The meaning of the Ace of Pentacles in a reading with other Tarot cards

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Ace of Pentacles

The illustration on the card follows the theme of divine revelation, as in the Ace of Wands - a hand from the cloud extends a large golden pentacle. This wonderful view appears right before your nose as you head out of the garden. Mountains are visible in the distance. Symbolically, this speaks of success achieved through one’s efforts.

The coin depicts a star - this is a pentagram. It combines five primary elements: fire, water, earth, air, ether.

Meanings and Interpretation

Direct meaning

The practical side of life comes to the fore in the form of the real fruits of labor. Good achievements at work. And most importantly6 patience and work will bear great fruits, these are just flowers, but the berries are yet to come. The Ace of Pentacles is a symbol of receiving something concrete, but no less joyful and pleasant than liveliness and good spirits according to the Wands. Having pocket money. A person always has money for his needs.

In the near future, you will have the opportunity to earn extra money on top of your regular income.

This card is a symbol of physical well-being, and it reminds us of a respectful attitude towards the material side of the world, and this is not only money, but also our body, health, and practical skills.

Reversed and negative meaning:

The negative aspect of this suit: corruption by money, dry calculation, mercantilism. In the Wands there was corruption by power.

Material well-being, but without happiness.

There is a risk of losing money, especially next to the cards: Fool, Moon, Hanged Man, Devil. Fines and thefts are foreshadowed by cards: 5,7, Knight of Wands and Knight of Swords, 7 of Swords. Unplanned health expenses: 3,4,10 Swords. In general, in the negative aspect, the Ace of Pentacles speaks of monetary losses, and the explanatory cards will tell you where to expect a threat.

Perhaps this is a warning that due to comfort and a quiet stay in the garden, enjoying the pleasures of the flesh, you are stuck in one place, and you do not want to set out to conquer mountain peaks. But sooner or later the treasury will be empty!

The reversed Ace of Pentacles retains its positive meaning, but in an exaggerated form, jewelry turns into countless and tasteless trinkets, money in such excessive quantities that they begin to waste it. Human relations turn into commodity-market relations, faith in feelings and sincerity disappears, everything around is measured by money. It is worth remembering the legend about King Midas - everything he touched turned into gold, and he died of hunger. Perhaps, of course, you have experienced deprivation before, and now you are so afraid of a repetition of a similar situation that you are obsessed with money. Fearing losses, you yourself reduce the range of favorable opportunities, the maximum intensity - this line will be reached in the Four of Pentacles card. This is exactly the case when money is kept in a stocking under the mattress.

Personal relationships

Pentacles speak only of dense earthly matters; this is the most material suit in the deck. You shouldn’t even try to interpret it on the topic of relationships; that’s what Wands and Cups are for. The abundance of pentacles in a love-themed layout directly indicates selfish interest or financial problems. Pentacles are good only as a complement and indicate that there will be no financial problems in the family. You can expect help from relatives and an inheritance. From a financial point of view, such an alliance is beneficial.

Business and finance

A map of financial success, this is of course not billions of dollars, but a good profit for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. Wait for a financial offer. This is a new opportunity: a promotion, a lucrative offer, an increase in salary or revenue.

Professions and field of activity

Craft professions. A field of activity in which a person creates something material with his own hands: from a gardener to a sculptor and artists.



A thrifty and hardworking person at the beginning of his career.

Ace of Pentacles in health

There may be minor problems with excess weight. Risk of genetic diseases. Tumors and calluses. Basically good health or recovery in the presence of illness. High energy, good supply of body resources. It is worth paying attention to your health and not letting the slightest ailments take their course.

Inverted position - treatment or prevention and strengthening of the immune system is necessary. Perhaps you should take a course of vitamins and walk more in the fresh air.

Advice from the Ace of Pentacles - your financial situation and your success depend only on you and your actions, so analyze the situation and don’t miss your chance. If you find something, don’t be too happy, especially don’t brag, if you lose something, don’t be upset, there will always be something that will bring consolation.

At the end of the layout in which the Ace of Pentacles fell, you can ask yourself the following questions to clarify the situation and analyze the current state of affairs:

- What does happiness mean to you? Are you happy at the moment?

- what do you need to have to be happy, or do you already have it?

- if you receive a certain amount of money that you did not expect, how will you manage it?

— where do you look for your happiness and how far are you willing to go? There are mountains in the distance on the map, which mountains are you ready to climb, and what are you ready to overcome on your difficult path?

Card of the day:

Today you may be lucky. This is not necessarily a cash amount. But also a successful purchase that will pay off in the future. It is also a good day to start any business, especially those related to housekeeping and making money.

Card tip:

Use this opportunity to earn money.


You shouldn’t focus so much on the benefits and the material aspect.

Ace of Pentacles at work

Suitable professions: medical worker, businessman, bank employee, agricultural entrepreneur, worker in the field of genetics and organics, designer inclinations, cook or baker. Hobbies: numismatist, heraldist or collector.

Prospects in the professional field, inspiration for new projects. Successful conduct of business, concluding new contracts, successful transactions and negotiations. A promotion and an increase in your income are possible.

Reversed position - you abuse your position in particular, the power given to you, corruption, stingy attitude, inability to properly manage money. Unnecessary expenses. Inability to plan your expenses.

Interpretation in layouts:

If the layout as a whole is not very good, but there are cards: Ace, Nine, Ten, King, Queen of Pentacles - this indicates that you will be able to achieve significant material success, but after this a series of troubles will begin caused by this success: envy , obsession with money. The Ace of Pentacles card itself promises material gain and prosperity.

  • With the Jester (0 Arcana) – a financial gamble.
  • With the Empress (3 Arcana) - pleasant shopping.
  • With the Wheel of Fortune (10 Arcana) - winning, unexpected help, gift.
  • With Justice (8 Arcana) - a well-deserved prize.
  • With the Hanged Man (12 Arcana) – a person does not know how to handle money, losses.
  • With the Devil (15 Arcana) - “left” dangerous income, receiving money is associated with risk.
  • With the Tower (16 Arcana) - losses from this enterprise will exceed profits.

PentaclesTarotAce of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles in Relationships

The period of receiving pleasure and enjoyment from what is happening. A strong and fairly durable union in a couple. Favorable period in a relationship. Physical and sensual attraction. If any action is required from you, then the Ace of Pentacles advises you to act immediately.

Reversed position - obstacles in relationships, protracted events. Perhaps one of the partners has been courting and seeking reciprocity for too long that, having received it, he no longer sees the point in it and does not receive joy and satisfaction from his actions. Consumer relationships tied to money.

Main characteristics

Ace of Pentacles or Coins is a card of the Minor Arcana, suit of Coins. Arcanum describes the material world, especially its financial side.

Basic meanings of the card:

  • stability;
  • availability of everything necessary;
  • enjoyment of life;
  • generosity;
  • the desire to share your happiness with the whole world;
  • making your deepest dreams come true;
  • confidence in the future.

Getting what you want with the help of cunning and deception promises immediate profit, but also warns that in the future you will have to bear responsibility for these actions.

Value in upright position

In the upright position, the card speaks of abundance, material well-being and enjoyment of life in general. There is a streak of luck ahead, try not to miss the chance.

Most Tarot readers consider this lasso to be the most positive in the entire deck. The combination with the World card is characteristic.

Reversed meaning

In an inverted position, the card speaks of a stable income, but now all these finances are postponed.

Greed and greed predominate in human character. He does not share his own and does not help those in need.

Combination with other arcana

  • With the “Jester” lasso - financial difficulties.
  • With the “Magician” lasso, money begins to work for you.
  • With the “High Priestess” lasso - passive money (indicates the stash).
  • With the lasso “Empress” - making a profit.
  • With the lasso “Emperor” - family capital.
  • With the Hierophant lasso - the need for financial donations.
  • With the lasso “Lovers” - the total budget.
  • With the Chariot lasso there is an ambiguous probability of making a profit.
  • With the lasso “Strength” - an opportunity to bounce back.
  • With the “Hermit” lasso - thinking about an important issue.
  • With the "Wheel of Fortune" lasso - a time of financial instability.
  • With the lasso “Justice” - get what you deserve.
  • With the Hanged Man lasso - a material donation.
  • With the lasso “Death” - a project that has no future.
  • With the lasso “Moderation” - the need to save money and resources.
  • With the “Devil” lasso - receiving “dirty” money.
  • With the Tower lasso - a time of financial losses.
  • With the “Star” lasso, a person hopes to receive a profit or a valuable gift.
  • With the lasso “Moon” - financial deception, dubious activity.
  • With the “Sun” lasso - financial well-being; excellent health; conception.
  • With the lasso “Judgment” - the efforts of the past will bring you profit.
  • With the lasso “Peace” - receiving a monetary reward.

The following video reveals a lot of interesting information about this Tarot arcana:

Classic combinations with the suit of Staves

What does it mean that cards from the Arcana of Wands appear next to the Ace of Coins? Will he retain his positive traits?

Ace of Pentacles with Cards of Staffs

  • The Ace of Wands recommends investing money in interesting, promising projects.
  • Two - rewards will have to wait. In the modern interpretation – delay in salary, crisis situation at work.
  • Troika is a thriving business. Option: advice to start your own business.
  • Four – success, financial independence.
  • Five – loss of a small amount.
  • Six – competent management of affairs.
  • The Seven of Posokhov advises investing in securities, bonds, and shares.
  • Eight guarantees a rapid increase in capital and profit.
  • Nine warns of upcoming financial audits.
  • The top ten recommends refraining from loans and borrowings.
  • Page advises carefully planning your expenses.
  • Knight – thoughtless purchases of unnecessary things.
  • The Queen is the financial power.
  • The king says that the project will be financial.

Detailed meaning of the Ace of Coins Tarot

Like other aces, the Ace of Pentacles demonstrates the chances that are hidden within ourselves. He calls for turning deep into your subconscious to search for new opportunities to solve the current situation (it belongs to the earthly element and symbolizes mainly spiritual wealth).

Although the card is quite positive, it does not mean that success will fall on you from above - you will have to make some efforts for it. The main thing is that the final result will not only meet your hopes, but will also make you a truly happy person.

In progress

Landing the Ace of Denarii foretells a wonderful opportunity to achieve professional success. In one case, this may indicate a high level of income and financial stability, in another - about honor, respect, well-deserved fame, and in a third - it indicates that the person is satisfied with his activities.

Be that as it may, the lasso demonstrates the beginning of wonderful prospects for further development and achieving your goals.

In the sphere of consciousness

Here, as in the previous case, the card indicates the chances and possibilities of obtaining important and necessary information. You will probably come up with an idea that will quickly and easily solve a problem that has been bothering you for a long time. Or you will learn an important life lesson, thanks to which you will realize new facets of the universe.

What does the Ace of Pentacles Tarot mean in relationships?

The ability to create strong, sincere relationships. Often, Ace foreshadows a new promising acquaintance. But there may also be an option that the card foreshadows the opening of new opportunities in the old union, thanks to which both partners will become truly happy.

The meaning of the card when divining relationships

The Ace of Pentacles indicates a happy marriage, honeymoon, long-term relationship based on mutual respect.

The neighboring Arcana will tell you when to expect the birth of an heir.

In the reverse position, Alchemical gold means that family relationships are built only on the mutual benefit of the partners:

  • Marriage of convenience.
  • Dependence of one spouse on the desires of the other half.
  • Disrespect for the opinion of the husband or wife.
  • Material claims.
  • Life for money, satiety with luxury and wealth.

Classic combinations with the suit of Cups

Cups are under the protection of water; this element has a beneficial effect on the Earth.

Ace of Pentacles with Cards of Cups

  • Two Aces say that the fortuneteller is in high spirits. He is rich spiritually and materially.
  • The Two of Cups indicates a wealthy married couple. The combination promises a quick solution to financial issues in the family.
  • Three of Cups - a noisy celebration awaits you.
  • Four – fatigue from wealth, satiety.
  • Five – useless regrets about wasted money.
  • Six is ​​a loss.
  • Seven is the temptation of easy money.
  • Eight - you will have to look for new ways to earn money. Option: change the field of activity.
  • Nine - you will get what you want.
  • Ten is a family without material problems.
  • Page of Cups – dreams of wealth and luxury.
  • Knight – financial interests.
  • The Queen is a kind woman from whom you can ask for a loan.
  • The king symbolizes stability of income.
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