Ba Zi - the concept and decoding of the main spheres of life using Chinese metaphysics » Feng Shui » Ba Tzu calculator: learning to read and understand

Feng Shui has many different techniques that allow you to influence a person’s life and destiny. But none of them is as complex and at the same time interesting as the Ba Tzu calculator, which allows you to literally calculate your destiny by year and find out what awaits a person in the future. If this is your first time hearing about it, read on and you will find out what it is and why it is of such interest to so many people.

What is the Ba Zi calculator and how to use it correctly

Today the Ba Zi calculator can be found on many online resources dedicated to esoteric sciences and in particular the basics of Feng Shui. It is nothing more than an ordinary calculator, which is based on calculating the fate of a person born in a certain place and at a certain time.

The most basic data it needs is the person’s date of birth and gender. But a more complete map of fate can be obtained if you indicate the exact time of birth and the geographical coordinates of your hometown (where the person was born). Thus, the algorithm will compile a very detailed table with the Pillars of Fate and the Pillars of Luck, by analyzing which you can learn a lot of interesting things about your past and future life.

Therefore, using the calculator itself is not difficult: you just need to enter all the available data into it and the information will immediately appear on your screen.

As for the interpretation of the data obtained, you can really get confused here, because on different sites they are presented in slightly different forms (some more, some less) and also contain a lot of Chinese characters and Feng Shui concepts that are difficult to understand it's that simple. But this is quite possible if you get acquainted with at least a small part of the theory about the Four Pillars of Destiny.

Ba Zi - training

Studying Ba Zi is an in-depth analysis and understanding of each element in the map, a very long and labor-intensive process. Some people like to study everything on their own, others are looking for a teacher. The interpretation of fate using the Ba Zi map is increasingly attracting people’s attention due to the accuracy of the forecasts, so courses on studying this type of prediction are popular and you can learn Ba Zi without leaving home, online, for example:

  • Higher School of Eastern Metaphysics Natalia Pravdina;
  • Academy of Metaphysics Victoria Baykova.

Four Pillars of Human Destiny

The calculation of the Ba Zi calculator is based on the definition of the Four Pillars of Destiny, each of which corresponds to the time, date, month and year of a person’s birth. For each of the pillars, the guiding element and animal are determined, and the corresponding symbol is also indicated. So, for example, the resulting table may indicate: some hieroglyph, Yin Tree, Snake.

Each pillar consists of two parts:

  • Heavenly trunk , located at the top of the table
  • and the Earthly Branch , defined below (also indicated by one of the hieroglyphs).

In total, Feng Shui considers 10 different Heavenly trunks (5 Yin and 5 Yang elements each), as well as 12 Earthly branches, corresponding to 12 animals that govern a particular year in a person’s life.

The most important Trunk is the Heavenly Trunk, which corresponds to a person’s birthday. It determines his personal characteristics and relationships with other elements of the elements.

Therefore, first of all, Feng Shui experts pay attention to it. And on the basis of its analysis, they determine the insufficiency or redundancy of certain elements in a person’s life and ways to harmonize them.

In the new version, all users registered on the site can store their maps and quickly find them conveniently from a computer or phone!

Added the ability to calculate the solar time of birth using the true sun, and not just the average sun, as was before.

Learn more about what this is in the video “Calculation of amendments”

If your Bazi school does not take into account corrections, simply do not enter your place of birth and you will receive a card without corrections.

Possibility of sending a link, printing a map, publishing a map on social networks.

Our calculator is already more than 8 years old, it, like our website, has been working for you since March 2008, and a couple of people have come to update it, in accordance with the trends of the times and in accordance with my current views on the analysis of the Bazi card.

What's new, and what's really important, and what's just convenient. Judge for yourself

We display hidden sky trunks using two different systems to choose from:

  • according to the system taught by Dr. Manfred Kubny
  • according to the system taught by all other Masters, for example, Grand Master Raymond Lo, Grand Master Tan Khoon Yong with Master Goh Guan Leong, Master Joey Yap, Dr. Jin Peh and many others

There are more hidden trunks in the first system than in the second. Their dominance varies depending on the number of days that have passed from the beginning of the Chinese month to the person's birthday.

In the second system, hidden elements are always fixed. Dominant – first layer – leading Qi or correct Qi – energy coinciding with the energy of the branch

In the middle is the “grave”, the element that fell into this grave is in very uncomfortable conditions. If you analyze it, you will agree with me. This is where the now fashionable term trap came from. I call this energy the basement, it’s kind of locked.

The bottom layer is storage. This is a warehouse, a bin, there is a lot stored there, it’s just difficult to get there.

The rabbit, rat, and rooster have only the correct qi. The pig has no storage in this system.

We count the change of day using two systems to choose from:

  • at midnight, the hour of the rat is divided into early, which comes after midnight at the beginning of the day, and late, which ends the day
  • at 23 o'clock and the pillar of the day begins with a two-hour rat

I am a supporter of the traditional method of changing the day at midnight. But as a true researcher, I left another possibility to make it easier to work through different theories.

We are building a map with the hour of birth and without the hour of birth. I resisted this innovation for a long time, because on the days when the season changes, very serious errors are possible if the hour of birth is not known. We decided to simply warn about them.

To evaluate business partners and job applicants, you often have to be content with only the date of birth, without the hour.

We display the names of the qi phases in words, not numbers. If you see the words “death”, “grave”, “illness” in your Bazi card, do not rush to faint, but come learn Bazi. Often the qi phases are speaking and literally mean what is written in the name, but can mean weakness and lack of competitiveness. But this does not mean at all that this will happen to the card owner. It could be about other people.

We bring out spirits and demons. 8 years ago, I was categorically against this because I didn’t want to frighten people with some unpleasant terms, but now, thanks to the Internet and a large number of teachers, people’s level of Bazi knowledge has increased, so I hope for a calm perception of frightening words.

Regarding the spirits of good luck and the demons of bad luck (symbolic stars), I will have a lot of comments.

Different schools of Bazi calculate in different ways. Therefore, I give my comments in order to reconcile everyone as much as possible.

In my practice, I mainly use spirits of good luck and demons of bad luck, which are calculated from the pillar of the day, from the heavenly trunk or from the earthly branch, with the exception of special ones, which are calculated from the branch of the month, like the noble forces of heaven and the noble forces of the moon, or are clearly fixed sets like the three mystics or the Kway Gang.

In modern Bazi, the day pillar represents personality. Therefore, spirits and demons calculated from the trunk of the day belong to the individual.

A long time ago, many centuries ago, when most Chinese did not know how to accurately tell time, the Bazi consisted of three pillars, without an hour, and the person was in the pillar of the year. Therefore, in those ancient Bazi, spirits and demons were counted from the year, and this has leaked into some modern schools.

Now in Bazi, the pillar of the year is the clan, the ancestors. And if you count something from the year, then it is not yours, it is your ancestors. In some cases this makes sense.

For example, a noble person by day is your personal assistant. A noble person according to the year is a helper to your ancestors, but he can also help you if his ancestors ask him. Those. if you use some kind of star every year, it makes sense to connect the older generations of the family, then it will definitely work.

In spirits and demons, the day is in brackets (d), in spirits and demons, the year is in brackets (d). But use common sense. There is no point in expecting love to come to you if your grandmother's or your grandfather's peach blossom appeared in the year :)

I am aware of the differences in our Bazi program and many other calculators on the Internet. Therefore, I will immediately comment on narrow issues on which people like to write letters. “Why isn’t yours like...?”

My point of view and the point of view of many respected Masters from whom I studied is that you cannot marry yourself. What does it mean?

For example, you were born on the day (or year) of the monkey, rat or dragon. Your star of the arts is the dragon.

Those. if in the day (year) there is a monkey, and in some other branch there is a dragon, you have a star of the arts.

If there is a rat in the day (year), and a dragon in some other branch, you have a star of the arts.

If there is a dragon in the day (year), and a dragon in some other branch, you have a star of the arts. But if you just have a dragon in the day branch and no other dragon, it can't be an arts star.

The same principle is used with all other symbolic stars, calculated from the day or year branch.

About the most scandalous star (at least in terms of the number of aggressive letters from newcomers with the text “you have a bug in your program”). How can there be errors in a program that has been “licked” for 8 years?!

We count from the pillar of the year. Let's say you are a woman who was born in the year of the dragon. What is the star of the original constellation?

If your personality element is Yin, look at the first line - pig. If your personality element is Yang, look at the second line - rooster.

It's simple. But for some reason, in some places, yin/yang is looked at by year. I always say that in this case the table is meaningless, then a woman in the year of the dragon will always have a rooster as her initial constellation, because the dragon is yang. Why then the line with the Yin woman?

There is one symbolic star, quite rare, I can’t say that it is critically important, but useful because it cancels emptiness - the general of the monthly pillar. It will be displayed only in the method of calculating hidden celestial trunks according to Manfred Kubny. It is not possible to calculate it correctly in another system for calculating hidden ones.

Some specialized nobles only count towards the chart, but don't count towards lucky periods. This is right.

Something that I am often asked about, but which I will not include in the calculator because I do not recognize the effectiveness.

Yin/yang errors. These 12 jia zi are believed to indicate bad family life. I strongly disagree. Many people close to me and my clients who celebrated silver and gold weddings, never divorced and have wonderful families, have yin/yang errors in the personality pillar. I have no evidence that these combinations work this way.

Ten evils and great defeats or the star of Bankruptcy. This symbolic star was “pulled” into Bazi from the selection of dates. In date selection, this is called a “day without wealth.” It is calculated from the trunk of the year. Look at which branches are empty in relation to the pillar of the year. For example, in 2021, the yang fire on the monkey is empty dragon and snake. The snake is prosperity (reward 10 heavenly trunks) for yang fire and yang earth.

In the current decade (from yang wood on a horse to yin water on a rabbit), yang fire sits on the monkey, yang earth sits on the dog. Those. in 2016, the days 丙申 and 戊戌 are days without wealth, since their prosperity is in emptiness. There are such pillars in every decade. There are 10 of them in total. But they can only be with empty wealth in a certain year, but for some reason someone decided that all these are 10 pairs of jia zi 甲辰, 乙巳, 丙申, 丁亥, 庚辰, 戊戌, 辛巳, 己丑, 壬申, 癸亥 always suffer bankruptcy under any conditions. Of course, there are statistics both confirming and rejecting this version.

I consider the use of these 10 pillars in the Bazi chart as the star of bankruptcy to be incorrect and therefore we will not include it in the calculator.

In all other respects, we met the wishes of users as much as possible and even tried to anticipate their desires :)

I hope you will enjoy.

Inna Volkova

Pillars of Luck

Another common result of calculations using the Ba Zi calculator is the formation of a table with the so-called Pillars of Luck, which show which period of life will be the most favorable for a particular person. Each pillar covers 10 years and is designated by one of the Chinese characters accompanied by an element. Also, in such tables, you can most often find the start dates of positive periods, find out which animal or sign will have the greatest influence on his life during the specified period, and many other interesting details.


Day of the week: Tuesday

It is best to cleanse the house or get rid of something unnecessary on this day. It’s good to pray and fast, you can go on a diet, remove teeth, but you shouldn’t treat them. Not suitable for travel, weddings, moving to a new home, buying and breeding livestock, or opening a new business.

: cleaning, getting rid of unnecessary things, prayer, fasting, dismissal of an employee, divorce, breakup: travel, repairs, signing agreements (in your favor), loans, signing contracts, starting a new project, purchasing property, investing, wedding, moving, adoption , buying animals, starting a business, getting a job

Sha robbery of the month

Loss of documents and money, robbery, and troubles while traveling are possible. You should not start repairs, as thefts are likely during the ShA period. : leisure and daily activities: travel, start short-term projects

10th lunar day

the 10th day of the moon. The symbol is a source of water, a fountain. Day of active rest. The flow of life energy in the human body intensifies, forces can begin to flow like a fountain. These forces must be directed toward strengthening relationships in the family and improving the home. On the 10th lunar day, it is unacceptable to show negative emotions at home. Avoid any conflicts with relatives. The tenth day is a time of rest, the best day for a Russian steam bath. To create in every sense is the main motto of this day.

Description of the watch

00:00 – 01:00 Rat

Empty roads:

Obstacles in movement, hitches along the way.

Undesirable hour:

The energy of the day goes against the energy of the hour. Don't do anything important.

01:00 – 03:00 Bull

Empty roads:

Obstacles in movement, hitches along the way.

Hour of the Heavenly Noble Man:

A very auspicious hour. It not only brings positive energy, but is also able to neutralize bad influences. Brings you out of the void and deals with the destroyer of the year.

03:00 – 05:00 Tiger

Destroyer of the day:

The energy of the hour goes against the energy of the day. You should not start important things - a wedding, opening a business, signing contracts, traveling.

Empty hour:

The hour is unfavorable for travel and financial transactions.

Unused hour:

The energy of the hour goes against the energy of the day. Do not choose this hour for important matters.

05:00 – 07:00 Rabbit

Empty hour:

The hour is unfavorable for travel and financial transactions.

Red Phoenix:

Disputes, disagreements - the hour is unfavorable for negotiations or court cases

Hour of the Heavenly Official:

The hour is good for turning to a superior or to the court when you need support.

07:00 – 09:00 Dragon

Treasure Star:

The hour is good for solving financial issues.

Golden Castle:

The star of wealth, favorable for important matters.

Happy Spirit:

The star is suitable for happy events - weddings, anniversaries, holidays.

09:00 – 11:00 Snake


Businesses started at this hour are not successful.

Combination of earthly branches:

Favorable for speaking, making presentations, persuading people and building relationships.

Hour of Prosperity:

The hour is favorable for business, commercial and financial transactions, signing contracts.

11:00 – 13:00 Horse

White Tiger:

Not suitable for medical procedures or other activities that may cause cuts or injuries.

13:00 – 15:00 Goat

Hour of the Heavenly Noble Man:

A very auspicious hour. It not only brings positive energy, but is also able to neutralize bad influences. Brings you out of the void and deals with the destroyer of the year.

Jade Palace:

Favorable for acquiring valuables, commercial transactions and solving financial issues.

15:00 – 17:00 Monkey


The hour is good to start some action.

17:00 – 19:00 Rooster

Black turtle:

Not suitable for starting important things - leads to robbery and loss of things.

19:00 – 21:00 Dog

Empty roads:

Obstacles in movement, hitches along the way.

Undesirable hour:

The energy of the day goes against the energy of the hour. Don't do anything important.

21:00 – 23:00 Pig

Empty roads:

Obstacles in movement, hitches along the way.

Branch damage:

Sudden obstacle or trouble. Treason and betrayal are possible.

Grappling hook:

The hour is not suitable for weddings, commerce and signing contracts.

23:00 – 00:00 Rat

Unused hour:

The energy of the hour goes against the energy of the day. Do not choose this hour for important matters.

Additional features of the calculator

If you use the services of a more advanced service for calculating Ba Zi, then in addition to the specified data, you can also find out your Gua number, personal trigrams, lucky number, favorable and unfavorable directions.

When analyzing the Ba Zi map, considerable attention is paid to symbolic stars, of which there are a lot. They can also be determined using a similar calculator and will be indicated both in the Pillars of Fate and in the Pillars of Luck.

For example, these could be such designations as: Traveling Horse, Noble Man, Blooming Canopy, Imperial Lamp, Shelter of Solitude, Academician's Star, Demon of Robbery and many other terms.

Signs that appear at different periods of a person’s life can also be indicated: Oblique seal, Correct seal, Robber of wealth, Brotherhood, 7th murderer, Attack on power and the like.

Some of them sound pleasant, some sound quite scary. But to really understand the essence of each of the above concepts, you need to analyze the Ba Zi map comprehensively. After all, where one person has a symbol of power, which really implies that he has acquired additional powers, then for another the same sign may indicate that he had so much of this very power that it began to destroy his life.

Of course, it’s quite difficult to figure out all these nuances on your own. Therefore, for a normal “reading” of the received card of fate, it is better to seek help from specialists. They will be able to tell in detail about each specific element in a person’s fate, his character, habits, inclinations and possible turns of fate.

Moreover, from such a map you can find out whether your family life will be happy, when you can expect a new addition to it, whether you will be able to achieve success in your career or creativity, whether you will be healthy in old age, and much, much more.

And this is only if we talk briefly about Ba Zi and the Pillars of Destiny. In fact, to cover this topic in more detail, you will need to write more than one such article with detailed explanations about each of the above-mentioned concepts, words or terms and their possible meanings in the life of each individual person.

If this information really interests you and Feng Shui occupies an important place in your life, you can always enroll in any educational course dedicated to the study of the Ba Zi card and after some time you will be able to independently understand all its details and complex first glance details.

Well, while you don’t know this yet, it’s enough to pay attention to the guiding element in the Pillar of the Day and read the characteristics of your individual Personality House. This alone will allow you to learn a lot of interesting things about your own preferences, capabilities and resources.


How to decipher Ba Zi

How to determine abilities using the Ba Zi card? The map gives a very accurate forecast if the 4 pillars of fate are correctly set: hour, day, month and year of birth. Based on this data, the predominance of elements in the map is calculated. Decoding the Ba Zi card, main aspects:

  1. The celestial trunks (the top ones in the map, there are 10 of them in total, five in pairs) are 5 elements that form a circle and generate cyclicity. Wood (Jia - I) transforms into fire (hieroglyphs Bin - Ding). The fire goes into the earth (U – Ji). Earth turns into metal (Gen - Xing), which turns into water, and water again into wood. All 5 elements have both yin and yang energy. At this stage, they look at how the elements are expressed in a person.
  2. The earthly branches are subordinate to the Heavenly trunks, there are 12 of them; they represent 12 zodiac animals that are present in all four aspects, it turns out that the hour, day, month and year belong to a specific animal in the chart and has its properties and qualities. 12 Earthly branches:
  • Tzu – Yang Water (Zhen), Rat, time from 23 – 1;
  • Chow – Yin Water (Gui), Ox, hours 01 – 03;
  • Yin – Yang Tree (Jia), Tiger from 03 – 05;
  • Mao – Yin (Yi) Tree, Rabbit from 05 – 07;
  • Cheng – Earth Yang (Wu), Dragon 07 – 09;
  • Sy – Yin (Ding) Fire, Snake from 09 – 11;
  • Wu – Fire Yang (Bin), Horse, from 11 – 13;
  • Wei – Earth Yin (Ji), Goat from 13 – 15;
  • Shen – Metal Yang (Gen), Monkey, 15 – 17;
  • Yu – Metal Yin (Xing), Rooster, 17 – 19;
  • Xu – Earth Yang (Wu), Dog, 19 – 21;
  • Hai – Yin Water (Gui), Pig, 21 – 23.

Compatibility according to Ba Zi

Compatibility in Ba Zi has been an important element for marriage between a man and a woman since ancient times. A woman’s chart should contain as many favorable elements as possible that support her husband’s personality. How is compatibility analysis using the Ba Zi system useful:

  • will the union be harmonious;
  • are the partners compatible?
  • in what areas there may be conflicts and how to eliminate them.

Favorable union, signs:

  • fusion of Heavenly trunks;
  • The Yang tree attracts the Yin Earth (strong attraction);
  • Yang Water loves Yin Fire;
  • Wood Yin and Metal Yang;
  • Earth Yang and Water Yin;
  • harmonious pairs based on the Animals represented in the partner cards: Tiger - Monkey, Pig - Snake, Rabbit - Rooster, Horse - Rat, Dragon - Dog, Goat - Ox.

Choosing a profession according to Ba Zi

How to determine a profession according to Ba Zi? What is important here is a comprehensive analysis of several components: usefulness for 5 elements, looking at which of them are dominant, a favorable choice based on 10 deities represented in the map and favorable Palaces. A comprehensive analysis helps make a more accurate forecast. Based only on the expressed elements in the map, one can see one’s inclinations towards one thing or another.

Choosing a profession based on the predominant Wood element in Ba Zi:

  • everything related to agriculture and wood;
  • herbalism, botany, herbal medicine, homeopathy;
  • landscape design;
  • growing rare plants;
  • furniture and clothing design;
  • textile industry;
  • floristics;
  • fitness.

Element Earth:

  • mining of minerals and precious metals;
  • oil industry;
  • geology;
  • archeology;
  • geodesy;
  • brokerage;
  • pottery;
  • construction;
  • jewelry making;
  • production of building materials;
  • personnel matter.

Fire element:

  • everything related to electricity;
  • cooking;
  • fire show, fireworks making;
  • sport;
  • oratory;
  • business coaching;
  • chemical industry;
  • dancing;
  • Show Business;
  • esoteric knowledge.

Element Water, professions:

  • cargo transportation by water;
  • shipping;
  • water sports;
  • travel business;
  • hotel business;
  • production of mineral waters;
  • journalism;
  • fish farming and fishing;
  • network business;
  • telecommunications;
  • journalism;
  • cleaning business.

Element Metal:

  • metallurgy and heavy industry;
  • banking;
  • financial analyst;
  • accounting;
  • aircraft manufacturing;
  • medicine (surgery, dentistry);
  • legal matter;
  • defense industry;
  • alcohol producer.

Health in Ba Zi

How to read a Ba Zi card: aspects of health, what should you pay attention to? If the elements are weakly expressed, or, on the contrary, hypertrophied, this indicates problems in health, as well as two expressed, conflicting elements. In Ba Zi, the manifestation of such stars as:

  • Angel of Death;
  • sheep knife;
  • flying knife;
  • sha disasters.

Weakened elements and health:

  • weak Metal leads to diseases of the respiratory system, asthmatic manifestations and allergic reactions, therefore it is recommended to do preventive breathing exercises;
  • weak Tree - vision problems, walking, yoga are useful;
  • weak Water – the genitourinary system suffers, water treatments and swimming are recommended;
  • weak Fire – problems of the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to strengthen Fire by moving to hot countries;
  • weak Earth – diseases of the digestive system; the Earth can be strengthened through meditative practices.

Ba Zi - what will bring money?

What may indicate wealth in the Ba Zi chart:

  • sign of Stable Wealth in the Pillars of Destiny - for honest, practical people who know how to keep feelings, emotions and finances under control;
  • Correct wealth - the sign is found in the cards of realistic people who themselves go, overcome difficulties and earn large sums;
  • The penchant for wealth is in the cards of businessmen and people striving for profit, a quick way to acquire material resources.

Ba Zi - successful career

The career pillar in Ba Zi shows what heights a person can achieve in his activities, and how his colleagues and colleagues treat him. Favorable signs in the map indicating a successful career and growth of a person in the chosen activity:

  • the element of power brings fame to the individual;
  • Noble Helpers;
  • Strong wealth;
  • Sign of Team Influence;
  • Storage with money;
  • In the Element of Power stands the Noble Man;
  • The elements of Water and Metal are well developed and harmonious.

Ba Zi - personal relationships

The pillars of Ba Zi’s destiny are the main indicators by which one can judge a person’s potential in all important areas of his life and in personal relationships too. How a person appears in personal relationships according to Ba Zi:

  • Peach Blossom sign - a man or woman is very attractive to the opposite sex, so such people can have many affairs;
  • signs of wealth in a man’s chart – greedy for women, loving;
  • how many signs of a true official are present in a woman’s card - how many marriages await her;
  • several signs of the Seventh Killer in a woman’s chart – an abundance of lovers;
  • strengthened Earth and Metal in the chart - such people are faithful in marriage;
  • Strong Water – a tendency to cheat.

The decoding of the individual natal chart of Ba Zi and Qi Men Dong Jia includes:

  • consultations on the most important and topical, controversial or complex life issues;
  • description of personality, strengths and weaknesses, demonstrated talents and potential talents;
  • effective recommendations on health, career, relationships, personal economics, real estate, travel, relocation;
  • analysis of various important life periods, both past and future;
  • calculation of individual favorable dates for various events. For example: wedding, moving, buying/selling real estate, deposits, transactions, work;
  • four pillars of destiny;
  • everything about relationships, as well as family issues, children;
  • answers to your questions.
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