Is it possible to do money activations per year with your Wealth Robber?

Wealth Robber

We continue our series of metaphysical horror stories. Today we are talking about the Wealth Robber—mysterious, popular, scary. Among newcomers there is an opinion that it is like fate: if it has already arrived, then there will be no salvation - it will rip you off like a stick. In fact, the presence or appearance of headaches is a good reason to think and work on vulnerable areas of your life.

Who is he?

Wealth Robber 劫財 (jie cai) is one of the “players” of the Bazi Ten God System. This system is based on Wu Xing and reveals the nature and patterns of behavior and human perception of the world around us. The main characteristics are the 10 Heavenly Stems, which are also the five elements in two polarities, Yin and Yang.

The point is that all manifestations of character and energy can be either useful for a person or not, can manifest themselves creatively or destructively, and can lead to both encouragement and punishment.

How to find it

The robber can “live” in the Bazi chart, or he can come in years and beats.

If you calculate the Bazi chart in the professional version of the Mingli calculator, then to the right of the hidden Heavenly Stems you will see a Wu Xing diagram for your personality element. These are your personal Ten Gods. The hieroglyph that stands in the diagram next to the Lord of the day is your personal Wealth Robber. It is the same element as the personality element, only of a different polarity and reflects that part of life that is associated with business partners, competitors, brothers and sisters, as well as with spiritual development, the willingness to give up material gain, the search for the meaning of life and understanding of the world . In the picture below, the Robber is also in the card - in the pillar of the month.

Note for Bazi practitioners: The robber does not form a structure. If you see that a person was born in the month of his Robber (we determine the main Qi by the NS), then this is already a special structure - the Imperial Lamp.

To be afraid or to make friends?

The robber in the card gives a person certain character traits. But they manifest themselves differently depending on the usefulness/unusefulness of the GB for the card. A person with a strong GB in the chart perfectly recognizes people, determines their potential and makes useful contacts. He has an independent character and can behave differently with different people. Can be secretive, and under stress - aggressive and ruthless.

First of all, you need to evaluate the strength/weakness and usefulness/disusefulness of the Robber for the card and the person. Yes, yes, it can be useful. In this case, it will not act so negatively, and it can even be used.

When it is useful, the card owner will be open, friendly, and humane. He will be characterized by generosity, optimism, and loyalty to his word. He will make friends easily, quickly respond to requests for help, improvise, and also sometimes gossip and use lies “for good.” This quite pleasant Robber will be useful for weak cards that earn money with the help of other people, and super strong ones that are useful for sharing.

An unhelpful Robber can go wild. By the way, if the card is not useful for its element, then the Brotherhood begins to perform the functions of a robber, just less pronounced.

The negative traits of the Robber appear in the strength cards and the follow cards. Their own element is NOT useful to them, it strengthens the card, and the person can be an envious braggart with low self-esteem. He may love gambling, treat friends better than family, be friends with unreliable people and need constant “supervision” to avoid trouble. Often prone to lies, promises a lot and delivers little.

The Robber's excess can also manifest itself in this way: a person will be careless about material goods, not consider them important for himself, and refuse to live a prosperous life and own something.

These are two extremes, but in general, people with HD in their chart can be quite adequate in society. Their common features include determination, need for attention, desire for teamwork, initiative, involvement of other people, and establishing useful connections. At the same time, they may feel split in their own “I”, experience deep internal contradictions, poorly understand themselves, do not know how to lose and be afraid of loneliness.

What was, what will be...

The robber in the card gives us some indications of character and likely events:

  • a person may not be able to save money or money may not be important to him, he easily gives it away
  • someone from the outside can encroach not only on a person’s money, but also on his name, reputation, opportunities, time, spouse
  • other people may take advantage of a person because of his excessive gullibility

Please note: The robber in the earthly branches will act secretly, on the sly. And in the trunks of heaven it is obvious and noticeable.

The manifestation of the Robber also depends on which pillar of the map he is located in:

  • Robber of the year - a person will always be on the sidelines, his competitors will be noticed first
  • The robber in the month is brothers, sisters or parents who get more, there is competition with them
  • The robber in the day can sit in the hidden NS of the earthly branch of the day - these are rivals/rivals or a spouse in the role of a robber, when he can take away strength, energy, time, or actually take money - for example, during a divorce
  • A robber in the hour - children or subordinates can “take away the last”, there may be few children or no sons at all.

The robber in the coming beats, years, months and days will act in the same way as described above, especially if he is already in the chart or comes strong, in a high Qi phase.

Than the heart will calm down

To mitigate the influence of the Robber, you must first remember the first metaphysical rule: if you do not lose to the energies, then they lose to you. In other words, we need to play ahead.

If GB is useful to you:

  • Give preference to teamwork, where all results will be shared between participants
  • Don’t be afraid to be a junior partner, to work for a percentage in the company - in your case it is better to moderate your ambitions and follow the “locomotive” - a more visible person, the first person. This rule is especially important if your Robber is in the NA of the year or month.

If GB is not useful for your card:

  • Strive to work independently, without involving partners, relatives, friends, children - you don’t need additional competition
  • Document all agreements
  • Follow the rules in all areas of life, this will help you avoid fines, penalties, penalties, etc.
  • Give more often - tips, charity, helping other people
  • Don't haggle or ask for discounts
  • Try to do something for free, don’t expect payment everywhere
  • Do not lend or invest in dubious activities - relying on easy money can lead to its loss
  • Don’t make a cult of saving - most likely you will have to pay twice
  • Don’t talk too much about work or family life, protect your boundaries.

Yes, you can do activations, but you need to take into account the recommendations and give part of the money received to charity.

Thus, if you lose the situation, directing your energies in the right direction can greatly help yourself. This rule works in 90% of difficult situations and only confirms that it is necessary to know and understand your card just like your blood type and chronic diseases.

Good luck!


This month the element of wealth robbers came for me.

Wealth robbers are one of the personality types that gives a person certain, even quite good, character traits. Moreover, it is believed that it is not bad to have one element of wealth robber in the chart, precisely because of the character traits that people with this element in the chart acquire.

But besides the positive properties, wealth robbers have one side effect. The arrival of wealth robbers in a strong card means the arrival of people who “rob us of our wealth.” This is not necessarily a thief who breaks into our apartment and robs our property. Wealth is everything that makes up our property: these are both material and intangible goods: our articles, publications, ideas, developments, good name.

What happened this month? I discovered that they began to reprint my articles. Without any reference to the source of information. Or use material from the blog.

Why do people do this?

Because there is no self-confidence or sufficient knowledge. It is much easier to “expand” an article on existing material than to write your own. Be careful with such consultants. If you are not sure, what kind of consultation can there be?

What to do with a wealth thief? There are several ways. Knowing that this unfavorable personality type comes in a certain year, you can plan certain actions at a certain hour and day (usually at the beginning of the year). Let's not take away the bread from Feng Shui consultants - this is their job.

The simplest way to correct the situation (let’s say that the robbers of the wealth in the card are encroaching on your money) would be... to give it away voluntarily. What to give? Your wealth. Put together a bag of items you don't wear and donate them to those who need them. Surely, you have books that you will never re-read. Donate them to the library. Moreover, among both things and books there should be those that you would be sorry to give away. But what to do? Comfort yourself with the thought that this is only for your benefit.

Give a certain amount to charity. This amount should be meaningful to you. For some it will be 3,000 rubles, and for others 30,000.

Are you renting an apartment? Buy something necessary for your tenants: change the windows, buy a new sofa, TV. Maybe you don't pay taxes? Now the happy moment has come to start paying them (but choose a good day to submit your declaration). Perhaps your mother really wanted to spend March 8 in Paris? Give her this trip.

You can invest money in yourself and your loved ones. Have you ever wanted to take some interesting course? It's time to start learning! Do you want to buy yourself something valuable? Go and buy it. The purchase must be significant for your budget. Perhaps you should invest money in health and get treatment in a private clinic?

Transfer money from your account to your husband’s account (if this year is good for him in terms of elements). Robbers of wealth will come - but there’s nothing to steal. They'll be upset!

Behave honestly, do not enter into risky or adventurous transactions, even if they promise money: wealth robbers rob money, but are controlled by the authorities. In a year with this personality type, people around you may not behave entirely honestly towards you. When distributing salaries and considering candidates for a new position, it is very possible that you will be “overtaken” by your colleagues, who, in all likelihood, are no better, no more professional, no smarter than you. It's just their turn.

When is the wealth thieves most likely to “attack”? It depends on the individual person's chart. But overall, we can say that the robbers are strong in their season. For example, robbers are metal, therefore, they will be strongest in the fall, their season. If the card contains elements of a metal combination, for example, 酉 and 丑, then wealth robbers can become active in the month of 巳, when the full combination of metal is formed, especially if there is an exit of the metal into the NS, or the elements of money enter the NS into the merger, collision, and overcoming.

A demon called the “demon of robbery” also “helps” in the loss of “riches.” The merging of the money element in a year with the demon of robbery is an unfavorable indicator. The location of this demon in the palaces of fate can tell you what and who can steal from you.

As for thefts in apartments, flying stars play a role here, as well as the strength or weakness of the elements that are responsible for our property.

I wish you good luck, and may you not encounter wealth robbers on your way, but only its “givers”!


The presence of the Wealth Robber in the chart characterizes the person as generous. If there is a lot of robber in the card, then the person cannot take money, cannot name the amount for his services. Often such people are looking for the meaning of life, are interested in religion, the spiritual component of life. People with a robber in the card express their thoughts well and have eloquence

, it's nice to listen to them. They are proud, gifted in good manifestation. But in the bad it is arrogance and obstinacy. This is a competitive, inflexible person prone to loneliness.

Indications of Wealth in Ba Zi

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Natalya Feokritova (c)

Direct Wealth

Today is a piece from Yuan Hai Zi Ping “Deep Ocean”. 【渊海子平】…

Abbreviations (approx.): PB - Direct Wealth KB - Oblique Wealth DD - Daytime Dominant (Lord of the Day) BB - Challenge of Authority (Wound of an Official) DN - Spirit of Pleasure (Spirit of Food) PC - Direct Official (Right Authority) BC - Noble Man CPU - Peach Blossom CC - Oblique Official (7th Assassin)

What does Direct Wealth (DW) mean? It means official. There is yin-yang wealth, there is yang-yin wealth. In most cases, PB means wife and wealth. For people, women's wealth is something that a person earned himself through work, service, industry, and occupation. If this deity is strong, healthy and flourishing, then you can use it. Accordingly, if the body itself declines, is weak and emaciated, then PB does not bloom (in stagnation). Even if the wife's property is abundant and rich and visible, in the end the weak body will not be able to take it.

It’s good when Wealth (PB, KB) is in the hour - they don’t want wealth from above.

If multiple wealth is found in the day and roots, he can cope with work (correspond to his own official position) and become an official, developing in his career.

If the initial foundations are weak (depleted), then they are difficult to treat. And if the body is prospering, then you cannot overcome your native lands/edges. And also meet overcoming 7 killers without a control.

And again, the one who is born out of season is afraid, PB weakens and makes the “earth” sick, as well as the one who does not have a Seal in the four supports, without a father and mother from whom they are born. Conversely, lucky wealth (LU) are those who have a season, a seal and a land. On the contrary, they rejoice in wealth; if they encounter wealth, they say that wealth is plentiful. If ba zi cannot bear, endure PB - this is a mass of disasters.

If the PB occurs in adolescence and childhood, this is a lost time to take a post/make a career, it is also not favorable for it to enter into numerous mergers. If in the middle or late years the Seal comes into the chart, or the one who forms the triple fusion ∆ and provides support for the DD - then suddenly everything will change, there will be a surge and flourishing, although not Imperial.

If in young years flowering multiplies, but in old years it lives in a ruined state - this is not only a sad hopeless situation, but at the same time it is both true and not true!

The wealth hidden in the SNS rises and is suddenly revealed during clashes and struggles.

When can you get rich?

· Day and DD are prospering and Wealth is approaching, prospering - one can get rich.

Here a person can create his own business with his bare hands. Makes himself and his wealth. If it’s inside the card, then you can get rich quickly. If the body is prospering, but Wealth is weak, then they are waiting for help, BB/DN capable of emitting, then they also become rich.

· The body is weak, wealth flourishes, having wealth is difficult to take.

When the Brotherhood arrives, it is able to take Wealth, and if the body is weak and BB arrives, then other people receive DD money, besides, if Wealth also flourishes, then it receives disaster. If abundant wealth overcomes, then the disaster is great.

· All four Vaults are collected completely - great wealth.

If there is Wealth without Storage inside the card, then the wealth is difficult to guard; if there is a lot of Wealth, but few Storages, then the existing Wealth cannot be all packed there! If there is little Wealth, but there are many Vaults, then when Wealth comes in fate, it will increase the Welfare of the family, but if Brotherhood comes, then it will go bankrupt and lose money. The body is strong, Wealth is prospering and there is a Storehouse - then has cash deposits in the bank. There is no Vault inside the card, it loses wealth, if it encounters a Vault in a year, it can make a deposit in the bank.

If the body is weak, and there is a lot of wealth in the Vault and does not meet the Brotherhood, then when it meets a PC with a warhead, then the wealth is abundant and virtuous, if there are all 4 storehouses, this is a very rich fate.

· Wealth on triple punishment, then because of Wealth he will go to prison.

Here, the wealth in the structure of fate in the 3rd punishment, re-encounters “Queigang”, can start shooting the people encountered. The body is weak, the wealth is numerous - mostly impotent, many may have sexual deviations. Gets a lot of fears. He has material wealth and throws money around.

· PC and Seal are thriving, the day is weak - wealth is not strong.

Such people have external debts, loans, and live in debt all their lives. If there is Wealth in the Void in the chart, then it is weak, it does not meet the Wealth Robber - then the external debts are small, if it encounters at least one, it immediately increases sharply.

Peaches that bring wealth

“You have a Peach Blossom in your card!” In fate - this expression speaks of both good and evil. Therefore, it happens that for people who meet a CP in their fate, good times come and life turns around, but sometimes life collapses and their good name is lost. And this is all the diversity of human destinies. A lot has been written about Peaches on the Internet. I will also make my contribution, but not through the prism of love: they give attractiveness, facilitate childbirth, help in marriage, and can also cause harm, but like Peaches, bringing wealth. This means that the CPU must be located for you in your element of Wealth, or in the element that generates it. So, when can a DD get rich with a CPU:

· In a man's destiny, the CP is like wealth - therefore he easily gets women/wife and money/property.

In bazi, the day initially represents itself, and has its own element, and if inside the card there are CPs belonging to the native element of the DD, then those CPs that belong to the element overcome by the DD are called dead CPs and relate to wealth. The star of wealth in men's charts represents wives and concubines, and if it has a special confluence, then the person easily receives wives and wealth. If the wealth star is PB when encountered in fate, DD will get married or receive small wealth. His wife has beautiful appearance and abundant wealth/property, which comes naturally. If the star of wealth is like KB, then DD has love affairs, affairs and unexpectedly receives wealth/property.

· In a woman’s destiny, the PC is like the CPU, and easily receives the assistance and help of her husband.

In a woman's destiny, the star PC represents the lover, the husband, and in a woman's destiny, the CPs wither in the PC, and therefore the DD easily receives the help of her husband. Due to the fact that the PC represents work (business, affairs) and the outside world, if it has a structure in fate that receives unification/merger, then the husband/man helps to get rich. Appears as a PC - DD gets married, or is engaged, or with one stroke of the pen receives rather large wedding gifts from the groom, the man is very capable and after marriage there will be great love. If the official’s star is the CP, in this case the DD often quarrels with her lover and does not receive much help, in general, the CP fades in the CP.

· CPU is in the element that creates wealth, so both men and women can get rich.

When, within the destiny of the CP, they belong to the element that generates Wealth, they receive a lot of big money, so they themselves are able to make a fortune as a driving force. In real life, he easily receives money and income from the opposite side, and therefore it is easy to get rich by receiving patronage.

· The original day and body prosper within fate, fulfilling the role of the CPU, and therefore become rich.

Inside, the fate of the CPU is like SHA, how to understand which use is good or bad? The body prospers is capable of appearing as a deity, the body is weak - while Sha is evil, so if it prospers, then it is capable of bringing Wealth. A weak body cannot take on CP, and it is very difficult to get into a happy streak with CP; here life will be busy, unhappy and often ruined.

· There is a jumping CPU behind the wall - both men and women are capable of getting rich.

If the CPU is in a year, month or day, then it is an internal CPU, but in an hour it is an external CPU. Such Peaches are suitable for all people and indicate that a person receives wealth in an hour, DD is from a simple family and brings numerous luck, luck in money matters. Gives an attractive appearance, magnetism, great success in love, if the CPs in fate are continuous (there are many of them in the chart), then the work is very lively, rapidly changing, like everyday life, conditions in life.

Can't keep your wealth?

Everyone understands that when there is Wealth in the Map, it is good, well, almost always good: if the Body is strong, and the DD prospers. And if not? What should everyone else do? Today we will look at situations when a problem arises with retaining Wealth.

1. The body is weak - Wealth flourishes.

What is meant by the phrase "Weak Body" is just that Day and DD are not prospering. Or vice versa, the Body may not be too weak, but the Wealth will have too much prosperity. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that this category does not include Wealth Following Cards - for such people, Wealth manifests itself very quickly and quickly, and as if by itself; the rest have to make considerable efforts. There is another option when Wealth is not the desired Deity in the Map, but it prospers and, moreover, comes in Fate and begins to quickly accumulate - in this case, as quickly as it came, it will go away; the same thing with False Following Wealth Cards.

2. The Right Official and the Seventh Murderer rob the Wealth.

In general, in a good way, they should protect it, then Wealth accumulates in the family, and the continuity and heredity of the clan are preserved, but if these elements flourish too much, then in this case the person is overloaded, there will not be enough fighting enthusiasm, the desire to receive, there will be no creativity and creativity, and no ability to create anything. In this case, they use the benefits accumulated by previous generations, and here, oh how important it is that the older members of the family have everything in order with Wealth and Power, because such a robbery of Wealth can only be passed on to subsequent generations with other combinations in the Card. By the way, this is also a sign of a person’s generosity, because in such a Card there is nowhere to accumulate Wealth - the person is unlikely to be stingy.

3. Wealth is robbed all the time

Here we are talking about the Brotherhood and the Robbers of Wealth - all the traits of a winner are visible: from the desire to fight, to fight for Wealth, the ability to accumulate, diligence and determination in work, creativity to creating ways to earn money. Everything is good here, except for one thing - remember, I wrote about the negative of the numerous Brotherhood in the Map. So, there is no way to stop and “jump” in time. That is, everything is there for the business to end in success, the enterprise and business functions and generates income, and at this moment only its maintenance is required. But no, the Brotherhood doesn’t listen to anyone, the Wealth Robber even more so, and a comparison can be made as a writer or an artist who constantly rewrites and reworks, damaging the masterpiece.

4. Wealth in the National Socialist Council

It doesn’t matter here whether the wealth is great or small, the main thing is that it exists and it stands in the Open Heavenly Stems; open, as they say to all the winds, eyes and others, is a sign of ostentation. Such a person loves to show off his “wealth,” no matter what it is: an inheritance, income from an enterprise, or a rich house, and sooner or later such wealth is destroyed. In fact, I can say that it is easier for people with Wealth in the National Assembly to get into the company of revelers and idlers, where wealth is not only shown, but also strolled. But it is also a propensity for shopping, interaction with Wealth is the desire to buy and consume, evade taxes, and buy in advance (often unnecessary).

In short, these people who are able to earn well have one thing in common: they are more inclined to buy and spend than to save. And such consumption often exceeds their income, and this, in turn, leads to non-compliance with rules and official duties.

Will become rich

Today we look at the signs in the Map of people who have a chance not just to get rich, but to actually GET RICH. In general, usually wealthy people may actually have these signs, but if, under other conditions, they are in excellent Phases, then the chances are very high.

· In the Map of Wealth, capable of generating IF, the Official protects the Wealth. · In the Joyful Seal Map, there is a PC that supports the Seal. · There are many DN/BB in the Map and there is Wealth. · In the Map, the Star of Wealth is very active (there is a helping DN/BB). · There is no Star of Wealth in the Map, but there is a secret Merger into the Structure of Wealth (DN+PC in the Merger into Wealth, then he will receive help from others in the dark, secretly). · There is no Wealth in the Map in the NA, but there is a penetrating DN. · Body and Wealth both prosper, and there is an Official in the National Assembly. · In the Chart, Day and Seal are both prosperous, DN/BB are weak, Wealth Star with DN/BB in the 3rd Confluence into the Wealth Structure. · The Wealth Star in the Chart has Qi in the month-season. · In Karta, Day, DD, Brotherhood and GB are all thriving; DN/BB with the Brotherhood and GB, taking advantage of the opportunity/opportunity/circumstances, arise, spread, circulate. · In the DD Card, Day is weak, there are many Stars of Wealth, with Brotherhood and GB - strong and capable. · In the Map, the Star of Wealth with the column of the NS of the Day receives a Merger.

Financially successful women

Since we started talking in the comments about the wealth and success of women, today let’s look at the signs in the cards of women who can become rich and powerful. In general, the number of women millionaires is growing in the world from year to year. The world is changing, both men and women are changing. Some people have a higher potential to become very rich, while others have a lower potential.

So, in women's cards, unlike men's, three stars can be taken as wealth: Wealth itself, Challenge to power and Spirit of pleasure. And it is by the presence of these three deities that we judge a woman’s potential to be very rich on her own. (Without reference to structures).

1. The first sign is that Wealth will be in the pillar of the year or in the NA of the monthly pillar. The pillars of the year and month represent the older generations, parents, and therefore Direct wealth obviously symbolizes the opportunity to “follow in the footsteps of father, uncle, senior relative in the family.” By receiving succession, a woman can become very rich.

2. Second, the Spirit of pleasure meets in the pillar of the hour. For us, this is offspring and advanced years of old age. DN itself represents good fortune in money. If it is not in the map in principle, only Wealth, such wealth is false, not real. In general, this is an indication that the child will have pleasures and benefits in life, and will receive the necessary help and respect from his children and grandchildren. If you find a DN in your year or NA of the month, then it will also symbolize monetary luck and prosperity, but here we also evaluate the cycles with the current years. You can lose it, after all. But presence in itself is also good and very good. Although it does not have the same strength as if the DN was in the hour.

3. The third option in the card is Challenge to Power. Typically, Challenge Authority is a brilliant talent. And often women with the Challenge of Power start their own business, found a business. A challenge to power is talent and an awl in one place, a person has no peace until he achieves success or his own, and therefore such women also have the potential to become very rich.

4. Well, the fourth sign. Storage facilities 丑、辰、未、戌. If they are in the map exactly in the hour, there is also a high probability of becoming the owner of a large fortune. Especially with a combination of DN on the Storage. But I’ll tell you about this another time; of course, there are a lot of signs, as always. We looked at some in connection with women's cards.


Where do the ba zi view inheritance of household property and succession of family business or profession in fate?

Source: In ba zi, they look at the pillars of the month and/or year. They symbolize family. They embody protection from previous generations and ancestors. They also show the scale and extent of the wealth and nobility of previous generations. If the pillar of the year is Yang, then it symbolizes the best traits of the family; if there is a Yin pillar there, then it symbolizes the family cemetery, the graves of ancestors.

First, we look at whether the deities sitting in the NS and GE are suitable for the DD, what sits there, the deities used or annoying ones, and whether they sympathize with the day or cause antipathy, to what extent, from this we can already understand whether the DD receives protection from the ancestors or not. If we see that the ancestors and parents are rich and noble, then we evaluate whether the child is able to receive succession and inherit something. Namely:

1. Good direct deities accumulate in the pillar of the year and month - then, as a rule, it is easy to obtain succession and inheritance.

So if there is a direct seal, direct wealth, a direct official, the spirit of pleasure, and these deities accumulate in the pillars of the year and month, gain access to the ONS, then everything is fine, highly respected parents, DD is the right clever girl, the official does not violate the law, in life a lot of luck and getting an inheritance is easy. Namely:

In the year and month the direct official is strong and prosperous, then the person receives numerous protection and patronage, his parents dote on him; if born into a rich family, the parents have a rank or a good reputation; in his youth he “receives land” and an excellent education. A direct official in the National Assembly - in the fate of the DD, the eldest son or successor, is in charge of the affairs and state of the family. A direct official in Star Wars has a good social background and is still capable of gaining fame and notoriety on his own. In the year and month there is Wealth with IF and both prosper - father and mother have fame and insignia. In the year - Wealth, Direct Official or Seal - again one is born prosperous, parents are rich (prosperous) and noble. In the year there are Seal and PCH - the parents are educated and have high positions (ranks). There is a brotherhood in the hour - it does not have older or younger brothers, therefore it also receives the inheritance and merits of its ancestors, as a successor.

In the year and month there is a direct Seal, prospering, indicates that the family has some kind of skill, professional skills, abilities, and they cover the skills and mastery of the ancestors, then prosperity is abundant, no need to worry about clothes and food. The family has a good reputation and skills by nature, if the IF and Direct Seal meet together, then the family has a particularly good reputation. If there is a Direct Seal in the pillar of the year, then the mother and father have talents, no vices, are educated, and are somewhat qualified. In the year in NS there is a Seal, and SV - Robber of Wealth (GB) - younger and older brothers will work together and inherit the family business or property together. There is a seal in the year, and in the month GB - younger and older brothers will inherit the property.

In the year and month there is direct Wealth prospering inside, then a rich and noble family is inherited. In the year and month of Direct wealth and an official, then the DD in fate is rich and noble, if at the same time a Robber of wealth is discovered in the hour, then he will not fight for property and inheritance, this person’s family fortune (financial situation) inside will decline.

In the year and month there is the Spirit of Delight (DS), prosperous indicates that the DS’s ancestors were very rich, and the father and mother received protection, the business and economy of the family are very prosperous, has wealth - in this case, luck and career are doubled, the parents are kind and affectionate. If the financial situation of the family is weak, then the person inherits the virtue of his ancestors, and still receives happiness and longevity.

2. There are oblique stars in the pillars of the year and month, forbidden (troubling) deities gather together, then it is difficult to obtain the protection of ancestors and inheritance.

In every year and month the Brotherhood is prosperous, in this case family merits are easily destroyed, the inherited property of the ancestors, the financial situation of the family is poor and destitute, the DD has many brothers and sisters in his destiny, it is difficult to receive an inheritance.

If the Robber of Wealth stands in the year and month and prospers, then it is even more difficult. If there is destruction, collisions, breaking of the annual pillar, he leaves home, leaves his ancestors, sees his brothers and sisters only in a portrait.

If the wealth robber is found only one in the pillar of the year, then he has an older sister, attaches great importance to duty and honor, loyalty, and is skilled in financial management. If in fate there is a double robber of wealth, a challenge to power, a slanting seal, a slanting official in the hour - all this gives rise to serious troubles in the family and difficult times.

If in a year or month a Challenge to power occurs and flourishes, then both the ancestors and parents have destroyed noble Qi, the ancestors do not have a passed on business/craft/talent, the parents are not harmonious. The father is not profitable, even if he has wealth, is not able to inherit a fortune, will not receive an inheritance, is an unhappy person and has troubles.

In a year or month, Oblique Wealth stands, prospering - then a person is born into a family of traders and businessmen, inevitably visits other countries, provinces, foreign areas, but the father is not profitable. Oblique wealth is revealed in the year in the National Assembly - will achieve success in foreign lands. KB in the GE of the year - numerous adopted offspring, without offspring (if there are none) does not receive family property. If there is no brotherhood within fate, GB, then this is a wealthy and wealthy family. If there is brotherhood within fate, GB - then it will encounter disputes and fight for the inheritance.

In the year, month there is 7 killer prosperous, then he is not the eldest son, has older brothers and sisters. The father is overcome or the father dies in a foreign land. If he encounters conflict or punishment, he will certainly move to other countries, distant lands, and is unable to receive morality and virtue from his grandfathers. His ancestors are from a simple family, of low origin. The 7th murderer is in the NS of the year, then he is born in a decadent family (a family in a state of decline), has with him below something that violates the law of the card - he will bring trouble upon himself. If it acts as a taboo (an annoying deity), then the family is poor and low-born, the poor strata of the population. If the body is prosperous and the 7th killer has a limitation, or the body is weak and the 7th killer is spent on the Seal, then these 7th killers will be considered as officials, and caring deities.

In a year or month there is an Oblique Seal, prospering, unable to receive the merits of ancestors or inheritance, it is advisable to move to live in foreign countries and distant lands. If he has one CP, and the second is at an hour, then the mother and father are not harmonious, or he is an adopted child; if there are too many evil deities within fate, it indicates that a person from a simple poor family, without any opportunity to receive the merits of his ancestors, even if he receives an inheritance, will ultimately lose it. If the year is in the Birth phase, the mother in fate is cold or a stepmother, or a foster mother is raising. In the year there is a KP in the NS, and a ZV stands in the brotherhood - then there are many adopted children. But if the body is prosperous, and the CP has a controlling and limiting KB, or the body is weak and the CP is used (as a useful deity), then it is considered as a good caring deity.

3. There are three criteria indicating the receipt of inheritance and family property.

First: in the year, month there are direct deities and caring stars that can be used by DD bringing good luck:

The person inside the chart in the year, month has Direct official, seal, wealth, the spirit of pleasure prospering, even if they are a taboo (annoying deity), DD's ancestors, parents are unanimously considered good deities and bestow virtues, and at one time had excellent wealth and nobility. However, if a DD is born as the above, then in most cases it declines or becomes impoverished.

Second: in the year and month, direct deities and caring stars have no conflicts or punishments.

If there are collisions and overcomings, then the Noble Qi is harmed and injured, then decline and impoverishment are observed in the family. If it is the deities who are used, then even more so, it is even worse. If these direct deities and stars in the chart are forbidden (annoying), then childbirth help and support is unacceptable. This will increase the extent of destruction of the seed fund, state and affairs.

Third: in the year and month, direct deities and caring stars have relationships (connections in the chart) with the DD.

It is necessary that the year and month be used, with a joyful content, and of course, it is necessary that 10 NS take part with the GE of the day and the pillar of the hour, or the hour in the GE receives a merger, the hour and day symbolize the DD and offspring, and the DD receives a greater connection with ancestors. Otherwise, he will not be able to inherit the property of his ancestors. If the year and month are like a taboo (prohibition), then it is desirable that the NS and GE of the day and hour have the generation, overcoming or merging, or merging with the Repository, some kind of interaction. Then, regardless of large or small size, DD easily inherits his father’s property.

Tags: Ba-Tzu, Metaphysics

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Finally, we have reached a transitional stage: on the night of February 3-4, we will enter the Year of the Dog. That is, the energetic New Year and the moment of transition will occur exactly at this time. +

As has been said more than once, a unique and difficult year awaits us. It is saturated with Earth elements, and in Chinese metaphysics, everything that is too much is always not as good as when everything is in harmony. ​ +

It is very important to understand that the principle “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it” also has its force in Chinese wisdom. It is precisely the mood with which you enter the energies of the New Year, how you meet the New Owner, that affects the whole year. In other words, it is important to show honor and respect to the so-called Prince of the Year, and for this there are certain rules. +

The Prince of the Year comes to the North-West. This means that in this sector throughout the year it is advisable not to make noise, not to make repairs, not to knock with a hammer…. But putting things in perfect order for meeting an important guest in this sector is what you need. This must be done before the transition time. In addition, it is also not recommended to even be facing in this direction; the Prince of the Year does not like to be treated as first name. Therefore, if your workplace “looks” in that direction, or there is a TV in this direction (hanging on the wall), think, maybe it’s worth changing something in your interior.

The North West is a metal sector and is not a very good annual star. It is advisable to neutralize it within a year. How? ​I will talk about this in class on Friday, February 2, 2021, at 20:00 Moscow time. I specially do this master class for everyone who wants to gently enter the new energies of the year and create favorable conditions for themselves to grow, gain strength and be harmonious. +

Lately I have been asked more and more questions on the topic: how to find your destroyers, how to find your “Wealth Robber”, do I have Angels in my chart? +

I answer some of the questions: +

1. How to find a wealth robber. It's very simple. To begin, in the birth chart calculation form on the right on Anna Premiere’s website, enter your data and look at your Personality Element. She looks good during the day. ​ +

If you don't know the time of your birth, it's okay. Here your ignorance is not as required as in other calculations. However, if you were born at the junction of days or sometimes months and even years, then it is better to contact a specialist for a calculation. So, if you were born on February 4, 1960, then some calculators may show you as born in the year of the Rat, and some - in the year of the Pig. And here it will be important to know the time in order to understand when new energies came into their own and whether you found yourself in the New Year or not. The same applies to the time when, taking into account your local calculations, the map can completely change, where the elements of your day will be different, not what you see here in the calculator. If you were born roughly before 23 o'clock and from 2 o'clock in the morning of your local time, and also not on February 4 and 5 of any year, then feel free to rely on the calculations I described. +

Next, please look at your Element of Personality - this is the element that sits in the column called “DAY” - otherwise we say in the Pillar of the Day. In the picture it is Yin Water. Everything is labeled there. Remember it! The opposite polarity - that is, Yang Water - will be a Wealth Robber for such a person. This is how we find out what kind of Robber we have. ​ +

2. How to find your Destroyers. +

Let's look at your calculation again in the calculator. All rules are saved for calculation. Now please pay attention to the lower hieroglyphs in the Pillar of the Day and the Pillar of the Year - these are your most important animal Signs that need to be filled out. In our sign it is a Rooster and a Sheep (Goat). +

Next, look at the Animal Sign clashes. Using our card as an example, the Rooster faces the Rabbit. and the Sheep (Goat) faces the Bull. That is, in other words, your personal destroyers are in this case the Rabbit and the Ox. Of course, in your map the situation will be different. +


Animal Sign Animal Sign
Rat Horse
Bull Goat (Sheep)
Tiger Monkey
Rabbit Rooster
The Dragon Dog
Snake Pig

3. What to do in the days of destroyers and Robbers? And what not to do? +

Now we need the Chinese Calendar. In order to find the dates of our Robbers and Destroyers, we will now go to another calculator on the website Follow the link, it’s clickable, then look carefully - first we need to check the box for “professional version” (in the upper right corner). Hieroglyphs will be revealed to you. Next, find your destroyers and robbers in the calendar. Days are on the left - the leftmost column of each date is the day. Animals always live below, and the elements always live above. So, look carefully at the picture: February 2 for the owner of our card is the Day of the Personal Destroyer - the Day of the Ox, because the Ox collides with the Year of Man. February 4th is another such Day - the Day of the Rabbit as it clashes with the Rooster in the Human Day Pillar. On such days, it is better not to plan anything important, rest more, reschedule some meetings, deals, personal issues. But if there is still no need for transfer, then it is better to “turn on” the correction. +

We will look for the Day of the Wealth Robber by the upper hieroglyphs - in the picture it is February 9, Yang Water Day. As you remember, for the person whose card we took as an example, the Wealth Robber is the Yang Water Element. On such a day, it is recommended to “feed the Robber” so that he himself does not ask you for anything. As a rule, if you don’t feed it, it causes breakdowns in the house, some unexpected, unforeseen expenses, and if you also constantly activate it in your house out of ignorance, you can constantly drain money into nowhere, while it comes to you slowly . What should you spend money on on such days? For utility bills, for a nice purchase for yourself. for certain investments, for example, in yourself through training, etc. +

What you should not or should not do on such days: +

1. It is better not to activate Talismans and not to do Activations for money on such days. If you are new to this, then it’s better not to. If you understand, look at the successful Hours using other systems and see what is translated as a result of the correction. +

2. Do not make dubious and thoughtless purchases, do not be fooled by strange offers, etc. +

3. Rest more, attend to current affairs. Or the second option: on the Days of Destroyers, you can follow the principle of “Run or Fall” - for those who like to take risks and act on a large scale, then go for it. Days like these can bring you to the crest of a wave. Not always, but any disruptors bring changes. +

Using this article, you can also analyze whether the Year of the Dog will be a personal destroyer or a Wealth Robber for you. If so, then it is very important to adjust the year and maintain it throughout the entire period, otherwise it will “throw” wood into the wrong fire. +


For my students, I will conduct a Big Master Class, in which I will give the secrets of “transitional activation” so that you have time to do it during the change of time and years, while in Moscow it will take place, say, at 00:30 from February 3 to 4. What about your time? I will explain this at the Master Class. +

In addition, you will find: +

1. The most striking activations of the days of transition. How to do and what to do. How to activate the time of entering the year itself and how to appease the Prince of the Year. +

2. What are 3 SHAs, how to deal with them. +

3. Which sectors are danger zones in 2021 and which are prosperity zones. +

4. How to find your Mystics and Angels in the map, how to activate them. +

5. How to apply knowledge about the “Noble Man” to receive help throughout the year. +

6.I will give you a Ritual to quickly attract money. It works just like a charm! 7. How to address the Deities in Chinese metaphysics and how requests to the Deities of the year, month, day and hour differ. And where they live in 2021 and in months. +

8. And also everyone. who does not have Taoist Talismans, I will give a Master Class, the cost of which is 2600 rubles! In order for you to have time to activate Talismans for Money and Protection before the Transition to New Energies. +








If you don't have time to get to the class itself, don't worry! The main thing for you is to have time to complete the activation before 12 am from February 3 to 4. To do this, you will have a recorded lesson. Next, you also do activations throughout February and throughout the year. +

See you,

Your Anna

Feng Shui recommends...

The Wealth Robber is not some scary guy in a mask who certainly wants to take something away from you. This is energy that endows a person with certain qualities and, thereby, creates the prerequisites for a certain kind of decisions he makes and actions he performs.

The Wealth Robber can be found in the Pillars of a person's Ba Zi chart, and may appear in the Luck period, year or month.

Who has the Wealth Robber come to in 2021?

The energy component of the year is represented by two signs of the Ba Zi system:

In 2021, the Wealth Robber has come to those whose Personality Element (Earth Yang) .

You should also be wary of those whose Personality Element is 己 ( Yin Earth), if there are many Earth elements in the Ba Zi chart (three or more) or the Earth is quite strong. After all, if there is a lot of some element in a card, it changes its quality to the opposite. That is, if you have many friends, they can also claim your money, and it will be more difficult for you to refuse them.

Stand your Ba Zi card and determine the Personality Element and Wealth Robber.

Now you know who is encroaching on your Wealth?!

Why is the deity called the “Wealth Robber”?

The fact is that () Yin Water, in this case, “attacks” () Yin Fire, which in relation to () Yang Water forms the so-called Direct Wealth, that is, money received in the form salary and/or other regular income, and “takes away” some part. Look at the diagrams:

Please note: only the yin-yang quality changes.

How does the Wealth Robber manifest itself?

Despite its frightening name, its appearance does not mean at all that a person will be robbed over a certain period; most likely, the person himself will give something voluntarily or voluntarily-forced. For example, to pay off fines or interest, spend money on urgent repairs or medical examinations, help relatives, etc.

You must also understand that Wealth in Ba Zi is not just money. These are your ideas, intellectual property, professional skill, relationships, status, health...

Another factor concerns men, since the element of Money for them is the element of the Wife; during such a period another woman (mistress or sister) may appear, vying for his affection.

The Wealth Robber can manifest itself depending on the favorableness of the element.

If this Element is favorable , upcoming expenses will not be a burden; on the contrary, these could be investments in health or training, which will further increase your personal income. Investments in modernizing a business, improving living conditions, helping relatives or friends. In other words, these are investments that create a foundation for the future and will pay off handsomely in the future.

If the Element is unfavorable , unexpected expenses may be the result of impulsive decisions and unwise management of funds. You can lend money to someone without thinking about whether they can return it to you, or you will borrow money yourself without calculating your strength or without finding out the details of the agreement on the terms of return.

Many successful people have a Wealth Robber in their chart, which helps them make good money. Usually during the period when Wealth Robbers come to them, they earn a lot of money because “robbers help rob” others and take over their money.

And since someone has arrived, and someone has left, it is important to learn to recognize the symptoms of robbery (hidden and obvious) and take reasonable countermeasures in a timely manner.

How to protect yourself from the Wealth Robber?

  • Participate in charity, and don’t give a small amount, but an amount that is quite tangible for you. Transfer funds to charitable foundations, buy food, books, clothes, toys for the poor, give unnecessary and idle things to those in need, leave good tips in cafes, taxis, etc.

The main thing is to do it from the heart, without expecting gratitude or praise. Any selfless good deeds will pacify the negative energies of the element.

  • Prioritize your spending.
  • Raise the prices of your products and services ( I'm serious! ).
  • If you know that you have a tendency to provide unsolicited help or perform duties for someone (out of a sense of duty, out of the kindness of your heart, or out of friendship) without payment or gratitude for it, stop doing it. You need to learn to value and respect yourself and your work, clearly understanding that it is worth something. At a minimum, it is worth your time, which you could spend on relaxation, interesting communication or gaining knowledge.

Always, before agreeing to work for someone or instead of someone, set a price for your work. Yes, perhaps this someone will be offended and refuse your services. And let it be, but you will have time for something more pleasant and useful.

  • Invest enough money in your health, training and self-development.
  • Sometimes allow yourself something that may please you, but costs a little more than what you usually buy. Don't buy things on sale, on the contrary, pay a little overpay, but buy something that is really worth the money. If you save again, you will only encourage the Robber, and as a result, you will have to pay even more.

If someone asks you for money during the current Wealth Robber period, give an amount that you are willing to part with completely.

  • Do not succumb to outside persuasion and promises regarding personal investments or profitable investments if you yourself are not well versed in this. If you really want to participate in any financial project, first get the necessary understanding of the participants in the game and its rules.
  • When participating in competitions and contests, fight for victory until the end. Don't relax and don't give in to others .
  • Delight your family and friends with unexpected gifts and surprises.
  • Do not carry out activations: “Warming the Money Star” and “Pushing Money” if you are not sure of the quality of the feng shui of your home and have not yet decided on the elements that are useful for yourself. The effect of such activations may be the opposite.

Everything depends only on our own decisions and actions. Remember this!

Oksana Golubova, Master of Chinese Metaphysical Arts

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Is it possible to do money activations per year with your Wealth Robber?

First, let's find out what a year with the Wealth Robber is. And what kind of beast is this Robber of Wealth


The Robber of Wealth is the Heavenly Stem, which in element coincides with the element of Personality, but differs in the polarity of yin and yang

. That is, if the Personality 甲Yang Tree, then the Robber is the trunk 乙Yin Tree. This Heavenly trunk, which will rob the Personality, can appear in the Heavenly trunk of the coming year, or it can hide in a certain Earthly branch. The fact is that the Heavenly trunks are hidden in the Earthly branches and one of them is the main or dominant one. And if the Robber of Wealth dominates in some branch, then we also believe that this branch has all the properties of this sign. For example, hidden in the 寅Tiger is the dominant Heavenly Trunk 甲Yang Tree, which is the Robber for the 乙Yin Tree Person. Therefore, when the year of the Tiger comes, then for people of the Yin Tree Personality, the Robber of Wealth appears.

In the table below, you can find your Wealth Robber. This can be either a Heavenly trunk or an Earthly branch.

Personality ElementWealth Robber
Heavenly trunkEarthly branch
丑Ox 未Goat

When a year or pillar of fortune comes in which there is a Robber in the Heavenly Stem or the Earthly Branch, we say that it is a year with a Wealth Robber

. Until recently, this factor was not given too much importance. Although, of course, during a consultation, any astrologer will warn the client, having seen such signs in his chart, that he needs to pay attention to certain issues in the financial sector. The fact is that one of the manifestations of the Wealth Robber is to provoke the loss of funds. Moreover, the options can be very diverse, from the banal loss of a wallet to serious unplanned financial expenses.

But not always. And not in all cards. In half of the Bazi cards, the arrival of the Robber can serve as a sign of improved financial condition. This happens if the Robber element is useful. That is, the Personality is weak, an assistant comes in the form of another person and the Personality gets the opportunity to control money. A person can earn money with the help of other people.

But on the Internet they love to scare people. And they made some kind of scarecrow out of the Wealth Robber. The main motive is that if a year has come with the Wealth Robber, then monetary activations cannot be carried out. Because money will be lost or spent. This is a false statement

. This is the same as saying to a person who has loan payments: why do you need to earn money, you will pay it back anyway.

Cash activations

, such as Warming the Money Star, walks along Qi Men, activating the Noble Helpers of the Year and others
can be carried out in a year with the Wealth Robber!
And just to be on the safe side, it is recommended that, after receiving additional income after activation, you give a certain amount (usually 10%) to charity. By the way, this is useful for everyone, and not just for those who have had a year with the Wealth Robber.

Therefore, feel free to activate and improve your money luck. If you are very concerned about whether activation will harm you, you can consult an astrologer. He will tell you exactly what the threat of the appearance of the Wealth Robber is and whether it will be negative. And further. If you are absolutely sure

If you are sure that in a year with
the Wealth Robber
you cannot carry out activations, then it is better not to do them. Internal mood, fears and concerns work very strongly. If you are afraid, don’t do it; if you do, don’t be afraid!

Art of Bazi

When the chart deals with the issue of personal relationships, one of the stars (deities) that is important for both sexes in addition to the spouse's star is the "Wealth Robber" star 劫財 Jie Cai. When this star dominates the chart, it noticeably begins to influence the quality of personal or family relationships for men. And here we are interested not only in the character traits associated with this star, but also in the influence of groups of people who are associated with it. Technically, from the point of view of Wu Xing (interaction of elements), “Wealth Robber” is opposed to the star Direct Wealth 正財 Zheng Cai, which in the male chart corresponds to the consort star.

Personality elementDirect WealthWealth Robber
甲 Yang Tree己 Earth Yin乙 Yin Tree
乙 Yin Tree戊 Earth Yang甲 Yang Tree
丙Fire Yang辛 Metal Yin丁 Fire Yin
丁 Fire Yin庚 Metal Yang丙Fire Yang
戊 Earth Yang癸 Yin Water己 Earth Yin
己 Earth Yin壬 Yang Water戊 Earth Yang
庚 Metal Yang乙 Yin Tree辛 Metal Yin
辛 Metal Yin甲 Yang Tree庚 Metal Yang
壬 Yang Water丁 Fire Yin癸 Yin Water
癸 Yin Water丙Fire Yang壬 Yang water

This star may give a tendency to put friends and company first rather than family. This is because the "Wealth Robber" represents his personal friends and associates in a person's chart. Instead of spending time with his family and wife, a man will prefer to go out with friends, especially if "Wealth Robber" is a useful element in the chart. He is always ready to respond to the requests and problems of his friends, but he may lack the feeling, the sense of responsibility that he needs to help his wife when she has problems.

Also, if this star is dominant, the man may have financial problems, or he lives on credit and is beyond his means, he likes to “spend money”. This can be an obstacle to creating relationships and a family, since there is no means to support it. From the bazi point of view, in this case, the “Wealth Robber” * potentially suppresses the Wealth star or it is weak initially. And since this is also the element of a wife for a man, the relationship will be influenced in any case.

“Wealth Robber” is a unique star, as it represents a wide range of friends and partners, as well as competitors and rivals in life. This is especially true for protecting the spouse’s element. Thus, if this star is dominant in the chart, it may mean that competition is prevalent in the person's life. Everything a person tries to achieve or achieve in life happens in a highly competitive environment, including matters of the heart. And a situation arises where romantic relationships are under a negative influence because it is necessary to “win” in competition, but it is also difficult for a man to develop and maintain relationships, since he is too “busy” with friends, and friends can be of both sexes.

A man can easily get acquainted with the opposite sex, since the star of “Wealth Robber” gives popularity and attention, sociability and the person can even eventually get married. But when there are no real deeds behind the words, life goes beyond one’s means, friends come first, and there are no means to support the family, then problems in relationships and marriage will increase. If you do not pay attention to the characteristics of the dominant Wealth Robber in the bazi chart, this can become an obstacle to the development and maintenance of relationships.

Any deity has its own positive and negative traits and characteristics. In the case of dominance in the chart, it is necessary to consciously pay attention to the positive aspects and try not to manifest or control negative tendencies and actions.

*- depending on the quality of the star.

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