How to decipher a bazi card: complete instructions for beginners

The Bazi card is our date of birth written in Chinese characters. It converts the year, month, day and hour of birth into four pairs of Chinese characters. It is based on the ratio of the energy of the elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, which have the polarity of Yin and Yang. Let's look at an example of what the main bazi card represents.

The main map consists of four pillars. This is the pillar of the year, month, day and hour of birth. This card is read from right to left. The pillar of the year (childhood) is responsible for the time period up to 20 years, the month covers the period from 20 to 35 years, the day - from 35 to 55 years. The pillar of the hour is after 55. Of course, the division of the pillars into a specific age is quite arbitrary. It depends on the average life expectancy of the population. Some schools define the hour pillar as the time of retirement.

There is also an upper row of hieroglyphs - these are the Heavenly trunks (abbreviated as NS) and a lower row of hieroglyphs - the Earthly branches (abbr. ZV). 10 NS – five Yin and five Yang. Yang is hard and persistent, Yin is soft and gentle (weak).

Heavenly trunks show heavenly luck - what people see in us first of all, what impression we make on them. It cannot be changed. This is our destiny and luck.

The earthly branches represent earthly luck, the material world around us, our potential, the space where we live.

In addition to the main card, there are also Pillars or strokes of luck lasting 10 years. Every ten years a completely different energy comes to a person, and accordingly, something changes in a person’s life. Let's look at what luck bars look like.

The pillars of luck or tacts show which period of life will be most favorable for a person. Each pillar covers 10 years and is represented in the map by two hieroglyphs (Heavenly trunk and Earthly branch). In the top column of the Pillars of Fortune table you will see the first year of the beginning of the decade.

To analyze the bazi map, we need to know what the Chinese characters mean. Let's get to know them.

Heavenly trunks

Earthly branches

How to build a bazi map

Let's build our own map of fate. To do this, we need a free online Bazi calculator . First, let's use the simplest calculator. You can log in to it using the link

There is also a free online calculator, which can be found at the link:

Decoding the Ba Tzu card always begins with the day's dominant - the Heavenly Trunk of the birthday. Next, we evaluate each of the elements of the map, identifying five aspects of life: self-expression, wealth, power, resources, competitors and colleagues.

Ba Zi Calculator, or Four Pillars of Destiny

The ancient astrological tradition of Ba Zi is a complex of prophecies according to which our distant ancestors lived. The basis for predictions is the exact time, day, month and year of birth. Otherwise, this approach to astrological forecasts is called “Four Pillars of Destiny.” The main message is this: the outline of life for each of us has its own logic. And it is quite possible to identify what is laid down at the stage of our birth. In the knowledge of Ba Zi there are different ways to identify life purpose, and they allow you to make the right decisions in fateful moments and direct the course of life in a favorable direction.

Brief analysis of personality elements in the Bazi chart

Yang tree

The Yang tree gives people strong character, perseverance and straightforwardness. Such people are conservative, do not like change and have difficulty making compromises. Personalities of this type easily achieve goals; they are characterized by perfectionism. They have a good imagination, learn and develop throughout their lives. They have a great need for communication. People are stubborn and tough. Often these are politicians and athletes.

Yin tree

This is a flower or vine. These people adapt well and quickly. They are excellent diplomats and psychologists. The Yin tree gives people softness, flexibility, and pliability. They easily adapt to circumstances and know how to smooth out rough edges. Such a person is characterized by delicacy, eloquence and a sense of tact. He is easily influenced by others.

Fire Yang

Yang Fire is the sun, which gives people openness, generosity, optimism and constancy. They have a lot of energy, which they generously share with others. People of this type cannot remain angry for a long time or remember grievances. These are passionate, impulsive natures, who often suffer from their own temper. They are always the center of attention. These are passionate, inspired people.

Fire Yin

Yin fire is candle fire. Such people are fickle and emotional. Tactful, polite, diligent. The element most attached to mom. If you want to please Yin Fire, make friends with his mother. Yin fire people are prone to mood swings and depression, but not for long. In addition, they have qualities such as ardor and sensitivity.

Earth Yang

Yang Earth is a mountain, a rock, a stone. People are strong and resilient. Their friends and family were lucky. It's hard to imagine a more devoted friend. Such people are characterized by stability, reliability and responsibility. The disadvantages are slowness and stubbornness. Having made a decision, people of this type do not change it. These individuals are characterized by skepticism and pragmatism and are difficult to deceive. Thanks to their perseverance, they achieve their goals.

Yin Earth

If your personality element is Yin Earth, then you are characterized by honesty, caring, and intelligence. The disadvantages of individuals of this type can be excessive humility, naivety and inability to defend their interests. Possessing a strong maternal instinct, such people often surround loved ones with care, which often develops into possessiveness

Metal Yang

If your personality element is Yang Metal, then you are characterized by hardness, endurance, loyalty, and reliability. Such people are devoted in friendship and love, but do not forgive betrayal and betrayal. Thanks to their assertiveness and determination, these people often become leaders with a strong-willed hand. This type of personality has high resistance to stress and is not afraid of the opinions of others.

Metal Yin

Yin metal characterizes charming people who love comfort and strive for care and attention. Material well-being is important to them. At the same time, behind the apparent gentleness and humility lies a firm person who knows well what he needs from life. He knows how to show flexibility, pliability, hear different points of view, and find compromises.

Water Yang

Next, let's look at people whose Personality element is Yang Water. It gives the personality energy, love of freedom and strong will. Such people quickly adapt to circumstances and have good learning abilities. They are always very active.

Yin Water

In the next paragraph we will look at people with the Yin Water element. Such people are seemingly gentle and defenseless, but inside them there is great strength that gives them the opportunity to achieve any goals. They have a developed intellect, a rich imagination and are able to sense the mood of others. Their disadvantages include excessive secrecy and suspicion.

Decipher bazi - 1

The Bazi (4 Pillars of Destiny) card is your birthday written in hieroglyphs, as well as the 10 pillars of luck that tell the story of each decade of your life.

As you can see, the hieroglyphs in the map are colored. Color means one of the five elements - Water, Wood, Fire, Earth or Metal. Each birth chart is a unique balance of elements or energies that must be maintained in order for a person to live happily ever after. Determining this balance is not so easy; you have to learn it.

Read about Wu Xing, the five movements

Element of personality

By looking at the map, you can immediately tell which element you belong to.

Your element is determined by the Heavenly Stem (upper hieroglyph) of your birthday. It is also called the Element of Personality , or the Lord of the Day . ten such Heavenly Stems in total : five elements, each of which can be Yin or Yang.

Read about Yin and Yang

10 Heavenly Trunks are ten characters . In the map we took as an example, the girl was born on the day of the Yin Tree.

The Yin Tree is a delicate, flexible shrub that bends from the wind, but does not break. A person born on the day of the Yin tree most often has a developed intellect and strives to acquire new knowledge and self-development. He is elegant, delicate, tactful, flexible, and easily adapts to unfamiliar conditions. The downside of this ability to adapt can be excessive conformism and compromise. Often Yin Trees are creative people. Adversity does not break them; like grass in the spring, the Yin tree sprouts again and again and achieves its goal not in a straightforward manner, but slowly, clinging to the right people and circumstances, like supports.

Of course, character is not determined solely by the Personality Element. It depends on such things as the structure (the core of the card), the balance of the elements, the earthly branch of the year of birth, the symbolic stars (demons and spirits in the bazi). For example, our girl has three earth elements in her chart, which will undoubtedly affect her character. Also, a person’s true character can be hidden due to a very harsh, unquestioning parenting style or poorly manifested due to drug addiction - we have also encountered this.

Read on topic: 10 elements of Bazi personality

Now you have taken the first step in understanding bazi. Congratulations!

To be continued

From the creators of the Bazi Online program

Natalia Tsyganova

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Art of Bazi

Today is a preventative article.

Why? Because I often come across people who have only or not only become acquainted with the Ba Zi, turn over tons of information scattered like grains of gold in heaps of slag about this prognostic system, and as a result... they read the Ba Zi incorrectly.

On the one hand, Ba Zi calculators are a huge help for those who are skilled and knowledgeable in Ba Zi, on the other hand, they are amazingly fertile ground for speculation and lack of professionalism.

Let's take Mingli's calculator as a basis. Good calculator. We click in the “Professional version” checkbox and look: a bunch of hieroglyphs. In order to understand what to read in the map and how, let’s look at several concepts about the life cycle using the example of the plant world - Tree.

The Palace of Conception is not listed in the Mingli calculator, but a professional will always calculate it, because if you have poor seed material to begin with, it is difficult to grow a healthy and strong plant.

The Palace of Life is a palace about which they usually write that this is the moment where the Sun is at the moment of birth, but they do not add that this Sun will move across the sky of your life until the very end. And of course, the stronger this palace, the better. If you are in conflict with the year, you need professional advice.

The pillar of the year is essentially the roots of a plant; the stronger they are, the easier it is for the plant to develop on the surface all its life with the genetic material and the Sun that it received.

The pillar of the month is already good growth, a strong young tree. That’s why the season, the finding of the season, is so important here.

The pillar of the day is flowering, peak of development, depend. If something is not correct or does not pollinate, it is also not very good. What's above is more important here than what's below.

The pillar of the hour is fruit. This is the so-called lining of Fate. Another hour is often called the exit gate. In a year we enter, in an hour we leave. Accordingly, here is our self-expression, and it doesn’t matter that these are children, career, whole life - its results.

Therefore, if you look without the first two pillars, then the conclusions about your map will not be complete.

Now about the strokes of luck. Everyone knows that there are bars of luck that change every 10 years. And there are “children’s” strokes of luck (which are not found in Internet calculators), which are also called “small strokes of luck” starting from the moment a person is born. Tell me why they suddenly stop, what must happen for them to suddenly end. Time? Energy? Has the person grown up? So, a professional will also always take them into account until the very end.

There are also Symbolic stars and Nayin. Symbolic stars are calculated from Nayin. The Nayin system is more important than the Ba Zi system. I'll tell you about this some other time. The only thing that is very important to know when looking at the card is the following. If you imagine any of the 4 pillars as a cut of a tree, it looks like this:

In a word, you cannot look at your map without taking Nayin into account.

I have already written an article about hidden heavenly trunks on my blog, if you are interested, you can read it.

That's all for today. I wish you excellent bazi and correct reading.

Solar and Rubber Time Calculator

What kind of calculator is this?

A professional calculator that calculates solar time and variable (or popularly “rubber”). Used to select favorable dates for the beginning of important events, activations, analysis of birth charts, professional practices of Bazi, Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia.

Why is this calculator needed?


In various systems of Chinese metaphysics, time is of great importance, the measurements of which differ from the European one we are used to. In Ancient China, from where all Chinese metaphysics came to us, the sun's shadow and a device called a “gnomon” were used to measure time. It was precisely such measurements that showed the true solar time in that territory.

The day was divided into 12 equal parts. Each piece corresponded to two European watches. This is where the concept of the Chinese two-hour watch came from.

For example, the hour of the tiger lasts from 3 to 5 o'clock, and the hour of the horse from 11 to 13 o'clock, etc.


Now the knowledge of Chinese metaphysics is applied not only in China, but throughout the world. However, there was a need to recalculate the duration of Chinese two-hour clocks in relation to a specific area, because there is such a thing as time zones, which is not related to real geography, but depends on geopolitics. For example, in neighboring cities separated by administrative boundaries, the time may differ by up to 2 hours, although geographically it should be the same, because true solar time is not associated with administrative territories, but is calculated based on the movement of the sun across the sky.

Thus, there is a difference between the clock time and true solar time.

This difference is called “solar time correction.” Such calculations are quite complex and take time.

The “SOLAR TIME” section of our calculator allows you to find out in 1 second the duration of the Chinese two-hour clock for any locality without complex calculations of corrections, time zones, sun movement, and so on. For example, in Moscow, the hour of the tiger lasts from 3:30 to 5:30 hours, and the hour of the horse from 11:30 to 13:30 hours (that is, an adjustment of 30 minutes), and so on.

In addition, the original system of measuring the two-hour clock was created in an area where day was approximately equal to night throughout the year, and all measurements were based on the sun and sun's shadow, sunrise and sunset.

In our more northern latitudes, the length of day and night varies greatly throughout the year. Based on this understanding, our colleague Alexander Anishchenko put forward a theory about the so-called “variable branches of the hour” (popularly known as “rubber time”).

The calculation of “rubber time” is an attempt to further clarify the duration of the Chinese two-hour clock for a specific area.

The “RUBBER TIME” section of our calculator allows you to perform this calculation without delving into the jungle of studying the length of the day in different seasons at different latitudes.

Who created this calculator and who owns it?

This calculator belongs to Oksana Sakhranova, a consultant and teacher of Feng Shui and Bazi with 20 years of experience. All the experience of practical application of the theory of Chinese metaphysics on our European territory was invested in the development of this calculator. More information about Oksana Sakhranova and her school can be found here >>

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