Feng Shui and business. How to guarantee to start your own business by reducing costs by 7 times!

Throughout the entire period of his life, a person strives to achieve stable well-being. Undoubtedly, this issue can only be resolved through real actions, but for a subconscious stimulus it is necessary to turn to Eastern Chinese philosophy - Feng Shui. This culture contains a number of customs and rituals, if observed, wealth will have nowhere to escape from you.

Feng Shui for money will help you find order not only in your home, but also in financial well-being.

  1. Give space for money energy
  2. The energy of wealth lives only in cleanliness and order
  3. Wallet - home for your money
  4. How and where to save money correctly according to Feng Shui?
  5. Feng Shui hieroglyph for wealth
  6. Feng Shui Wealth Vase
  7. feng shui bowl of wealth
  8. Water is a source of monetary energy
  9. Aquarium - concentration of your wealth
  10. Money manicure according to Feng Shui
  11. Money magnet mat
  12. How does Feng Shui work in practice?
  13. Pros and cons of feng shui
  14. Frequently asked questions

Give space for money energy

One of the most important principles of Feng Shui culture is the smooth and easy flow of energy flows indoors. Stagnation of energy should not be allowed; this requires a large space that allows energy to move unhindered. Remember how the houses of rich and successful people are shown - they are spacious and comfortable, characterized by the presence of a large space. Undoubtedly, rich people buy spacious houses, but even the smallest apartments have areas of high financial well-being.

Feng Shui order

Do some general cleaning. Throw away old trash, tidy up your shelves on your closets, balconies and mezzanines. There will be much more space, and the apartment will become cleaner. The most important thing is to learn how to properly direct energy in a small apartment to achieve great well-being. The more spacious your small home is, the greater the influx of new financial energy.

The energy of wealth lives only in cleanliness and order

Home has always been a special place for a person, because it is here that he wakes up and falls asleep, greets a new day and says goodbye to the old one, cleanses his body and his thoughts. It is there that we gain strength for future success, so it is very important to maintain order and cleanliness in it. The garbage that accumulates in our home is a collection of negative energy, as a result of which the energy cycle stops. Old things prevent new things from appearing in the house, and also prevent positive energy from entering your home.

Don't hoard items you wear for a “holiday occasion.” Try to wear dresses, suits and underwear that are worn for celebrations more often, take out wine glasses and porcelain, so that the energy of wealth believes in your success and will certainly want to stay with you.

Wallet - home for your money

Feng Shui Wallet
As mentioned above, cleanliness in the house brings positive energy for well-being.
However, we should not forget that the place where the money is stored is also, in a sense, their home. You wouldn’t live in an old, shabby and cramped house. Likewise, money loves space and order in its home. It is best to purchase a new wallet for this purpose. When buying a “money house”, do not spare money on its acquisition. Money will appreciate your spending and will try to come back to you as quickly as possible. Try to keep it clean and tidy. Fold the bills carefully, do not wrinkle them, it is better to arrange them in ascending order. There should be nothing unnecessary inside. Only money and plastic cards. Photos and used receipts will also not attract positive energy.

7) Beauty will save finances!

A beautifully designed workspace is the key to success
If you work from home, then your workspace may very well deserve some attention. Don't skimp on transforming your workspace and make it attractive, organized and functional. The more beautifully decorated your workplace is, the more motivated and creative you will be at work. When you are surrounded by beauty, your thinking becomes more creative, you can take more new, unexpected and effective approaches - and this brings in more money.

How and where to save money correctly according to Feng Shui?

The most correct decision for future enrichment would be to invest money in a profitable business. However, not everyone decides to use this method of adding money, so to the question: “What is the correct way to save money according to Feng Shui?”, there will be one answer. Money doesn’t like prying eyes, so it’s best to hide it far away in a closet located in the south-eastern side of your house, this is the wealth sector according to Feng Shui. Before this, it is better to put the money in a piggy bank or in a feng shui box, since money needs at least some kind of home.

Proper spending of money also implies several rules:

  1. It is necessary to part with money with good and positive energy so that it does not stagnate. To do this, when you pay in a store or lend money, try to do it with a smile.
  2. However, do not leave the “house” of your money empty. To do this, buy “irredeemable” coins that cannot be used to pay, and put them in your wallet.
  3. Buy a separate red envelope for big money according to Feng Shui, which will remind you of big purchases and prevent your wallet from unexpectedly becoming empty.
  4. Thank heaven for your financial success, that is, give a small part of your funds to charity. This is what Feng Shui advises us to do. This is necessary so that financial sources do not dry up and always remain with you.

Feng Shui talismans to attract money

Deities of wealth

Hotei is one of the most revered and beloved monetary symbols of China. After all, this cheerful fat man by his very appearance symbolizes well-being, pleasure from life and prosperity. A figurine of Hotei with a bag of money in his hand, with peaches or just coins, placed in the Money zone or in the Patrons zone is the key to your successful career and good income.

Another god of wealth, Daikoku, especially in combination with the god Ebisu and the fish Tai, will make you not only rich, but also happy. And this, you see, is not the same thing. It is this combination that will bring into your life a feeling of harmony and joy from what you already have, and hope for the best. Daikoku in itself is so positive that he alone, with a mouse over his shoulders and a mallet, will bring quite tangible wealth into your life.

Chinese coins

Three coins to attract wealth

To attract wealth and prosperity, you can use talismans such as Chinese round coins with a hole in the middle. Three such coins, tied with a red ribbon, are hidden in a wallet or under a doormat. Six coins tied with a gold or red ribbon destroy the influence of Sha energy, which leads to illness and quarrels. It is good to put such coins in a home fountain, an aquarium, or under a flower pot with a tree.

It is also believed that coins scattered in the corners of the house attract monetary luck.

feng shui money tree

Another favorite talisman of wealth among the Chinese is the money tree. It can be either live (a tree-like crassula with round green leaves) or made by hand. You can make an artificial money tree yourself or buy a ready-made one. It is important that there are as many “leaves”, coins and twigs on it as possible. If you buy a tree, choose one with Chinese coins rather than stones: it is more effective. If you have a tree with stones, decorate its branches with red ribbons with coins tied up.

Feng Shui hieroglyph for wealth

To properly store money, Easterners use hieroglyphs.

Hieroglyph Prosperity

  1. "Prosperity". This hieroglyph is used to fill your home with wealth. He replenishes financial reserves with large amounts of money for the full joy of life.
  2. "Justice". The hieroglyph serves to restore the balance of your funds. For example, you have a financial debt to someone, but you do not have the opportunity to pay it back. To do this, place your “untouchable” supplies in an envelope or in a box with the image of the hieroglyph “Justice”, and your problems will be solved very soon.
  3. "Wealth". No comments here.

The hieroglyph wealth, according to Feng Shui, will help you achieve good and long-term financial well-being not only for yourself, but also for your children.

Wallet: which one to choose?

Choosing a wallet is an integral part of activities aimed at attracting wealth, since a person uses this accessory to store banknotes. The energy of a wallet plays an important role in enriching its owner. If a person is going to buy this accessory, then preference should be given to a high quality product. The ideal Feng Shui wallet is made from natural materials, such as leather. A synthetic wallet with the “effect” of cheapness does not allow energy flows to pass through it well.

The wallet that attracts money is of a size that allows you to store banknotes in a straightened form. The ideal shape of the accessory is rectangular, since money can lie freely in such a wallet. It is advisable that the wallet be equipped with compartments for bills of different denominations, since order in the storage of money helps to attract the energy of wealth. It is not advisable to carry any business cards in your wallet. To store them, it is better to have a business card holder.

In order for your wallet to attract money, you need to put talismans with strong Feng Shui energy into it. Many people prefer to keep photographs of children, parents and friends in their wallets, but this habit does not help attract finance. The best talismans for a wallet are:

  • a new mirror tied with a red ribbon;
  • a bunch of three Chinese coins;
  • a small picture depicting a bunch of grapes.

Feng Shui experts recommend carrying a bag of dried mint leaves in your wallet, as the aroma of this plant attracts cash flows. Even the most reliable talisman cannot be carried in a purse all the time, since it tends to lose its energy. To charge coins with new strength, it is recommended to bury them for several days in the soil of a flowerpot with any indoor plant. You can replace old talismans with new ones.


It is always necessary to keep your wallet in order. All kinds of checks and stickers with notes have no place here. Any kind of clutter of this kind clogs the energy field of the wallet, which is why it does not attract money enough.

Feng Shui Wealth Vase

Money vase according to Feng Shui
One of the main talismans for attracting money is a vase of wealth. It is a small porcelain or wooden pot with a lid, which must be filled with earth and money, then hidden away from prying eyes.

The earth is a symbol of birth, and money is a kind of “seed” that is planted in order to grow one’s financial well-being.

feng shui bowl of wealth

Cup of Wealth
Also an important symbol of wealth is the cup of wealth . This is an ordinary pot or bowl that is filled with either ears of wheat or dried cloves with cinnamon. Also, someone adds sugar or rice - as a symbol of “food rarity” in the East.

The base of the bowl does not matter, everything depends on your choice, the only main thing is that it is natural materials. Such as clay or wood. The place where the bowl is stored should not be open, but it should not be hidden either. It is best to place it on the bedside table or windowsill, next to the flowers in the house according to Feng Shui, in the southeast side of the house. They will serve as an amplifier for happiness and wealth.

Useful tips

Feng Shui recommendations for wealth should be used in combination. You can maintain cleanliness in the house, place talismans correctly, but the material flow is not activated, because, for example, the taps at home regularly flow. The water element plays a big role in gaining wealth, so it is necessary to monitor the serviceability of all pipes and valves.

Please note: Baba Nina’s amulet for wealth.

Any room needs regular ventilation. Fresh air will clean your home or office and allow good energy to circulate freely in the space.

The right attitude towards money

Attracting material wealth to your home largely depends on a person’s mood. Money Feng Shui will only work if a person feels deserving of wealth. It should be remembered that any monetary values ​​require respect. Banknotes and coins must be counted. You should know the sources of income and expenses, so it is better to keep a special notebook in which to reflect these transactions.

Using symbols in the home

Numbers are given great importance in the Feng Shui system. So, for example, the number 6 can bring wealth to your home. Lucky numbers can form combinations, for example, the number 78 is a symbol of wealth. These symbols can be applied to various objects.

Thoughts on ways to make money

Attracting a flow of monetary energy must be accompanied by a change in a person’s internal attitudes. You should set yourself up for new ways of earning money, look for ways through which you can improve your financial situation.

Successful environment

If you want to achieve financial well-being, you need to change your environment. You should spend more time around successful people who deserve respect. The energy exchange will lead to the activation of cash flow. If it is not possible to communicate with rich people in person, you can hang their photographs in prominent places.

Rules for purchasing a wallet according to Feng Shui

Don't underestimate where your money is stored. Banknotes and coins should be kept separate from each other. In this case, paper money should be stored unfolded.

The wallet is also an amulet for attracting money, so what it looks like is important. A monetary accessory should be associated with luxury and beauty. You should quickly get rid of old worn out wallets.

It matters what the wallet is made of. It is better to use leather items.

Hard work is the key to wealth

Even taking into account the implementation of all the Feng Shui recommendations that have come down to us from ancient times, we should remember that they will not work if a person does not take any action. Financial stability is guaranteed to people who are not afraid of work and know the value of money.

Water is a source of monetary energy

Money water
According to Eastern philosophy, water is the source of life, so it must be treated with special care. Therefore, it is very important to monitor how it is spent and not waste it unnecessarily. Your attitude towards water is expressed in financial well-being. It follows from this that the more you value water, the more money will be drawn to you. This is why it is so important to monitor the water sources in your home so that the pipes and taps are intact and not leaking.

According to Feng Shui, money flows just like water, and to stimulate your subconscious it is better to install a small decorative fountain. It will stimulate you to achieve financial well-being and at the same time provide a meditation effect.

1) Money comes first

money comes first
When it comes to business, money should come first. Why? Yes, because you are doing business! Email and files can wait, but money cannot.

Check your bills and pay them every Monday. Ask yourself this question: “Is what I’m doing profitable enough?” Being busy does not guarantee efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, do what really brings profit, and entrust the rest to someone else.

Aquarium - concentration of your wealth

As mentioned above, water is the source of life. And in order for money to willingly come to you, you need to concentrate energy in one specific source. The aquarium should fit perfectly into the interior of the house and should be located in a certain zone of Wealth, that is, in the southeast direction, for better concentration of money.

It is also necessary to place an odd number of fish in the aquarium, carefully monitor their condition and do not forget to clean their house during the process.

Interior decoration: colors

Before you begin to implement ideas for attracting money, you should determine the area in the room that is responsible for your financial condition. This is usually the southeastern part of the building. Here you always need to maintain perfect order, preventing the accumulation of old unnecessary things. When decorating the interior of an office or home, they pay attention to the choice of colors according to Feng Shui, the energy of which has a beneficial effect on a person’s financial situation. These are the following:

  • brown;
  • yellow;
  • black;
  • golden;
  • silver.

Three-legged toad

Decor items, furniture and room decorations should have these colors. Piggy banks, wallets and other accessories for storing money should also have a similar color scheme. Green, blue and blue colors, on the contrary, prevent the creation of an aura of enrichment, so they should be avoided.

Money manicure according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, each finger has a connection with energetic events that pass through our lives: emotions, feelings, character traits. A properly performed manicure will help enhance the qualities you need.

In order to get a beneficial manicure for money according to Feng Shui, you need to follow 7 “golden” rules:

  • We always do manicures with a good attitude and discard bad thoughts. To attract joy and positive moments into your life, you need to clear your mind of negative thoughts. A ten-minute meditation is best, with the obligatory turn off of the phone. This method will allow you to eliminate internal anxiety and calm your nerves.
  • During a manicure, it is necessary to create a favorable atmosphere. Properly arrange all the necessary items on the desktop, and you can also light aromatic candles and turn on quiet soothing music.
  • The manicure color must be chosen in accordance with your element. Feng Shui colors of wealth and prosperity:

Manicure colors
Fire element. Bright shades are suitable for this, from yellow to burgundy. However, preference should be given to red or wine.

Element of water. Marine shades are suitable for tranquility, black denotes practicality, white – purity of thoughts and the desire for novelty. According to Feng Shui, the color of money in 2021 in the element of water is black-matte and white-matte, chameleon colors.

Element of earth. Natural beige or brown is recommended. They will not only look harmonious, but create a good mood. For calmness, you can add shades of yellow or brown.

Element of wood. A calm beige or brown color is ideal. Green can be used for harmony and calm. A great addition would be a web or embossed design.

The element of metal. The colors of the elements are grey, white and a variety of metallic shades. The golden color will give you strength of spirit and attract stability in the flow of money into your home.

  • The shape of the nail should also be done in accordance with your elemental temperament.

The element of Fire suits long square nails.

The water element prefers short or medium nails that do not have sharp corners.

The elements of wood are suitable for medium-length nails, with curves.

For the element of metal, a rounded appearance, or, on the contrary, a clear square, slightly longer than average length.

The earth element loves short nails, with a soft, rounded design.

Choosing the ideal container for money or where to store money: tips

How to store money:

  • The best place to store banknotes is considered to be a red envelope, which you can make yourself or buy in a special store.
  • It is recommended to deposit money by denomination - from large to small. It is very important to ensure that there is an even number of bills in the envelope, otherwise they will “fall out” among themselves. Experts also say that it is best to store green or purple banknotes.
  • A red velvet box is perfect for this “Luck”, “Wealth”, etc. on the lid or envelope. You should never write “for a rainy day” or “for a funeral”; this attracts not only negative energy, but also brings that day closer. “On loans” is also prohibited, since on a cosmic level this will not allow you to get out of debt. And that means increasing your fortune.
  • It is advisable that no outsiders see this storage, even if they are relatives or close friends. Therefore, you should not show off your new acquisition, but rather hide it away from guests.
  • Also note that denominations must have their own compartment, and large bills must be on top.

  • Money box

    • For small change, either a box or a piggy bank is suitable, but it should be spacious enough and very attractive. When choosing a piggy bank, you should rely only on your preferences; it should please the eye of its owner. The piggy bank can be placed on the window and refilled as often as possible so that the flow of energy is not interrupted.
    • If you want to completely forget about financial difficulties and constant debts, first of all, change your attitude towards money. You should treat your savings wisely and follow all the rules of Feng Shui wisdom. Tune in to the positive, and only then will the desired effect be achieved, because... money senses your mood and loves order.
    • Chinese sages also recommend making a special bowl to store money. We recommend reading about the rules for making it in our article “How to make a cup of abundance?”

    If you love and cherish your banknotes, they will love you too. You need to give, save, store and spend money with ease and without any regret. It is worth remembering the golden rule: wealth comes only to the house where money is not the main meaning of life, but only a tool for improving it.

    Money magnet mat

    A rug placed on a desktop or attached to a wall as a decorative rug tends to attract finances. According to Feng Shui, the color of money should be yellow, red or brown. The image of the wealth hieroglyph will also increase its influence. It is better to place 3 five-ruble coins with the heads facing up under the rug.

    Mat for attracting money

    This attribute is used only to symbolize future wealth. Therefore, you should not place dishes, TV or other equipment on it, or put it in different places. It must be in the well-being zone; only additional talismans can be placed on it. Also try to count your savings on the mat, this will additionally add positive energy.

    Figure of Hotei

    Some magical symbols of wealth represent Chinese deities. Hotei is one of the deities who attracts money and luck into the home. In ancient times, people came to the temple of Hotei and asked him for material wealth. In order for money to come into the house, you need to rub the belly of the figure 100 times.

    This symbol for attracting money has many varieties. Either he holds a fan in his hands, or he sits and plays the harp. All these additional attributes have their own meaning for a believer. But only the talisman who holds bills or coins in his hands brings money.

    How does Feng Shui work in practice?

    In order to understand what feng shui work looks like in practice, I would like to tell real-life cases.

    The first example can tell us how simple cleaning can solve your health problems and your debts.

    For a long time, N.’s family could not understand what was happening to their health after moving to their new home, and debts did not leave their family. The problem was hidden in the chaos. After general cleaning, my health improved, and after moving the family’s main financial storage (safe) to the south-eastern side of the house, financial problems were resolved fairly quickly.

    Another example makes us understand that water is a valuable source of our life.

    For a long time, the young man could not solve his business problems. Small debts, low profitability of the company and problems with the premises did not give him peace of mind for a long time. An incident helped with this problem. For his birthday, our hero was given an aquarium and fish. 1 month after the holiday, unexpectedly, things began to improve. And at the moment, he is a very successful businessman in his city.

    Do you know where the wealth zone is in your home?

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    What blocks cash flow from an astrological point of view

    There is a rather controversial statement: “Poverty is not a vice.” This is partly true, and not every person has the opportunity to acquire super-wealth in their natal chart.

    What is blocking cash flow? Vedic astrologers claim that many areas of life, including material well-being, are determined by our karmic actions from past and current lives. Last but not least, the periods (subperiods) of the planets also influence financial prospects. That is, if we acted poorly according to karma in a past life, are stingy in the current incarnation, or were overtaken by some negative planetary period, there will NOT be money.

    If you want to know more about how astrology affects finances, we recommend watching a short video from our Vedic astrologer, Svetlana Nikolaeva:

    Do you want to find out how money will come to you, what business will bring success, and also draw up your natal chart and learn a lot of useful and new things about yourself? Come to our free webinar and get answers to your most important questions. Register using this link.

    Pros and cons of feng shui

    It's no secret that everything has two sides, both positive and negative.

    The advantages of Feng Shui are that your thoughts and feelings, your life becomes much simpler, since the teaching presupposes mental and external order. You become more careful and thoughtful in terms of financial spending.

    Disadvantages of teaching can be excessive prejudice. Often people rely on Feng Shui and think that they don’t need to do anything else for their financial well-being, everything will come on its own. Therefore, we should not forget that Feng Shui culture functions best in conjunction with work in the area of ​​increasing one’s financial well-being.

    Water signs

    Water to income

    Water is the main symbol of wealth, happiness and prosperity. This is why people often install small fountains in their homes because a constant flow of water brings in money.

    In fountains, moisture is constantly in vertical movement - your income will also constantly move upward.

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