When should you cut your hair to attract money? Advice from astrologer Olga Nikolaeva

» Feng Shui » All information about hair according to Feng Shui



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Beautiful healthy hair is the pride and adornment of any woman. But few people know everything about Feng Shui hair. They are a symbol denoting the feminine energy of yin. Feng Shui specialist Natalya Pravdina talks about many secrets of attracting luck, money and other benefits into your life. After reading the article, you will become even more careful about your curls.

All information about hair according to Feng Shui

Lunar calendar of haircuts.

The lunar calendar for haircuts will help you find out what days are the best to visit a hairdresser. Following the advice of such a calendar, you can improve the condition of your hair, and also not push cash flows away from your life, but, on the contrary, attract them.

So which days are favorable according to the lunar calendar?

  1. 5th lunar day. On this day, all hair-related procedures will attract money to you.
  2. 14th day. If you cut your hair on this day, then such a haircut will be a magnet for wealth. You may have a new property. This day will also help you achieve career growth, increase your salary and gain a good relationship with your boss.
  3. 21st day. Your well-being will improve after going to the hairdresser on this day. This day also has a good effect on business development.
  4. 22nd day. If you have plans to conduct a trade transaction with property, then it is better to choose this day for a haircut.
  5. 27th day. A haircut on such a day will attract not only wealth into your life, but also good luck in all areas of life.

There are only five days that have a good effect on your financial situation. But there are days to avoid. Because a haircut may not only not attract money, but also cause even more problems related to finances. What are these days like?

  1. 3rd lunar day. On this day, you don’t need to take your curls to a haircut even to the best hairdresser. As a rule, unexpected expenses await you after this.
  2. 17th day. It is also not a good day for haircuts. After it, you may have problems that will require you to spend a lot of money to solve.
  3. 18th day. Having a haircut on this day may attract thieves and loss of property.

Is it possible to cut hair during menstruation?

Your period is not the best time to cut your hair. During menstruation, hormonal levels change, which affects the condition of the skin, nails and hair. This time is considered unlucky for haircuts.

According to signs, curls weaken, easily tangle and grow slowly, and a woman can get sick or grow old quickly.

The experience of hairdressers shows that strands lose elasticity and shine and become greasy at the roots. This does not allow for good styling.

A woman's menstrual cycle is similar to the lunar cycle. Even if the female cycle is longer, it consists of the same phases as the cycle of the luminary, only their duration is slightly longer.

The first phase of the lunar cycle is experienced in the individual cycle as the bleeding phase. It is unfavorable for any actions with hair.

Signs for attracting money.

Money haircut dates are now starting to be used more and more. There are a few rules you need to follow to make your days actually work.

First main rule.

You only need to get your hair cut on money days. That is, if in January you cut your hair on a money day, and in February on an ordinary day, the true energies of which you don’t even know, this no longer counts. Every time your haircut should be on the money day. In this case, highlighting, dyeing or simply styling do not count. You need to cut off the ends of your hair, no matter what length, even a centimeter.

Second rule.

You can't cut your own hair. But you can paint it yourself at home. Also, spouses cannot cut each other's hair. It is unfavorable for health to have your hair cut on Sundays, as well as on days of solar and lunar eclipses. A haircut should be done between 9 am and 4 pm, while the energy of the day is active.

Third rule.

You should be in a good mood and at the time of the haircut imagine the realization of your goals, your intentions, why you are doing this haircut on a money day.

Is it possible to cut your hair during pregnancy?

Is it possible to cut your hair during pregnancy?
The answer is in our article! People once believed that life was hidden in a woman's hair. The braids of pregnant women were treated with special reverence: the expectant mother was forbidden to cut her hair during the entire period of bearing the child, and especially before giving birth.

Modern magicians also claim that by cutting off hair, a woman loses the vitality she and her baby need.

It is forbidden to even trim the overgrown ends of the curls. Violation of this rule threatens premature birth, short life or termination of pregnancy.

But doctors think differently. Some specifically advise patients to visit the hairdresser if it will lift their spirits. After all, the mother’s positive emotions will have a beneficial effect on the baby’s development.

There is no clear answer to this question. However, it has been observed that hair becomes better during pregnancy. You can use this to start growing them.

Haircut days to attract money by month.


Favorable days: January 5-6, 11 (from 15:16) – January 12, January 14-16, January 21, January 25-26

Unfavorable days: January 2-4, January 9-12, January 17-20, January 23, January 27-31


Favorable days: February 2 – 3 (until 14:28), February 8 – 11, February 17 – 18, February 21, February 28 – 29

Unfavorable days: February 1, February 6 – 7, February 12 – 16, February 19, February 22 – 27


Favorable days: March 1, March 6 (from 12:27) – March 12 (to 12:28), March 15 – 16, March 19, March 21 (to 15:33), March 26 (from 16:36) – March 28

Unfavorable days: March 2, March 4 – 6 (until 12:27), March 12 (from 12:28) – March 14, March 21 (from 15:33) – March 26 (until 16:36)


Favorable days: April 3 – 8, April 11, April 15, April 17, April 23 – 25, April 30

Unfavorable days: April 1 - 2, April 9 - 10, April 12, April 16, April 18 - 22, April 28 - 29


Favorable days: May 1 - 5, May 8 - 9, May 13, May 20, May 24, May 27 - 29, May 31

Unfavorable days: May 6 – 7, May 15 – 19, May 21, May 25 – 26, May 30


Favorable days: June 1 – 2, June 6, June 9, June 16, June 18, June 24 – 28

Unfavorable days: June 3 – 4, June 10 – 15, June 17, June 20 – 23, June 29 – 30


Favorable days: July 2 – 3, July 4, July 15, July 21 – 26, July 29 – 30

Unfavorable days: July 9 – 14, July 17 – 20, July 27 – 28


Favorable days: August 2, August 3 – 4, August 10 – 11, August 17, August 19 – 23 (until 13:15), August 25 (from 15:45) – August 26, August 30 – 31

Unfavorable days: August 5 – 9, August 12, August 15 – 16, August 18, August 23 (from 13:15) – August 25 (until 15:45), July 9 – 14, July 17 – 20, July 27 – 28


Favorable days: September 6 (from 11:43), September 8, September 15, September 19, September 22 – 23, September 26 – 28

Unfavorable days: 1 (from 12:34) – 6 (to 11:43) September, 11 – 14 September, 16 – 17 September, 20 – 21 September, 29 – 30 September


Favorable days: October 4 - 5, October 8, October 11 - 12, October 13 - 15, October 19 - 20, October 23 - 24 (until 15:40) ⠀ Unfavorable days: October 1 - 3, October 6, 9 - October 10, October 16 – 18, October 24 (from 15:40) – October 30


Favorable days: November 1, November 9 – 10, November 12 – 13, November 19, November 20 – 21, November 27 – 29

Unfavorable days: November 4 - 5, November 8, November 11, November 14 - 15, November 22 - 26,




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Zodiac sign and moon.

What do astrologers recommend? They say that a haircut should be planned not only by calculating favorable lunar days, but also by the zodiac sign in which the Moon is located.

On what days should you not get your hair cut?

  1. When the moon is in the zodiac sign Aries or Aquarius. Why? Because shortening your hair will have a bad effect on all areas of your life.
  2. The Moon is in Leo. If your financial situation is already poor, then refrain from going to the hairdresser these days. Because this zodiac sign is capable of blocking the cash flow.

Favorable days:

  • If the Moon is in Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus, then you can safely go to the hairdresser and do whatever you want with your hair. In addition to a good hairstyle, you will also attract wealth into your life.
  • If the Moon is in Scorpio, and you run a business or want a promotion at work, then quickly go for a haircut.

Hairstyles in Feng Shui

Hairstyle says a lot

Hairstyle can change a lot, both in a positive and negative direction.

Often girls with curls try in every possible way to straighten them, and vice versa, those whom nature has awarded with straight hair curl them with curling irons. It is not recommended to do this, since you can attract a lot of troubles into your life and lose harmony.

Everyday hairstyles are also important: a ponytail gathered at the top of the head will help you concentrate better and add energy, and, on the contrary, a bun tied at the bottom will smooth out misunderstandings. It is recommended to let your hair down when you are near your significant other, as this will help you become spiritually closer and bring harmony to your relationship.

When to get a haircut in October 2021 to have a lot of money

Days of October 2021:

  • 3rd, 31st – favorable for debt distribution;
  • The 23rd is favorable for borrowing money;
  • 6, 25th – unfavorable for lending;
  • 7th, 12th – you can buy gifts;
  • 9th, 12th – you need to buy a wallet so that you have money;
  • 10th – you need to count the money;
  • 14th – debts are not repaid;
  • 17th – you can borrow money;
  • 23rd, 25th – no need to ask for a loan.
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