Meet the GOD OF WEALTH A ritual on how to invite wealth and abundance into your life for the whole year.

Three star elders - a talisman for prosperity

The three star elders represent the three aspects of happiness. Using them to harmonize space, you can attract prosperity, luck, money, abundance and live long. Three star elders:

  1. Shou-shin is the deity responsible for health, happiness and prosperity. It will bring family well-being to every woman. Usually Shou-shin is a bald old man with a long graying beard. In his left hand he holds a peach, and in his right hand he holds a staff. The old man can be depicted riding a deer, and he can be surrounded by children.
  2. Fu-sin is a deity responsible for luck and wealth in the family. It is believed that a figurine of such an old man helps to create successful situations in life, attract more sources of income, and receive unexpected money or valuables as gifts. In the pictures, Fu-hsing is depicted in a robe and holding a child in his arms or studying a scroll.
  3. Lu-sin is a deity who patronizes businessmen, students and people in high positions. It represents power and success. Lu-sin is depicted in the clothes of a government official with a scepter or papyrus.

The gods of wealth and prosperity must be properly placed in the room. Lu is positioned in the center, Shou is on the left, and Fu is on the right. Choose the zone of money and success to place them. It is better to place figures or images of elders nearby.

Where is the best place to place the Hotei figurine?

You can place a figurine of the god of prosperity in your apartment in a variety of places. Those who want to gain respect and honor should place the figurine not far from the door in the hallway. At the same time, Hotei’s gaze should be clearly directed at the entrance. People who dream of success and recognition are recommended to place a figurine in the southern part of the house. If Hoteychik is placed in the southeastern zone of the home, he will be able to attract good luck to the owners in lotteries and gambling. The figurine of God, placed in the eastern sector, attracts harmony and harmony into the apartment.

According to Feng Shui, the god of wealth Hotei is located in a house depending on the intentions of its owners. It is best to place a figurine of a pot-bellied man with a cane in the health sector. It is preferable to place a figurine with a pearl in the sector of knowledge and wisdom (north-eastern zone). The best place for the god of prosperity, surrounded by a pack of children, is considered to be the western or southwestern part of the home.

Note! Since the meaning of Hotei in Feng Shui is very capacious and extensive, you can buy several figurines, placing them in the most visible places in the house.

Seven gods of happiness according to feng shui

In Feng Shui there are seven gods who can bring happiness, material values ​​and improve other areas of human life:

  1. Tamonten is a protective god. It protects its owner from bad people and unpleasant situations. Supports those individuals who are not afraid to face difficulties and achieve their goals. As a sign of his favor towards them, Tamonten gifts them with riches from his personal “treasure tower”. The god is depicted in military robes.
  2. Benten is the goddess of love, wisdom and luck. With its help, it is recommended to activate space for single women. They will be able to find family happiness and become more reasonable.
  3. Daikoku - if you are interested in the gods of money, then place a figurine with this patron in the appropriate area. He is the giver of food, the keeper of the kitchen, responsible for attracting material wealth and opening the flow of abundance.
  4. Hotei is the god of prosperity, happiness, good luck. He is depicted as a cheerful fat man with a big belly and always has a never-ending bag with him. To receive benefits or fulfill a wish, it is enough to rub Hotei’s belly 300 times.
  5. Jurojin is a deity who bestows happiness and longevity. He is usually depicted together with a deer, turtle or crane.
  6. Fukurokuju is the god of longevity, wisdom and prosperity. He always has scrolls and a fan in his hands.
  7. Ebisu is the deity who patronizes artisans and people whose work involves physical labor. He is depicted with a fishing rod.

Regular and military deities

To attract wealth, place a figurine of Tsai Shen Ye in the money zone - a powerful and immortal deity who protects from troubles, relieves debts and attracts good luck. According to Feng Shui practitioners, this god of prosperity answers all requests - just make a wish and wait with faith for its fulfillment. She is depicted on a tiger with a whip or a bar of gold in her hands.

Kuan Yu is the martial god of wealth according to Feng Shui. It not only protects human well-being, but also allows him to win victories in competition. He is depicted wearing the cloak of the Nine Dragons. It is better to place his figurine near the door - it will protect the house and its inhabitants from failures and envious people.

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Feng Shui hieroglyphs


Bi Gan is an ordinary deity responsible for the proper management of wealth and benefits. It helps to attract new opportunities in life and patronizes new endeavors.

Xi Wang Mu is a goddess who symbolizes all human aspirations, including wealth, fame, prosperity, and long life. By installing her image or figurine at home, you can protect your family from poverty and disagreements. Xi Wang Mu helps improve material life and establish harmony in the home. It is better to install it near the main entrance to the house, then it will also protect the family from troubles and bad people.

Pi Kan is the god of prosperity and prosperity. He is depicted in two forms: as a warrior and an ordinary citizen. It is believed that Pi Kan in the 12th century was a brave warrior and protected the poor.

God Tua Peh Kong is dressed in a robe and holds a gold bar in his left hand. It brings money to the owner, gives power, strength and luck. You can install a figurine with it anywhere in the house, the main thing is that your gifts are near it.

Meet the God of Wealth 2021

Our readers were really looking forward to this article!:) In it we want to tell you the ritual “Meeting the God of Wealth”, .

This is a very famous ritual that is performed on New Year's Eve according to the Chinese lunar calendar. It is believed that it is on this night that the God of Wealth comes to us from one of the cardinal directions and if we ask him, he will give us abundance and material wealth.

In 2021 , this is the night from February 11 to 12 . The God of Wealth comes at the hour of the Rat (23:00 - 01:00) from the East .

There are several options and versions of this ritual; we will tell you the version that we ourselves use every year.

This year we recommend starting a ritual, conducting it, and then starting to make your Dream Card, write the Book of Desires, make the yin-yang of Dreams, Domovyat, Vase of Wealth, and make a list of goals. After all, this night is special!

The energies around us are very strong this night! You should definitely use them! Just going to bed is a bad idea; you will lose a lot of energy. But if sleep still wins, it’s not horror either. You can perform the ritual throughout the day (February 12), choosing a good hour, but in this case it will not be as powerful, but it will still work.

The best time for the ritual is the hour of the Rat, especially at 23:40 (02/11/2021).

If it was not possible to carry out the ritual at this time, do not worry.

IMPORTANT! During the hours of the Horse (11:00 - 13:00) and Goat (13:00 - 15:00) it is strictly not recommended to perform the ritual.

But there is also bad news for those born in the years of the Rooster and Rabbit. They cannot perform this ritual . We are very sorry :(.

It’s impossible – it’s completely impossible; performing the ritual can cause problems.

If there are Roosters or Rabbits in your family, then also refrain from performing the ritual.

Perform the ritual in any sector, preferably in the living room, in the center of the house. Place the God of Wealth with his back to the East, facing West.

In the classics, the ritual is performed in the courtyard or on the balcony.:) But in the classics it is much warmer outside. The ritual can only be performed in a residential building. Those. If you just bought an apartment, but don’t live there yet, you can’t come there, do the ritual and leave. This won't work.

For the ritual we will need:

Don't be scared! There are always nuances: )

1.God of Wealth. You can use an image of the God of Wealth, but we would recommend using a figurine, it works much more powerfully. It is best to find God Cai Shen Ye sitting on a tiger, as in the picture below.

2. Candles (preferably 18 pieces, minimum 8).

3. Incense sticks. It is desirable that there be 18 of them, but three are possible. If you are allergic to incense, then you can not use it at all, or put it on but not light it.

4. Five types of fruits: pears, pineapple, bananas, oranges, peach, (canned ones can be used). If you can’t find these particular fruits, you can use any others.

5. Three types of flour sweets. Something tasty like cupcakes, cookies, etc. If you bake them yourself, it will be even better.

6. Dates (raisins, prunes), mushrooms (dry, canned, live...)

7. Six vegetarian dishes (for example, six salads, you can boil beans, make a stew).

8. Accessories of Wealth. You can use coins, gold bars, a pot of wealth, Chinese coins, Hottei figurines, a three-legged toad, or just banknotes.

9. Five to six vessels with green tea. It is best to use special glass bowls. But ordinary glasses and even disposable cups are quite suitable.

10. Five to six vessels of white wine.

11. The table on which we will perform the ritual. Before the ritual, the table must be washed with a damp cloth.

12. Scented paper or souvenir money that we will burn during the ritual. You can buy imitation dollars, euros, francs, or you can simply print them. You can use “afterlife bank” money, they are often sold in gift shops, or you can download them online and print them (just type “afterlife bank money” ).:) We would post them under the article, but the element of human effort is important here. A person must look for the ingredients himself and spend his energy searching, then everything works to the maximum. We will only share the wish form, because... they are special.

13. Forms for wishes. We will write wishes on these forms and send them to the Higher Powers. In general, regular green or gold pieces of paper will do. But we recommend that you use our forms, they are magical. Print them out and write your wishes.


Important points when working with the wish form:

— We write only material desires related to money and wealth.

— We write wishes only for ourselves. Those. Each family member must write their wishes themselves.

— Of course, we follow all the rules for setting goals (forgot - read here...)

- There can only be one wish on one form.

— The maximum number of wishes per person is eight.

— On each form you need to write your full name, address and age (full years, without rounding).

Is it important to follow these particular ingredients? According to the rules of the ritual, yes, this is a classic! But when it comes to treats and offerings, there are nuances. After all, for many it is simply not possible to purchase everything listed above! But this is not a reason not to perform the ritual!

The God of Wealth will be happy with absolutely any treat! And if millions of people feed him dates, imagine how happy he will be with your fried potatoes!

In fact, the main thing is not the ingredients, but your attention and care.

Any ritual must be passed through your heart and do what resonates within you.

Of course, you need to try to collect all the ingredients according to the list, but look at your capabilities.

Ritual of meeting the God of Wealth.

1. Before performing the ritual, it is extremely important to take a shower. Moreover, if you are performing a ritual with the whole family, then all participants need to wash. It will be very favorable to wear something yellow . It could be a dress, underwear or just a scarf.

2. After taking a shower, fifteen to twenty minutes should be devoted to prayer, mantras, meditation, and communication with Higher powers.

3. We set up a table on which we will perform the ritual and pour water on it (without fanaticism). Then we wipe the table dry.

4. Next you need to cover the table. The best option is to cover it with a red cloth or tablecloth. If you don’t have a red one, then you can choose any other, but beautiful and bright one. Better new.

5. Now we set the table, putting all the accessories on it (candles, incense, food, tea, wine...).

6. Turn on bright lighting. If possible, then it is better to turn on all the lamps in the house during the ritual! Or at least in the room where you perform the ritual.

7. And now the fun part. Relax, take a few deep breaths and mentally invite the Higher Powers into your home. Invite the God of Wealth into your home and life.

8. During the invitation, it is important to turn your face to different directions of the world and say words of greeting (in any form). If you love mantras, then turning in different directions of the world you can repeat the mantra:


She calls upon the help of the Gods from different directions.

9. Turn to the East and greet the God of Wealth.

10. Place the figurine or image of God on the table, with its back to the East.

11. After you do this, light three candles and three incense sticks (if you have them) on either side of God and say the invitation again, turning in different directions. In this case, you must say your address loudly and clearly. Indeed, the Gods must know where to go :).

12. Write your wishes on the forms (preferably with a red pen) and place them on the table next to God. Place money symbols and money nearby.

13. Wait 10 minutes, meditate, imagine that your wishes have come true.

14. Light the remaining candles and incense sticks (no matter where or how they are on the table) and ask the Higher Powers:

  • health
  • support for all members of your family
  • success
  • prosperity
  • wealth
  • money
  • love
  • harmony
  • meeting your soulmate
  • in general, everything that you need now.

15. Open all the windows and the front door, let the energy of wealth enter your home.

But you need to be prudent and not forget about safety precautions. We don’t really need to catch a cold or have someone peek into our open front door.

Therefore, it will be enough to simply open (temporarily) a few windows or vents.

16. Leave the house onto the street or into the entrance, leaving the door to the apartment open (you can leave someone close to guard it while you burn desires, then change).

In the classics, you need to move 3,8,13,23,33,18 or 28 steps away from the front door.

There we burn our desires, imitation money. If you still have an image of the God of Wealth from last year, we burn that too.

Of course, this only applies to the image on paper. We do not burn the figurine of the God of Wealth, but use it from year to year. But it will be useful to clean it at the end of the year. A few days before the ritual, you need to place it in salt for 2-3 days.

17. We return home and thank the Higher powers for their help!

18. When candles burn out or go out, there is no need to throw away their remains. We put them in a special box and leave them in the house for about three months.

19. We remove all food on the table one day after the ritual. It is strictly forbidden to eat it!!! It already belongs to the subtle World, and if you start taking something away, you will spoil your luck very, very much.

20. The money symbols that you have placed are now powerful artifacts for attracting wealth, place them in a safe, wallet, safe deposit box, your money sector.

21. Place the God of Wealth in a place of honor with his back to the East. When you carry him, again it is important to take 3,8,13,23,33,18 or 28 steps from the table to his place of residence.

Of course, this should be an honorable and prominent place. You cannot place God in a closet or pantry!

Throughout the year, communicate with the God of Wealth, make offerings to him, light candles near him. The ritual, although complex, is MEGA strong!

We highly recommend that you do it, it can radically change your luck.

The ritual is best carried out exactly according to the above scheme. BUT! If you can’t do something, you can’t collect all the ingredients, do the ritual as best you can. It is better to do at least some of the ritual than not to do it at all!

If you cannot do the ritual of meeting Wealth, then there is another ritual that helps attract the energies of prosperity, wealth and abundance into your home.

On the night of February 11-12, immediately after midnight, place the symbol of Wealth (the hieroglyph Fu) on the front door.

It is best to place it outside the house, but if the neighbors do not understand you, then you can do it inside.:) Or you can do it both inside and outside. It is best to place the symbol at the level of the heart of the tallest member of the family.

The hieroglyph should hang on the door until February 26, after which time it can be removed and put in a secluded place until the end of the year, or left hanging on the door. After a year it will need to be burned and replaced with a new one.

We have prepared a small gift for you :) A symbol that needs to be hung on the door. You just need to print it out and use it at the right time. I hope you like it :)

You can download it from the link: fu2019.pdf

Have good rituals and support of the Deities!

During the magical period, you and I meet the God of Wealth, perform ceremonies, rituals, write goals and dreams and create our Card of Desires.

More details>>>

Three-legged toad and Ganesha

The Chinese god of wealth Ganesha is depicted with the head of an elephant with 2, 4 or 8 pairs of arms, each containing different gifts, riding on a tiger or a small round pedestal. According to experts, such a deity brings a person to the level of wealth that he is capable of achieving. New opportunities open up for him and profitable partnerships are offered.

The figurine can be made of copper, plastic, bronze and wood. Don't skimp on buying it. The larger the Ganesha, the faster and more effective the talisman will act. It’s good if the figurine is decorated with precious stones, this will attract even more material wealth.

Ganesha should be placed in the wealth zone or on the desktop. It is advisable to place money under the figurine, and place candy or other sweets near it. In this way, you will be able to quickly gain the favor of this deity.

The three-legged frog is the most popular symbol of wealth in Feng Shui. She is also the personification of wisdom and longevity. Usually a toad is depicted on money, holding a coin in its mouth. It must be placed in such a way that it faces the inside of the house.

Remember, the gods love respect and attention. Bring them gifts, light candles, incense. Soon you will notice how material wealth has ceased to be a problem, and life is filled with happiness and prosperity.

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