Find out the meaning of floors according to Feng Shui. How to choose the best floor according to Feng Shui? Examples.

There are no good floors and bad ones. Each contains its own energy. It is basic and it is easy to determine whether the chosen apartment is favorable or not. By taking this energy into account according to a general Feng Shui analysis of the apartment, you can choose the housing that will bring the greatest benefit and help you achieve your goals. How can you choose an apartment floor for yourself and your family with greater benefit? Thus, the floor on which the apartment is located (Feng Shui project) has a special influence, which can be determined by the influence of Space (Earth) and Time (Sky).

The meaning of the numbers in the floor number according to Feng Shui

1Beginning and unity, creation, success in business and endeavors, constant personal growth.
2Two means “easy” and, having a dual nature, represents yin-yang balance, partnership, harmony and peace. Also, the number 2 doubles the energy of neighboring numbers, both positive and negative.
3A symbol of rapid growth and development, the realization of desires. Three is the unity of Heaven, Earth and Man.
4In Chinese houses, there is no fourth floor: after the third, the fifth floor begins in the numbering. And the 4th level can be designated by some hieroglyph with a good meaning. In the elevator you will also not find a button with the number “4”. This is because the word “four” in Cantonese (one of the Chinese dialects) sounds very similar to the word “death”. In the Celestial Empire they believe that four in combination with other numbers is negative. For example, the number 24 means an easy death (remember that 2 means “easy”), and the number 64 portends monetary losses. But we don’t live in China, we don’t associate the number four with death, and therefore this superstition has nothing to do with us.
5It means “absence”, “nothingness” and represents the balance of energies.
6According to Feng Shui, living on the 6th floor is very favorable, since the number six is ​​consonant with the Chinese word for “prosperity.”
7A lucky number meaning “confidence”, “certainly”. For example, the number 78 can be interpreted as “guaranteed wealth.”
8In Cantonese it sounds like the word "jewel". Wealth, prosperity, abundance, big money. One of the luckiest numbers in Chinese culture.
9"Emperor's Number", the king of numbers. The word "nine" in Chinese has a similar sound to the word "health". Symbolizes fullness, completeness and constant prosperity in the future. By the way, nine cannot be “spoilt”: no matter how many times you add or multiply it, the result will always be 9.

How to find the center of your home

  • Initially, we find the extreme points that exist.
  • Second, we determine the shape that came out (square, rectangle, polygon - it’s different for everyone).
  • Third, we draw lines through these extreme points, respectively, at the junction - we get the center.
  • Fourth, from this center we can postpone any degrees that we need.

Finding the center of your home according to Feng Shui

Everything is simple, when we make compass measurements, for a forecast for the year, we need to stand in the center of our room with a compass (the arrow will always point north). This is where the arrow points - it will be “zero”. From this zero you can plot all degrees and cardinal directions. (No clear measurements are required, as in classical Feng Shui).

Using this zero, we divide our home into eight sectors (called bagua).

The center of the room can be considered a circle - with a diameter of two meters, if a small dwelling - then about one.

After such a plan, we turn to the sectors where:

  • Your bed (spend half your life in this place).
  • The door from where you enter/exit – this place is activated (the mouth of your home), QI energy flows through it.
  • Where you work also has a big impact.
  • The window through which you most often look is also a powerful flow of energy received.

These sectors will have the greatest impact on you.

Your element according to Feng Shui and floor

Now let's look at how to choose or adjust the floor according to your element. Below is a table showing your element and its interaction with the element of the floor.

If you live alone, then, of course, focus on your element. Everything is simple here. For a family, the element of the person who earns the most should be taken as a basis. Nowadays, it can also be a wife if her salary significantly exceeds that of her husband.

You can find out your element in the article “Your element according to Feng Shui.”

Ján Jakub Naništa/Unsplash

So, let's see which feng shui floors are right for you according to your element, and how you can adjust the feng shui if the floor doesn't suit you.

Your element is Water

Jong Marshes/Unsplash
Most suitable floors:

1st, 6th and all that end in the numbers “1” or “6” (11th, 16th, 21st and so on).
They all belong to the element of Water. Favorable:
4th, 9th and all ending with the numbers “4” or “9”, as they relate to the friendly and supportive element - Metal.

Unfavorable floors for people of Water and methods of correction according to Feng Shui:

  • 2nd, 7th and all ending in “2” or “7” (Fire). They obey the element of Fire, which evaporates Water. Minimize the use of fiery colors (red, orange, bright yellow and hot pink) in the interior and add water colors (black, blue, dark blue, light blue).
  • 3rd, 8th and all ending in "3" or "8" (Tree) and 5th, 10th and all ending in "5" (Earth). Wood weakens Water, because Water helps it grow. The element of Metal will come to the rescue, strengthening Water while destroying Wood. Add metallic colors to the interior: white, gray, silver, gold, steel, bronze. For example, one or more of these colors can be chosen for the front door or walls.
  • 5th, 10th and all that end with the number “5”, because they relate to the element Earth, which controls and limits Water. Metal, which softens the Earth, will also help here: it is born in its depths and depletes it. Do not allow an excess of Earth colors (brown, sand, beige, terracotta) in the design of your home.

Your element is Wood

Jan Huber/Unsplash
The most suitable floors according to Feng Shui:

3rd, 8th and all that end in “3” or “8” because they belong to the element of Wood.
1st, 6th and all ending in “1” or “6”, as they belong to Water, which nourishes the Tree.

Unfavorable floors for Wood people and Feng Shui correction methods:

  • 2nd, 7th and all ending with “2” and “7” (Fire).
  • 4th, 9th and all ending in “4” or “9” (Metal).

It is recommended to paint the front door in Water colors (black, dark blue, blue or light blue). Water extinguishes Fire, which burns Wood, and corrodes Metal, which cuts Wood.

Your element is Fire

Hayden Scott/Unsplash
The most suitable floors according to Feng Shui:

2nd, 7th and all ending in “2” or “7” because they belong to the element of Fire.
3rd, 8th and all that end in “3” or “8”, as they belong to Wood, which supports Fire.

Unfavorable floors for Fire people and methods of correction according to Feng Shui:

  • 1st, 6th and all that end in “1” or “6” (Water).
  • 5th, 10th and all that end with the number “5” (Earth).

Water and Earth extinguish Fire. Therefore, it is best if your front door is brown or any shade of green. These are the colors of Wood, which strengthens the fire element.

Your element is Earth

Ales Krivec/Unsplash
The most suitable floors according to Feng Shui:

5th, 10th and all that end with the number “5”, because they relate to the element Earth.
2nd, 7th and all ending in “2” or “7”, as they belong to Fire, which creates the Earth.

Unfavorable floors for people of the Earth and methods of correction according to Feng Shui:

  • 3rd, 8th and all that end in "3" or "8" (Tree).
  • 4th, 9th and all ending in “4” or “9” (Metal).

Wood and Metal deplete the Earth and take away its strength. Therefore, the element of Fire, which strengthens the Earth, will help here. I will not give advice here on painting the front door a fiery color (red, orange, yellow or hot pink), since this would be very extravagant for the Russian climate. Just add more of these rich colors to the interior in the form of accents and details.

When is the best time to move into a new apartment?

The time to move to a new home is different for everyone. There is no standard solution, and there cannot be! Many people feel elated on one day and depressed on another. Time is very heterogeneous. Therefore, there is such an ancient astrological system - Qi Men Dong Jia, it was originally used to conduct successful combat maneuvers.

Now the Qi Men Dong Jia system is successfully used in life and business. It is precisely from this that you can calculate when and in what direction you need to move in order to get a positive result in the house.

Then life will start positively, it will be easy to organize it in the best possible way. This technology applies to every aspect of life. It can be used just like that. Knowing for some time (direction) - go in it to get an influx of good energy. Save it, invest it in the direction we need (health, business, partnership, passing exams, etc.).

This teaching depends on knowledge (at what time, direction), there is positive energy!

Rule for the bedroom at home

The bedroom is the holy of holies. And an important rule of Feng Shui:

  • The master or hostess must have the largest, most spacious bedroom if they truly wish to dominate the house.
  • It is important that the bed is not located against a long wall if the bedroom architecture is L-shaped - otherwise you can expect constant stress, depression and disappointments from life.
  • According to the rules, there should be no lush, massive curtains in the bedroom; there should be no large or small computer or other tables or tables near the bed.

Mirrors and a TV in the bedroom - on the walls or on the ceiling - mean quarrels, troubles, conflicts in the family. According to Feng Shui, the ceiling in the bedroom should be in contact with the walls at an angle of 90 degrees: if various projections and ceilings interfere with this, then they should be leveled with flowers in pots, flowerpots or suitable furniture.

As for the bed, the head of the bed must be higher than the foot of the bed, otherwise everything in the life of people sleeping on the bed will be topsy-turvy.

Previously, the center of the apartment seekers using the lo pan compass

Rule for the hall, living room of a house, apartment

In the hall, the ceiling and walls should also touch at an angle of 90 degrees, but if this does not happen, you need to hang flowers in pots, paintings in the niches, put vases, decorate the niches with fabrics, or simply choose wallpaper in color and texture that would make this transition, imperceptible.

To attract success and good luck into your home according to Feng Shui, place large family photographs on the wall (the family in the photo should be in full force) in an oval or rectangular frame.

The living room must be:

  • Spacious,
  • Svetloy,
  • Cozy,
  • No unnecessary furniture,
  • Decorated with fresh flowers in pots.

The sofa and chairs should have their backs to the walls, otherwise they will block energy. To attract money and wealth into a house or apartment, the TV should be placed in the far corner of the room. It is advisable that there are no open bookshelves in the room, which entails serious illness, loss of strength and optimism.

General rules for an apartment or house

In order for energy to circulate well in the house, you need to get a pet. It is best to get a turtle, a frog or a small tiger - a cat. Also, energy exchange in the apartment can be significantly improved:

  • Having hung different bells and wind chimes in the house;
  • Loudly ticking wall clock;
  • Turn on the water fountain regularly.

To attract wealth, money and success to a house or apartment according to Feng Shui, it is advisable to place an orange or lemon tree in the most unfavorable areas of the house (for example, in the toilet or in the hallway), while different colors should predominate in different corners of the house.

Water is a symbol of wealth, wood is a symbol of success, creativity and good digestion, fire according to Feng Shui is a symbol of vitality and love, earth is a symbol of luck and success in life.

It is desirable that all four elements are represented in the house:

  • Fire is light bulbs or candles;
  • Earth - soil in flower pots and everything that has a yellow-brown color;
  • Water - a fountain or a small waterfall, as well as mirrors;
  • Tree - plants and green color.

It is also very desirable that, according to the rules of Feng Shui, there are metal symbols in the house or apartment - gold, silver or platinum, which provides the residents of the house with success, abundance and entrepreneurial spirit.

Rule for the bathroom and toilet of the apartment

The bathroom and toilet are the most unfavorable areas in the house and apartment. It is through them that positive energy flows out of the house if the necessary measures are not taken. So, two main rules:

  • If you want to attract success, luck, happiness, love, wealth, money and success to your house or apartment, you need to keep these rooms in perfect, “polished” cleanliness.
  • Secondly: no junk or unnecessary things.

In the kitchen, according to the rules of Feng Shui, it is strictly forbidden to place shelves above the dining table (and not only in the kitchen, but above tables in general in the house). The table on which food is prepared must be placed so that the cook can see every individual entering the kitchen. If this is difficult to do, then you need to hang a steel, reflective tray or a large mirror directly opposite the front door so that the cook can see people entering the kitchen and not be scared.

There should be no brooms, brooms or dustpans in the kitchen. The area around the trash can should be clean. In the bathroom, there should also be no visible cleaning products, such as:

  • buckets;
  • brooms;
  • scoops;
  • rags;
  • mop;
  • detergents.

Otherwise, you can’t expect success either in your personal life or in your work.

Also, according to the rules of Feng Shui, if the bathtub is located in a room combined with a toilet, then it should be separated from it by at least a symbolic curtain. Moreover, the lid on the toilet should always be closed, unless, of course, you want all your money to fly down the drain, or, more correctly, to float down the toilet.

It is advisable to find a place in the toilet for a living indoor plant - a flower in a pot (best of all - an orange or lemon tree).

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