Money haircuts 2021 according to Natalya Pravdina. Abundance with a haircut!

Our Lunar haircut calendar for May 2021 will help you choose the most favorable day to cut or dye your hair. The lunar calendar is based on three components: the lunar phase

(new moon, full moon, waxing or waning moon),
zodiac sign
lunar day
These three factors influence hair health and growth. April

To make it easier to use the Lunar haircut calendar, you need to at least have a general idea of ​​what factors affect the health and growth of hair. Our Lunar haircut calendar for May 2021 is based mainly on three components:

  1. The position of the Moon in different zodiac signs has different effects on the condition of hair. The days when the Moon passes through the signs of Capricorn, Taurus, Leo and Virgo are considered the most favorable for visiting the hairdresser. But if the Moon is in Aquarius or Aries, then it is better to postpone the haircut.
  2. Different lunar days can have both positive and negative effects not only on hair growth, but also on health in general.
  3. The phases of the moon also affect hair growth. If you cut your hair on a waxing Moon, it will grow back much faster than on a waning Moon.

It should be noted that all these components of the Lunar haircut calendar often conflict with each other. The most favorable time to visit a beauty salon are the days when all these three factors will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your hair.

Favorable days for hair cutting in May 2021 for women and men

The calendar shows the days in green when it is best to cut your hair in May 2021, and in red when cutting your hair is not recommended.

Haircut calendar for May

The most favorable days for cutting hair in May 2021 are 2, 18, 22, 24, 25

In general, these are good dates for a haircut - 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 26

Neutral days for haircuts in May - 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 27, 28, 29, 30

The most unfavorable days for visiting a hairdresser are 5, 6, 11, 31

Not the best numbers to cut your hair - 16, 17, 23

Tips and recommendations from astrologers

Astrologers recommend planning your haircut day, taking into account the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located. You should not go to the hairdresser when the celestial body is in Aries or Aquarius. Changing your hairstyle during these periods will negatively affect all areas of your life. For people who do not have financial problems, it is better to refrain from cutting their hair on days when the Moon is in Leo, since this sign can block the cash flow. But those who are having difficulties with money should not be afraid of Leo: he will change their life for the better and help attract wealth.

The periods when the Moon is in Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus are considered favorable for changing your hairstyle. Cutting your hair on such days will have a positive effect on your well-being. The Moon in Scorpio is a good time for careerists. They will be able to achieve a promotion and start earning more money.




Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar in May 2021


When is the best time to cut your hair in May 2021?

May 1, 2021 Saturday

  1. The Moon in Capricorn is a good time for the craziest experiments
  2. 20 lunar day - it is not recommended to make an appointment with a hairdresser - cutting your hair will increase irritability, lead to apathy and loss of strength.
  3. Waning Moon - a visit to a beauty salon during the Waning Moon will significantly slow down hair growth, but will lead to strengthening of the hair follicle.

Neutral day for any haircuts
May 2, 2021 Sunday

  1. The moon in Capricorn is a convenient time to visit a beauty salon, especially if you have problem hair, the visit to the hairdresser will be as comfortable and successful as possible (splits and fragility will stop, dullness will disappear).
  2. 21 lunar days - a new hairstyle will attract prosperity and a good outcome to all matters.
  3. Waning Moon - during the Waning Moon, you can safely experiment with color, dye your curls in different shades - even if the chosen color is not to your taste, there is no reason to worry, since the dye will not last for a long time. A haircut will not have a negative impact on the hair structure, but it will significantly slow down its growth.

May 2, 2021 is one of the most favorable days for cutting hair this month.
Monday May 3, 2021

  1. Moon in the sign of Aquarius. unfavorable day for visiting the hairdresser; a haircut can greatly harm your appearance: cause hair loss and even lead to baldness.
  2. 22nd lunar day - a visit to the hairdresser will get things going with real estate moving forward, but it is possible that you will begin to gain excess weight.
  3. Waning Moon - cutting hair during the Waning Moon phase helps strengthen the roots and reduces hair loss, but at the same time greatly slows down hair growth. When painting, experiments with unusual shades are allowed - the resulting result will not last long.

Neutral day for any haircuts
May 4, 2021 Tuesday

  1. The moon in Aquarius is an unfavorable day for cutting hair; there is a high chance of rapid baldness and severe hair loss.
  2. 23rd lunar day - a visit to a beauty salon will have a positive effect on your well-being, improve your appearance and revitalize your complexion.
  3. Waning Moon - if you don’t like to cut your hair often, then go to the hairdresser on the waning Moon. This will not make your hair healthier, but it will take a long time to grow.

Neutral day for any haircuts
May 5, 2021 Wednesday

  1. The Moon in Pisces - when manipulating hair, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a haircut or regular washing, it will generously give the owner of his hair “fish scales” (seborrhea and dandruff).
  2. The 24th lunar day is considered a very bad period for cutting hair, as various diseases may appear due to this.
  3. Waning Moon - Getting a haircut during the period when the Moon has waned is possible for those who are not interested in hair growth, but their roots are strengthened. If you want to radically change your image, go ahead and try it. Even if something goes wrong, the paint will come off quickly.

May 5, 2021 is an unfavorable day for cutting hair.
May 6, 2021 Thursday

  1. Moon in Pisces. Under the sign of Pisces, it is not recommended to cut your hair to avoid dandruff.
  2. 25th lunar day - a haircut will have a very negative effect on the eyes, possibly increasing blood pressure, weakening visual acuity, exacerbation or the occurrence of eye pathologies.
  3. Waning Moon - After cutting hair on the waning Moon, the hair grows back for quite a long time, but at the same time, the roots of the hair are strengthened and hair loss is prevented. The paint washes off quickly, so feel free to look for new looks - now is the time.

May 6, 2021 is an unfavorable day for cutting hair.
May 7, 2021 Friday

  1. The moon in Pisces is an unfavorable day for cutting hair, as well as washing your hair, it increases dryness of the skin and leads to dandruff.
  2. The 26th lunar day is a favorable day for a haircut; a visit to the hairdresser will cause joyful and happy events in your life.
  3. Waning moon. It is recommended to cut your hair only if you need to strengthen the roots and slow down the growth of curls.

Neutral day for any haircuts
May 8, 2021 Saturday

  1. The Moon in Aries is not a good day for cutting your hair. Although their health will not suffer from this, the general condition of the body will weaken, which will lead to the risk of disease and a weakened immune system.
  2. 27th lunar day - a trip to the stylist will be very successful, a new look will improve your mood and health.
  3. The waning moon is a good time to experiment with hair color, since the dye will quickly wash off. Shortening your hair will make it look healthy, but will significantly reduce the rate at which it grows.

Neutral day for any haircuts
May 9, 2021 Sunday

  1. Moon in Aries - despite the fact that cutting your hair at this time will not affect the condition of your curls or ruin your hairstyle, it is better not to do it. This can lead to a weakened immune system, which will contribute to the development of illnesses.
  2. 28th lunar day - haircut, hair coloring and other changes in appearance will emphasize your charm, in the eyes of others you will look very attractive.
  3. Waning Moon - A haircut on the waning Moon will make the roots stronger, stop hair loss, but also slow down hair regrowth. On such days, you can safely experiment with coloring your curls, since the dye will not last long.

Neutral day for any haircuts
May 10, 2021 Monday

  1. The moon in Taurus is a very favorable period for making an appointment with a stylist in order to change your usual hairstyle, hair length and color. After cutting, curls begin to grow faster and their structure improves.
  2. The 29th lunar day is an unfavorable day for haircuts - the risk of attracting misfortune to oneself and loved ones increases, and can lead to a deterioration in the situation in the team.
  3. Waning Moon - a visit to a beauty salon during the Waning Moon will significantly slow down hair growth, but will lead to strengthening of the hair follicle.

Neutral day for any haircuts
May 11, 2021 Tuesday

  1. The moon in Taurus is a favorable day for cutting hair. Highly recommended for those whose hair needs treatment and strengthening. However, you should not abuse chemicals, only haircuts and natural preparations.
  2. 30 lunar day - a haircut will bring nothing but troubles to a person - from health problems to unpleasant situations.
  3. New Moon - the New Moon is considered an unlucky period to visit a stylist - at this time the risk of deterioration in the body's condition increases. Painting must be done with preparations that contain dyes only of natural origin - this will help not harm the structure of the curls. The New Moon is the most unfavorable time for any haircuts.

The new moon is an unfavorable period for cutting hair.
May 12, 2021 Wednesday

  1. Moon in Taurus. The perfect time to make an appointment at a beauty salon to transform your hairstyle.
  2. 2nd lunar day - changing your hairstyle will result in unpleasant consequences, conflicts and litigation.
  3. Waxing Moon - It is recommended to cut your hair when the Moon is in its growth phase - this will help strengthen the hair follicles and lead to faster hair growth.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.
May 13, 2021 Thursday

  1. Moon in Gemini - a haircut under this zodiac sign will lead to accelerated hair growth, while it will not affect its structure, but will help make the hair more voluminous.
  2. The 3rd lunar day is an unfavorable day for cutting hair; visiting a hairdresser will increase the likelihood of a deterioration in your overall health and unnecessary financial expenses.
  3. Waxing Moon - during the period of the waxing Moon, it is recommended to cut your hair and dye it in the usual shades - after the procedure, hair growth will accelerate, and the new color will not lose its brightness for a long time. This is the right time to carry out medical procedures to restore the structure of the hairline.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.
May 14, 2021 Friday

  1. The moon in Gemini does not bring significant changes to the condition of the hair, but has a beneficial effect on its growth and hairstyles.
  2. 4th lunar day - a change in image will cause discomfort, emotional distress and fears, and provoke throat diseases.
  3. The waxing moon provokes hair to grow rapidly and improve its health. If cutting your hair at this time is a good idea, then be careful with dyeing - the tone will remain on your curls for a long time, choose only proven and familiar shades.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.
May 15, 2021 Saturday

  1. Moon in Cancer. This day is not even suitable for washing your hair. All haircuts performed by even the most experienced hairdresser will be unsuccessful: the hair will become impossible to style and will not hold its shape well.
  2. The 5th lunar day is a favorable day for cutting hair, attracting wealth and prosperity.
  3. The waxing Moon is a favorable time for any haircuts. You can carry out any healing procedures. If you want healthy and strong curls, hurry to the hairdresser.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.
Sunday May 16, 2021

  1. Cancer - you shouldn't go to the hairdresser. It will be difficult to create a hairstyle, since the hair is practically impossible to style, even with the help of professional products.
  2. The 6th lunar day is considered an unfavorable day for updating your hairstyle - the chance of developing colds increases, there is a significant loss of strength, deterioration in well-being and appearance.
  3. The waxing Moon has a beneficial effect on hair when dyeing and cutting. A good time for health-improving procedures. The paint goes on smoothly and for a long time.

Not a good day to update your hairstyle.
Monday May 17, 2021

  1. The moon in Cancer is an unfavorable time for cutting hair, it becomes unruly, washing does not bring the desired freshness, creating a hairstyle becomes torture for owners of any hair type.
  2. 7th lunar day - going to a stylist will cause quarrels and conflicts, including with your boss and your loved one; Shortening your hair can seriously harm your health.
  3. Waxing Moon - this period promotes rapid hair regrowth after cutting. You should be extremely careful when dyeing: the applied color will stay on the strands for a long time. At this time, it is best to strengthen your hair to significantly improve its appearance.

Not a good day to update your hairstyle.
May 18, 2021 Tuesday

  1. Moon in Leo. A favorable day for changing your image: trimmed hair will look well-groomed and very beautiful. If you need to change your lifestyle, then this position of the Moon is best suited for haircuts.
  2. The 8th lunar day is a favorable day for cutting your hair - your health, longevity, positive attitude and respect for the people around you will improve.
  3. Waxing Crescent. cut your hair on this very day so that it grows faster, its roots become stronger, and its condition noticeably changes.

May 18, 2021 is a favorable day for cutting hair.
May 19, 2021 Wednesday

  1. Leo - if you want to change your image or change your usual lifestyle, a haircut will be beneficial, making your hair well-groomed, soft and silky.
  2. The 9th lunar day is an unfavorable day - cutting your hair increases the chance of the occurrence and development of various diseases.
  3. The waxing Moon is favorable days for hair cutting, coloring and caring procedures. The dye will not wash off for a long time, the hair will grow quickly.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.
Thursday May 20, 2021

  1. The Moon in Virgo is the most optimal period for changing your image. There is no better one if you decide to make drastic changes.
  2. 10th lunar day - at this time it is better to refrain from changing your hairstyle, since this action can cause serious illness.
  3. Waxing Moon - a visit to the hairdresser during the waxing Moon will help speed up hair growth, but you should not conduct serious experiments with changing colors, since the applied tone will last for a long time. This is a favorable period for hair strengthening procedures.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.
Friday May 21, 2021

  1. Moon in the sign of Virgo. the best time to cut your hair and perform treatments based on chemical ingredients. This includes all kinds of dyeing and perm.
  2. The 10th lunar day is a bad time for a haircut; new diseases may appear and old diseases may worsen.
  3. Waxing Moon - It is recommended to cut your hair when the Moon is in its growth phase - this will help strengthen the hair follicles and lead to faster hair growth.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.
May 22, 2021 Saturday

  1. Moon in the sign of Libra - changing your hairstyle gives a neutral result and does not lead to fundamental changes in a person’s life.
  2. 11th lunar day - cutting your hair will help strengthen your insight and clear your mind for making important decisions.
  3. Waxing Moon - during the period of the waxing Moon, it is recommended to cut your hair and dye it in the usual shades - after the procedure, hair growth will accelerate, and the new color will not lose its brightness for a long time. This is the right time to carry out medical procedures to restore the structure of the hairline.

May 22, 2021 is one of the most favorable days for cutting hair this month.
Sunday May 23, 2021

  1. The Moon in Libra is an unfavorable time for implementing plans to change your hairstyle. Cosmic threads break, failures follow, which provokes hair loss, up to the development of alopecia.
  2. The 12th lunar day is absolutely not suitable for cutting hair, since big failures will be brought into life and the chances of getting serious injuries increase.
  3. The waxing moon provokes hair to grow rapidly and improve its health. If cutting your hair at this time is a good idea, then be careful with dyeing - the tone will remain on your curls for a long time, choose only proven and familiar shades.

Not a good day to update your hairstyle.
Monday May 24, 2021

  1. Moon in Scorpio. the position of the earth's satellite in the sky can have a dual impact on fate: a visit to the hairdresser can negatively affect your personal life, or it can significantly improve relationships with the opposite sex.
  2. The 13th lunar day is a favorable day, use it to update your image. This will bring good luck and refresh your appearance.
  3. The waxing Moon is a favorable time for any haircuts. You can carry out any healing procedures. If you want healthy and strong curls, hurry to the hairdresser.

May 24, 2021 is a favorable day for cutting hair.
Tuesday May 25, 2021

  1. The Moon in Scorpio is the most ambiguous time, since a change in image is equally likely to have both a positive and negative impact on your personal life and relationships with members of the opposite sex.
  2. 14th lunar day - changing your hairstyle will contribute to success in business and increase financial income, and will endear you to your manager.
  3. The waxing Moon has a beneficial effect on hair when dyeing and cutting. A good time for health-improving procedures. The paint goes on smoothly and for a long time.

May 25, 2021 is one of the most favorable days for cutting hair this month.
May 26, 2021 Wednesday

  1. Moon in Sagittarius - this time can become the starting point for life changes for the better. A haircut under the sign of Sagittarius will have a positive effect on personal and professional growth.
  2. 15th lunar day - it is better to refuse to cut your curls, as the likelihood of headaches, high blood pressure and feelings of fear increases.
  3. The full moon is the ideal moment for various manipulations with curls and even for a radical change of image. A haircut will help improve your well-being and remove negative energy. Your hair will become thicker and easier to style. When dyeing, you need to choose a color that is 2-3 shades darker than your natural hair. Wellness treatments will bring many benefits: it is better to make hair masks with a nourishing or strengthening effect.

In general, this is a good day to visit the hairdresser.
Thursday May 27, 2021

  1. The Moon in Sagittarius is a good day for a haircut, having a beneficial effect on career achievements and relationships with people, but does not have a noticeable effect on the condition of the hair.
  2. The 16th lunar day is a very unlucky day to cut your hair. Loss of control over bad habits, risk of failures, mistakes, betrayals and illnesses.
  3. Waning moon. It is recommended to cut your hair only if you need to strengthen the roots and slow down the growth of curls.

Neutral day for any haircuts
May 28, 2021 Friday

  1. The Moon in Capricorn is a good time for the craziest experiments
  2. 17th lunar day - a visit to the hairdresser will attract problems in work matters, and obstacles will arise in achieving the desired goal. There will be an increased negative impact on mental well-being and the likelihood of serious injury.
  3. The waning moon is a good time to experiment with hair color, since the dye will quickly wash off. Shortening your hair will make it look healthy, but will significantly reduce the rate at which it grows.

Neutral day for any haircuts
May 29, 2021 Saturday

  1. The moon in Capricorn is a convenient time to visit a beauty salon, especially if you have problem hair, the visit to the hairdresser will be as comfortable and successful as possible (splits and fragility will stop, dullness will disappear).
  2. The 18th lunar day is an unfavorable day for changing your image, which will lead to theft, loss of property, and health problems for loved ones and pets.
  3. Waning Moon - A haircut on the waning Moon will make the roots stronger, stop hair loss, but also slow down hair regrowth. On such days, you can safely experiment with coloring your curls, since the dye will not last long.

Neutral day for any haircuts
May 30, 2021 Sunday

  1. Moon in the sign of Aquarius. unfavorable day for visiting the hairdresser; a haircut can greatly harm your appearance: cause hair loss and even lead to baldness.
  2. 19th lunar day - hurry to the hairdresser; getting a haircut on this day means prolonging your life.
  3. Waning Moon - a visit to a beauty salon during the Waning Moon will significantly slow down hair growth, but will lead to strengthening of the hair follicle.

Neutral day for any haircuts
May 31, 2021 Monday

  1. The moon in Aquarius is an unfavorable day for cutting hair; there is a high chance of rapid baldness and severe hair loss.
  2. 20 lunar day - it is not recommended to make an appointment with a hairdresser - cutting your hair will increase irritability, lead to apathy and loss of strength.
  3. Waning Moon - during the Waning Moon, you can safely experiment with color, dye your curls in different shades - even if the chosen color is not to your taste, there is no reason to worry, since the dye will not last for a long time. A haircut will not have a negative impact on the hair structure, but it will significantly slow down its growth.

May 31, 2021 is an unfavorable day for cutting hair.

Lunar calendar of haircuts for the following months:

Lunar haircut calendar for June 2021 Lunar haircut calendar for July 2021 Lunar haircut calendar for August 2021 Lunar haircut calendar for September 2021 Lunar haircut calendar for October 2021 Lunar haircut calendar for November 2021 Lunar haircut calendar for December 20 21 years old

How to get ready to attract material resources

To attract prosperity into your life, you need to connect to the cash flow before getting a haircut. Affirmations will help you do this - special settings that help create the necessary mood and open energy channels through which wealth will begin to flow into a person’s life. You need to start saying them mentally on the way to the hairdresser and continue doing this while in the hairdresser’s chair.

You can come up with affirmations yourself. They must be written in an affirmative form, that is, have no “not” particles, and must contain gratitude to the Universe for its help. An example of a correct af.

The following phrases cannot be used as guidelines: “I want to get rich”, “I want to get rid of debts”. Instead, you need to say: “I am rich,” “I am getting rid of debts.”

You must believe in the power of magic words spoken during a haircut. If a person doubts the effectiveness of affirmations, then his financial situation is unlikely to improve.

Installations for opening money energies

Installations are statements designed to open new energy channels. You need to pronounce the settings to yourself while cutting your hair. And they sound like this:

  • I open myself up to positive changes in my life;
  • I am charged with the energy of monetary abundance;
  • I allow myself to be rich;
  • I gratefully accept financial flows into my life.

Settings may be different. The main thing is that they should reflect a positive attitude and sound in the present tense. It is not right to think: “I want to be rich. I want to close all financial debts.” Correct attitude: “I am rich. And “I close all financial debts.” This attitude allows you to improve the quality of your money hairstyle. And it leads to quick results.

What haircuts bring money

Magicians and astrologers are sure that hair is a conductor of cosmic energy, providing its owner with a connection with the Universe. When a person is depressed due to financial difficulties, negative energy accumulates in him, leading to the emergence of new problems and deterioration of health. A visit to the hairdresser will help interrupt a destructive relationship and clear cash flows.

It doesn't matter to the Universe how a person cuts his hair. There is no need to radically change your image and get a short haircut. To get rid of negativity, just trim your hair by cutting off the split ends.

In order not to block the financial flow, you cannot cut your hair yourself. Even trimming your ends or trimming your bangs can bring money problems into your life. For a haircut to bring well-being, it must be done by another person.

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