How to determine a Person's Personal Palace? Or Ba-Tzu - where to start

Guide to How to Read the Bazi Birth Chart

The peculiarity of the birth chart in the Bazi system is that it does not answer the question “what should happen,” but will give a hint “how to make what we want happen.” The Bazi map is like a road map that will help you find the shortest path in life, avoid getting into a dead end and not getting lost. By understanding your own birth chart, it will be easier to know about all the opportunities and obstacles, which means it will be easier to correctly outline your “route”.

So, what are the basic steps to reading a Bazi card?

Elements in the pillars of destiny

The Bazi calculator calculates the pillars of destiny. In other words, it converts the date of birth from digital form into Chinese characters. The result is a combination of symbols from the Five Elements system - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water.

The four pillars of fate are 4 pairs of signs - year, month, day and hour of birth. The upper hieroglyphs are called Heavenly Trunks, and the lower ones are called Earthly Branches.

The first thing you should pay attention to in a birth chart is the “Personal Element”. It appears in the “Heavenly trunks” line, in the “Day” column. This is a person’s birthday, the main sign in the Bazi chart, it gives the main characteristics and describes the inner world.

Other “celestial trunks” also give their own characteristics. But they, especially the “Heavenly Trunk in the Year,” will indicate how other people perceive a person from the outside.

You can see descriptions for each sky trunk

Quality level

The elements of the map have certain energy levels, which can be assessed by 12 phases, comparing the heavenly trunk and the earthly branch. High energy levels indicate good quality!

Table of 12 phases of Qi

5 areas of life in the map of the pillars of destiny

All elements in the Bazi birth chart mean different aspects of life - only 5 main areas: “People”, “Self-Expression”, “Money”, “Power”, “Resources”. The birth and control cycles of the five elements will indicate what each element represents to your personality. Bazi masters take this principle as a basis when reading maps.

Here you can read about the 5 main areas of life in Bazi

Symbolic stars in the Bazi map

The method of symbolic stars stands apart from the main way of reading Bazi. Symbolic stars are certain combinations of signs. Knowing them, you can draw quick, although not too deep, conclusions. The characteristics of symbolic stars will help to “add colors” when reading the Bazi card, to diversify it with some details.

Read more and see the meanings of some symbolic stars

Relationships of the 12 animal signs

The earthly branches, known as the 12 animal signs, interact with each other in different ways. The main types of interactions are collisions, harm, punishment, mergers, alliances. This also leaves an imprint on a person’s character, and therefore on his destiny.

Read more about the interactions of the 12 animal signs

Tacts of Luck

In addition to the main four pillars of the birth chart, which are permanent, there are also temporary pillars. They are called "pillars of fortune" or "life beats", and are also designated by heavenly trunks and earthly branches. They come and are temporarily “added” for 10 years. The four pillars of destiny indicate innate potential, and the “pillars of luck” will tell you about new opportunities that will appear in life.

These opportunities can bring both benefit and harm. Depending on what elements are contained in the “tacts of luck,” they can make life “smooth” and make life easier, or they can destabilize everything so much that a person will not be able to adapt to new realities. In such cases they say: “periods of ups and downs...” And how to understand this?

Card power and useful elements

For further understanding, you need to determine the strength of the Bazi card. This will give you an idea of ​​what elements are useful for the birth chart and will bring it into balance. Understanding the “useful” and “unhelpful” elements will help you find a basic life strategy.

Here you can read how to determine the strength of a card and useful elements

So, here are the basic steps on how to read a Bazi card. Fate is considered very successful if there is a harmonious flow of energies in the birth chart, elements of high quality and all this is supported by good “life beats”. However, it is possible to achieve a high level of well-being with absolutely any card, although you will not become a “celestial being”. You just need to follow your life purpose. Therefore, no matter what Bazi card you have, find the right use for it - and under any external circumstances you will receive the maximum opportunities from the Universe!

Art of Bazi

The four pillars of fate, year, month, day and hour, provide a lot of information about a person’s destiny, but besides this, there are several more important pillars that also influence our destiny. You may have already heard about the Palace of Life and the Palace of Conception, but there is another interesting pillar in the bazi chart 八字算命 - called the “Palace of the Body”.

The Palace of the Body* is important in the aspect of money and wealth. What is the pillar of the Body Palace? It represents how much wealth a person can get in life. Let’s say a person works a lot and hard, but there is still not enough money, it is difficult to increase wealth, etc. By evaluating this palace, you can extract additional information. However, from a technical point of view, one also needs to look at the interaction of the other pillars in the bazi chart 八字算命.

The pillar of the Body Palace is associated with the sphere of human wealth, and what is “wealth” from the point of view of metaphysics? Life source. Without water, fish die; without wealth and means of subsistence, a person cannot live normally either. Even if he is engaged in spiritual practices or self-development, he needs a material base to continue to live and develop, some basis for sustainability in life. Thus, the pillar of the Palace of the Body in the map shows the “source of life,” and for example, the pillar of the Palace of Life represents a career.

The Houses of Life 命, Conception 胎元 and Body 身 reflect innate characteristics in fate, the foundations of personality, and the original state. For example, you notice a certain person who is always well or stylishly dressed, but when you get to know him better, you discover that he is not actually rich and just maintains a respectable appearance. One can look at these 3 palaces in the chart and see that although presentable, his Life Palace indicates a bad career, and the Body Palace indicates poverty. There are also people who appear simple and ordinary on the outside, but in reality they are rich and wealthy, and the Body Palace will most likely show this in their chart. Naturally, there are also people who dress according to their actual financial status. But still, we should not forget about “human luck”, the personal efforts and intentions of a person to achieve a comfortable standard of living within the limits of the possibilities provided by fate.

How to determine the Body Palace

Use this table to find the earthly branch of the Body Palace. The top line is your birth month 月 according to the Chinese calendar, the left column is the hour of birth. At the intersection you will find the earthly branch of the palace.

Next, we will use the monthly table “Five Tigers” 五虎遁年起月表 (Five types of Tigers that form the year). Using this table, using the heavenly trunk of the year of birth from your bazi chart (in the top line) and the earthly branch of the Body Palace (on the left), determine the Heavenly Stem (HC) for the Body Palace. For example, if your NS chart for the year of birth is Yin Fire, and the earthly branch of the Body Palace is Tiger, then the pillar of the palace will be Yang Water on the Tiger.

Now look at the Body Palace:

1. First, use the Day Pillar to identify the "Heavenly Void" 空亡 Kong Wang. If there is a Void in the Body Palace, then a person's life will generally be in poverty, weak wealth or good fortune, wealth comes and goes. Even if there is an increase in wealth, it is usually due to the influence of other pillars.

2. If the Body Palace has a collision or harm with the pillars of the map, then there is no luck for money.

3. If the deities/elements of the Body Palace are favorable and the celestial trunk of the Palace supports the Lord of the day, the person will be very rich. If the NS of the Body Palace and the elements of the Lord of the day are of a contradictory nature or in conflict, the person loses a lot of wealth.

4. If the elements of the Body Palace are unfavorable, and the heavenly trunk of the Body Palace supports the Lord of the day, then money luck is not favorable to the person. If the NS of the Body Palace and the elements of the Lord of the day have a conflicting relationship, then there will also be a lot of losses in the realm of wealth.

5. When the Heavenly trunk of the Body Palace is a favorable element, while the earthly branch is unfavorable, but at the same time the NS of the Body Palace supports the personality element, then the person is rich. But if the NS of the Body Palace and the Lord of the day are in conflict, then luck in terms of money is average.

6. If the heavenly trunk of the Body Palace and the Lord of the day are in a harmonious beneficial combination, then the person has monetary luck throughout his life.

7. The Palace of the Body has a favorable combination with the card, then a person can receive material assistance from benefactors (benefactors).

Using the 10 Deities method, you can obtain additional information. Let's say the Body Palace - Direct Wealth 正財 Zheng Cai is sitting on the Power Challenge 傷官 Shang Guan: since the Power Challenge supports Direct Wealth, it is unfavorable for the weak Lord of the day. A person suffers from troubles associated with gossip and slander in the field of money. For a strong Lord of the day with a weak element of wealth, this is favorable. The person has a smooth, easy flow of wealth and good fortune, unexpected achievements, and is able to acquire wealth through his own efforts or the losses of others. Since the deity Challenging Power 傷官 Shang Guan has an unstable nature, it brings some kind of “turbulence”, a person uses illegal or secret means to achieve financial success. Since Direct Wealth 正財 Zheng Cai is of a stable nature, it brings dilemmas and conflicting thoughts. There are fluctuations in a person's aspirations and his life will also be subject to many ups and downs, but ultimately there will be success in life.

*- the article partially used materials from master Tony Lee. Texts of “Ghost Valley Art of Life Reading” (鬼谷子算命術 Gui Gu Zi Suan Ming Shu).

Calculator 12 palaces of fate


+ —


  • You can use the 12 palace system if you know the basics of Ba Tzu.
  • Find the animal of your palace of life.
  • In the small square of this palace, select the number 1. If the pillar of the month of birth is Yang, then select + , if Yin -
  • In the large square of this palace, select the NS of the palace of life. Select + or - as in the previous paragraph.
If you are not familiar with this system, you can take a correspondence, self-paced course ⇒ READ MORE

The system of 12 palaces of fate is a very informative tool for analyzing a person’s life. But to use it you need to know the time of birth. 12 palaces correspond to 12 spheres of life.

By the elements found in the palaces, one can judge the favorableness of the sphere of life of a particular palace for a person.

For example, if the palace of wealth and power is favorable for a person, and the palace of an employee’s fee is unfavorable, then it is better for such a person to engage in business, politics, where he will be able to realize better results and will be in his place.

It happens that at different periods of life different palaces are favorable and sometimes it is not possible to achieve success, even in the sphere of a favorable palace, until it is included in the layout of the card or the coming 10-year pillars of luck.

The base is the Ba Tzu card, it is like a set of tools with which a person was born. Then come 10-year periods that show the route of life, its changing stages, a certain scenario.

The Palaces of Fate show us the areas of life in which this scenario will play out. Of the 12 palaces, 2 are always empty. The areas of life corresponding to these palaces will not be useful for a person; he may not be able to realize himself in them and it is better to focus on favorable areas. Spheres of 12 palaces:

In classical Western astrology, there are also 12 fields of the horoscope (12 houses). They do not coincide in numbers with the Palaces of Fate in Bazi, but in many respects they coincide in meaning.

Each sign of the Zodiac represents an action (rhythm), vibration of a certain Cosmic Energy. Planets are compacted subtle cosmic energies that have a specific form of manifestation. Each zodiac sign has its own planet. The 12 houses of the horoscope show the areas of life in which these zodiac qualities will manifest themselves.

  • Astrology of Ba Tzu
  • 10 elements of personality
  • 10 personality types
  • define our element
  • correspondence course “12 palaces of fate”
  • Personality element in zodiac signs
  • Correspondence of 12 animals and elements in Bazi
  • Types of business by element


Astrology of Zi Wei Continuing the theme of the Oracle in Chinese metaphysics, I cannot ignore one of the most interesting systems in this area - Zi Wei Dou Shu (English or 紫微斗數 - Chinese), known as also called “Violet Emperor Astrology” or “Zi Wei Astrology”. It is believed that in ancient times there were two main approaches to analyzing the Fate of a person. What they had in common was that the characteristics of Qi at the time of his birth were taken as the basis for determining a person’s life. Different ways of describing and interpreting these characteristics have led to the creation of different systems. You are probably already familiar with one of the systems - these are the Four Pillars of Destiny or Ba Zi (literal translation - Eight hieroglyphs). Another system of life analysis is called Zi Wei Dou Shu. Thanks to different approaches to charting and analysis, the systems complement each other perfectly and, when used simultaneously, we can obtain much more information both about the innate characteristics of a person and about trends caused by the coming cycles of time. Twelve Palaces in the Zi Wei Dou Shu layout If you are already familiar with the ba zi system, then you know that in it we analyze a table in which there are 8 main signs located in pairs in 4 Palaces (Pillars). Each palace is responsible for several correspondences at once. In the Zi Wei Dou Shu system, the layout consists of 12 Palaces. Below is an example of a basic layout table in this system, compiled at the time of a person’s birth with the designation of 12 Palaces: Each of the Palaces corresponds to one of the areas of a person’s life: 1. Palace of Life 2. Palace of Parents 3. Palace of Happiness 4. Palace of Property 5. Palace of Career 6 Palace of Friends 7. Palace of Travel 8. Palace of Health 9. Palace of Wealth 10. Palace of Children 11. Palace of Marriage 12. Palace of Brothers and Sisters (for short - Palace of Brothers). The location of these Palaces is individual for each person and depends on his month of birth. The spheres of life to which each of the Palaces relates quite characteristically, although rather limitedly, are indicated by their names. In fact, each of these Palaces has a much more capacious description that does not always follow directly from its name. In order to make it more clear what we are talking about in terms of the considered spheres of life in Zi Wei Dou Shu, I will give their description here. I don’t think that you will find such a detailed description for each element in any other Oracle system: Palaces, Stars, various combinations. This is par for the course in this system. Palace of Life (Fate) The Palace of Life has a special meaning and position not only because it describes the person himself, but also because another, thirteenth Palace, which is not included in the general list of the Twelve Palaces, is inextricably linked with it. This is the Body Palace. Why it is not included in the general list of Palaces will become clear from the very description of the Palaces of Life (Ming) and Body (Shen). The Ming Palace is the Palace of Life or Fate. It is believed to show the characteristics that a person receives at birth from the Former Heaven. This is the character, physical data, constitution of a person. At the same time, this is his luck in life and potential in his development. The purpose of a person, the tasks that he has to solve in life, his dreams and desires, all these aspects are embedded in the Palace of Human Life. All of the listed aspects of a person’s life largely depend on which Stars (more precisely, combinations of stars) are located in his Palace of Life. If there are favorable combinations of stars in the Palace of Life, then the person is an optimist; if there are unfavorable ones, he is a pessimist. Favorable stars speak of a good destiny, unfavorable stars speak of problems arising in a person’s life. The Shen Palace is the Palace of the Body and is associated with those characteristics that a person receives from the Subsequent Heaven. The Body Palace is not one of the twelve palaces. He may find himself in the same sector with one of the following palaces: Palace of Life, Palace of Marriage, Palace of Wealth, Palace of Travel, Palace of Career, Palace of Happiness. This Palace shows what a person becomes after reaching the age of 35 years (approximately). Parents: Gives information about our parents, their fate. This is a family environment, the older generation, traditions, everything that a person learns from his ancestors. This also includes spiritual teachers from whom we study and who pass on knowledge to us, but only those teachers who are much older than us in age. In addition, this is a self-awareness of one’s roots, one’s biography. How a person can implement traditions in his life, what he can do to procreate, what kind of connection there should be with his parents and whether there is one in principle. Happiness: The interpretation of the name of this Palace is not entirely usual. Often, Happiness refers to a person’s Luck or Fortune. Here Happiness means not only 'happiness, good fortune, blessing', but also 'dignity, morals, moral principles'. At the same time, this Palace describes our emotional characteristics or inner world. It also concerns our financial condition, since the Palace of Wealth is opposite to the Palace of Happiness, and therefore has a strong influence on it. It is advisable to have good stars in this Palace. In this case, the person will be happy regardless of other circumstances. The Palace of Happiness also speaks of the length of life. The stars here indicate whether the person will live a long or short life. If the Palace of Happiness in the scenario is seriously attacked by bad stars and the Star of Annoyance, then a person’s life is in danger. Some star combinations can mean self-destruction. Property: This palace shows what type of house a person is likely to live in. It also indicates whether a person is capable of owning property. The idea can be extended to an analysis of the type of organization in which a person is likely to work. The palace could also signify his main investment. This is a very important palace in the Person's Chart. If this palace is seriously damaged by malefic stars and the Star of Annoyance, then it can mean the collapse of a person's career, business and investments. The combination of good stars and the absence of transformation into a bad star indicates the quality of the real estate that a person will own. Career: This palace determines what type of profession is suitable for a person. It also indicates expected achievements. It can tell whether a person should be an employee, self-employed, or own their own business. It can tell whether a person is dedicated to one profession or constantly changes jobs. If a person is engaged in business, then we can say in which sector he needs to build a business: manufacturing sector, service sector, trade, investment, etc. If there is danger on the way, then we can also say where it comes from. The combination of stars in this palace shows the way of making money, the field of activity. For women, work can be home; for students, school is considered; for students, college is considered. The location of the Body Palace in the Children's Palace is an indication that the woman is a housewife. If her Palace of Property is strong and her Body is located there and her finances are in order, then there is a high probability that she will be involved in real estate. Another indication that a housewife woman is the Palace of Marriage with a good combination of stars is a 50/50 probability. If the teacher is in a kindergarten, then for this she must have good stars - mind, intellect, literary creativity, stars of learning, education, and there must be a strong Career Palace, namely the Palace, which is responsible for activities. In the old days, career opportunities were limited to serving the emperor. This palace was called Guan Lu Gong, which signified the potential for rank in the government. Friends: Originally called the Servants' Palace. Since most of us today cannot afford servants, we rely on the help of our friends. Therefore, this Palace shows whether we can rely on our friends. Sometimes we can even determine that a friend will intrude on the marriage. Map analysis can be very interesting. Shows relationships with any hired person who somehow help us realize our desires. Shows what we are supposed to do and what we want to do. People characterized by this Palace are important in the development of personality. From this Palace you can determine whether the people in this palace are real helpers or not, and this will depend on whether the stars there are good or not. Accordingly, if these people are represented by the Star of Power, or the Minister, or the star of Noble people who are older than us in age, then we are saying that this Palace points us to good help from somewhere, and if bad stars gather here, then we talk about how our friends do everything with malicious intent, gossip behind our back. And if Helpers come here, left or right (people younger than us or our age), then by this Palace we can judge which of our friends we can turn to for help. Travel: This Palace has a slightly different meaning from what we are used to. If now by the word “travel” we mean trips for the purpose of pleasure, then before people did not travel for entertainment. Most of us have to leave home and travel for business in order to make money. This palace speaks of our fate during such trips. It can warn of impending car accidents or plane crashes. The second aspect of the Palace is that it shows what a person will encounter in the outside world. He will tell you what type of people he will meet and whether they will be useful and beneficial. He will tell you whether a person will suffer from other people's fraud. The palace will tell you if the people he meets like him and if they are happy to see him. The Palace of Travel is always opposite the Palace of Life and has a strong influence on it. Bad stars in the Palace of Travel have a more negative impact on a person than if they were in the Palace of Life. Good stars, being in the Palace of Travel, can also have a stronger influence on a person than if they were in the Palace of Life. Therefore, if you are going on a trip, the Travel Palace can be considered as a temporary Palace of Destiny. Health: This palace shows our prospects from the point of view of Chinese, but not Western medicine. Responsible for congenital physical characteristics, shows a predisposition to certain diseases, hereditary predisposition. It identifies accidents that can happen to a person. When bad stars and a bad transforming star appear in it, this may be an indication of tragic incidents and situations in a person’s life. If a lame horse gets into the Palace, then there is a chance that the person will have health problems if he goes on a trip. In this case, we tell the person that he must take out life insurance before he travels. If at certain periods the Health Palace contains a Heavenly Horse star carrying corpses, then an accident may occur to a person, and he may even die during the trip, and there must be a Horse and a Power Star. If the stars in this Palace are strong, then the parts of the body representing these stars are healthy. If this palace is attacked by malefic stars or the Annoyance Star, then the health condition is poor. Wealth: This Palace shows the level of income, ways of earning money and how easy it will be to earn it. Describes material and financial wealth, a person’s ability to manage his money, spend money and save. It also denotes a pattern of good fortune and wealth. Some people have a stable source of income. Others have unexpected wealth. For some people, the luck of wealth can be very unstable. Some people suffer loss of wealth due to a bad decision, others are deceived by scammers. Sometimes this palace warns of possible loss of money due to negligence in signing a contract. Some people can make a lot of money from speculation, but they should be warned that the money can be lost just as quickly. This palace shows whether the money comes from investments, professional activities or other resources. This Palace does not communicate with the Palace of Happiness - they are opposite each other, which implies a collision, since this implies spending. If favorable stars gather in the Palace of Wealth, and there are unfavorable stars in the Palace of Happiness, then this will tell us that we are losing money on pleasure. If in both Palaces the combinations of Stars are favorable, then we say that we spend money with pleasure, we earn it and enjoy the fact that we spend it. It all depends on the quality of the stars. The Palaces of Wealth, Career, and Life form an important triangle due to the combination of these three aspects. (We'll go into more detail on this later.) Children: Includes everything that implies the next generation. It will tell you a lot about the relationship between children and their parents. This includes the ability to conceive, childbirth, the likelihood of miscarriages, relationships with children, children’s health, children’s education, problems children have when traveling. It is also possible to judge a person's sexual relationships with the opposite sex, whether they are good or bad, and the purpose of these relationships. The Children's Palace gives us information about the potential of children. He will give us guidance on what is best to do in the best interests of the children. This idea can be extended to analyzing which people are in that person's care. It may indicate that a person will be betrayed by his followers. And of course, this becomes an important factor when choosing a profession. In this case, he needs to avoid relying on followers. It can also apply to our students if we have a fairly close relationship with them. However, does not apply to pupils or students in general if you are their teacher. Marriage: This palace shows what a person's spouse is like. It also describes the relationship between husband and wife. Some stars in this palace can mean a love affair. By this palace we can determine when we will meet our love, when there will be separation, separation or divorce. If bad stars gather here, then we can determine from this palace when problems will begin for the spouses. It can also tell whether a person will suffer from a failed relationship before marriage. Sometimes he warns that early marriage will come to a painful end. Advice can be given to avoid a bad marriage. Sometimes marrying someone who is ten years older or younger can be the solution. Sometimes temporary separation can soften hearts. Sometimes marriage after 30 is suitable. If the major stars in your Marriage Palace are not favorable, a good match between you and your spouse is still possible if you marry someone who has the same stars in the Life Palace. In addition, if there are bad stars in the Palace of Marriage, it is better to marry later or marry someone older in age. This also applies to people who live together and have a relationship like husband and wife, but they are not scheduled. In this case, most likely, there will be indications from unfavorable stars about the instability of the Palace. If there is a pimp in the Palace, then we can say that someone introduced you, or you yourself initiated the acquaintance with your other half. We can say that someone participated in the creation of your family relationships. Brothers and Sisters: Symbol of our brothers and sisters and our relationship with them. This includes half-sisters and brothers, long-time friends, close friends who are similar in age to us, congenial people, relatives, cousins, we can consider employees. If we are talking about business, then these are people who work with you in the same office, in a close environment. Building a layout table If you are interested in this Oracle system, but you are not familiar with it yet, I suggest you build a basic layout table for yourself right now and even do a little analysis of it... Are you ready? Then let's begin. This is the basic part of the layout, the same for everyone without exception. In order not to bore you with long instructions, I will redirect you to a very simple calculator. Zi Wei Dou Shu layout calculator >>> Enter the data on the date and place of your birth in the calculator and get a basic layout with the main stars. But now I won’t delve into the theory of stars. Now a few words about analysis at the Palace level. In the resulting layout in the calculator, you will see slightly different names of the Palaces. So the Palace of Fate in the calculator is the same Palace of Life that interests us now. The basic analysis at the level of the palace of life if you have received a basic layout table for yourself and determined where the palace of life is located, now I will give you basic algorithms, what information can now be extracted from this. The location of the palace of life in the situation gives the basis of individual characteristics of a person. At the location of the palace of life, it can be attributed to one of the three groups. This is a group of four corner courtyards, a group of four palaces of the Earth and a group of four palaces of instruction. All three groups are presented in the table: directly in the layout diagram of the palaces belonging to each of the three groups, are distributed as follows. Four lands are also called four graves (四 墓). The four branches of this group are associated with the element of the Earth. The earth is heavy and inert, moves with great difficulty. People with the palace of life in the Earth Palace should make much more efforts to achieve their goals. It is difficult for them to change and progress, since the inertia of the Earth is extremely strong. For such people, it is better to go away from your place of birth as soon as possible and look for development in other regions. The effect of the Earth Palace is manifested most if the palace of life is located in 辰 Chen or 戌 Xu (two Yang earthly branches). 辰 Chen is called a network of heaven (天羅), and 戌 Xy is called an earth's network (地網). A person with the palace of life in one of these sectors should break through the nets all his life in order to achieve the goal. Four instructions - branches 子 Zi, 卯 Mao, 午 y, and 酉 yu represent the north, east, south, and the west. They were traditionally called four instructions (四 敗) because of their desire for a romantic lifestyle, fun, reckless life, drinking, gambling, and excessive expenses. A person with a palace of life in one of the cardinal sectors, as they say, is a type of heyday of a peach (桃花). It is bright, beautiful, quickly flashes - but also easily blown away. Its radiance does not last long. In the past, it was believed that a person like the heyday of a peach led an unproductive life; Therefore, it was called 'four refusal.' However, such a lifestyle can work today for people in sales or entertainment industry. Four corners - four branches in the corner sectors of the layout. They are also called four horses (四 馬), since people with their lives in the corner palace like to travel and move a lot. The corners show an imaginary person who can be afraid of problems without obvious reasons. We can say that the corners are a kind of accelerators of all processes or excessive activity. How much this activity will be producing the stars located in these palaces. The interpretation of other palaces also depends on which of the three groups they fall. This is a very small piece of interpretation, which is possible even at this level. In addition to the three considered groups, the branch of the sector of the layout, in which the palace of life or the palace of the body is located also determines some characteristics of a person’s life. However, the influence of the palace greatly depends on the stars that are located in it. Therefore, the effect of the sector itself is not always obvious. Stars in the layout of Tsi Wei Dow Shu, I will not go into the theme of stars in the Tsi Wei Dow Shu system here. But so that you get the first idea of ​​how the layout table looks like which the first, basic analysis is actually done, I will give an example: the first 14 stars are indicated in this table, which are the most important. Actually, only these 14 stars are very often limited to analysis, since these stars already give a fairly large amount of information. However, as I already mentioned, the analysis of 14 stars, according to which a basic idea of ​​12 areas of human life is created, is only a small peak of a huge iceberg. The table below is no longer 14, but 89 stars ... Can you imagine how much information about a person and his fate can we draw from such a table? But, we will not delve into this direction, as this is already beyond the capabilities of the article on the blog ...

Feng Shui Post Series:
Part 1 - No Title Part 2 - No Title... Part 7 - No Title Part 8 - No Title Part 9 - 12 Palaces Part 10 - Feng Shui Tips for the Home Part 11 - Problems with Work Part 12 - About the importance of the right place to work Part 13 - Feng Shui about money

How I analyze the pillars of destiny.


Posted by Tatyana Prokhorova on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 · Leave a Comment
Usually people are interested in what exactly is included in a consultation on the Pillars of Destiny, what it can give and how to help. Using the example of the map and fate of Angelina Jolie, I will try to show how bazi analysis and consultation are built. I did not take my clients’ cards as an example, firstly, because I guarantee their confidentiality, and secondly, because facts from their lives can be invented by drawing them to the card. The biography of such a famous person as Angelina Jolie can be easily found on the Internet and the events can be compared.

I also chose Jolie’s card because her personality and fate refutes a common misconception, the essence of which is that a person with a weak bazi card cannot achieve much in life. A weak card does not mean a weak personality, and Angelina Jolie is another proof of this.

Angelina Jolie (born Angelina Jolie Voight) is a famous American actress, model, director and producer. Named one of the most attractive and sexy people in the world. She is also known for her humanitarian work as a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Refugee Agency. Mother of six children. Awards: Golden Globe (1998, 1999, 2000), Oscar (2000), UN Humanitarian Award (2005).

Angelina Jolie was born on June 4, 1975 at 09:09 a.m. in Los Angeles (California, USA). Personality element (Day Dominant) of Angelina is Yin (Xin) Metal. Unlike Yang Metal, which is a block of ore, a sword, Yin Metal is more delicate. It is a jewelry metal that is sophisticated and attractive. Xin people are usually very beautiful, they have clear white skin, beautiful teeth, and oval faces. Very often they find themselves on the podium or on stage thanks to their external data, which is what we see in the case of Jolie. Moreover, in her chart there is a second similar sign of Xin, standing nearby in the Pillar of the month, and this enhances the qualities of Yin Metal. People of Yin Metal are pleasant, friendly, and seem soft, but this softness is deceptive. Yin Metal is considered to be tougher and more treacherous than Yang Metal. This is a small dagger, sometimes even more dangerous than a sword, because it is not immediately noticeable.

Yin Metal people are very sexy and attractive to the opposite sex. They make people think about sex even when they don't think about it themselves. Indeed, according to surveys, 25 million men would like to see Jolie in their beds.

Xin women are always a little boyish. They love men's clothes and men's “toys.” As a child, Angelina was the only girl on her father's, actor Jon Voight's, soccer team. As a teenager, she collected a real collection of bladed weapons, and later gained fame as an actress who mastered all types of weapons and martial arts. Jolie even has a license to fly an airplane.

Angelina was born in the summer, during the season of Fire, when Metal is weak. In addition, two Wood signs in her bazi chart and one Water sign also weaken the personality element. Wood represents the aspect of money, and Metal spends its energy trying to control Wood. Metal gives birth to Water, and Water (children, self-expression, freedom) also takes away its powers. Angelina needs Earth (mother, support, resource) to protect the weak Metal from attacks from Fire. But there is not a single Earth sign in her chart, neither in the Heavenly Trunks, nor in the Earthly Branches. There are 3 Heavenly Stems of the Yang Earth, hidden in the Earthly Branches of the Snake, but since the Earth is not shown in the map, their influence is very weak. Angelina can only support Metal (friends, colleagues). Maybe that's why she wasn't used to relying on anyone's help. This is what she says in one of the interviews: “Cor.: Who do you trust in life? – A.D.: No one. I don't trust this strange word - "trust". Trust cannot be complete! My mother was my closest friend. But I knew that she could do something (certainly in my interests, but without my knowledge) that would harm me...” But the Metal in this card is not as weak as it might seem at first glance. The “tails” of Metal are hidden in the three Earthly Branches of the Snake, since the Snake belongs to the triangle of Metal, despite the fact that it is a fiery star. With the arrival of the Rooster in a beat or year, a fairly strong Metal is formed in the chart, so Angelina’s Daytime Dominant can be considered moderately weak.

However, Metal is under powerful attack from Fire, and there is no Earth in the chart that could protect Metal in this case (Fire gives birth to Earth, and Earth gives birth to Metal, and thus Earth creates a “bridge” between the conflicting elements of Fire and Metal). To control excessive Fire, Angelina needs Water (mind, intelligence, self-expression, children). Due to the absence of Earth, Fire is extremely dangerous for it. Its excess can destroy a weak Metal, as happened with another Hollywood star, Marilyn Monroe, whose 4 Pillars of Destiny card is very similar to Jolie’s card.

Fire represents the aspect of power in this situation, the man for the female chart, and its large amount in the chart indicates that there are many men in the lives of these two women. But the absence of Earth makes the element of Fire useless and dangerous for a weak Daytime Dominant. And this can mean problems in relationships with men, as well as problems with the authorities. Angelina Jolie's chart contains perfumes that give her protection from trouble with the law and smooth out rough edges in her marriage, and I will return to this later. But there may still be difficulties in personal relationships. In general, the map is quite tough, which means that Angelina’s path is not at all lined with pink petals, as it might seem from the outside.

Jolie was born in the year of the Rabbit - the Yin Tree. A tree is kindness, warmth, compassion. Rabbits are usually very caring and good mothers. They are pleasant to talk to, soft and friendly, but changeable and fickle, they love everything new and hate monotony. And Metal is characterized by a sense of justice and order, rigidity. These opposing qualities exist in Jolie’s personality; she can be torn apart by contradictions between compassion and justice, inconstancy and firmness. The card indicates that she is inclined to delve into herself and judge herself harshly, which is confirmed in many of her interviews.


Angelina Jolie's map has the structure of the “Correct Authority” or, as it is also called, the “Correct Official”. The structure is not very pronounced, because it does not have support in Heaven, but the “Right Official” personality type appears 3 times in the Earthly Branches, which means it has a significant impact on Jolie’s life and character.

This type of structure gives its owner a developed sense of justice and objectivity. These are very “correct”, law-abiding people. Prestige, fame, and high social status are extremely important to them. They value order and are very responsible. That is, behind the external facade of an eccentric rebel hides a fairly respectable and loyal person, for whom rules and norms, including moral ones, mean a lot. Angelina Jolie could make a good official, decent and principled, ready to put her interests aside for the sake of the interests of society. If Fire had manifested itself in Heaven, she would most likely have pursued a career as a politician. And there is a possibility of such a scenario for her in the future ticks of 2015-2035, when the Heavenly Trunks of Fire arrive. And of course, the “Correct Official” for a woman is her husband, a man. This amount of “Correct Power” in Jolie’s chart speaks of the significant place of men in her life.


In the first place in the chart is “Propensity for Wealth” in both the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. “Propensity for wealth” indicates that a person greatly values ​​recognition, fame, and praise, which can later lead to material gain. But the benefit may be intangible, but monetary subtext is always present in everything that a person does. “Propensity for wealth” means unsystematic income: bonuses, fees, funds from various funds and programs. People of this type can get money by winning competitions, tenders, etc. These are very active people, constantly striving for something. They perfectly sense the undercurrents and moods in society, the hierarchy (including the implicit one), and are able to benefit from it. Always find themselves in the right place at the right time. And these are important qualities for an actress who lives off royalties from films. Giving her the opportunity to be approved for the desired role, etc. Women of this type are business ladies, excellent politicians or public figures, but difficult wives.

The map also contains the “Brotherhood” personality type, and this type does not get along well with the “Propensity for Wealth.” This is another internal conflict that can add tension to life. “Brotherhood” endows Angelina with friendliness, humanity, and the need for harmony. It also gives her the ability to work in a team, which is so necessary on the set.

Another deity present in this card is the “Spirit of Delight.” It carries the ability to rejoice, to enjoy life in all its manifestations. It is also a star of intellect and self-expression, necessary for creative professions. This star produces money. Its presence in the map means that a person cares about his body, beauty, and health. In Jolie’s chart, the “Spirit of Pleasure” sits on the GE of power. This means that she enjoys communication with men, as well as her own prestige and status. If the “Spirit of Pleasure” becomes unhelpful, which can happen due to mergers of a card with a year or a tact, then it turns into a spirit of failure and brings abuse of pleasure, alcoholism, and drug addiction. Dependence on pleasures.


There is a wonderful spirit of luck in Angelina's card - the Noble Power of Heaven, and it is repeated twice! This is the spirit of a successful career, helping to realize any plans and undertakings. He is especially strong in the daytime Pillar, like Jolie’s, where he speaks of the extraordinary scale of personality. This is the level of stars, famous politicians and presidents (corporations, states, etc.). This star is in the charts of many famous people. It gives a person enormous attractiveness, power of persuasion, and charisma. Of course, not all girls born on the same day and hour as Jolie became so famous and successful. In many ways, Angelina was helped by the fact that she grew up in a family of actors and from childhood aspired to an acting career. Her father helped her star in her first films. If it were not for her family and upbringing, not for the environment in which she grew up, perhaps her path would not have been so direct. I know people, even less famous ones, who have this star in their charts. But in any case, these are people who are extremely popular in their circles and endowed with extraordinary charm.

But an even more important property of this spirit is the ability to turn failure into success, immunity from any troubles, even to the point that a person is miraculously saved during a natural disaster or in a plane crash. And for Angelina this is a very valuable, necessary spirit, because her card is fraught with danger from Fire.

Another spirit of luck, happiness, authority and knowledge of the world - the Postal Horse - is repeated three times in the card. The horse brings the desire to be famous and successful. She can ride all the way to the Emperor himself. A person with such a star develops rapidly and makes a career. The Post Horse means movement and advancement, everything it brings happens instantly. People with a Post Horse in their chart are difficult to tame, especially when there are so many of them like Jolie! They are unstoppable and rebellious. She is also a travel star. And Angelina travels around the world a lot. “I don’t even like this idea of ​​taking root,” she says. “What I love most is the moment when the whole family goes somewhere, and I collect all our documents in my purse.” A horse in a power star, as a rule, indicates that either the husband will be from afar, or the acquaintance will take place far from home. Angelina met her actor husbands on the set of films.

Snakes in the chart are also the stars of Noble Man of Heavenly Governance and Noble Luck in personal life. The warhead of the Heavenly Administration means that Jolie easily gets out of trouble with the law, and with a high degree of probability it can be said that she will never end up behind bars.

Although the Rabbit in the Pillar of the Year is not Jolie's Peach Blossom, it itself carries the energy of romance and love, making the actress even more attractive to fans.


The first Pillar (beat) of Luck began for Angelina Jolie in 1975, and lasted 10 years, like any other beat. This tact cannot be considered very successful, since the Horse carried the element of Fire - the most dangerous for the Day Dominant. However, the NS of Water Yang, sitting on the Horse, controlled Fire, so the tact was 50 percent successful.

This tact was duplicated by Angelina’s Palace of Fate, which means it was fateful. In addition, the Horse for her is the star of a Noble Person, which means help from influential people. It was at this time that her future fate was decided; it was in this period that she made her debut in Hal Ashby’s film “Looking for a Way Out.” It was 1982, and Jolie was 7 years old at the time. The year entered into a merger with tact, and Water (self-expression) controlled the result of this merger - Fire, which in this situation brought the girl her first fame.

Tact 1985-1995 was very ambiguous for her. It would seem that the Goat (Earth) was supposed to support the Daytime Dominant and bring good luck. But the Goat sought to merge with the Rabbit into a Tree, and the Water in the Heavenly Stem supported this fusion. As a result, all Qi rushed from Water to Tree, and Tree supported the already strong Fire in the map.

The Goat is the star of the Blossom Canopy or the Star of the Arts for Jolie. But it came in a low phase, and in addition to activating creative abilities, it brought a feeling of loneliness and excessive immersion in one’s own inner world. Given Angelina’s pronounced tendency towards self-criticism, this gave an undesirable result. During this time, Jolie began working as a model and appeared in several music videos. But along with her first successes, she struggled with despair. “Then I felt... not alive enough. So empty that I didn’t want to live. I wanted to experience life. And she cut [herself] to feel the pain, to see her blood. This means that the heart is beating, that I am alive, I am real...” It was at this time that she collected a collection of bladed weapons, and one of the experiments with them almost cost Angelina her life. In Chinese Metaphysics, Wood is associated with the body, and Metal with bladed weapons. The excess of Wood in tact fed the Fire, which put pressure on the Daytime Dominant, and perhaps, by injuring herself, her body with knives, Angelina tried to reduce this pressure.

Next bar Good Luck 1995-2005 brought the Water necessary to control Fire.

At the bottom of the SW Pillar, the Monkey corresponds to Metal, but as in the previous measure this happened with the Goat, the Monkey entered into a merger with the Snake in the chart with the formation of Water. Thus, there was too much Water in the map. But compared to the previous “overheated” tact, this brought good luck to the actress. Already on the eve of this tact, in 1995, the first film was released that brought Jolie real fame - “Hackers”. Also in 1995, she married her first husband, her Hackers partner Jonny Lee Miller. 1995 is the year of the Wooden Pig, colliding with the house of the marriage partner, and any movement in this house can mean marriage or divorce. The Pig merged with the Rabbit into the Tree, plus the Tree was in the Sky, but it was not useful for Jolie. As a result, this marriage broke up a year later.

Water also nourishes the Tree – Jolie’s money, and at the same time corresponds to the aspect of self-expression. And Jolie starred in one film after another. 1998 – Land of Yang on the Tiger (money), – “Golden Globe” for his role in the film “George Wallace”. 1999 – Yin Earth on the Rabbit. Earth is useful to Angelina, and the element of personality is strong enough to control Wood - money. As a result, Jolie receives a Golden Globe for her work in the film Gia. 2000 is the year of Yang Metal on the Dragon (Yang Earth), both elements are useful for the actress. And this year brought her a real triumph - an Oscar for her role in Girl, Interrupted.

The Monkey, along with the excess of Water, brought certain problems. Firstly, an excessive amount of the element of self-expression brings rebellion, denial of authority, non-conformism, which is what Jolie became famous for these years. But the main problem was that the Monkey for her meant three Demons of Failure at once: the Sheep Knife, the Demon of Destruction and the Demon of the Void. I do not want to dwell on each of them in detail now, but I will only say that their combination brought into life extreme emotional imbalance, destructiveness and accident-proneness. This Earthly Branch also merged with the map, and the Demons “spread” everywhere. The Monkey of Tact is the reason for Jolie's passion for tattoos. She made most of them during this period.

In addition, the Snake and Monkey form part of the Fiery punishment, which pushes people to rash actions. Too much self-expression exhausts a weak Daytime Dominant even more than the Fire attacking her. For a weak card, such a situation could end in mental illness, but Angelina survived this period, and even achieved a lot. Why? It will become clear if you look at the graphs of the Qi phases in the Pillars of Luck.

Here it can be seen that, despite everything, the Chi of Metal in the Goat and Monkey beats is at its best, which means that Metal is strong enough to cope with adversity.


Water for DD Xin is also children. Therefore, it is quite understandable that with the advent of the strong element of Water, Angelina wanted to become a mother. In her chart, the star of children stands in its place, but there is a hint that there may be certain difficulties with childbearing, and perhaps just fear of biological motherhood. In any case, the actress herself admitted that she did not want to have children until she visited an orphanage in 2001 in Cambodia, where another film was being filmed. There she met Maddox, her first adopted child. 2001 was a difficult year for Jolie, because a duplicate came immediately to the daily and monthly Pillars. But the children's pillar also began to move, which led to adoption. This was a very correct move on Angelina’s part, and she made it intuitively, thus neutralizing the unfavorable influence of the duplicate.

2005 is the year of the Rooster, which merged with the Snake into Metal, again affecting the children's house. And Jolie adopts Zahara, a girl from Ethiopia. In the same year, she enters the new Pillar of Luck - the Yin Tree on the Rooster. The unfavorable influence of the Demons of Failure is left behind, and everyone notes that Jolie seems to have been replaced. One of her interviews is called: “I made a truce with myself.” The Rooster leads the Snake into the fusion of Metal - the Helpful God of Angelina, and this tact is one of the most successful for her.

Although there were key achievements in the Monkey's tact, the Rooster brought inner calm and poise, which the actress had so lacked before. In addition, this is a sign of significant financial well-being. With a change of tact, Angelina decides to give birth herself. On May 27 (the month of the Snake, affecting the children's pillar) 2006 (Yang Fire on the Dog), Jolie and Pitt had a daughter, Shiloh Nouvel. I don’t know how the birth went, but with a high degree of probability we can say that it was not easy. The situation was more favorable in 2008, when Angelina gave birth to twins. It was the year of the Yanskaya Earth on the Rat (Yanskaya Water). However, in 2008 there could have been problems with pregnancy and childbirth. Of course, modern medicine is capable of much, especially if patients have money. But when planning children, it is better to choose safer years. Although in the case of Angelina this is difficult, because age does not give much scope. If she has more children, then the greatest likelihood of their birth is in 2012-2013. The last adoption occurred a year before the birth of the twins, in 2007. This is an anti-duplicate to the pillar of children in Jolie's chart, and in this case its influence was manifested through adoption. In general, by adopting other people’s children, Angelina balanced her chart very well; I don’t know whether she did it intuitively or was advised by an astrologer. But if not for these adoptions, Jolie could have had big problems, including with the birth of her own children.


Jolie got married for the first time in 1995, in the year of the Pig, and I already wrote about it, so I won’t repeat it. Her second marriage, to actor and musician Bob Tronton, took place in 2000, Yanska Voda on the Dragon. These are useful elements for Angelina, besides, the Dragon set in motion the Palace of Marriage of 12 Palaces. But this marriage also broke up around 2002. The fact is that the merger of the Snake with the Monkey of tact into Water overcame the husband’s star in her chart during this period. But with the advent of the Rooster’s tact, Jolie managed to establish a more long-term and harmonious relationship with actor Brad Pitt, although their marriage was not officially registered. In general, according to the chart, Angelina can have many husbands, and it is not a fact that Pitt will be the last.


It is here that the answers to many questions that arise when analyzing the Pillars of Destiny are found, and it is in the 12 palaces that the keys to solving many problems are laid. In particular, Jolie's Palace of Spirituality allows you to balance the card and make the Daytime dominant stronger. And through numerous adoptions, through her activities as a UN Goodwill Ambassador, through charity (Jolie spends 1/3 of her income on it), she managed to use this Palace, connect it to the map. And I believe that this helped her avoid many troubles and troubles. Here, in the 12 Palaces, lies the reason that Angelina could not or did not want to become a biological mother in the rhythm of the Monkey, despite the strong element of Water.

Much can be said about the 12 Palaces and their application. But I want to focus on Jolie’s Risk Palace, because it is significant in her map. Angelina performs many of her own stunts, and the current image of an Amazon woman is very attractive to men. This quality is inherent in her Risk Palace. Based on the same Palace, we can say that by taking risks, she gets money. But according to the elements, the palace is not useful to her, because the Dog takes the Rabbit into the fusion of Fire. In addition, in this palace, the Sheep Knife Demon is a spirit of excessive emotionality, imbalance and accident-proneness. As I already noted, the map contains very good Spirits of Luck, protectors from troubles and troubles. But Jolie still needs to be careful, the risk can lead to tragic consequences.

The danger is especially great in the next tact of 2015-2025, when Fire will appear in the Sky riding on the Dog - the Demon of the Sheep Knife, and the Rabbit will also go into the fusion of Fire.

Such an excessive amount of Fire can push Angelina into politics and power, but creativity and self-expression cannot be left to her, because Water is her savior. It is during this period that Angelina should exercise maximum caution. Don’t take risks on the set, choose favorable dates for air travel. Danger comes from Fire, from power and from men. She should avoid flying an airplane in this tact (aviation belongs to the element of Fire), be careful with alcohol and check the quality of food products, as there is a danger of poisoning. 2021 is especially alarming. It may be worth moving to live in another country, as this will bring the card to a relative balance. There are many correction methods, including 12 palaces, Feng Shui, behavioral strategies, and Qi Men Dong Jia. All of this can be used to bring the necessary elements into life (in this case Water and Earth), and I explain in detail to my clients how they can help themselves during critical periods. Let's hope that Angelina will be prompted to the correct line of correction, and that the Spirits of Luck and intuition will not lead her.

Tatiana Prokhorova,

Consultant of the International Feng Shui Forum.


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The article uses screenshots from the BaZi Chart Builder program, as well as materials from an interview with Angelina Jolie, published by PSYCHOLOGIES magazine (No. 40 2009).

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