Why the mirror broke - the truest meaning of the sign

There have been many rumors and superstitions about the mystical power of mirrors since ancient times. It is believed that these objects contain strong energy. If you break a mirror, then signs predict troubles and misfortunes. To find out what events a broken mirror promises, and how to protect yourself and loved ones from trouble, you need to study the folk signs associated with a broken mirror.

Where did superstition come from?

A mirror breaking accidentally or on purpose is a sign with negative connotations. In ancient times, items were too valuable and rare, so their damage was associated with something bad. It was believed that a broken piece of decor was a bad sign and the machinations of evil spirits, so in order to protect your family from evil it was necessary to quickly remove all the fragments from the house.

The first copies were made in Ancient Rome from lead and glass. The masters assured that the soul of the person who looks into it resides in the mirror. A cracked product has become a symbol of tears, troubles and grief. A damaged, cracked or broken mirror should never be stored in the house.

What is the magic of mirrors

From time immemorial, mirrors have been respected by magicians, witches, mediums and other esotericists. It inspired fear and awe in mere mortals with its incomprehensible mystery. Before the advent of mirrors, people could only see themselves in the motionless surface of reservoirs or in polished metal plates. Everything changed in the 1st century AD. e., when the Romans began to make mirror products by combining tin and glass.

It is believed that a mirror is an abode of spirits, a gateway to a parallel world, and its surface is a good conductor of energy. The mirror perfectly absorbs information and stores it for many years. For this reason, in Japan, for example, antique mirrors are not popular. The Japanese believe that they contain the soul of the former owner. The cracks on the surface of mirrors were credited with the ability to drain vital energy and good luck from a person.

The origins of the sign of a broken mirror must be sought in those distant times when the product cost a lot of money and was a luxury item. The manufacturing process was very labor-intensive and breaking a mirror meant losing a lot of investment. But even despite the purely material side of the issue, the mirror was already famous for its mystical properties, and the sign of a broken mirror acquired many interpretations. And they are all unanimous in one thing - a mirror breaking leads to trouble.

When a broken mirror is good

Often the sign of accidentally breaking a mirror is a symbol of positive change. If the product crumbles into an odd number of fragments, then this is a harbinger of a big and fun wedding. This applies to those who have a young guy or girl of marriageable age in the house.

If the mirror showed a person who has been sick for a long time, then a broken piece of decor predicts recovery in the near future. Sometimes they carry out a special ritual of cleansing the house from everything bad, envy and hatred, when they break all the mirrors in the room.

An important factor in the interpretation of superstition is the size of the object. If a small mirror breaks, then events filled with obstacles will occur in a person’s life. But all these difficulties can be overcome on your own. But if you let a large product fall and break, it will lead to serious difficulties. Problems will affect not only one person, but also a family and even residents of an entire multi-story building.

Mirror condition and size

If a large mirror breaks, then this predicts the death of one of your close people or relatives. The larger the size of the damaged item, the worse the problems will be for the residents of that house. Minor troubles await if a pocket item breaks. A cracked mirror in a car warns the driver to be extremely careful on the road. For a while it is better to switch to public transport.

If a completely new mirror crumbles into small fragments, then the plans will not come true in the near future. One problem after another will change a person's desires. Now is the time to sit down and analyze the current situation, cancel some things and correct others. It is better to postpone the wedding, buying a house, traveling, etc.

What needs to be done to avert trouble

If signs predict sorrows and misfortunes, the main thing is to remain calm and perform a simple ritual. To do this you will need Thursday salt, holy water or a church candle. The fragments of the product must be sprinkled with holy water or a lighted candle should be held over them, and then removed, following the rules. The scene of the incident is sprinkled with Thursday salt, leaving it for several days to cleanse. During the ritual, a prayer must be read.

Popular signs recommend not to delay the purchase of a new mirror. It is desirable that it be larger than the previous one. You should also take care of high-quality fastening and, before installation, clean the new canvas by holding it under water.

Ancient signs and beliefs about mirrors do not always promise sad events and troubles - they mainly warn of possible troubles. Having broken a mirror, you should not be sad, but thank the canvas and listen to the secret sign from above.

Who broke the mirror


If the culprit of the trouble is a woman, she will soon face problems in the relationship. Quarrels, reproaches and scandals await the couple. If you do not resolve all issues at once, then separation is possible. If a woman’s pocket mirror breaks, then in the near future she will become a beloved wife or mother. Any changes in life will only be positive.


If a man is involved with a broken mirror, he will become unpredictable and aggressive. The degree of anger can be predicted by the number of fragments. A man will have to control his speech and actions. If this is not done, then the negativity will spill over into your family, colleagues and loved ones. This will lead to quarrels, omissions, resentment and even dismissal.

Children and animals

If a child breaks a mirror, there is nothing unusual about it. Children often drop things and hit them. In this case, there is no need to look for a message from above and traumatize the baby’s already fragile aura. The child will become more irritable and nervous if the mother looks for negative aspects in everything.

A cat breaking a mirror means nothing. The object had been absorbing all the negativity of the house for years and was broken to ward off trouble from the residents. If a child or cat breaks a mirror, then it is necessary to take it away and collect all the fragments. You will need to do a thorough cleaning and it is better to entrust it to the oldest woman in the family.

Where exactly did the mirror break?

Did you manage to break a mirror at work?
Then there may be problems in further career advancement. Another person may face nagging from superiors, quarrels with colleagues, and even dismissal without giving a reason. If someone else's item accidentally breaks, then a misunderstanding arises with its owner. A product that bursts in the hands of the house promises unexpected betrayal on the part of a relative. If the mirror fell and survived, then happiness will come to the apartment to all its residents. This is what the mirror in the house breaks:

  • children's room - a lot of trouble with the child;
  • bathroom - deception from one of your friends or loved ones;
  • bedroom – high risk of one of the spouses getting sick;
  • living room - an ill-wisher pretends to be a friend.

A broken mirror in a bathhouse will not bring anything bad, because this is not a living room.

If a person sees a mirror falling and breaking in a studio or store, then it is necessary to leave this room as quickly as possible. It is not recommended to order or purchase anything from this place. If, when purchasing a product, it turns out that there is a crack in it, then you cannot look at it and buy it.

Broken mirror at work

You should not pay attention if you break a mirror by accident at work during repairs or moving. This happens all the time and people's carelessness is to blame. In other cases, the sign can be interpreted similarly to a house or other premises. Shards on the floor can warn of magical influence from enemies and competitors. Now you need to pay a minimum of attention to unpleasant colleagues, and give maximum effort to your work.

What to do if the house itself crashes

Sometimes interior items can break on their own. Signs about a mirror warn a person that minor problems will soon appear in the house, although even minor difficulties require caution and attentiveness. A product that breaks on its own may indicate a negative that was sent to the room, but the mirror knocked it off.

What to do with old unnecessary mirrors in the house: advice from psychics

Very often, when buying a home, old owners leave unnecessary interior items as a makeweight, one of which is a mirror located in the bathroom, hallway, wardrobe, or built into the closet. However, for the new owners this gift is of no value, and they want to get rid of it as soon as possible.

But you can’t just take such a mirror and throw it away. Psychics advise in such cases to properly get rid of old unnecessary mirrors.

Old mirrors need to be buried

There are several simple options for solving the problem.

  1. Completely wrap the mirror in opaque dark fabric or dark thick paper and bury it in the forest under any tree except aspen. During this procedure, you need to experience only positive emotions towards the mirror.
  2. Before throwing away the mirror, you need to clean it using the methods discussed earlier.

After cleaning, you can throw away the mirror with peace of mind, while following some recommendations from psychics:

  • throw only when the moon is in its waning phase
  • when taking it out of the home, wrap it in paper or cloth
  • if the mirror is left near the trash can, it should be sprinkled with a small amount (three pinches) of Thursday salt, which is prepared once a year on Maundy Thursday

IMPORTANT: A new mirror can be installed in place of the old one only after a week, having previously treated it with Thursday salt.

You should throw away your old mirror when the moon wanes.

Why should you not leave a broken mirror?

There is a sign that if a mirror breaks at home, then it urgently needs to be thrown away. This is due to the fact that the fragments are capable of attracting negative energy into the room. Equipment in the house will begin to break down, all sorts of everyday problems will appear, and illness will overtake the residents. Even a small crack in a product can destroy a positive aura.

If the mirror breaks or cracks, you will need to take it out of the house, but be sure to buy a new one in its place. It is recommended to choose a larger object, oval or round in shape. There are no strict guidelines on the shape, but you should not buy or use a product with sharp corners.

How to avoid negative consequences

It happens that you manage to accidentally break a mirror, but you shouldn’t immediately panic. Some superstitions claim that everything will be bad. But any negative consequences can be avoided in the following ways:

  • despair must be discarded, otherwise the negative message of the sign will intensify;
  • all the fragments are collected in a dark-colored cloth, sprinkled with sacred water and taken away from the home;
  • light a church candle and walk around the house three times clockwise.

At the end of the cleansing ritual, they clean and wash the floors with the addition of holy water throughout the house so that the negativity is sure to leave the room.

Interesting video on the topic

Forewarned is forearmed. The opinion of an expert in the field of esotericism will be useful. Examples from life, recommendations and tips to avoid panic and maintain composure can be found in the video.

There is no way to insure yourself against various kinds of everyday troubles. Why break a mirror and whether it’s something to be afraid of worries especially impressionable people from childhood. Probably, we shouldn’t attach great importance to this event and overdramatize it. After all, how a person relates to what is happening around him, what he believes in, is what will happen to him. For everyone will be rewarded according to his faith.

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