Ba Zi is Chinese astrology for analyzing and improving human life.

A simple technique to determine the hour of birth

To understand when a person was born, you must first determine the main points in his fate: - the birth and death of close relatives; — years of career start and end; - moments when diseases arose and were cured; — types of diseases; — moving; - marriages and divorces; - years of having children or absence of the latter.

Hour of birth - pillar related to children - children's house

When trying to determine the hour of birth in Bazi, it should be remembered that the hour pillar is considered to relate to children. Therefore, when considering the map, you should look for favorable elements for the element of children, if there are children, and unfavorable ones, if there are no children.

If children are in a person’s destiny and in his pillars of fate and luck there are no energies that support the element of children, then these elements are in the pillar of the hour. If there are no children, then in the pillars of fate and luck there must be energies that suppress the element of children. If they are not there, it means that these elements are in the pillar of the hour. But this is not necessary, and this information does not always help determine the exact time of birth.

As a rule, a person who has children has an element of children in the pillar of the hour, if this element is not in the pillars of fate and in the beats. A childless person usually does not have the element of children either in the pillars of fate or in the hour. But it can appear in the pillars of luck. But still, you should not rely on this when trying to determine the hour of birth using Ba Tzu methods.

Relatives are the main beacons in fate

In an effort to determine the hour of birth, one should consider the events of life according to the rules of Ba Tzu. In this case, elements of relatives are taken into account. During periods when elements of relatives are destroyed, they disappear from the life of the person whose fate is being analyzed. Most often these people die, in other cases they move far away or simply break off communication.

How to determine the hour of birth in Bazi by events is easy to understand if you conduct a qualitative analysis of the birth chart. When energy appears in a period of life that supports the element of a relative, then he is present in the fate of the one whose natal chart is being analyzed. Otherwise, the relative disappears from the life of the person whose pillars are analyzed according to the rules of Ba Tzu.

For men, the elements of relatives according to the rules of Ba Tzu are: - the element that generates the personality - the mother; - the element destroyed by the personality - the father; - energy that destroys personality - children; - the element destroyed by the personality - the spouse; - the same energy as the personality - brothers and sisters.

For women, the elements of relatives according to the rules of Ba Tzu are: - the energy that generates the personality - the mother; - the element destroyed by the personality - the father; - element that destroys personality - husband; - an element generated by a person - children; - the same energy as the personality - brothers and sisters.

A complete list of relatives in Ba Tzu is available in this brochure.

Money and career are important starting points

When trying to determine the hour of birth according to the rules of Ba Tzu, one should take into account the presence of elements of money and self-realization in the pillars of fate. The presence of these elements in the beats of luck may indicate that during these periods the person had, has, or will have a job. Using them, you can determine whether a person was born on the day indicated in his passport, on the previous or on the next day. You can determine your elements of money and self-realization by reading the e-book “Five Elements and Professions.”

Diseases indicate the dominance of energy or its weakness

Diseases develop when a person has an imbalance of energies. For example, with the dominance of the tree and the weakness of the earth, allergies, seizures and diabetes can occur. When the fire intensifies and the water becomes weak, cancer may occur or blood pressure may increase. And if there is too much water or soil, kidney problems may occur. A very strong metal or an excessively weak one can cause disruptions in the immune system. If you want to determine the hour of birth according to the rules of Ba Tzu, you need to focus on human diseases.

If in the pillars of fate and in the beats of luck there is an insufficient amount of energy that causes illness, for example, a tree that causes diabetes, then most likely this tree is in the pillar of the desired hour of birth. If the illness is caused by a lack of some energy, it means that this element is not in the pillar of the hour of birth. This is worth paying attention to when trying to determine the hour of birth.

Moving can help determine your birthday

People move to other houses, cities and countries, as a rule, when, in the strokes of good luck or with the advent of the New Year, a “post horse” - a travel star - appears. It can help determine whether a person was born on the same day indicated in the passport, or on the previous or next day. You can determine your travel star by reading the contents of the brochure “Travel Star in Ba Tzu.”

Problem pillars in Ba Zi for personal life, marriage

The day is especially important when we analyze the character, behavior of a person and his marriage luck. You can write a separate large article about each pillar (the combination of the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch). This is a very deep layer of information. Character, element Nayin, influence of 10 deities in the day, influence of symbolic stars, etc. But today we’ll only talk about marriage and personal life.

There are a series of pillars of the day that bring problems in your personal life. From them we can immediately say that this topic will not be easy. This is especially true for women. Almost 80% of women who write on the forum about difficulties in their personal lives have these pillars. I'm no longer surprised. You make another card and again the same combinations.

If other unfavorable signs in your personal life are added to the chart, the situation with these pillars becomes especially difficult. There may be either complicated divorces or toxic relationships. Or loneliness, difficulties in finding a partner, even celibacy.

The whole problem is that these pillars, first of all, greatly spoil a woman’s character. Therefore, it is very important not to panic if you see such a birthday pillar, but to use the information correctly. Mostly we are talking about distortions in behavior. Either the woman is too tough, constantly criticizes the man, becomes hysterical, and in the end the man leaves. Or there is a problem with expressing emotions. Or immoral behavior, as the Chinese like to say. That is, a woman begins to lead a riotous lifestyle, flirt, and cheat. Because of this, relationships deteriorate.

Therefore, the first thing people with these pillars need to do is to honestly look at themselves in the mirror and evaluate their character and behavior. You must admit that in most cases you create problems in relationships. And there is no one to blame here. You need a lot of work on yourself, self-control, flexibility, gentleness and the ability to negotiate.

Someone will have many illusions, life with rose-colored glasses. Hence the constant mistakes in choosing a partner, having your head in the clouds and searching for fairy-tale romance.

The whole map will tell you the details. It is necessary to analyze the husband’s element in the horoscope, the relationship of the palaces, the balance of elements, etc.

If the other indicators of the card are not so unfavorable, then the “difficult” pillar of the day will still bring problems in your personal life and spoil your character. But a woman will be able to create a relationship and get married. Although the quality of marriage will suffer due to behavior.

Determining the hour of birth of a childless woman

As follows from the request for a free consultation, Zhanna was born on 02/04/1965 in the +6 time zone. She was born in winter, a period when a tree can already gain strength, but according to the Chinese calendar, water is still active. However, energies never follow calendars created by people, but change according to their own rules and laws. This is important to remember when trying to determine the time of birth.

Pillars of the destiny of a woman born on 02/04/1965

If we consider the date 02/04/1965, we can see that the element of personality in this case is the earth. In 1984, Jeanne was in a period of life when her mother's element, fire, was supported by the Rabbit tree. It is likely that her mother's death was caused by the 1984 Rat water. If we take 02/03/1965 as a basis, it turns out that in 1984 Zhanna was in the period of the Rat, whose water extinguished the fire in her life - the life of her mother.

Pillars of the destiny of a woman born on 02/03/1965

In 1994, a woman born on 02/03/1965 was in the period of the Pig - low water. For a woman, the father represents an element that is destroyed by the elements of her personality. In this case it is metal. 1994 was the Year of the Tree in the Dog. The wood element could activate (make it move somewhere, exhaust its strength) metal, and the Pig period could deplete metal energy. As a result, metal began to disappear from Jeanne's life - the death of her father. If this woman was born on 02/04/1965, then in 1994 she was in the Dragon period, which under certain circumstances could destroy water. But more often the Dragon strengthens the element of water.

Pillars of luck for a woman born on 02/04/1965

In 2010, Zhanna went abroad. It was the year of the metal Tiger. Born on 02/03/1965, she was then in the Dog period. For the Rat's birthday - 02/03/1965, the travel star is the Tiger - 2010. For the day the Ox was born - 02/04/1965, the travel star is the Pig. But the woman born on 02/04/1965 was then in the Horse period. Here again everything points to the date 02/03/1965.

Pillars of luck for a woman born on 02/03/1965

In 2015 of the wooden Goat, on May 11 at 09:20 am in the +1 time zone, the marriage of Zhanna and her current husband took place. Born 02/04/1965 was then in the period of water on Goat. Born on 02/03/1965, she was at that time in the period of water on Monkey. Water is able to support the element of wood - Jeanne's husband. Therefore, in both cases marriage was possible.

As follows from Zhanna's message, 1982 and 1983 were the years that led this woman to money. Born 02/03/1965 was in the period of the Rat - water - the element of money of this woman. Born on 02/04/1965, she was in the period of the Rabbit - the element of her power and her husband. It so happened to determine that Zhanna’s date of birth is still 02/03/1965.

Now it remains to determine the hour of her birth. This woman has no children, which means that, most likely, she was born at an hour whose elements were identical to the strongest element in her chart or were suppressed by this element.

The energy of her children is metal. This energy is not in the pillars of the day, month and year of her birth. This means that there is no metal in the pillar of the hour. Therefore, the hours of the Rooster and the Monkey should be put aside. The strongest element in the natal chart 02/03/1965 is earth. But the water is not weak at all. After all, the Rat and the Dragon can create water. And besides, the period of birth of this woman coincided with the peak of the strengthening of the element of water.

If in this map the earth were stronger than water, then from 2010 to 2015 Zhanna could have her own or an adopted child. But this did not happen, which means that in the pillars of the hour there are elements that attack metal - the element of her children. It could be water or fire. This should be taken into account when determining the hour of birth of this woman.

If there had been fire at the hour of Jeanne's birth, then her earth would have strengthened and supported the metal of the Rooster - the tact of luck from 2010 to 2015. But that did not happen. This means, most likely, Zhanna was born at the hour of water. It could be a wooden Rat or a water Pig. Here it is easier to assume that the hour of the Pig from 21:00 to 23:00 is more suitable, because it excessively strengthens the element of water. Because of this, metal, the element of children, turns out to be unable to somehow manifest itself in Zhanna’s fate.

Thus, it is possible to determine the hour of birth of Zhanna, a woman born on 02/03/1965. She was born during the two hours of the Pig from 21:00 to 23:00.

Four pillars of the fate of Zhanna, born 02/03/1965 at the hour of the Pig

Determining the hour of birth of a man who has two children

In 1978, an earthen Horse man born on 04/21/1957 was in the Tiger period. It looks like he could have gotten married during this period, because his personality element is water, and his wife’s element is fire, fueled by wood. In 1979, the earthen Goat exhibited the same tact of the Tiger. But here marriage is already unlikely for a man with the personality element water. After all, his wife is fire, suppressed by the earth.

Pillars of the destiny of a man born on 04/21/1957

In 2015 of the wooden Goat, this man was in the earth's tact on the Dog, which was not exactly conducive to marriage. If we assume that Jeanne’s husband was born on April 20, 1957, then the result will be the same. That is, this information will not help determine the hour of birth of the husband of the woman who requested a free consultation using Ba Tzu.

Pillars of the destiny of a man born on April 20, 1957

For a man with the personality element, children represent the element that destroys his personality. In this case it is land. A man born on April 20, 1957, was in the Tiger period in 1980 of the metal Monkey. The energy of this period is not conducive to the birth of children. And in 1984, the wooden Rat, Zhanna’s husband was in the period of water on the Bull. The land of the Bull is able to support the land of his children. And so his second son was born. In the case of the date of birth 04/21/1957 the result is the same. Here again there is no clue to determine the hour of birth.

Pillars of luck for a man born on 04/21/1957

In 1989 Earth Snake, this man found work abroad. Then he was in the Ox period, if we analyze both dates of birth 04/20/1957 and 04/21/1957. Most likely, this man’s weak light of the Snake became the starting point for obtaining, as he then probably believed, a promising job. Fire is his money element. Therefore, in years, periods, months, days, hours and in the directions of fire, this man will experience financial success. He chose a “fiery” profession - electrical engineer. This means she is able to feed him.

Pillars of luck for a man born on April 20, 1957

For a person with the element of personality water, the Dog is the keeper of money. If Zhanna’s husband had been born on April 20, 1957, then he would have had a Dog in his pillars, and therefore money would not have flowed away from him until he looked for a new job. But he is spending the money he earns while looking for a new place. This is the main sign that helps determine the birthday of Zhanna’s husband - 04/21/1957.

Since this man, in theory, should not have had children, wives and money, then most likely, in his hour of birth there are elements that support the elements of children - earth, and wives and money - fire. Zhanna's husband has type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, and he also gets irritated over trifles. All this indicates the dominance of wood and flashes of fire. This information will help determine the hour of birth of this man.

The tree can be strengthened by water, which is sufficient in the chart of Jeanne’s husband and the tree, which is in the heavenly pillar of his month of birth and in the period of his birth. But in order for the dominance of the woody element to be observed, it must also be in the pillar of the hour. If it is the hour of the Tiger or the Rabbit, then two elements of wood are observed there. It would be worth assuming that Jeanne's husband was born in the hour of the Tiger. This animal creates a persistent tree with the Pig of its birthday.

To more accurately determine the hour of birth of this man, it is worth noting that it is easier for a person with the yin-water personality element to realize himself through the small tree - the energy of self-realization. But it’s difficult for him to do this through a large tree. That is why this man has interruptions in his work. Which confirms that he was born in the hour of the Tiger - Yang tree, and not in the hour of the Rabbit - Yin tree.

When wood energy meets metal energy, an energetic mechanism is formed in which rings of fire appear. That is, an active fire that can materialize into finances in the case of a man born on 04/21/1957. Yang Wood or Tiger is more flammable when in contact with metal than Yin Wood or Rabbit. This is another sign that allows you to determine the hour of birth of this man. Zhanna's husband was born at Tiger's two o'clock hour.

The Rooster metal is in the pillar of this man's year of birth. In 1989, he was in the tact of the Ox, which creates with the Rooster of his year of birth a strong metal capable of activating the strong tree of the pillars of destiny of this man, creating fire in the process. The key element in this case was the year of the Snake - an animal that represents for a person the element of water the opportunity to earn money. Therefore, Zhanna’s husband found a job in 1989.

When there is a lot of wood and the fire is active, earth can be created. It’s like a lot of branches in a fire, being struck by the fire, turning into ashes. This very land may represent children for Jeanne’s husband. In 1980, the metal Monkey tree, the energy tree of Zhanna’s wife, and the metal of the year formed a strong mechanism, creating fire. Because of this, the energy of his children increased - the land of the Dragon of his month of birth. Therefore, his first son was born.

Thus, it was possible to determine the hour of birth of Jeanne’s husband using Ba Tzu. He was born on 04/21/1957 during the two hours of the Tiger from 03:00 to 05:00.

Four pillars of the destiny of a man born on 04/21/1957 in the hour of the Tiger

Art of Bazi

The topic of the hour of birth interests many, especially in situations where it is unknown or there is no certainty about the exact time of birth. Those interested in Bazi know that the Chinese hour is a two-hour clock (120 minutes), and some systems use the so-called “rubber” time depending on the latitude of the area (most often for the polar regions). There are different ways of calculating time and describing an hour, which are discussed in detail in courses and books on bazi.

This article discusses only some of the factors that influence the hour on the chart in Bazi.

First of all, since the hour is associated with the daily movement of qi, depending on the pillar of the hour, certain energies will be strengthened and weakened in the chart. For example, in the morning the energy of wood 木 will dominate, in the afternoon the element of fire 火, in the evening the energy of metal 金 will prevail and at night the element of water 水 will appear. Often people are born on the border of the hour, which raises the question “What is my hour of birth?” However, the change in energy occurs gradually, and for example, if you were born on the border of the Rabbit 卯 and Dragon 辰 hours, then the first half hour of the Dragon 辰 will still be dominated by the energy of the Yin tree (Rabbit) 卯. There is an analogy here with the distribution of elements by season.

Some daytime dominants are more sensitive to daily energy, others less so. For example, Yang fire 丙, the image of the Sun, noticeably receives its strength from the time of day, and often the strength of a given daytime dominant is assessed by the pillar of the hour to a greater extent than, for example, by the season. At noon the energy of the Sun is at its peak. On the other hand, Yin fire 丁 (the image of a candle) can most clearly manifest its qualities in the evening and night hours*. It is believed that at the hour of the Rooster 酉, Yin fire 丁 is most noticeable.

Sometimes the hour pillar is used as an ascendant, but according to the practice of chart analysis, more often the “Palace of Life” looks like it. The Ascendant is the position of the Sun during the period when the child is born. The position of the Sun varies depending on the season and hour of birth. The Ascendant is an ascendant sign that reflects our external behavior; it largely determines how the world around us sees us.

It is favorable if a person is born at an hour that goes well with the entire chart. This contributes to the success and implementation of a person’s plans and ideas. But there are cases where the hour is poorly compatible, for example, the Fang Yin combination, when a person can lose direction in life, has difficulty setting goals, and is subject to the negative influence of other people.

Each palace in the bazi map reflects a certain aspect of life. The pillar of the hour is associated with a person's ambitions, dreams and hopes. This pillar is associated with the feeling of inspiration. The pillar of the hour also gives information about life in old age, about relationships with children and subordinates. On a psychological level, the heavenly branch shows our passion and incentive, and the earthly branch shows our inner desires. The hour also shows the results of our labors, the fruits and achievements that we ultimately receive.

By connecting the energies of a particular hour with the spheres of life in the map, you can see which sphere will be strengthened: Personality, Self-Expression, Wealth, Power or Resource. In addition, each pillar of the hour will contain certain deities, knowledge of whose characteristics will help you in more accurately assessing the hour or in restoring it.

The pillar of the hour has a noticeable impact on the quality of the bazi chart as a whole. There are traditional texts about the influence of the hour on chart structures. One of the texts is Qiong Tong Bao Jian (窮通寶鑑), written by the famous master Yu Chun Tai (余春台), Qin Dynasty. Another classic is Qian Li Ming Gao (千里命稿), by Wei Qian Li (韋千里), one of the famous scholars who contributed to the theory of bazi, including information about card structures.

In Bazi, there are various ways to assess the influence of the pillar of the hour on the structure of the card and select useful elements. As an example, let's evaluate the map taking into account different hours of birth and season (month).

As can be seen in the map, the element of earth is strong in the summer season, thus noticeably conflicting and weakening the daytime dominant Ren (Ren). As one of the beneficial deities at the hour of Yi Si 乙巳, the Yin tree in the heavenly trunk could be used, since the tree weakens and keeps the earth under control.

Unfortunately, the Yin tree 乙 is “burnt” by fire and largely supports the fire element in the chart, which makes the earth even stronger. However, in the hidden celestial branches of the hour there is Yang metal 庚, which can support the daytime dominant if it can penetrate the celestial branch, for example, due to the coming month, year or beat.

The situation changes noticeably if a person was born in the hour of the Pig, the pillar of Xin Hai 辛亥. In the presence of the earthly branch of Hai 亥, the daytime dominant receives significant support, and Yin metal 辛 in the NA hour generates and supports water.

However, the structure of the card still does not change from weak to strong due to the strong element of earth. However, the Pig 亥 with the Goat 未 form a partial combination of wood that keeps the earth under control while at the same time weakening the element of water. Yin metal 辛 is difficult to use effectively for assistance here, since it is not strong enough and needs support itself.

That is, we see that the time of birth affects the strength of the daytime dominant, and in some cases it can change the structure to the surprise of the card owner. For this reason, when the hour is unknown, the reading accuracy is significantly reduced.

The topic of the birth hour is quite extensive and provides a lot of additional information on the bazi chart, for example in matters of investment, emigration or career. In this article we just touched on some of its aspects.

If you are interested in questions related to the hour of birth or restoring the time of birth, you can write your message in contacts.

* - maps of special structures are considered differently.

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