situation completely as a given and his life position does not allow him to give up, forcing him to look for opportunities. Less words, worries and thoughts, more action - this is the motto of the master.

He perceives events as a chance to learn something new, and life as a great platform for learning and demonstrating mastery. This is an eternal thirst for knowledge, obtaining knowledge, which, nevertheless, is immediately applied in practice, because it is for this purpose that such a person studies.

This person is not one of those who learn life in theory; his advantage is that he lives in the real world and is able to realize his goals and dreams, and not just dream about them and build endless castles in the air. His virtues are honesty, efficiency and moderation.

Negative traits

A negative manifestation may be the image of a humble workaholic, without ambitions and aspirations, a kind of worker ant on the construction of an anthill, a biorobot.

On a deeper level

This is the card of the Master with a capital letter. It reflects mastery of the mystery of existence and wisdom. Deep understanding of the laws of the material world, based on subtle laws. Often circumstances force you to fuss and make decisions quickly. The Eight of Pentacles man knows what to rely on in any circumstances. This is an understanding of our relationship with the entire material world and, as a result, effective actions leading to results in the shortest possible way.

Working with life issues in this Arcanum occurs not at the event level, but at the level of causes. Actions come from integrity and a sense of connection, alchemically melting the metal of everyday life into the gold of life, valuable for the meanings that we bring to it. The essence of this Arcanum is in actions at the level of the Creator, in the reflection of the divine in every act of creativity, in Co-creation.

The Eight of Pentacles represents law, sanity and openness. It involves vital checks for lice. Additionally, this card symbolizes the expression of clarity and beauty in simplicity.

The astrological aspect of this card is expressed by people of the first decade of Virgo or Capricorn, who are able to create from nothing, independently laying the foundation and learning new things in the process of active activity. These people sometimes set unattainable goals, approaching the Creator in his endless act of creation in the process of their implementation. They are interested in creating something over which time will not have power, and capturing the fruits of their labors in eternity.

The sign of Capricorn expresses meaningful activity to transform the material world into a more harmonious and correct one from their point of view. The first decade of Capricorn conveys the idea of ​​an undertaking as such: skill in setting goals and the first steps are easier for them than others. Based on freedom as a basic value, this decade essentially looks down on the busy world.

However, a sense of collective responsibility gives it moderation and discipline, and strict goal setting determines the strategy of action. The ruler of the first decade - Jupiter - gives inclinations to social manifestations.

The first decade of Virgo, under the protection of the Sun, perceives the world as a direct, natural process of the flow of life, where man acts as an integral part of nature, absorbing the energy of the sun, distributing it in the world and maintaining balance.

Therefore, people of this decade have a simple and understandable desire to work, without the need to delve deeply into the meaning of this process. It is important for this decade to complete everything to the end at each stage, not to rush and start the next task only after completely completing the previous one, to follow the established cycle when day gives way to night exactly on time and vice versa.

Basic combinations with the suit of swords

The combination of the suit of Swords with the eight denarii card is also not uncommon.

In this case, the arcana with the image of swords influence the main designation of the card of eight coins as follows:

  • Two of Swords – advises to be vigilant in work matters;
  • Four of Swords - speaks of the absence of any support from loved ones and others;
  • Six of Swords - recommends moving to a new place of residence in order to receive well-deserved recognition;
  • Eight of Swords - warns that at the moment it is possible to write only “on the table”;
  • Ten of Swords - talks about summing up the work done and evaluating the results of the work done;
  • Page of Swords - indicates criticism from superiors or work colleagues;
  • Queen of Swords - acts as a symbol of self-sufficiency and self-confidence;
  • King of Swords - speaks of great insight and recommends greater prudence;
  • Ace of Swords - represents long-term competition and long-term rivalry.

The presented combinations are not the only ones, but even knowing only them, you can correctly interpret the card layout. And get a lot of interesting information about the fortuneteller and his environment.

The meaning of the Eight of Pentacles in various layouts

For career and work

If your request was about employment, the Eight of Pentacles gives a direct answer to it.
An intense professional activity awaits you, complete immersion in it, precise execution of work tasks. Mastering new skills and gaining competencies in any area, honing your abilities and skills. The card can also indicate the need for professional growth and advanced training. This could be the birth of a new project in an area you have not explored. In this arcana we must study and work hard, becoming masters, so that the long-awaited recognition will come.

Opening your own business, implementing your plans in business or any activity. Clear measurable and achievable goals, systematic movement towards them, clear results. This activity has strategic objectives and methodical execution. Ordering the chaos of affairs and plans, building and bringing to structure. Improving technology, monitoring performance. Compliance with current requirements, introduction of new technologies.

A profession corresponding to the Eight of Coins requires dedication, precision, attention and thoroughness. It is likely that this could be jewelry, music, cleaning and translation services, but with the same success all the principles of this card can be implemented in almost any profession.

For finances and property

Increased financial flow as a result of hard work and skill. Tangible financial results as a product of talent implementation. Reasonable distribution of finances, budget planning. Profit. Arrangement of a comfortable home and local area.

The Eight Denarii provides for various real estate transactions. Payment under an insurance policy, investment in real estate, registration of a will or inheritance, registration of a deed of gift.

Traditionally, the reversed Eight of Pentacles reflects financial fraud, debt, loans and fraud, deception and the accumulation of wealth through dishonest means.

For love and relationships

Eight of Pentacles, meaning in relationships, speaks of the need to work daily on their development. Love is the result of work and requires active creation, care and attentiveness. It is based on the basic principles of care, responsibility and honest partnership. The card views a person's contribution to a relationship as planted seeds of love, tender seedlings that can only germinate in good conditions.

Eight of Coins talk about improving the qualities without which it is difficult to be in a relationship. This includes patience, providing support, the ability to listen and hear, tactfully expressing dissatisfaction and negotiating, and, of course, fulfilling one’s obligations.

The card symbolizes purity and chastity, as well as what is usually called "serious intentions." A practical approach in the good sense of the word and a realistic look at yourself and your partner, a clear understanding of the meaning of the relationship. The Eight of Pentacles can have the meaning of a delayed event, when love comes in adulthood and we, like for the first time, have to learn to live it, discovering a completely new quality of life. The meaning of rediscovered love.

If a person does not have a permanent relationship or is lonely, then this card is a very good sign, foreshadowing the development of a relationship. The Eight of Pentacles symbolizes the beginning of a new period or cycle; it is a kind of exit from the chrysalis into the world. Perhaps the time has come for a new strong relationship, deep and trusting. Time to start a family and live family values.

The Eight Denarii reflects honesty in love and all its manifestations. For example, in case of divorce and separation, the division of the spouses’ property will occur fairly, orderly and naturally. Sometimes the card symbolizes a common enterprise or any partnership in business.

For health status

You should take steps to improve your health. This is a traditional card of recovery after some kind of injury, illness - and now you need to do everything to get back on your feet.

The Eight of Pentacles usually symbolizes regular practices to maintain health. These are sleep and rest modes, work modes, meditation, sports, walks in the fresh air, etc. As a rule, a person pays attention to this side of life, having already lost some opportunities for activity. Therefore, now is the time to think about it and make a plan for yourself on regular health procedures.

If the card still speaks of illness, then the person simply needs rest and reboot for a while. This can be expressed in kidney problems, migraines, headaches and a simple increase in temperature and pressure.

Basic map designation

The Arcana of Eight Coins is called the "Lord of Prudence" and is most often associated with skill, work and busyness. And often indicates the receipt of possible rewards in the foreseeable future.

This lasso also means a strong desire to improve your skills and develop them further. And therefore, when drawing this lasso in a card layout, it is worth thinking about mastering a new profession with a more decent level of earnings.

Or think about your professional activities, which interfere with communication with others.

In addition, in the upright position, the card of pentacles carries the following secret meaning:

  • frugality, gaining new abilities and mastery;
  • gradual establishment of your own business;
  • honest and noble work;
  • knowledge accumulated through extensive experience;
  • confidence in achieving your goals;
  • great success in crafts or creative professions.

In the reverse position, the meaning of the interpretation of coins changes radically. And the card foreshadows serious problems, obstacles and obstacles. Unfortunately, the person chose the wrong path and therefore reached a dead end and missed his chance in life.

And now he has to stagnate in one place for a long time, trying to finally see the only correct solution. You need to weigh everything again and try to avoid deterioration of relationships, scandals and squabbles.

Other designations of the arcana of eight pentacles in the reverse position include:

  • hypocrisy, dishonesty and mistrust;
  • fraud, deceit, using one’s own skills and talent for evil;
  • self-focus;
  • loss of real opportunities and prospects;
  • greed, stinginess and vanity.

The reverse position of the coins indicates a lack of vanity. A person simply does not understand what exactly he needs in life, because he is literally absorbed in daily affairs and worries.

And I’m not at all sure where to move next. And excessive hypocrisy, greed and vanity only contribute to this.

Eight of Pentacles Council

You should implement what is needed very carefully and carefully. Take responsibility for life into your own hands - the hands of a master - and work hard to create your own happiness! Do it to the end, get involved in this process without reserve. Surrender to current tasks and find pleasure and resource in it. In small steps, day by day, go towards your dreams, realizing your existing knowledge, experience, skill and dexterity.

Your obstacles are fussiness and routine, immersion in a swamp of endless tasks without meaning or plan. Workaholism without goals - a person sees only work, and not what it leads him to. It is necessary to stop and reflect, to change the usual environment.

General interpretation

The general meaning of the 8 Pentacles of the tarot is workaholism, working condition, involvement in a serious matter. As a rule, she prophesies success to those people who work selflessly, that is, for the benefit of others, and not for themselves. It promises the favor of higher powers for those who are working on something useful to society, for example, on some promising invention. In an even broader, abstract sense, this lasso is interpreted as meaning “may all patience be rewarded.”

Any beginning or expectation will certainly entail a reward. But the form of this reward may not always correspond to what is expected. Also, when interpreting the 8 Coins, its position plays an important role. If the Eight Denarii falls in a straight position during the reading, then this means the ability to wait for the right moment and maintain prudence in all situations. If it falls in an inverted position, then this indicates excessive slowness and caution of a person, as well as his indecision.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Eight of Pentacles inverted is interpreted differently by experts. Some highlight the pursuit of profit and the loss of oneself in it, others – excessive immersion in routine and lack of life in everyday life. Still others cite the metaphor of afflicted Saturn: carelessness, haste, inattention.

The obvious meaning of the reversed position of this Arcanum is laziness and lack of completion, inconsistency and refusal to perform duties, dismissal, or lack of work. Refusal of ambitions, exclusion of the opportunity to realize what was planned and a feeling of disappointment from the uselessness of one’s work.

In interpersonal relationships, the inverted Eight of Coins will symbolize falsehood, inconstancy and temporaryness, lack of intentions to cooperate for a long time and fruitfully.


Direct position

In a career context, if you are looking for a job, the Eight of Pentacles card is an excellent omen as it signifies a new job. Likewise, if you are starting your own business, this Arcanum carries a positive outlook, as it indicates self-employment, business creation, trade and success. Even if you are not planning to change your career, the Eight of Pentacles is a good omen from a career perspective, as it means achieving goals, professional growth, successful negotiations and fruitful projects. You will have the opportunity to improve your skills, achieve a higher level of skill, and become a specialist or expert in your field of activity.

If you are still studying, the card promises rewards for excellent studies in the form of an increased scholarship, or an offer to do an internship abroad

If you already have your own business, the quality of your work, positive attitude towards employees and special attention to detail will give you an excellent reputation and your business will flourish. All this will be achieved through hard work, dedication and hard work

In a financial context, the card is also a good omen as it signifies reward for hard work, success and achievement. Any financial investments you made earlier will bring you good returns.

The card advises you to use your experience, skills and success in financial manipulation to help those who are less fortunate.

Combined with other cards

How is the Eight of Pentacles interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Magician - extreme concentration on the task;
  • With the Hierophant - diligence in study;
  • With the Moon - inaction, passivity, inability to pull oneself together;
  • With the Court - passion for work;
  • With the Two of Wands - carelessness, abstraction;
  • With the Nine of Wands - persistence in realizing your plans;
  • With the Four of Cups - meaninglessness, lack of interest in the matter;
  • With the Seven of Cups – laziness, loss of motivation;
  • With the Ten of Swords – dotting the i’s before leaving.

Tarot spread for affairs and work

The Eight of Pentacles, the meaning of which becomes clear only to a select few, prophesies imminent changes. In matters related to business or a responsible position, a stable situation will not develop, but the eighth coin card warns against anxiety. The changes that await the questioner are a necessary condition for further professional development. There is no need to resist new opportunities and what is irrevocably gone. Unnecessary worry and worry about deceased affairs is an unwise thing to do. If you follow the advice of the eighth symbol of Pentacles, the best outlet for energy should be new beginnings and work.

The announcement of new classes also indicates the insufficient experience of the person asking. A person who calls on the deck for help must take a terrible, frightening path of self-improvement. This is the only way he can step forward in his chosen profession. All kinds of prospects are already predetermined in the future, the question is, will the questioner take advantage of them? The picture of future events that the Eight builds is very vague, because a person’s choice is the most unpredictable thing in the world.

The eighth card of Pentacles in the forecast indicates receiving a reward for the work done. Such praise can be diplomas, certificates, certificates. The exceptionally favorable meaning of the ancient symbol precedes universal recognition. What was only recently seen as blurry prospects will soon come true in the best possible way. The eighth sign of Pentacles promises moral and spiritual joy to the person asking.

Reversed card

The inverted position of the card with the image of identical coins overshadows even the most favorable layout. Higher management will express dissatisfaction with the work of the person for whom the forecast is made. Knowledge that is sorely lacking in an employee’s current position will lead to failures and setbacks. A mysterious card warns of a possible danger that can be prevented. Everything is in the hands of a person, predicts the symbol, which depicts shiny, new coins.

Various combinations with the major arcana

When the Eight of Pentacles Tarot card appears in one or another fortune telling, it is very important to pay attention to the location of the other arcana in the layout. After all, they are able to change the designation of the denarius card as follows:

After all, they are able to change the designation of the denarius card as follows:

  • Moderation - indicates that there is no catch in work activity, but it will continue for a very long time;
  • Jester - speaks of easy and pleasant work, absolutely not difficult for the master;
  • Hierophant - recommends showing a responsible and serious attitude towards your own responsibilities;
  • Peace - indicates achieving your goals through your own work, promotion and obtaining a new level of skill;
  • Sun - foretells the imminent recognition of all previously done work;
  • Hermit - advises you to retire, at least for a while;
  • Strength - recommends showing great diligence and a lot of perseverance in order to achieve significant success in your career;
  • Emperor - personifies the owner of life, the boss, and also advises not to forget about family matters;
  • Empress - predicts receiving well-deserved awards and receiving a significant award;
  • Wheel of Fortune - symbolizes seasonal or temporary work;
  • Tower - indicates a ruined career, layoffs in the workplace, or injury at work;
  • Devil - talks about being fixated on one’s own career or talks about slave labor and forced work;
  • Magician - symbolizes a master of his craft and advises him to hone his skills further;
  • Lovers – recommends building relationships wisely to avoid a quick breakup;
  • The High Priestess - points to a student sitting for a long time over notes and books;
  • Chariot - advises you to forge happiness with your own hands or pack your things for a long journey to a new workplace.

The major arcana are very important in any card layout. And they can significantly influence any card in fortune telling.

And the lasso with eight cups is no exception. And it changes its designation depending on the cards that are located nearby.

Arcana Eight of Wands: General

When the Eight of Wands card appears in a Tarot reading, the fortuneteller can count on favorable events, new opportunities, insight or creative inspiration. There is no need to worry, because everything will work out for you. You quickly make the right decisions and manage to grab the bird of luck by the tail. Many interesting and useful events are expected in the near future.

Arcana Eight of Wands falls to those who move towards the right goal. Perhaps you are so focused on work that you have not noticed your own achievements. So the Tarot card in fortune telling is in a hurry to remind you of them. It may indicate upcoming life transformations or that important events will happen sooner than you expected.

Find out your Tarot card of the day

Guess again

In an inverted position, the Eight of Wands changes the interpretation and complicates the situation. You are still moving towards your goal, but now you are forced to face unexpected obstacles. Moreover, the obstacle will be so sudden that you will have to literally make a decision instantly.

During this period, it is extremely important to think through your actions and try to predict events, because the future depends on your decisions. It’s difficult because many questions infuriate you and lead you into a state of chaos, when it’s easy to make a fatal mistake

Haste, incorrect conclusions or rash actions will lead to the loss of important opportunities. Perhaps you will go too far in something, because of which you will receive a well-deserved punishment from the Universe. It may go to trial.

Tomorrow hides a lot of secrets and secrets that affect the further development of events. Take control back into your hands and make an online forecast for those situations that are yet to burst into your life.

Basic words and messages of the Eight of Pentacles

This numerical Arcana evokes a number of associations. He speaks of strong employment, hard work, efficiency and professionalism. The person enjoys the chosen activity. As a rule, we are talking about performing monotonous and repetitive tasks and putting things in order. Moreover, the card indicates the seriousness and reliability of the employee. He copes well with his own responsibilities.

Alignment for questions about personal growth of a person

The symbol of the potential inherent within a person falls in the scenario of personal capabilities, and is a favorable harbinger. The questioner has talents and inclinations that he himself is not aware of. All that is required of a person with the Eight card in the layout is to develop even the slightest emotional impulses. Follow the heart and soul, because most often they know the hidden purpose of a person.

A period suitable for learning awaits the questioner, as evidenced by the eighth card of coins. In the near future, previously mastered skills will take a person to a completely different level. Knowledge of the world, its forces and orders, will amaze the mind of the questioner. The more interest in learning, the better the result. If knowledge is worth every minute of precious time spent, then why not start mastering it right now?

All that is required of a person with the Eight card in the layout is to develop even the slightest spiritual impulses

Valuable experience is another interpretation of the complex Eight symbol. The joyful lesson that life teaches is not always important for the future. The planted seed will sprout with the wisdom necessary for future achievements.

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