Feng Shui for November 2021: favorable and unfavorable days

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Feng Shui is an ancient teaching that allows you to find harmony and find happiness. Feng Shui forecast for every day helps both men and women who are trying to manage their own lives. Such a prediction will show favorable and unfavorable days, will allow you to avoid danger and take advantage of a fateful chance.

Detailed feng shui forecast

What is feng shui forecast

Feng Shui forecast is based on the influence of energy and elements on a person’s life. Energy is everything that surrounds a person, what makes him stronger or weaker. A detailed forecast includes a list of events by date of the month. Over 12 full cycles a year, a man and a woman will experience success, disappointment and a new opportunity to radically change the world. For the forecast to be helpful, it must be used before making important decisions, before signing contracts and planning a trip.

Favorable and unfavorable days affect a person’s well-being. The forecast shows when it is necessary to protect health, and when a person will be filled with energy for new achievements.

Forecasts are combined with signs of Feng Shui and other methods: amulets (made with your own hands) work in combination with such a forecast - they can protect you from any negativity.

Why do you need a forecast?

Successful and unsuccessful moments written down by day are additional tips. Changing energy flows does not always affect a person, but over time it can change his well-being. It depends on the specific day how quickly a person gets promoted, how a protracted conflict ends, and how quickly he recovers.

Feng Shui calendars are detailed and simple: each day has its own warnings and advice. The energy of the day determines good or bad luck for certain groups of people - single, married, searching for love or professional success. As a result, the days of the calendar create a unique forecast for a man or woman.

Other important information

Tai Sui - Grand Duke Jupiter: Northeast (202.5 - 217.5 °)

This year the Grand Duke is in the North-Eastern sector, so it is better not to “move the ground” here and not carry out repairs this year, especially major construction work in this direction. In general, if possible, it is better to spend less time in this sector of your home. It is advisable not to sit facing the northeast, it is believed that Tai Sui will perceive such behavior as opposition, and this will lead to losses, obstacles in business, demotion and defeat

Place the Pi Yao talisman, Tai Sui plate or card of the year here. For Tai Sui to support you, sit with your back to the northeast and place the Tai Sui 2021 plaque here

Those born in the years of the Ox, Dragon and Goat should wear protective amulets.

Sui Po: South-Southwest (22.5 - 37.5°)

“Destroyer of the Year” this year is located in the South-South-West sector, so it is better not to “move the ground” here and not carry out repairs this year, especially large construction work in this direction. Don't make too much noise here and don't light this area too much. Try not to renew or disturb the Qi in the Tai Sui and Sui Po areas, otherwise you may experience health problems. This is especially true for older members of your family.

Forecast for January

January is a month of change. Whatever trial a person faces, he can learn a valuable lesson from it.

From day 5-6, the Water Ox will influence a person’s behavior. This is a powerful animal that does not know how to obey rules. Within a month you need to prepare for further changes.

From the 7th-8th the dominant element will be Metal, and then Water. Two opposite elements can complement each other.

From January 9 to 16: the more effort a person makes, the faster he will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation (the flexible element of Water gives cunning and proper resourcefulness).

At the end of the month, January will give you time for reflection - from the 25th a quiet period begins, which will last about a week.


10.11.2021NWHorse (11-13)Dragon
16.11.2021NERabbit (5-7)Dogs
18.11.2021SWRooster (17-19)Rats

*The article indicates solar time.

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Forecast for February

Planning your year

February is the last month according to the eastern calendar.

Feng Shui forecast for February is the foundation of the main prediction of the year. In February, a person will be able to decide on an occupation for the next 3 years. This is course selection month.

February highlights:

  • successful travels at the beginning of the month;
  • the more communication there is, the more new opportunities will appear in your personal and professional life;
  • increased cash flow;
  • time planning for the future.

February shows how successful and productive the whole year will be - whatever mood you have at the beginning of the year, it will remain that way.

Favorable and unfavorable days

February consists of favorable and unfavorable days.

According to Feng Shui, you need to wait for luck on the 1st, 3rd, 4th. These days, everything planned will be realized, and your energy will not be wasted.

On February 2, you need to concentrate on important matters.

According to Feng Shui forecast, the 5th, 6th and 7th are favorable in all endeavors.

Starting from the 8th, you must be careful: quarrels with your family and loved ones are possible.

From February 9 to 12, destruction will come into a person’s life. This is a long period of stagnation, difficult and incomprehensible situations. The more a person delves into pressing problems, the less time he will have to solve them.

From the 14th, a person finds answers to troubling questions: problems lose relevance and importance, they no longer create internal tension.

The 18th is neutral. According to Feng Shui, the search for harmony will begin on the 19th. A person needs to take care of work and home affairs.

Advice for the end of February: plans cannot be approved before February 26, because they are not destined to come true. The 28th promises good luck to everyone who has invested effort and patience in a long-term project.

Flying Stars of the Year

How should you use the energy of the Flying Stars, and how can you optimize your chances in 2021? First of all, to do this you need to accurately determine the sectors of your home or office. You will need a compass or a special computer application. You can’t just tell yourself: since the Sun rises in that direction, it means it’s the East; such a method will not work. Then you need to sketch out a plan of your home, even a short one, so that you get a square, the outer sides of which correspond to the boundaries of your house or your apartment. Each side of the square must be divided into three parts, resulting in 9 equal squares. After this, you must determine the directions of these squares or sectors. The easiest way is to position yourself in the center of a house or apartment and use a compass to navigate in different directions. Mark the resulting directions on your plan: North, North-East, East, South-East, South, South-West, West, North-West and, of course, the center. If you are missing a sector, this means that the energy of the star that should be in it will have little effect on your life.

There are 9 Flying Stars in total: 8,9,1,6 and 4 are considered favorable, stars 2 and 5 are negative, and stars 3 and 7 are also negative, but with a weaker effect.

In addition, there are two annual disasters: Grand Duke Jupiter and the Three Assassins.

Before February 3, be sure to do some general cleaning, especially thoroughly cleaning those corners that you usually don’t reach. Before placing special objects in the sectors to activate the stars or, conversely, to neutralize their negative energy, these “medicines” should first be cleansed with incense or lemon water. Or - a strong air flow - aeration. “Medicines” should be placed in the sectors on February 4th.

To achieve the best effect, we first neutralize the unfavorable sectors, and then activate the favorable ones.

Forecast for March

According to the Chinese solar calendar, March is the month of the Rabbit. This sign is patronized by the element Wood. Feng Shui in the third month of the year promises a flourishing of internal forces: every deed, contribution, action will entail rapid changes. The rabbit brings people together. Family connections, friendship and love are important this month.

March is held under the motto: “softness, tenderness and simplicity conquer cruelty.” A period full of successful events will bring unexpected joy to everyone who managed to work in February. From mid-March, the period of Mercury retrograde comes - it’s time to start important things and long-awaited projects.

A successful start to spring

Favorable and unfavorable days

March will be a month without difficulties and trials. The time for objections from all living things in nature will bring confusion into the souls of those who are not confident in themselves, and will give peace to those who have long decided on plans for the future. In March, you need to avoid unplanned trips.

Feng Shui forecast for every day:

  • On March 8 and 20, positive trends will appear - good luck will accompany the person;
  • On March 16 and 28, you can start business in the long term - these are projects that are aimed at big profits;
  • March 5, 6, 18 and 30 are days of danger;
  • March 11 and 23 are days of minimal activity.

The most dangerous day of the month will be March 19. This is a period of complete destruction. On this day, it is better not to make final decisions or plan a meeting with a potential business partner. It is better to avoid decisive actions on March 13 and 25. During a dangerous period, chronic diseases or people who in the past only brought harm may remind themselves.

The first and last days of March will be successful. This is a period of growth, development and planning. If the first prerequisites for a new project appeared in February, then in March it needs to be supported by realistic plans.


18.11.2021NEDragon (7-9)Rats
21.11.2021NEDog (19-21)A rabbit
22.11.2021SWPig (21-23)Dragon
24.11.2021SWMonkey (15-17)Horses
02.12.2021ZRabbit (5-7), Pig (21-23)Tiger
04.12.2021ZBull (1-3)Dragon
05.12.2021ZHorse (11-13)Snakes

Forecast for April

April will be a measured, calm month.

The most favorable days will be the 7th, 8th, 15th and 27th - on these days you won’t have to put in a lot of effort for a good result.

The first days of April will be unsuccessful: on the 1st and 3rd you need to pay attention to your health - poor health will be a signal.

From the 10th to the 13th, negative trends will prevail - quarrels, conflicts, disputes that will not end soon. The end of the month will not bring good news. The last two days will bring troubles and minor troubles.

Feng Shui forecast for favorable sectors in November 2021

Sector South Star of the month 9. Star of the year 1.

An excellent sector, success comes through the power of the mind. Promotion and high position in government are likely. Good relationship between husband and wife, many children. In the south in November there are energies favorable for conception.

Sector Northeast Star of the month 8. Star of the year 9.

The energies of the northeast in November bring: holidays and happy events. Parties. Good work, Joy. Huge wealth.

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Forecast for May

In May, a new round of business and relationships begins. From the first numbers, luck will burst into a person’s life.

Until the 4th, each person will be able to show what they are capable of. This is the month of demonstrating strength and aspirations.

The middle of the month will be difficult. Weakness and malaise will appear: the person will seek solitude, calm, balance. During this period, it is important to focus on one thing. The more a person spreads himself, the less he will achieve.

Every day until May 10th will seem too difficult and exhausting, but these difficulties are temporary.

The motto of the month: “if today is a bad day, tomorrow will be a chance to make it better.”

Favorable and unfavorable days

May is rich in internal changes. The transformations that began in January will continue. Outwardly, the person will remain the same, but internal changes will occur throughout the months. The most favorable days: 2, 6, 14, 20 and 23. On these days you can decide on risky deals or take on a new business.

Unfavorable days: 4th, 5th, 12th, 17th, 25th and 29th. They will bring a lot of destruction and disappointment. You should not try to change something today if the energy of destruction has affected family or work matters. The Feng Shui forecast promises that a more favorable period will soon come. The end of the month will be neutral and calm.

How to create a student's daily routine

Usually classes in universities begin at 9 o'clock. We will build on this.

waking up, warming up
road to the university (if it takes more or less, add or subtract time)
time to undress, change shoes, etc.
classes at the university. It is worth packing 2 breakfasts at 11 a.m. and a full lunch at 1 p.m. at this time. Mastering knowledge requires calories!
way home/to the hostel
light afternoon snack (fruits, dairy products, etc. It’s better not to drink coffee, it will be difficult to sleep)
rest. You should not start studying immediately after classes. But you can sleep, but not more than half an hour
preparation for classes, sports, personal matters, etc.
cooking and dinner
Personal things
going to bed

3 tips for students on daily routine

  • It is better to learn by heart in the period from 21:00-22:00, this time is most conducive to remembering information.
  • The best rest is a change of activity. You have to study a lot - then watch a “stupid” comedy, sit a lot - go for a run or just walk.
  • This is an approximate order with the most basic activities. Of course, you can change it to suit yourself.

Summer forecast

Best bright time

Summer will be a time of relaxation and necessary calm.

  • Travel is favorable in June, especially in the last week. Traveling out of town or to another country will give you new impressions and fill you with strength that will come in handy in the fall. June will pass without health complications: you need to be wary of the 14th-15th, when active actions are undesirable - there is a possibility of injury.
  • In July there will be a light summer atmosphere. The second month does not bring any serious problems. As soon as a person decides on rest, internal anxiety and tension will go away. The middle of the month is favorable - it is better to spend this period with family and loved ones. At the end of July, important news from afar is possible: it is better not to lose touch with others after the 25th.
  • August will bring many new acquaintances. In the last week you need to gather your strength. It is better not to leave unfinished business and free yourself from old obligations.

Activations to attract financial luck and income growth (generals)

This is another activation to improve your financial situation and prosperity. This month, only a candle is used as an activator.

15.11.2021ZMonkey (15-17)CandleRooster
04.12.2021INMonkey (15-17)CandleDragon

Forecast for autumn


In September, the element of Fire is activated, which is responsible for the destruction of what has long outlived its usefulness. It is necessary to prepare for the fast pace of life - September radically changes relationships at work.

The first month of autumn is suitable for traveling long distances.


October will be busy:

  1. From the 1st to the 5th you need to get down to work. Omissions during this period are fraught with serious consequences.
  2. 6 and 7, it is better not to rely on the people around you and do everything on your own - an unfavorable day promises many tests of loyalty, which not everyone will pass.
  3. Until the 15th there will be many events that will take up all your free time.
  4. From 16 to 18 are favorable days. You can continue new activities or plan the development of old projects.
  5. Until 20, it is better not to risk your own health and avoid extreme activities.
  6. From 27 to 29, luck accompanies everything. Walking and relaxing with family will be good.


November is the month that shows the results of old affairs. These are rewards, profit from a project or well-deserved praise. A person says goodbye to everything that has become obsolete and makes plans for the future.

Personal horoscopes

Individual horoscopes from Oculus. Natal chart, synastry

Love forecast for the month

Forecast for you personally. Love, flirting, marriage.

Natal chart with interpretations of planets in signs.

Sexual compatibility horoscope

Special accents of the compatibility horoscope, interpretation.

Your individual astrological code in love.

Horoscopes from Oculus

- These are daily and personal horoscopes, as well as online services, most of which are offered free of charge. Read general and love horoscopes from Oculus for today, tomorrow, week, month and the whole year 2021!


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