Flower of male happiness - signs for women, men and home

» Signs » Current signs about Anthurium



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The houseplant anthurium (male happiness, flamingo flower, red tongue) is known rather in narrow circles of gardeners, but most of the population have not even heard of it. Meanwhile, this is a very exquisite flower of rare beauty, and it is also quite capricious. Therefore, growing male happiness at home is quite difficult. Those who have been familiar with the flower for a long time know that many superstitions are associated with it among the people. Signs about anthurium - what do they tell you?

Current signs about Anthurium

Why anthurium is called male happiness - a legend

An evergreen plant native to the forests of South America. In Russia it is grown as a houseplant. Anthurium attracts with its large, glossy bright red bracts that appear around the yellow inflorescence-cob. Keeping the plant at home is unsafe due to toxicity. Anthurium juice contains oxalate in small quantities. The concentration of harmful substances is too low for humans. But it is better to keep it away from children and pets.

There is a legend that explains why the flower is called “male happiness.” In ancient times, people were evil and greedy. Divided tribes were ruled by cruel leaders. One of them ended up on the neighbors' property. There he noticed a lovely girl. The ruler was inflamed with passion for her and wanted her as his wife. The girl did not want to get married and refused the cruel man. Then the ruler decided to defeat the tribe and take the rebellious girl by force.

He managed to carry out the plan. On the wedding day, the warriors of the victorious tribe lit a large fire. The girl did not accept her bitter fate. She put on a beautiful red dress and jumped into the fire. By the grace of the gods who took pity on her, the young maiden turned into a beautiful flower. The defeated village was overgrown with impenetrable forests. In the morning, the trees there cry with the dew of bitter tears shed by her dead relatives.

Myth about the flower

According to legend, in ancient times, one tribe was led by a tough leader who knew no mercy. He saw a girl of incredible beauty in a neighboring village and wanted to make her his wife. However, the beauty did not like the bloodthirsty ruler, so she refused. Then the leader’s troops came to the settlement and took the girl by force. Unable to bear such a fate, during the wedding she, dressed in a scarlet dress, threw herself into a fire lit for the occasion of the celebration. The deities watching the beauty took pity. No sooner had the flame touched her skin than the girl turned into a flower. Since then, lush forests have grown near the village, watered by the tears of relatives, who turned into an anthurium beauty.

Anthurium signs and beliefs

There are many superstitions associated with the flower “male happiness”. It is believed that it brings family happiness and financial well-being.

Signs for men

The magical properties of the plant help the strong half of humanity in various areas:

  • get rid of alcoholism and smoking
  • enhance sexual energy
  • increase libido
  • help you take more effective actions
  • improve the condition of the nervous system, relieve apathy and depression

The flower “male happiness”, according to signs and superstitions, has the greatest magical effect during the flowering period. It is at this time that it is recommended to plan and set new goals. The plant will contribute to their speedy implementation.

Signs for women

The anthurium flower is of great importance not only for men. It is useful for women to keep it at home:

  • to attract a man
  • to increase sexual attractiveness
  • for financial well-being

According to one of the signs, if a woman grows anthurium, men will always love her.

For married couples

One of the beliefs says that “male happiness” protects the home. It improves the health of husband and wife, helps get rid of quarrels and misunderstandings. The plant preserves family happiness. Growing this plant in the home helps create a favorable atmosphere.

How to improve your personal life with the help of male happiness

There is an opinion that the plant brings good luck to the owner. If you grow it at home, more favorable moments appear and success comes into your life. It is important not to buy a flower yourself, but to receive it as a gift. In this case, it makes a person bolder and more energetic. Anthurium helps to reveal the strengths of the individual.

If the plant is grown by married couples, communication between spouses becomes more confidential, sincerity appears, and passion that has faded over the years flares up.

It is useful to keep “male happiness” at home for single women who experience difficulties in contact with the opposite sex. Anthurium speeds up the meeting with the right person, attracting male energy into the house. Thanks to the plant, previous difficulties will be overcome and forgotten. A woman will definitely find family happiness.

If scandals do not subside in the family, it is useful to keep anthurium in the marital bedroom. He establishes mutual understanding between husband and wife. It is important to properly care for the flower. Then the difficulties in the family will decrease, peace and harmony will come.

Magic properties

It is known that plants have their own energy. Some feed from a person, others fill them with positivity. Anthurium neutralizes a bad aura and saturates the space with positive emotions. It is useful for desperate people to grow it. The greatest power of a flower is manifested during flowering. Then the plant attracts financial well-being, success, love. It helps restore strength and helps you achieve your goals faster.

Health effects

The plant perfectly purifies the air. It reduces the number of harmful microorganisms by 70%, eliminates ammonia, formaldehyde, and toluene. It is useful to keep anthurium in the room during the heating season. It humidifies the air well.

The aroma of “male happiness” improves mood, relieves fatigue, and helps restore strength. The substances secreted by the plant destroy staphylococci, streptococci, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

What is the danger of this flower?

It is harmful to keep the plant in the house for people prone to allergic reactions. For those who are especially sensitive, the aroma of flowers provokes headaches and insomnia. You need to work with the plant wearing seals. Toxic juice in contact with skin can cause burns and irritation. You should not inhale anthurium pollen. It causes breathing problems, lacrimation, and runny nose.

Why do you dream

Seeing “male happiness” in a dream means envy of the strong romantic feelings of a couple from your close circle.

Dream detailsDecoding
Several bouquetsSadness
Single flowerJoy
WhiteStarting a family or starting a new business
To sniffGet help or comfort
Dreaming in winterObstacle in business
WomenTowards a promising acquaintance with a man
For menDating an attractive woman
Donate anthuriumsTo parting
Plant in the potTo unexpected profits

Is it possible to give anthurium to a woman?

The plant will be a good gift for a lonely lady or an unmarried woman. It will help you meet a decent man and give women happiness.

Flowers in different rooms

Sometimes we don’t think about it, or we just don’t know, we put flowers in any living space: living room, bedroom, kitchen. But flowers also have attitudes. Let's take a closer look:

  1. On the windowsill they warm up with incoming energy.
  2. In the hallway they greet those entering with friendliness.
  3. The living room does not require plants with bright colors, except for individual plants.
  4. It is better to install tall flowers on the floor.
  5. Squat plants are suitable for bedside tables.
  6. Contrasting bouquets in the room where there are quarrels reconcile household members.
  7. Cacti cannot be placed in the southwestern sector of housing; it promotes quarrels between loved ones.

Flowers affect people's energy in different ways. For example, pineapple strengthens the spirit, hibiscus is suitable for those who are constantly in contact with other people, it helps to complete tasks, and anthurium behaves in a house or apartment as an energy distributor. We will dwell separately on the features of this plant.

Superstitions and signs depending on the state of the flower

You can clarify the effect of signs and predictions by the type of plant.

Why does anthurium bloom?

Under normal circumstances, “male happiness” blooms from February to November. If the flowers persist even in winter, this means good luck in business. A person enters a favorable period when all endeavors lead to success.

If a flower cries

From time to time, transparent drops appear on the leaves of the indoor plant. Some see magic in this phenomenon, but it has a completely scientific explanation. If a lot of moisture accumulates in the ground or air, protective mechanisms are activated. The plant removes excess water through the pores on the leaf blades. Often the atmosphere becomes filled with moisture during inclement weather. Then it is a fair sign that anthurium “cries” before the rain.

If the flower fades

If the condition of the plant is poor, the following signs are true:

  • leaves wither - to deterioration of physical and mental health
  • anthurium turns yellow - to quarrels with household members
  • rotting roots means betrayal by those close to you
  • drying out roots - there are hypocrites among friends
  • if it fades immediately after flowering, the envy of others
  • stem dying means loss of money


Anthuriums are propagated by dividing the bush and by cuttings:

  • Since the first method is quite traumatic for the root system of the plant, it is used with caution. After the procedure, it is imperative to create favorable conditions for the flower to reduce the adaptation period, such as installing a greenhouse dome or frequent spraying with warm water.
  • When cuttings, anthurium takes root in a short time, since the rudiments of aerial roots are already present on the stem.

Is it possible to keep anthurium at home and how to do it correctly

It is necessary to grow “male happiness” at home, taking into account its toxicity. It is advisable to place the pot where children or animals cannot reach it.

Depending on the room in the house

The best place for an anthurium is the master bedroom or living room, where all family members often gather. You need to place the plant in the eastern sector of the house. Do not place it near electrical appliances and heating radiators. They neutralize positive energy. The hallway is another good place for anthurium. With this arrangement, the plant protects the house from uninvited guests. If the person entering feels uncomfortable, it means he came with bad intentions.

Which flower makes a pair

There is a plant that can be grown together with anthurium. We are talking about spathiphyllum, which is also called “women’s happiness.” They are similar and look harmonious together. Spathiphyllum looks more elegant and delicate in comparison with anthurium. The inflorescence with bract resembles a heart pierced by an arrow.

According to legend, plants located nearby enhance each other’s magical effects. They help achieve balance. Married couples become calmer, scandals subside between them, happiness and lightness come. Although the flowers are similar, they require different care. Therefore, they cannot be planted in the same container.

According to feng shui

According to Chinese teachings, anthuriums help open cash flows. The plant is especially effective if the owners are friendly. The plant reacts negatively to bad emotions. It practically does not grow in aggressive people. Feng Shui claims that anthuriums develop intuition and help make the right decisions when developing a business. This flower helps get rid of fears and doubts.

Magical properties of the plant

Anthurium interacts best with Leos, giving them inspiration, strength and harmony in the love sphere.

The red magical flower, called male happiness, is considered the embodiment of courage, creative solutions and passion. Anthurium has a positive effect on owners and cleanses the room of negativity. The magical plant gives confidence to those who are indecisive and helps to show their talents, and helps those who are tired to recover quickly. As a gift, anthurium should be presented to a person whose mind prevails over feelings and who is accustomed to suppressing emotions so that, thanks to the influence of the flower, he achieves harmony. A flowering plant will prevent you from falling into depression and will calm your sleep.

In South America, it is customary to give a flower to newlyweds so that their family life is not overshadowed by grief and there is always prosperity. It is important that the anthurium stays in the home for at least a month. The emitted male energy is suitable for both sexes and will have a magical effect described in the table:

MenWomenMarried couples
Recovery from alcohol addictionAttracting the right partnerEnsuring peace in the family
Quitting cigarettesStrengthening natural immune defensesSmoothing out conflict situations
Treatment of depressive disordersAttracting wealthMaintaining the health of all family members
Increased libidoCreating an overall positive atmosphere

Impact on financial well-being

Anthurium attracts cash flows and other benefits to the home. If it is difficult to find a job or you lack the determination to open your own business, you can purchase arrows of love at a flower shop.

It is recommended to buy several representatives of the flora at once, then carefully monitor their growth. As soon as large flowers appear on the plants, this will be a sign of impending financial improvement.

Plants in the house are not only beautiful, but also good for health. Anthurium has a beneficial effect on all areas of human life, so do not put off purchasing this wonderful flower.

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