Feng Shui forecast 2021. Feng Shui horoscope for 2021

2018 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog. Since 2021 is the year of the dog, Feng Shui warns that the period is taking place in the element Earth. She is a mountain. The Bazi forecast for 2018 indicates stability in many areas of life. But I would like to say that the Feng Shui horoscope for 2021 also talks about the difficulties in achieving your goals. Resistance in acquiring new knowledge is also possible. The planet Mercury is leaving in frustration, and this is the career sector. We are all convinced that a dog is one of the kindest and most loyal friends, but according to the Chinese calendar, Bazi’s description of the year of the dog 2018 is not so rosy. According to the horoscope, other animals are much kinder and more affectionate.

Feng Shui 2021 forecast for horoscope signs

Everyone probably knows in the year of which animal they were born according to the Chinese calendar. What does this year promise us?

Mistress of the year - Dog , will be at her best. This will be a money year for her. In pursuit of money, do not forget about spirituality. Thank the Universe for all the blessings that you have! Be happy with what you have. Be sure to check your health and undergo a full medical examination. Don't neglect your morning exercises.

Bulls and Goats must be careful. The period has prepared Earthly punishment for you. This means that throughout the year unfair situations will arise towards you or, conversely, you will be unfair to others. Therefore, be gentler with others, learn communication techniques, read, for example, Dale Carnegie. Since the Earth is our cells and muscles, pay special attention to your gastrointestinal tract. If there is a risk of cancer based on your genetic code, be vigilant in this matter. Do meditation, read mantras. Tune in to a wave of calm and harmony. Find time for relaxation and hobbies. Travel more often, communicate with nature, fill yourself with “living” energies. A rabbit figurine will bring you prosperity.

For Dragons, the year promises to be “unsweet”. Ba-dzy 2021 shows a clash with the Dog. This portends great activity and tension throughout the year. Such a “meeting” can bring a change of place of residence, dismissal from work, car accidents and accidents. Just be careful and careful in everything. To ward off trouble, carry a Rabbit (figurine, image, keychain) with you. The dog will definitely be distracted by it, and you will not get hurt. The talisman should lie closer to the body. Pay attention to improving your health! Take care of your savings, do not invest them in dubious transactions, and stay away from gambling. Devote more time to getting to know yourself and the world, meditation and spiritual practices.

Rabbit . But this animal, surprisingly, is friends with the ruler of the year. If the Ba Tzu personal horoscope for 2018 shows the absence of unfavorable factors, then you don’t have to be afraid of anything. Happy events await you. Communicate more, go out into the world, develop yourself. Use good energies for good! Use aquamarine stone as a talisman.

The Horse and Tiger are also harmonious for the Dog and will enjoy a pleasant period. 2021 will be a good and profitable year for them. Development in career and service is expected. Think about your own business. Wear more gold jewelry on yourself.

Advice of the year: don’t bark at trifles and don’t growl at loved ones. Be friendlier and more affectionate with everyone!

This year, rats Take care of your health. Read prayers, mantras, engage in spirituality. Take care of your loved ones, show more affection, tenderness and love. Spend more time in nature, in the park. Do therapeutic exercises or walking, make it a habit to walk before bed every day. Carry with you a figurine of a Wu-lu pumpkin with a Garuda bird.

Monkeys in 2021 are advised to stay away from extreme sports and try not to break laws. Any energy and spiritual practices will be very useful, because the Feng Shui forecast for 2021 warns us of a decline in internal resources. Do something that brings you spiritual pleasure. Monitor the security of your finances and savings, check your investments. Many pleasant acquaintances await you. To attract success and good luck, carry a Hottei figurine with you.

Rooster . People of this sign will want to walk for days on end. This year, Roosters will have no desire to work or learn new knowledge. Roosters want to rest! They rightfully deserve it! However, do not forget about your health, do yoga, qigong, and everything will be fine.

Pig . In 2021, she will prefer loneliness. The Pig will be reluctant even to be interested in the opposite sex. However, this time is favorable for treatment, because the Dog for the Pig is a heavenly doctor. A good period is coming, financial affairs will go uphill. The spiritual side of life is also improving.

Snakes need to work hard and show respect for others, then the year will be good. In terms of money, the year will be stable, it is necessary to lay the foundation for the future, accumulate savings, spend money consciously, do not waste it. Take care of your health!

Now that you know in general terms what to expect from the yellow patroness of the year, let's find out what the Bazi forecast for 2021 promises us.

No one has any doubt that this year the strongest element will be the Earth. Of course, we will only consider general influence trends. To learn more about the impact on you specifically, create your own personal map. Feng Shui luck in the New Year 2018 will not smile on everyone. To achieve the desired results, you will have to struggle with difficulties, but if you do not deviate from the intended goal, the Dog will definitely appreciate it.

Manifestation of the year for the Tree Personality

For the Wood Personality, the Earth element, if it is favorable in the chart, promises an increase in income, winning the lottery or moving up the career ladder. If the Earth is unfavorable, then naturally everything will be the other way around. This is waste and monetary loss.

This year promises profit from financial investments, dividends, careers for both Yang and Yin Tree people.

To sum it up for the Tree Personalities, the year will be very favorable for them in the financial sphere. We advise you not to miss this opportunity and take action.

Manifestation of the year for the Fire Personality

If this element is favorable in your personal chart, then the year will help you find new ways to earn money, open new projects and discover your talents. For women, the year will be ideal for pregnancy and childbirth. If you are planning a new addition to your family, also pay attention to the pillars of luck.

People of Yang Fire will be in search of pleasures and pleasures all year round. But for Yin Fire, this period will be successful for the manifestation of their creative abilities.

If the element of Fire is unfavorable in your personal chart, postpone conception. You may also feel tired and it will seem like there is too much to do. Don’t be discouraged, give yourself more rest and all issues will be resolved positively. If Fire is in an unfavorable position, one should expect competition at work, excessive aggressiveness and irritability.

Manifestation of the year for Personality Earth

The favorable position of the Earth in the Ba Tzu chart for 2021 predicts the emergence of new friends, influential allies and like-minded people. The year will be good for making money. An unfortunate situation will affect the professional sphere and communication with superiors.

The Yang Land and the Yin Land will suffer from robberies in any form this year. This could be a scam, a bad investment, or dubious offers. Close relatives may ask for a large loan, you will give it, but whether you will get it back is a big question.

Manifestation of the Year Personality Metal

Metal personalities in 2021 are warned by Bazi against making rash decisions. No matter how the element is placed in the map, you will have to study a lot and achieve everything with your own intellect.

For Yang Metal, a new path of knowledge will open, and interest in unconventional practices and teachings will appear. If the position of the Earth is unsuccessful, irritability and alienation towards others may appear.

If the yin metal has a favorable position in the chart, it will find new resources for itself in the coming year. There is a chance that with their help you will improve your living conditions or even change your place of residence.

Manifestation of the year for the Water Personality

This year, your career will come to the fore in your life. If you still cannot find a good job, be prepared for the fact that one will be found during this period. Moreover, it will be successful and profitable.

For Yang Water, financial restrictions may arise throughout the year. This can be avoided if you show your hard work.

Yin water will benefit from solving organizational issues, establishing relationships with management and learning to be disciplined.

This is how the characteristics of the ba-dzy horoscope for 2018 briefly look like. To make the Earth element beneficial for yourself:

  • You need to add the Metal element. Wear more gold or other metal jewelry.
  • To destroy unfavorable energy, move more.
  • The earth forces us to stand still, so gain new knowledge and impressions.
  • It is favorable to dance and sing throughout the year; stagnant energy especially does not like it.

So that the new period begins harmoniously for you, cleaning for the New Year according to Feng Shui will help. You need to put things in order not only in your home, but also in your thoughts.

So that positive energies enter the New Year 2021 with us, we meet them according to Feng Shui. We clear away the rubble and clean every corner of the house.

Of course, it won't be easy if you decide to do it all in one day, so adopt the 15-minute rule. For example, spend 15 minutes cleaning 3 times a day.

Divide the apartment into zones and calmly restore order there.


Four is green. Favorable for creativity, exploring the world and traveling. Therefore, it makes sense to locate your office in the south, especially if your activity is related to the creation of something new. This star is also favorable for romantic relationships, so instead of a table in the south, you can put a bed - this will help strengthen the bonds between you and your partner.

What are we going to throw away?

In the hallway, get rid of old shoes, jackets, jars of shoe polish and all unnecessary trash.

In the children's room, dried felt-tip pens, broken pencils and toys, torn things and drawings that are of no value to you are mercilessly disposed of.

Clear the kitchen of chipped plates and mugs. All equipment that is collecting dust on your shelves is also included in the liquidation category. Sell, give away or exchange for what is needed. Aprons, towels, potholders, etc. - buy new ones.

Organize things in closets. We advise you not to regret it, but to throw away everything that you haven’t worn for more than a year. All washed items or sweaters with pills must also be destroyed.

Check out your makeup bag too.

These tips don't apply to things that bring back fond memories. Naturally, do not confuse antiques with regular old junk. Throw away the trash; valuable old things can be sold and the money given to charity.


Eight is white. A favorable but rather passive star. Therefore, it must either be further stimulated, or be prepared for a slow and leisurely movement for the better. Especially in areas related to real estate, trade, personnel and organizational issues.

The Joinfo.com team and journalist Artyom Kostin remind you that the feng shui system is a system because it is not enough to simply place one figurine in some part of the room.

Energy flows will need to be balanced, otherwise there will be no benefit from one element. But believe me, the result is worth it.

Star 3 in the northeastern sector

The flying star at number 3 is known for the fact that it can, in the easiest case, cause discord between people, and in the most difficult case, it can bring to life such troubles as litigation, persecution, etc. It is clear that it is better to take all possible measures to do not awaken such events in life.

In 2021, the Troika, carrying the forces of the Tree, finds itself in the northeastern sector, where the energy of the Earth reigns. According to the theory of the circle of interaction of elements, the Tree is weakened by the Earth, so the strength of the Tree of Three is not so great. We will take these postulates into service in order to cope with the unnecessary energy of quarrels, scandals and interpersonal problems.

Residents of north-eastern bedrooms and residents of houses with a north-eastern entrance door will be especially susceptible to the scandalous energy of star 3. In this case, even hidden problems can come to the surface and cause a lot of trouble. Of course, Feng Shui offers ways to correct this situation.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, the most effective way to pacify the scandalous star 3 is the “flaming sword” talisman. It can be purchased in special stores that offer Feng Shui products. A good way to reduce the negativity of the triple would be red candles and simply bright lamps. In the northeastern sector of a house or apartment, it is good to place paintings in which red color predominates. A decorative red "lava" lamp, where red hot bubbles float and fall, can also be a good solution for you. If your front door faces northeast, place all possible talismans and red objects there.

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