What does Khalagah mean in runic fortune telling - upright and inverted

Rune Hagalaz or Hel is the ninth symbol of the Elder Futhark, which was named after the Scandinavian goddess. It is worth noting that this symbol can have different meanings. Therefore, people who want to wear amulets or get a tattoo with such a sign must first understand what it means.

The Hagalaz rune is a symbol that is often used in magic.

Rune Hagalaz: history of origin

The first mention of the Scandinavian rune Hagalaz dates back to the 2nd century BC. e. It was then that the runic system appeared, which was called Futhark. Historians believe that it was first used in Denmark. Gradually such symbols began to be used throughout Scandinavia.

In the first half of the 5th century, runic writing began to spread throughout Great Britain. British shamans slightly expanded the alphabet and added four more runes to it. Thus, the number of Futhark signs increased to 33 characters.

Rune in mythology

According to one of the existing versions, the patroness of the Hagal rune is the Scandinavian goddess Hel, the daughter of Angrboda and the god Loki. She was born in the Iron Forest, which had quite strong magical energy.

After birth, Hel was immediately sent to Odin, who determined her fate. He decided that she would rule the Kingdom of the Dead. Hel was sent there to help and protect human souls. That is why amulets with the Hagall rune are often used for protection.

Some researchers associate this symbol with dark magic and two witches - Thorgerd and Irp. They controlled the weather and could cause hail.

Combination with other runes

Hagalaz is quite difficult to interpret due to its duality. The difficult nature of the rune is aggravated by the fact that in general it brings unfavorable events and promises problems and obstacles. Neighboring runes can help clarify the situation.

Vird - associated with fatal diseases such as AIDS, leukemia or sarcoma. Fehu - portends a deterioration in your health. Speaks of the onset of sudden attacks of dangerous diseases, such as paralysis, stroke, heart attack. Uruz - may indicate infertility or harm from radiation. Turisaz - promises large financial losses and collapse of investments. Ansuz - symbolizes the end of a brilliant career, resignation, leaving a prestigious position, a decrease in status. Raido means a natural disaster at an international level, possibly related to the element of fire. Kano - warns that you have powerful enemies. Gebo is a harbinger of plane crashes. Vunyo - speaks of an upcoming misfortune related to air transport. Nautiz - testifies to the powerlessness of a person, his insignificance in the face of Higher powers. Isa - can become a sign of cancer or extreme hopelessness. Yera - symbolizes total collapse, complete failure, loss of everything valuable. Eyvaz - promises disasters associated with the water element, for example, floods. Perth - speaks of morphine addiction, associated with seriously ill people seeking salvation in painkillers. Algiz - indicates drug addiction. Soulu - predicts weakening or complete loss of vision. Teyvaz - indicates death on the battlefield or troubles in the army. Berkana - portends a dangerous birth, possibly even fatal. Evaz is a sign that you are faced with a terrible secret. Mannaz - speaks of terrible revenge, bloody retribution. Laguz - symbolizes death on the water. Inguz - promises great troubles from droughts and crop failures. Dagaz means a time of prolonged suffering and troubles. Odal - portends failure in business and abandonment of plans for an indefinite period.

How the symbol protects

Many people think that this is a rune of destruction that cannot help people in any way. However, in fact, it acts as Teyvaz, Algiz, Vunyo, Berkana and other protective symbols.

Charms - help protect against damage and the evil eye

Hagalaz is a rather powerful sign that is often used to protect against dark magic and evil forces. It has unique protective properties, thanks to which it can be used for home cleansing rituals.

Quite often, people use protective amulets that are made in the form of this symbol. It helps protect against evil spirits, as well as protect yourself from the evil eye and damage.

Description of the rune

The symbol consists of two lines connected to each other. They symbolize energy flows that move in opposite directions. The movement of the fiery stream is directed upward, as it tends outward. The water flow, on the contrary, is directed downward.

According to some researchers, the sign consists of an inverted and upright position of the Algir rune, which symbolizes the struggle of life with death. It is worth noting that outwardly this sign looks like a snowflake.

Hagalaz - the meaning of the rune

The meaning of the Hagalaz rune interests many people. To find out what exactly it means, you need to familiarize yourself with its interpretation in an inverted and upright position.


In an upright position, such a symbol can portend rather unpleasant news for a person.

  • Soon events will occur in his life that will cause a lot of pain. Therefore, you need to prepare for the fact that you will soon have to face serious problems. However, you should not be upset, as they can be resolved quickly.
  • Also, the fallen rune of the day Hagalaz suggests that you need to start believing in yourself and in your strengths.
  • You should think positively and clear your mind of negative thoughts. In the future, this will help you cope with any life difficulties.

The inverted position of the sign portends separation from a loved one


If you turn the symbol over, its interpretation will change dramatically. According to the prediction, a person should prepare for events that will change his life.

Perhaps you will soon be able to meet true love. However, most often the inverted position of Hagalaz indicates that problems will begin in the relationship. They can lead to separation from your significant other.

An inverted position can also portend trouble at work. Perhaps the person will be fired or demoted.

Symbolic and archetypal associations

  • Name: HAGALL (HAGALAZ, HAEGL), Hagalla among the Welsh. Literally - hail.
  • Operating principle: cleansing$
  • Deity: "Rain Hag." Hag is a witch, the image of a “Banshee” in Wales and England. She was considered a family witch and foreshadowed death. According to legends, she wore small stones in her hem to imitate rain. If such a pebble knocks on the window of a house, it means that someone will die soon.
  • Character: energetic;
  • Essence: irreversible.
  • Hel (as in English Hell): daughter of Loki and the cold realm of the dead, named after her. A space where nothing happens - there is only a place for inertia, obedience. The ancient idea of ​​"nothing" as an alternative space, terrifying and dark.

Images of the Hagalaz rune:

  • Cleansing the body with the help of the immune system;
  • Leaves are falling from the trees;
  • The beast sheds;
  • The bird cleans its feathers;
  • The downpour clears the pavement;
  • Sanding the part with a file;
  • Peeling potatoes before cooking;
  • The street near the house becomes clean after the janitor cleans;
  • Old furniture is thrown into a landfill;
  • The sculpture is created by cutting off excess stone;
  • Pus is removed from the body;
  • An epidemic wipes out the settlement.

Value in layouts

Some people use runic cards with the image of a symbol during fortune telling. In this case, the meaning of the sign will change depending on the situation.

To work and business

Quite often people want to know how their career will develop in the future. This is why many people wonder about work and business. If a card with a rune appears in the layout, you should be wary. This means that in the near future it is better to abandon planned work activities and reschedule them.

Also, you should not hold business meetings, as they can interfere with career growth. You will have to wait a few days and only then resume activities.

For love and relationships

If, during fortune telling, Hagalaz falls on love, then you should not start a new relationship in the near future. Most likely they will not last long and will end quickly.

For people who already have a soulmate, such a sign portends constant quarrels with their lover. It is worth noting that conflicts can lead to a breakdown in relationships.

There is another interpretation of the rune. She talks about a stranger trying to ruin a romantic relationship. In such a situation, it is necessary to determine who exactly from the environment wants evil, and break off all contacts with him.

Hagalaz may portend health problems

To your health

If Hagalaz appears during fortune telling for health, then this is a bad sign. It indicates that in the near future you will have to face a serious illness.

Even if this symbol falls on a completely healthy person, he still needs to undergo a full medical examination. Perhaps there is a hidden disease that has not yet manifested itself.

However, you should not be too upset if this symbol appears during fortune telling. After all, a person will soon be able to get rid of the disease he has developed and completely restore his health.

Advice sign

Hagal's true purpose is to break the vicious circle. What is happening to modern man? He wears masks, abandons principles, and bends to circumstances.

What does the rune recommend? Use its powerful power to escape the vicious circle. Check your long-term relationship. If the ruthless Hag appears, it means that they have long outlived their usefulness. Make a wish on a suspicious acquaintance, Hagalaz will reveal his true essence in the scenario.

And the main advice from the rune is - don’t cling to the past, part with the emotional burden without regret and go your own way!

Use in magic

This sign is often used to perform magical rituals aimed at protecting homes from evil spirits and negative energy. Such rituals must be carried out at night around midnight, when no one is at home.

For such a ceremony you will need four church candles. An image of Hagalaz is painted on their surface. They are then placed in the corners of the room and set on fire. They should burn all night until dawn.

Quite often, magical amulets are created with the image of runes. They are able to protect a person from diseases, the evil eye and damage.

Amulet with rune

Amulets with such a symbol are an excellent protective amulet that will protect a person from misfortunes. It can be used not only for protection, but also to get rid of bad habits. Using a talisman with the Hagalaz sign will help you cope with alcohol addiction and stop smoking.

Also, an amulet can help change your life for the better. It has a positive influence on insecure guys and girls. Regularly wearing an amulet helps you believe in yourself and your strength.

A rune tattoo can provoke changes in life.


The main meaning of the Hagalaz rune is unexpected, rapid changes, most often of a destructive nature. They cannot be stopped, no matter how hard a person tries. But there is no need to worry too much - the effect of this symbol is short-lived. Hagalaz is viewed in a negative aspect. If this card appears in the layout, it means that the person provoked it with his actions.

This rune has other meanings:

  • makes it possible to create something new;
  • indicates errors;
  • helps cope with unpleasant memories;
  • hints that it’s time to get rid of old things and unnecessary contacts.

But runologists interpret Hagalaz as a symbol of destruction. Her energy is so powerful that you don’t even need her inverted image. It usually appears when a person’s life has accumulated a lot of unnecessary things. The rune helps to change your lifestyle and reconsider your life guidelines. But its action is characterized by crushing power. Despite the pain of change, a person feels relief.

Its action is associated with karma: past mistakes, wrong lifestyle, retrograde type of thinking - all this causes sudden changes. Therefore, Hagalaz is compared to a volcanic eruption, which could “sleep” for a long time and then suddenly explode. A person cannot influence the development of events: all that remains is to wait out its action and when new opportunities open up.

The description contains a second interpretation - delay. Slow reactions often appear in critical situations. Any moment seems long to a person because he is focused on his inner world and analysis of actions. Runologists believe that Hagalaz helps to unlock potential and imparts wisdom. This is necessary to move to a new stage of life. Wisdom will help you accept the changes that have occurred.

You should not be afraid of this rune, because its effect is short-lived. You should not plan serious matters for this unstable period. It is better to devote this time to analyzing your past actions in order to avoid mistakes at the new stage. The action of the rune occurs according to the karmic principle. But not all people understand and accept this, which is why there is such a contradictory attitude towards this symbol.

Hagalaz is translated as “hail,” so the rune is compared to the forces of nature because of its destructive, irreversible power. If this card appears in a situational layout, then nothing depends on the person. To determine the nature of the changes you need to look at the neighboring runes.

Rune tattoo

Since the symbol is very beautiful, many people want to get a tattoo with it. However, you should not rush into this, as in some cases such a tattoo can be harmful.

The fact is that a person with this tattoo will be doomed to constant changes in life. However, they will not always be pleasant. You need to take this into account before getting a tattoo.

It is better to make tattoos not only with the Hagalaz sign, but also with other magical symbols that will complement each other.

Is it worth getting a tattoo?

It is forbidden to apply a rune to the body. The power of this symbol is too great, and even an experienced magician cannot turn it to his advantage. The life of a person with the Hagalaz rune written on his body is like a constant volcano; all events occur spontaneously, and they do not always bring pleasure.

The Hagalaz rune indicates serious changes in a person’s life. But there is no need to be afraid of them; it is better to accept everything with joy and desire. During its action, it is better not to plan anything, not to start anything, and even more so, not to control it. The action will pass very quickly, in a couple of days everything will return to normal.

It is necessary to follow the advice: if you trust and take its destruction for granted, then all your wishes will come true.

Slavic analogues

The closest analogue in meaning is the sign of Chernobog. It symbolizes destruction, followed by the creation of something new.

Chernobog is the closest Slavic analogue of the sign

This symbol is the opposite of Belobog, who personifies justice, goodness and order. It is believed that it is thanks to these two entities that universal balance is created.

Also, the runic symbol is very close to the Wind sign. It symbolizes purification, destruction and change. Sometimes the Wind can represent progress and inspiration.

Questions for Meditation

Meditation on the rune will help you get answers to important questions.
A photograph of the runic symbol can be used for meditation. When meditating on Hagalaz, you need to ask the following questions:

  • Is it worth moving forward, ignoring the warnings of fate?
  • Will you be able to quickly get rid of bad habits?
  • Should you try to change your life and what should you do for this?

After meditation, a person will be able to get the correct answers to the questions posed.

Career divination meaning

Hagalaz means a bad moment for new things, ideas, projects. Now is not the time to engage in new activities. It is worth returning to solving old problems and directing all efforts towards their implementation.

Advice! Don't give up on your idea, just put it aside until better times. This will allow you to avoid mistakes and receive a bonus for your past results.

A difficult situation that hinders your forward movement will not last forever. The period of inactivity will soon be replaced by an active stage. The couple talks about this with Yer. Reversed Odal encourages you to act carefully and carefully. Nautiz portends a difficult time, from which you will take away a lot of valuable things for yourself.

In financial terms, Hagalaz points out the need to spend money wisely, save money and not throw money away. In unstable conditions, you should refrain from unnecessary expenses.

Interesting! Despite the negative interpretation, the rune still promises an increase in income in a new area that is not yet accessible to most people. Hagalaz welcomes innovation and breakthrough ideas. However, their impact on the world around them can be both positive and negative.

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