Practical properties of using the Tibetan Singing Bowl

Many people who are familiar with Buddhist practice have encountered an amazing and mysterious object similar to a bowl. Not everyone knows what properties this singing bowl, which can be selected at the Eastern Shop, has. She is capable of making musical sounds. It does not store food or any items. It is used for completely different, higher purposes, about which you can learn more.

Properties of the singing bowl that came to us from India:

  • This unique item creates a special energy field of positive vibrations that fill everything around.
  • For the first time, Hindus began to use singing bowls. Then they appeared in the East. Today this attribute is used in China, India, Japan, Thailand, Nepal and other Eastern countries.
  • The bulk of these products are produced in the Himalayas, since only in this place can you get the purest sound.
  • The bowl was first used for rituals in Tibet. It was made by hand and had great energy potential and healing properties.

Relieves stress, improves sleep

Any manifestation of stress, as is known, is accompanied by certain emotional disturbances: poor health, fatigue, deterioration of vision, sleep and general condition of the body.
All this obviously needs calming, solitude and being filled with new energy. Thus, human interaction with the bowl, for 5-10 minutes in the morning and evening, can significantly improve the condition of the body: bring it closer to peace.
By playing the singing bowl, a person can feel a surge of strength, a state of peace and balance. This can contribute to a person’s healthy sleep.

How to massage with a singing bowl

To perform a full-fledged sound massage, it is advisable to have several Tibetan vessels of various sizes. A person will need a mattress or a thick rug.

The procedure itself goes like this:

  1. The person lies on his back, trying to relax his whole body.
  2. Bowls are placed around his body: near the feet, on the sides near the knees, hips and shoulders. One is placed near the back of the head. In some Indian traditions, instruments are placed on the person.
  3. The healer-musician plays each bowl alternately, most often alternating the friction technique with the percussion technique.
  4. If during the process any bowl suddenly changes its sound, this means that there is a painful place next to it.

To perform a massage, a person lies on his back.
The average massage time is from 5 to 20 minutes.

Normalizes blood pressure

Arterial pressure, like blood pressure, tells a person about his overstrain in one area or another of life. Any overstrain is associated with a person’s need to do “the best possible.” It is this factor, the desire to be constantly in the future, to improve it, that causes an imbalance in the functioning of the circulatory system. The vibrations of the singing bowl, penetrating into the body, can instantly change this imbalance. By gently bringing a person and his emotions to a state of peace, a person stops thinking much about the future, returning to the present. This improves blood pressure and blood pressure, bringing it back to normal.

How often should sessions be repeated and when will the first effect appear?

Sessions can be repeated as often as you want, because this is a powerful tool for self-ecology, especially if the work is associated with mental stress and stress. During class you work through these moments, relax and leave with a smile and a different energy level. The more you practice, the sooner positive changes will occur. But you shouldn’t expect a quick effect: someone falls asleep after two months, and after another two they notice changes at the level of thinking. It all depends on personal goals. If this is your way of relaxation and it brings you joy, go. If you get more pleasure from cross-stitching or running, do embroidery and run.

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Increases concentration

Concentration is the main guarantee of effectiveness in any therapeutic practice. It is attention that can, again and again, return us to the object, and lost attention can lead us away from it.

Thus, when playing the singing bowl, a person automatically listens and “peers” into his inner sensations. They, as a rule, change already in the first minutes of interaction with the singing bowl. Over time, this activity (exercise), having become a habit, can not only teach you to maintain attention, but also develop its range.

What it is

Singing bowls are also known to us as musical or sound bowls. They, unlike conventional bowls, are not used for eating or storing any items. Their main purpose is to create special fields of energy that fills the entire space with positive vibrations.

It is believed that such bowls came from India, and then spread throughout the East. There are Indian, Nepalese, Chinese, Japanese, Bhutanese and even Thai bowls. Now most of them are made in the Himalaya region - these are Tibetan bowls. They say that the purest sounds belong to them.

Initially, it was an exclusively ritual object, dating back to the ancient Bon religion of Tibet. It was made by hand, because such a product has great energy potential and healing properties.

Heals migraines, back pain, asthma

As already mentioned, pain of any kind indicates unbalanced emotional manifestations, stress and increased attention to events, the future or the past. Just like sleep disturbance, disruption of the normal functioning of the brain, or the spine, or the respiratory system, needs calming and relaxed filling with new, clean energy.

By moving the resonator along the edge of the bowl, a very powerful and strong vibration is generated, unusual for everyday life. By working with it in the right direction (using the cup as a recovery resource), you can achieve amazing results. The vibration and sounds of the bowl can compensate for past grievances (lost during meditation) with new and strong sensations (confidence, calm, peace).

Benefits of this practice


Singing bowl meditation has a number of benefits that set it apart from other similar practices. Firstly, over time, sessions of such therapy do not lose the novelty of sensations: it is impossible to produce exactly the same melody - each time the sound turns out different and, therefore, evokes different emotions and feelings. Each new session becomes a real surprise.

The longer you practice, the more interesting observations you will have. Thus, cups relieve pain during the female cycle and can relieve mild pain, including dizziness, migraines, and a feeling of heaviness in the head. With the help of bowls you can work out panic attacks and tension. More than once clients have said that after a massage or meditation, negativity goes away and a feeling of lightness and relaxation appears.

Practice allows you to look inside yourself: what am I missing, is everything okay with me, what do I want now, how do I feel? You constantly ask yourself these questions and analyze the answers, first during meditation, and then outside of it. And you automatically start working on sensations. At the same time, your life is quietly changing for the better.

And another hour of meditation is an hour of luxury for yourself: in silence, without gadgets and other distractions. Some clients relax so much that they fall asleep: it is in this state that resources are reloaded and fresh thoughts come.

The bowls work. There is no magic in this, just sound therapy and personal awareness.

Increases creativity

Often, before interacting with the bowl, I invite our guests to simply draw in a circle (mandala technique). This causes not only surprise among guests, but also, as a rule, agreement. Many people note that they last drew several (!) years ago. Of course, this is sad, considering that creativity is one of the main manifestations of humanity. It is in creativity (in the creation of an author's, unique result) that a person acquires new sensations, gets to know himself, and most importantly, gives a state of relaxation and mobilization of the brain.

When playing the singing bowl, a person gains new, incomparable sensations. It is in the hands of a person that the bowl comes to life and plays in a special way. Even in different hands of the same person. In addition, as noted above, concentration of attention during the game is high, while the activity of the “fuss” state is low.

During the game, the player turns on those areas of the cerebral cortex that were not involved previously. Such cell activity may be involved in other activities. However, often, 80% of all a person’s affairs throughout his entire life are, one way or another, quite known, have already been tried, but in other forms.

Uses for chakras

The practice is performed with the help of a partner. The general rule when playing to develop the chakras is that a person’s attention should be focused in the area of ​​the energy center, on how the instrument sings.

The chakras are located as follows:

  1. Muladhara - at the tailbone.
  2. Svadhisthana - at the junction of the spine and sacrum.
  3. Manipura is in the solar plexus.
  4. Anahata – close to the heart.
  5. Vishuddha - in the throat area.
  6. Ajna - between the eyebrows.
  7. Sahasrara - at the back of the head.

The practice is performed to develop the chakras.
Experienced yogis recommend using friction rather than percussion techniques in this practice. When playing, the bowl should be placed next to the chakra.

Clears space

Like any phenomenon in nature (for example, weather), it is constantly changing and moving to other waves. Likewise, the space in which a person is located (be it a home, or an office, or just a guest’s apartment) is constantly subject to various changes. Any guest (or the owner himself) who comes to this room, or information from the media can easily make adjustments there. They can be a bad mood, a pre-illness state, negative information, etc.

But! On land, for example, that has become clogged, rain can fix everything. But in rooms these types of energies can linger. Sometimes for a long time.

The sounds of bowls, reminiscent in their sound and structure of the sounds of bells, will help to cope with this - they are known to have been used at all times as a means of cleansing “alien” energies. So, by making simple striking movements on the bowl, you can easily clean your apartment or office. Having at the same time an image of cleansing and filling with bright, fresh energy.


Massage with sound Tibetan bowls is contraindicated for people who have:

  • acute febrile conditions with elevated body temperature,
  • thrombophlebitis and thrombosis,
  • arrhythmia,
  • kidney or gallstones,
  • tendency to bleed
  • certain blood diseases
  • purulent processes (any localization),
  • certain diseases of hair, skin and nails,
  • pronounced varicose veins,
  • aneurysm of the heart and aorta,
  • thrombosis,
  • acute inflammation of the lymphatic or blood vessels,
  • malignant tumors,
  • certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with a tendency to bleeding,
  • acute myocardial ischemia,
  • chronic osteomyelitis,
  • certain allergic diseases,
  • cerebral vascular sclerosis,
  • acute respiratory and viral diseases.

This type of massage is contraindicated for pregnant women, small children and people with a pacemaker.

Structures water

As is known from the scientific research of Masaru Emoto, water is capable of absorbing, storing and transmitting human thoughts, emotions and any external information - music, prayers, conversations, events. A singing bowl, classified as a musical instrument, has a powerful vibration wave (especially rare forged bowls) that can penetrate into the very essence of the human body - into the nucleus of the cell.

The sound vibrations of the singing bowl upon contact with water give a powerful charge to the structure of the water molecule. By moving the resonator along the edge of the bowl, you can achieve the so-called “water boiling effect.” The water begins to dance and splash - this is how it charges.

With constant consumption or washing of such contaminated water, healthy cells of the body strengthen their action, weak cells awaken, and destroyed ones are restored.

The history of the Tibetan singing bowls

The countries of East Asia (especially China and Tibet) are considered the birthplace of resonating vessels.

Musical instruments were used to facilitate meditation and ceremonial rituals.

There are several versions of their occurrence:

  1. Bowls were invented by the Iranian-speaking peoples of the Himalayas, from where they subsequently spread to other countries. The oldest bowl found was found in the foothills of the Himalayas. Its age is 5 thousand years.
  2. The creators of sounding bowls were the sages of the ancient Chinese Shang Dynasty.
  3. Japanese Kannushi priests were the first to use sound therapy as part of religious rituals. It is believed that the predecessor of the bowls was the Japanese gong.
  4. This musical instrument was originally created in Tibet through the Dalai Lama (spiritual ruler). This is the most common version.

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