Feng Shui paintings in the bedroom - we decorate the room according to the rules

Feng Shui paintings have a powerful impact on a person’s life. Some bring happiness to your personal life, others allow you to climb the career ladder, and others help resolve disputes. But there are also paintings that not only evoke negative emotions, but can bring big troubles into life.

Any canvas is a figment of the imagination of a master who, consciously or unconsciously, puts into its creation a momentary mood and part of his soul. Therefore, when coming into contact with the energy of any painting, each person living in the house may experience different sensations. In order for a painting to bring only positive emotions and have a beneficial effect on fate, it is necessary to carefully select images and place them correctly in the house.

Feng Shui bedroom – passion and peace

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the bedroom occupies a dual position - on the one hand, it is a territory of peace and relaxation, but on the other, the interior of the bedroom and the hidden symbol of objects should contribute to love games and experiences. It is still possible to combine these two seemingly opposite directions.

Before approaching the issue of choosing paintings, let’s look at the general color scheme of the room. For young spouses who have started their first joint renovation of an apartment, colors that excite passion are most suitable. Ideally, it is red, but if it does not suit the design style, then peach or hot pink.

Don't forget about bed linen. The ideal option is white linen, or pastel colors close to natural shades. But blue is considered a color that promises trouble for spouses. If this is your favorite color, then you can make accents on wallpaper or carpets - this is exactly what Feng Shui does not prohibit.

We very often place lush indoor plants in the bedroom. However, these living beings have their own energy, and as science confirms, they are able to experience fear, joy, and feel our mood. Therefore, in the bedroom their presence should be limited to two flowerpots. It is very important that the plants are in perfect condition and delight the eye with bright colors. Ancient science especially loves peonies - bouquets of these flowers belong in the bedroom.

Peonies are the strongest love talisman

Feng Shui paintings in the bedroom - what has no place in the bedroom?

Peonies can also be in paintings - this is an even better option than fresh flowers. Such images are worth purchasing for a couple who is at the peak of love experiences. According to Feng Shui, the paintings in your bedroom should reflect your aspirations.

For example, if you have not yet found your soulmate, there is a place near the bed for images of loving couples. If this is the bedroom of spouses who want to conceive a child, the picture should show smiling, happy children. It is better to avoid photographs and give preference to reproductions of famous artists.

But what definitely has no place in the bedroom is the water element. Therefore, paintings with waterfalls, fountains, the sea or the ocean should be immediately removed from the living room. According to Feng Shui, water is responsible for material wealth in the house, but the proximity of this element is considered dangerous for the health of a sleeping person.

The water element also means aquariums, which people so often place in the bedroom, believing that contemplating fish calms the nerves. Still, it is better to put the aquarium in the next room. You shouldn’t go too far – a glass of water or a decanter in the bedroom would be completely appropriate.

An example of what not to do!

Images to be wary of include wild animals. Such pictures are like an invitation to various troubles. The energy of the painting spreads a deadly breath.

The ban also applies to all kinds of decorative elements related to the animal world - a skin on the floor or deer antlers on the wall will look better in the living room near the fireplace.

Autumn landscapes are also not the best choice for the bedroom. Feng Shui paintings for the bedroom with other seasons - as many as you like. Spouses who have lived together for many years, according to teaching, should replace bright flowers with ripe fruits.

A noisy holiday or feast is also not the best solution. The image for the painting as a whole should evoke pleasant feelings in you, such as romance or joy. It is not at all necessary that the image be on canvas or paper. A painted fabric or tapestry is a great option for a bedroom.

When choosing a picture, be guided by your inner feelings - if even at the first eye contact you feel unpleasant sensations, you should move on to another plot, even if the rest of the family liked the previous one.

Ideal subject of the picture, ideal location

Bad options for the bedroom

Not the most suitable paintings for a bedroom interior:

  • battle and war scenes,
  • herbariums and insect collections,
  • weapon,
  • warships,
  • autumn,
  • A lot of people.

The complex subject is water. She has strong energy and actively influences everyone who looks at her. Calm water is associated with stagnation, and stormy water with impermanence and instability. But here everything is individual. If the image of a mermaid against the backdrop of a calm lake attracts, relaxes and energizes, you should choose it.

Where to hang Feng Shui paintings in the bedroom?

It all depends on how many functional areas there are in the bedroom. Closer to the bed you should place paintings with a light plot, made in pastel colors. And although many people hang a picture above the headboard, this should not be done.

Feng Shui of the bedroom and paintings above the bed are incompatible things; the images should be distributed on the sides of the bed and opposite it. In the area where the desktop is located, you should hang an image that corresponds to the work mood - classic scenes, strict lines, muted tones.

It is best to hang paintings opposite the bed so that they can be clearly seen. The only problem is that this place is usually occupied by a TV. Feng Shui is definitely against such an arrangement. Moreover, according to the doctrine, there is absolutely no place in the bedroom for any equipment that produces electromagnetic radiation.

Paintings above the headboard is the most common mistake

And judge for yourself - what is most often shown in the evening, when we still have the strength to watch TV? That's right, news. There is hardly any need to talk about what stories journalists choose to cover. Terrorist attacks, tsunamis, hurricanes, murders, wars - imagine that you hung the whole room with paintings in black tones. Still, the effect of the shock would be less than that of watching TV every day.

If you absolutely cannot do without it, then watch your favorite films on DVD - comedies, family films and good cartoons will be remembered the next day with a smile.

According to Feng Shui, paintings in the bedroom should not show destructive natural phenomena, such as a volcanic eruption or lightning strike. Dynamic and saturated with negative experiences paintings can destroy relationships between loving people - too high a price to pay for the beauty of the elements.

Modular pictures

Classic paintings can be found less often than modular ones. Paintings for the bedroom, divided into segments, are the most fashionable trend. Their device is very comfortable for the human eye.

One plot, divided into several semantic parts, tells a whole story, but at the same time the composition looks integral. This solution contains exactly what is needed for eye rest and mental comfort: dynamics, movement, development.

Character traits

Modular paintings have a number of features:

  1. No need for heavy frames. The individual parts should give the impression of unity. The frames are only light and narrow. Or there are no frames at all (gallery design of the painting).
  2. The whole image is divided into any number of fragments. But the universal number is: 3-5. It is better to choose an odd number, then the picture will have a clearly defined center. But there are no strict rules here.
  3. Fragments can be of any shape, although squares and rectangles are the most popular.
  4. You can divide the common canvas in different directions, horizontally, vertically, diagonally and arbitrarily. This is an additional decorative technique that will allow you to set the mood of the composition and even optically adjust the room. Narrow vertical paintings stretch out, horizontal ones expand.
  5. The greater the distance between the fragments, the deeper and more dynamic the overall impression.
  6. The size of a modular painting is not limited; it can occupy the headboard or the entire wall.
  7. The minimum side length of one fragment is 30 cm. Smaller fragments will be difficult to perceive.

Modules can break up the plot in different ways:

  1. Fragments continue one image.
  2. Fragments repeat the same image in different shades.
  3. They are mirrored.

Modules in the interior

A photo of modular paintings for a bedroom can become an impetus on the basis of which a unique solution will be built. But in any case, you will need to decide a number of things yourself:

  1. Will the composition continue the theme of the existing design, or, on the contrary, define it?
  2. Where will the posters be placed, will they be too cramped, or, conversely, free.
  3. Will the paintings be clearly visible? It is better to avoid options when you always have to look at the picture only from the side.
  4. The color scheme is neutral or bright. Calm colors support, bright colors dominate.
  5. Genre agreement. You shouldn't place a view of New York in a room with rustic or rustic motifs, pop posters and abstract paintings are not suitable for a classic-style bedroom with an abundance of wooden surfaces, and food images are good in the kitchen, but rarely in the bedroom.

To avoid mistakes, it is recommended to first cut out modules from unnecessary cardboard, arrange them and evaluate the effect.

How to visually expand a room

Due to their ability to add depth, modular paintings are often used to optically expand a room. A great trick for small bedrooms.

The stories then support this goal. These are overview canvases with depth and perspective: views of nature, mountains or forests stretching into the distance, city streets.

Paintings that imitate windows look funny and attractive, for example, a view from a window of an Italian village.

Shape and size of the painting

When choosing which painting to hang in the bedroom, it is best to opt for one large painting. It will visually make the room larger. Vertically stretched canvases will make the room visually taller, while horizontal ones will add width to the wall.

Images that are too small leave the room feeling cluttered.

If you like several small paintings, you can put them together into a composition. To do this, images that are similar in theme and color scheme are hung next to each other, aligned along the bottom edge. There should be no more than four such parts in the composition.

Paintings should hang at eye level so as not to disturb the proportions of the room.

Images in a round frame or depicting circles are only acceptable in a bedroom with semicircular doorways or porthole windows.

How to fit a picture

There are several options for presenting a picture:

  1. It unobtrusively repeats and connects the colors and style solutions of the interior. For example, in a beige bedroom with apple green accents there is a painting depicting phalaenopsis orchids of the “Green apple” variety.
  2. Dominates. The picture is either brighter or more contrasting. For example, in the bedroom there are fuchsia flowers in pink tones. The other interior supports the theme of the picture, and not vice versa.
  3. Maintains theme. For example, a view of lavender fields in a Provence style bedroom.
  4. The picture sets the mood. For example, in a calm bedroom, decorated in swamp green and light beige tones, there is a schematic representation of a flower in a botanical style. In the same bedroom you can hang an image of a mysterious fantasy forest, permeated with the sun - and the mood will be completely different.

Tips for Placing Wealth Symbols

Despite the fact that there are a lot of different symbols of success in Feng Shui, you should not rush to extremes and completely fill your house with them. One or three elements in the southeastern sector of the apartment and one or two in other places are enough if, for example, your living room is not located in this area.

Be sure to keep live plants in your house, as their energy helps activate all sectors of the home, including the wealth zone. If you don't like figurines, plant one money tree. It will simultaneously work in two directions: it will clean the energy of the house and open a channel for financial flow.

Pay attention to the mirror in the hallway - it should not be located opposite the front door, otherwise the material wealth entering the house will be reflected on its surface and go back out.

Feng Shui for happiness and wealth also advises putting some money under the rug in the hallway - this will attract financial success to you. And never keep cracked dishes in the house - this is a very negative symbol that nullifies the positive energy of the entire home.

The bedroom is one of the most important and cozy corners in our home. It is in the bedroom that we can relax, fill ourselves with new strength and energy before a new day.

According to Feng Shui, paintings in a bedroom should have a calm energy, designed to ensure internal harmony and harmony with the surrounding reality and at the same time represent a necessary decoration of the room. When choosing paintings for the bedroom, it is important to be guided by the basic principles of ancient art, and you can learn how to do this after reading this material.

Avoid images of bridges, cars and dry trees in paintings

Modern trends dictate their own rules. Nowadays it is important to decorate rooms with images of bridges, cars, skyscrapers, and trees. In Eastern philosophy, these are symbols of only one energy - Yin or Yang, which will bring loneliness.

Yin energy dominates the bedroom. Because it is aimed at relaxation and restoration of consciousness. However, it must be balanced by Yang. True, not in too large quantities.

Cars and houses are symbols of a beautiful, prosperous life. Therefore, they are placed in the wealth sector - in the southeast of the home.

If there is an image of objects in the picture, then there should be two of them

An excellent solution would be paintings with a paired image. For example, peonies captured at the peak of their bloom will add passion to the love relationship of spouses.

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People in love will become a symbol of a long and strong relationship. In particular, such canvases are recommended to be hung at the head of the bed for lonely people. To quickly find your soul mate.

The depicted pair of animals is a symbol of fidelity and devotion.

Three objects in the picture will attract the betrayal of one of the spouses.

Acceptable decoration for your bedroom

To everything listed above, you will need to add a few more points.

So, when decorating a bedroom, it is worth giving up sharp corners, teeth, ribbed decorative elements, plaster relief ceilings - all these are not the best solutions for how to decorate a bedroom. According to Feng Shui, the greatest danger is found in decorative elements similar to spears and arrows. Free your interior from everything that carries some kind of threat or energy of aggression.

Instead, you should use different crystals that form an interesting play of light. They will contribute to successful conception, plus they will harmonize relationships in a couple. In this case, both individual jewelry and entire compositions can act as crystals. In order to continue the play of light under artificial lighting conditions, crystals should be hung on a chandelier or lampshade.

The science of Feng Shui expresses an extremely negative attitude towards mirrors in the bedroom. Experts of this teaching are confident that reflective objects have an extremely negative effect on relationships between partners. In addition, mirrors act as conductors to parallel realities, through which various otherworldly entities can penetrate into the home.

And this attitude towards mirrors is accepted not only in Feng Shui - many other mystical teachings practice various rituals using mirrors, and the custom of hanging mirrors when someone dies is also popular in many nations.

In the same cases, if mirrors for the bedroom, in your opinion, are a necessary attribute, you need to come up with a way to reduce the reflective surface. For example, at night you can cover the mirror with a curtain. It is important that in no case does it contain a reflection of sleeping people.

Also note that the bed in the bedroom must be placed in such a way that the soles of your feet are directed towards the door. Do not place the head of the bed towards a window, sharp corners or closets, or towards the toilet. If this is not possible and you are forced to face one of the listed factors, it is worth isolating yourself from the problem with the help of a screen or curtain - this will help protect you from adverse influences.

Christianity's position

The most desirable items in the home of a believer and in his bedroom in particular are icons and paintings of religious Christian content. Still lifes, landscapes, abstract drawings, and portraits of family members are absolutely acceptable.

It is undesirable to hang pictures with cruel and violent scenes, such as war or hunting, as well as indecent images with naked bodies. What is completely prohibited is the religious symbolism of other faiths, especially those associated with paganism and polytheism.

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