Living talisman - description of ficus according to Feng Shui, types and location rules

Many women are very fond of landscaping their apartments, without thinking at all about how ornamental plants affect the psychological situation in the family and the well-being of the inhabitants of the house. Feng Shui assigns its own meaning to each individual plant species and determines the most suitable place for it in a living space. If you do not listen to the advice of this ancient Chinese teaching, then you can seriously ruin the energy in the house.

According to Feng Shui, ficus is one of the indoor plants that are characterized by positive energy.

While in the house, it will give its inhabitants a powerful boost of energy and reduce the level of nervous tension. But in order for this useful plant to have a beneficial effect on the microclimate in the family, it must be placed in the right zone.

Feng Shui meaning of ficus

In the teachings of Feng Shui, ficus is considered a flower with positive energy. Its influence extends to several areas of life at once. It is a recognized symbol of wealth, well-being and prosperity, so anyone who wants to improve their financial condition simply must have this plant in their home. In addition, tropical exotic is able to activate the creative potential of its owner, which has a positive effect on all areas of life.

Ficus calms irritable and restless people. Contemplating its green foliage is a form of meditation and is considered beneficial. Ficus even helps people suffering from insomnia (just place a tub with a green pet at the head of the bed). The green crown of the tree has a calming effect, brings harmony to family relationships and eliminates aggression.

The interpretation of a flower blooming at home has an interesting meaning. At home, exotic flowers rarely bloom, and therefore this fact is considered a particularly favorable sign, symbolizing favor and patronage from higher powers.

Photo of ficus

Notice how beautiful trees look in the interior of a bedroom, living room, cafe or office.

Ficus is a tree of happiness. It brings peace and joy to its owners. It feeds on bad emotions and helps to get through difficult moments in life. Gives a feeling of reliability and calm.

The influence of ficus on the energy of the house

If the owner takes proper care of him and provides him with proper attention, he will be grateful and will begin to bring good luck. The hostess can mentally make wishes - he will begin to fulfill them.

Its main advantage is considered to be the energetic cleaning of the room - it converts all negativity into oxygen.

However, there is another side to the coin - it changes the energy of the room. If one of the residents has a different energy, then this resident begins to experience discomfort. Therefore, if you take a ficus, this does not mean at all that your husband will leave you.

If the wife is negative, she will feel uncomfortable and will leave. As a rule, plants are started by a representative of the weaker sex, and by definition she cannot choose what brings discomfort, so it turns out that the husbands leave, because they did not take part in choosing the ficus.

If someone brings bad energy into the house, then it is not at all necessary to abandon the ficus. Perhaps this person can improve, especially since there are many cases where family relationships have normalized. As a result, he stopped being negative and was pleased with the energy created.

There is another unpleasant rumor about ficus - it attracts envy and anger. This is true. But let's figure out why this happens. Imagine a picture - a person comes to you and leaves behind negative energy. At the same time, he feels comfortable, because most likely he is an energy vampire. Further, all this comfort was interrupted by the ficus. For obvious reasons, he becomes uncomfortable and begins to feel angry. Over time, anger will turn into envy.

Conclusion - if you like ficus, then you can buy it without fear of possible losses, because if your energies are incompatible, then there will not be a full-fledged family life in the future, and those who come only to drink energy and so shouldn't come. It turns out that the ficus dots the i’s.


Ficus transplant at home

Another important condition for proper maintenance of ficus trees is timely replanting. If you notice that roots are already visible from the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot or the soil dries out quickly after watering, this may be a signal that the ficus needs a new, larger container.

Until the plant is 4 years old, it is replanted annually. After this age, the transplantation procedure can be performed once every two years. New soil can always be added to the pot if circumstances require it.

When can a ficus be replanted? It is better to do this in spring or summer to make it easier for the plant to take root in a new place. Be prepared for the fact that after replanting, the growth of the ficus will slow down, and sometimes foliage may fall off. This is a normal phenomenon, because the flower goes through a period of adaptation; its roots grow much more slowly in a large pot. The larger and wider the container, the slower the plant’s root system grows. Each subsequent pot should be 4-5 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Especially large ficus plants replace the top layer of soil, increasing its volume.

How to transplant a ficus:

  • We thoroughly moisten the soil so that the plant can be easily removed from the pot.
  • We remove the top layer of soil, doing it extremely carefully.
  • We lay drainage at the bottom of the new container and sprinkle it with soil.
  • We remove the ficus from the pot, remove the soil from the roots, and move it to a new container.
  • Next, add the soil mixture, while the degree of plant deepening should remain at the same level.

By the way, if you want to limit the growth of a ficus, you don’t need to replant it at all. It is enough to remove shoots and form a crown once every two or three years. Or, when replanting, cut the roots and place the plant in a tight container.

Ficus varieties

Ficus has thousands of varieties, but the most commonly grown at home are the following: ficus benjamina, rubber and robusta.

Ficus benjamina

If you are a lover of the exotic and your home is spacious enough, you can place a Benjamin ficus according to Feng Shui.

The plant received this name in honor of the famous English botanist Benjamin Daydon Jackson.

Ficus benjamina comes from Southeast Asia, India, China, the Philippines and Australia, and therefore our latitudes are unusual for it, which requires careful care of the plant. Ficus benjamina does not like direct sunlight and dry air.

Most likely, professionals or special books on this topic will tell you how best to care for such a ficus. But from the point of view of Feng Shui, Benjamin's ficus and some other type of ficus have the same properties.

This ficus originally grows in Africa, Australia and Asia. It is small in size, with variegated leaves. Caring for such a ficus is not very difficult, despite the fact that it is quite demanding. In general, the ideal conditions for keeping ficus are tropical, which means high humidity and warmth.

Signs and superstitions related to this flower are very fickle. The Slavs prefer to avoid such proximity, believing that the flower brings discord, misunderstanding to the family and incites conflicts.

For eastern peoples, it symbolizes protection and prosperity. They believe that ficus is the protector of the house from evil spirits and the patron of the hearth. It will bring harmony to the family and help to conceive a child. It will protect you from damage and the evil eye, improve different areas of life, and open the doors to your home for good luck and prosperity.

Beneficial properties include a positive effect on the reproductive system and the general emotional state of a person. It is believed that this type of ficus is able to transform negative thoughts into positive ones, relieves stress and anxiety, and also activates powerful money channels.


But its relative, the rubber-bearing ficus, is not advisable to have at home if there are children or pets in the house. The juice of this type of plant is poisonous, and contact with the skin must be avoided. The plant produces rubber essential oil, which will negatively affect the health of allergy sufferers and people with asthma.

What are the signs and superstitions of rubber ficus? Signs say that he is able to help in conceiving a child. According to legend, the pot with the plant should be placed in the bedroom and carefully monitored until a new shoot appears.

Young shoots must be carefully cut and planted in a separate container. During pregnancy, do not stop raising and caring for your green friend. This will give you an easy pregnancy, get rid of toxicosis and other unpleasant companions of an interesting situation.

At the same time, this species is known as “Muzhegon”. According to signs, he does not allow a man, a potential groom, to linger in the house. And the character of the spouses living in the house is spoiled, which causes conflicts in the family and leads to divorce. Believing in it or not is the right of every person.

This feature of the flower can be used for your own benefit. Can't get rid of your annoying boyfriend? Is your divorce dragging on and your ex-husband getting on your nerves? Rather, place a tub with a plant in the bedroom. Incomprehensible attempts on the part of the authorities? Bring your ficus to work!

Ficus robusta

According to popular belief, this plant is considered a family talisman. Will strengthen marriage bonds or help create a new family. It has a beneficial effect on the emotional state, awakens monetary energies and has a powerful antimicrobial effect.

A blooming ficus is a real reason to rejoice. This means that all financial difficulties will be left behind and financial well-being will come. The second meaning is the appearance of a long-awaited baby.

Strict ficus symbolizes asceticism and does not recognize excesses in anything. Who will benefit from this feature? People with slurred diction, stuttering, lack of eloquence and, on the contrary, excessive talkativeness. Will help:

  • Speaking more clearly and clearly will eliminate speech defects.
  • Chatterboxes will talk less and learn to convey information more accurately and concisely.
  • And someone will be relieved of the fear of the public and awaken outstanding oratorical skills.


Where do signs advise placing a ficus?

It is important to take care of choosing the right place for this plant, in which it can maximize its abilities:

  1. The ancient teachings of Feng Shui say that it will manifest itself best when located in the southeast side of the room. This is where it will provide peace of mind in the family and help you make the right decisions.
  2. When placed in the living room, the tree will balance the energy and attract only the right people to your home, and will also contribute to the harmonization of relationships between family members.
  3. A ficus planted in the kitchen will attract financial well-being into the house and protect you from unexpected expenses.
  4. In the bedroom, the plant will provide you with a good night's sleep and relieve nightmares and insomnia.
  5. A plant located in the workplace will improve the work process, speed up resolution of conflict situations, and also reduce the level of conflict.
  6. It is not recommended to place the plant in the north-eastern or central parts of the room - this is where it will have the least effective impact on the energy of the room.

People have an ambivalent attitude towards ficus. Some consider it extremely useful, others are sure that it brings misfortune. Of course, not all signs and superstitions about Ficus Benjamin, which is the plant I most often grow at home or use to decorate offices, are worth believing. Moreover, even doctors recognize its usefulness.

The benefits and harms of Ficus Benjamin

It is not without reason that this plant is chosen as an ornamental plant. It is really very beautiful and can easily liven up any boring interior. In appearance, ficus resembles a small tree with light, pointed leaves. Many people value it for its healing properties, which are confirmed by traditional medicine. For example, its extract is added to medicines for mastopathy, prevention of myomas and fibroids, radiculitis and arthritis.

The importance of Ficus Benjamin for the home is also difficult to overestimate. After all, at home, various tinctures and rubs for the same mastopathy are prepared from it. The frozen milky juice of the plant is excellent for treating hematomas; for the same purpose, you can use a mass of crushed leaves, which are applied as a compress. Ficus juice is also used in folk medicine to treat hemorrhoids, boils, tumors in the mouth, etc.

Signs and superstitions about Ficus Benjamin

There are many good and bad signs about Ficus Benjamin. And not only among the Russian people, but also in other countries. After all, this plant was brought to Russia relatively recently, but, for example, in China and Thailand it has been known since ancient times and is even revered as sacred. So the Chinese always give ficus to their relatives on some significant date, most often on an anniversary. It is believed that the plant transfers part of the vitality to its owner and charges with vigor. For Thais, Ficus Benjamin is generally a national symbol, as it is depicted on the coat of arms of their country. And popular rumor claims that the plant is able to protect against evil spirits and charge the air in the room with positive energy.

In the Slavic tradition, ficus has a controversial reputation. Because it has waxy leaves, it has often been associated with death. It was believed that a plant standing in the house could provoke quarrels, family discord, and cause illness. But everything changed in Soviet times, which denied the remnants of the bourgeois pre-revolutionary period in all its manifestations. Therefore, superstitions associated with ficus began to be positive. Ordinary citizens willingly started it in their homes, and in Soviet government institutions it became an integral element of decor. Today, many are confident that ficus can bring good luck, and helps childless couples finally become parents. If you put it in the kitchen, the family will never have to go hungry. And the more magnificent its leaves are, the greater luck awaits all household members.

Is it possible to keep ficus benjamina at home?

Despite the contradictory signs regarding whether it is possible to keep Ficus Benjamin at home, this plant is still considered more useful than harmful. It creates a cozy atmosphere, cleanses the air of germs, and saturates it with oxygen. It is contraindicated only for asthmatics and those who are allergic to it.

But for the ficus to really bring benefits, it needs to be well and regularly cared for. Otherwise, it will begin to shed leaves, and this is considered a very bad sign. You need to start a new ficus in compliance with the required rituals: in order for it to take root, you need to buy it only on the waxing moon, paying with an odd number of banknotes. And if a plant is accepted as a gift, then you need to give an odd number of small coins for it.

Where to place ficus in the apartment

A ficus tree can be placed in almost any room of the house. In each of them, he is able to have a positive impact on his owners. When placed in the living room, the plant will help set up friendly communication between the owners and guests of the house. Tropical exotic, located in the kitchen, can protect against hunger and lack of money.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the ability of a flower to influence reproductive processes. If placed in the bedroom, it will help a couple having problems with conception and childbirth.

It is recommended to place a tropical flower in the south-eastern sector of the apartment, then its influence will be most noticeable. This is a zone of wealth; it is recommended to decorate it with green plants and decorate the interior with green shades. The growth of the tree will help increase cash flow, and the contemplation of a lush crown will set the owners up for prosperity and success.

This tropical beauty is also useful in an office space. There, it increases the efficiency of employees and their endurance for routine work. It is recommended to place ficus in the bedroom, living room, kitchen or office only if these rooms do not fall into an unfavorable sector.

For people suffering from insomnia, ancient Chinese philosophers recommended placing a tub of ficus in the bedroom. The plant will not only purify the air, but also help normalize sleep. An ornamental tree will also bring invaluable benefits to couples who have been unable to conceive a child for a long time.

Feng Shui experts always advise spouses who complain about the lack of offspring to place a tub of this plant near their bed.

Ficus in the house: good omens

Hardworking residents of the Middle Kingdom, who invented the teaching of Feng Shui, consider the ficus to be a talisman that creates comfort and cleanses the apartment of negative energy.

The Chinese sincerely believe that a green assistant attracts money and good luck into life. Feng Shui masters recommend the tree to everyone who is experiencing financial difficulties.

Ficus is useful from the point of view of official science; it purifies the air from harmful impurities contained in furniture or wall decor.

One pot of ficus is enough in the bedroom. In the living room, kitchen, bathroom, on the contrary, try to place a lot of flowers. It is beautiful and functional: plants filter energy, refresh the air, and decorate the interior.

Video review of useful indoor plants:

Undesirable places

Positive energy for the home is important because everything that happens to the owners of the property depends on it. In order not to disturb the soft and measured flow of favorable energy Qi in space, you should not place objects in its path that could interfere with the free circulation of energy flows. For example, family relationships may suffer if the ficus is placed in the center of a room or apartment. The flower should not be the dominant feature in the interior.

It is not advisable to place a large plant in a hallway or narrow corridor. It should not block the light from the window, since the sun's rays carry favorable energy, and nothing should prevent them from entering the house. The bathroom and toilet are also not suitable for placing symbols and talismans symbolizing wealth there. And that’s exactly what ficus is.

The southwest, center and northeast of the apartment are not the best places to place flowers. A ficus tree located here can drain the energy of the residents of the house.

Where you can’t place a ficus - what the signs say

Mutagens and their impact on wildlife and humans
If you believe the signs and just gardeners, there are certain places where you definitely don’t need to put a flower:

  • in the northern and southern parts of the room;
  • in the center of the room.

If there is always a large crowd of people in the room where the ficus stands, this will not allow the ficus to fully reveal its energy potential and the plant may emit negative energy instead of positive vibes. The leaves are the first to signal that the ficus has become dangerous; they wither and become covered with spots. You will need to move the ficus into a separate room, nourish the roots and water it properly.

This unpretentious plant will delight you for many years, and whether or not to believe in signs is up to everyone, but it is better not to leave the ficus unattended, and then positive emotions and a charge of good mood are guaranteed to you.

Don’t remain indifferent, tell us how you care for your ficus, what you observed in your house after the plant took up residence in your home. With warmth, Antonina.

What should you consider when growing ficus according to Feng Shui?

Places where it is undesirable to place Ficus Benjamin are the northeast, southwest and the center of the apartment or office. Followers of Feng Shui call these parts of the room the Earth zone. A plant located in such a place will direct the thoughts of the inhabitants of the home only in a material direction, which will not have the best effect on their state of mind.

However, simply having Ficus Benjamin in your home is not enough. In order for a tree to fill a room with positive energy, it must be healthy, so it must be carefully looked after, cleaned of dust and kept away from drafts.

Ficus cannot simply be planted in a tub and watered from time to time - in such conditions it will quickly disappear. The plant is very capricious, it loves space and plenty of light, and this must be taken into account when determining a place for it in an apartment or office.

It is best to place a decorative tree close to the window, but try not to block the access of sunlight to the room, because according to Feng Shui, vital energy is found only in a well-lit room.

Having created all the conditions for the normal development of ficus Benjamin, there is no doubt that it will improve the atmosphere in the house and have a beneficial effect on the fate of its inhabitants.


Is it possible to keep a ficus at home? Plant energy

Besides whiny people, there is another category of people who are constantly stressed. These people cannot concentrate on important things, take on too many responsibilities or work, and then realize with horror that they are not able to pull the load that has been placed on them. So, if you, or someone close to you, is such a person, then urgently purchase a ficus. In this case, the plant helps to correctly distribute your strength and rationally use your strength.

Good news for people who do not know how to express their thoughts and express their opinions. The fact is that ficus also helps improve the quality of a person’s speech. Therefore, the plant is suitable for people who speak slurredly, hesitate, swallow words, and even stutter. Ficus helps you learn to speak clearly and improve your diction.

Ficus rubber is very useful for people who do not have eloquence and on their way they constantly encounter an environment that does not perceive their speech. Thanks to the subtle influence of the plant, a person’s speech gradually becomes more intelligible, confident, understandable, and others begin to listen to the person.

Ficus is no less useful for people who talk and lie too much. In this case, the plant helps a person control what he says. As a result, a person speaks only to the point, specifically, giving others only the necessary information.

Ficuses in the house. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

Signs and beliefs about ficus

There are many signs and beliefs about ficus. In the East they believe that he is a reliable companion of wealth, fertility and prosperity. And in Slavic culture, exotic wood is viewed with distrust.

Sometimes you hear stories that its leaves, covered with a waxy coating, attract gossip and gossip into the house. Many are convinced that it drives men away from home, worsens their character and leads to frequent quarrels and scandals in the house.

However, regarding the flower's ability to stimulate reproductive processes, East and West agree. Both cultures recognize the positive influence of the plant on feminine energy. There is even a sign that if you walk around a ficus tree 3 times in the nude, a woman will definitely become pregnant.

In order for plants to bestow magical powers on their owners, they must be properly cared for. Only a healthy tree has a positive effect on humans. Drying leaves, drooping branches and an overall unhealthy appearance of the plant will have a destructive effect on everyone living in the house. It is necessary to water and fertilize the flower in time.

It is useful to spray its crown from time to time and wipe the leaves with a soft cloth. Such communication with the plant will help it transfer the greatest amount of its healing energy to the person. Source:

Is it possible to keep ficus benjamina at home?

Many lovers of indoor plants are wondering: is it possible to keep Ficus benjamina at home? Different peoples have different opinions on this matter.

Ficuses are quite common plants for our homes.

Residents of eastern countries claim that ficus is a symbol of family happiness. For a long time, the Slavs were convinced that this tree was associated with witchcraft and brought trouble.

In China, it is customary to decorate your home with Ficus benjamina to achieve family well-being. This plant is often given as a wedding gift. There is even a tradition of passing it on from one generation to another. According to popular belief, it cleanses the home of negative energy, energizes people, and makes a person more physically resilient.

It is considered an ideal gift for older people.

Residents of Thailand have elevated the ficus to the rank of a sacred plant. They believe it wards off evil. One of the species of this plant adorns the coat of arms of Barbados.

Slavic peoples think that ficus leaves are endowed with magical properties. There is a belief that the plant causes discord in the family, provokes conflict situations and can cause divorce. And in the post-war period, when there were no more men in many families, they began to ascribe to him husband-sex qualities.

Ficus benjamina sometimes secretes juice that provokes a serious disease - asthma.

The Bible also speaks positively about this plant. The leaves of this tree became the first clothing for Adam and Eve.

The decision about whether to decorate your home with Ficus benjamina is made individually. Think about which people’s opinion is closer to you, and decide based on this.

General recommendations regarding plants in the home

Indoor plants that have a beneficial effect on Feng Shui

Not everyone knows that Yin and Yang flows play an important role in creating a cozy atmosphere in the home. If one of the energies predominates, discomfort appears. Flowers bring balance to the flow of energy, add comfort and coziness.


Capable of providing protection from envious people and neutralizing the evil eye and damage. But if the plant is not comfortable, it means it is in a geopathogenic zone or in a room with an energy vampire.

If space allows, the plant is placed in the kitchen near the microwave or at the computer desk. It will absorb negative energy, help smooth out a controversial situation, and teach you to understand your interlocutor.

Date palm

Many people grow it from seed. The plant has good energy - it brings happiness and prosperity to the house. It helps you concentrate your attention, not get distracted by trifles, and achieve your goals. In addition, it drives away melancholy and fills you with optimism.


They grow well in areas with negative energy that feeds them (for example, near the TV). But you shouldn’t put it in a sick person’s room: it will worsen his condition.


Strengthen business and partnership relationships. For this purpose, they are often planted in office premises and offices.

Although they are considered unfavorable plants, when placed correctly they are beneficial: near operating equipment they are able to absorb electromagnetic currents and convert them into positive energy. On the windowsills they protect against thieves.

Useful in a house where hot-tempered people live: they pacify anger and neutralize aggression.


It perfectly cleanses large rooms of toxins and saturates them with oxygen.

Not only does it heal, it produces a lot of oxygen at night.


Strengthens the immune system, an excellent source of oxygen.

An amazing plant, which has been known since ancient times, brings happiness and prosperity to the house. A flowering plant brings prosperity to the home and strengthens family life, helps improve marriage relationships, and brings love and happiness.

Poinsettia and arrowroot

They will help you decide and find your purpose, the meaning of life, identify new qualities for yourself, and decide on a profession.

Money Tree

Symbolizes prosperity and wealth. Followers of Feng Shui advise planting the plant yourself, after placing coins on the bottom of the pot. A grown tree is often decorated with a red ribbon and coins are hung on the branches. It should grow near a window in the Southeast.

Feeds on bad energy. It is believed that such energy is transformed when passing through free cavities and changes to positive.

Looking at the photo of indoor bamboo, not everyone may like it, however, the plant will improve the atmosphere in the house and bring happiness to the house.


They have a positive effect on children: they activate the thirst for knowledge, develop curiosity, and increase independence. They grow well in children's rooms.

Plants with Yin energy (male) include: dracaena, all citrus fruits, asparagus, chlorophytum, sansevieria. Basically, they have elongated, sharp leaves, grow upward and accelerate the energy flows of the house.

Plants with yang energy (feminine) include flowers with rounded leaves that often trail. These are crassula, begonia, violets.

In order for the flows to be balanced, there must be flowers with different energies.

Dry and wilted plants, according to Feng Shui, are not able to bring happiness and prosperity to the house: they absorb vitality. Yang plants feel best in offices and living rooms, where there is a lot of masculine energy: in the South, South-East and South-West.

Yin trees and flowers are placed in kitchens and children's rooms. In bedrooms, flower pots are placed away from the bed.


Signs about pregnancy

The most interesting beliefs are related to pregnancy. They say that if a woman wants a child and is unable to get pregnant, she needs to put a ficus tree in the bedroom. A large bush will not be suitable for this purpose. You need to buy a small plant, place it close to the bed and grow it like your own child. That is, the flower must be surrounded with attention, cared for, watered, fertilized on time, tell it about your worries, treat it like a living little creature. This method allows a childless woman to tune in to the desired mood; the brain itself is programmed to take care of a small creature. The main condition is to feel the importance of what is happening, to believe that the plant needs your love and care.

This is interesting. In countries where ficus trees grow in natural conditions, barren women believe in the following sign: if you undress and walk around the tree at midnight, it will convey its fertility.

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