Chinese coins: meaning and practical application

How to tie coins according to feng shui

Chinese coins will certainly bring good luck to your office or home.
These coins are round and thin. In their center there is a hole in the shape of a square. It is the crossing of square and round figures that symbolizes the positive unity of earth and sky. These coins have two sides: Yin and Yang. There are four characters on the Yang side and two on the Yin side. And it doesn’t matter whether these are genuine ancient relics or souvenirs. If you believe in their power, then even the cheapest materials will begin to work.

And another important condition for attracting the energy of wealth is the correct combination of such coins. Take a red braid or ribbon and tie three coins together with the Yang side facing up. You can connect in any way; there are no special conditions here. The main thing is that they look upward with the Yang side.

The more of these coins you tie and place around your home or office, the more effective their effect will be.

Place such bundles under the doormat, distribute them to your employees, attach them to important papers, place them in wallets and safes, and the results will not be long in coming.

This way of attracting wealth is the simplest and most effective.

However, there are other methods of knitting, which differ in the number of coins and their effect.

The meaning of a money amulet

An amulet in the form of a coin is one of the powerful magical tools through which financial problems can be solved. Like many talismans made of precious stones and minerals (gems), it attracts good luck to the owner.

The task of the magic coin is to bestow financial prosperity on its owner.

The value of the coin’s amulet is also attributed to the property of protecting the owner from negativity from the outside (evil eye, damage). A money talisman will protect you from illness and danger. The owner will repay debts, achieve career growth, and find a high-paying job. The beneficial effects of the magical thing extend to the owner and his loved ones.

Amulets in the form of a coin must be made in compliance with the rules. Otherwise they will not have power.

Religion does not approve of money talismans. Gives advice to resort to prayers and symbols of faith like the pectoral cross.

The wallet has its own rules

A wallet is a keeper of monetary energy. Therefore, its appearance must be solid and respectable. It is very important to regularly do a general cleaning of your wallet, clearing it of unnecessary papers, receipts and notes. Excess garbage clogs the flow of monetary energy. It is also useful to carefully fold banknotes, count them and smooth them out.

Put a money energy activator in your wallet - Chinese coins. They need to be taken in the amount of three pieces and tied with a red ribbon.

You can also put other money magnets in your wallet: dried leaves of grapes, mint, tea or clover.

There is another item for attracting cash flows - a green mint tea bag. Do not laugh! It really works.

If you receive a banknote from the hands of a wealthy person, then do not spend it, but put it in your wallet. It certainly activates subtle monetary energy.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about becoming a little richer and luckier. The main thing is to believe that you also deserve a good, well-fed life. Let the wealth energy of Chinese coins become your assistant. And remember: coins need to be changed annually or cleaned of negative influences from time to time using a salt solution.

Why does a charm charmed by a professional work better?

A handmade talisman has its advantages. The main advantage is that the coin is imbued with the energy of the owner. She better understands what the owner expects. An amulet created with your own hands will not have the powerful energy and wisdom that the ancient ones possess.

It’s good if a professional speaks the coin. A knowledgeable person has powerful energy and will not make mistakes in performing a magical ritual. It is better to seek help from witches and magicians who practice white magic.

After activating the amulet, a person should not just wait for benefits to rain down on him. It is necessary to work, looking for opportunities for enrichment. The amulet will strengthen the cash flow that will not dry out.

Amulets in the form of coins help to significantly increase the financial well-being of the owner. They will bring changes for the better. The amulet will protect you from the machinations of envious people and will give you happiness on an energetic level. You cannot deviate from your goal by changing your destiny.

Chinese coins - a talisman of abundance in Feng Shui

Chinese coins are talismans that have miraculous powers. Due to their unusual shape, which combines the energy of Heaven - Yang Energy (round shape) and the Earth energy - Yin Energy (square cutout in the center of the coin), they are believed to activate the energy of abundance, which awakens good luck and brings wealth. Thus, having the original meaning of the unity of Heaven and Earth, the coin is a talisman for the harmonization of space, flows of energy and time.

The symbolism of the two energies Yang and Yin is also carried by the sides of the coin. The side symbolizing Yang energy is the side on which 4 hieroglyphs are depicted - this side is considered active and, according to Feng Shui, should be the front side when using the coin, that is, facing up. The same side on which 2 hieroglyphs are depicted symbolizes Yin energy and is considered passive. The correct placement of the coin is very important for activating the energy of abundance and is an unspoken rule in Feng Shui when using it.

The history of these coins dates back to China in the 11th century BC, when these coins began to be used as a means of payment. They were usually minted from copper, and various symbols and hieroglyphs were displayed on their sides. So, on the Yang side, the upper and lower hieroglyphs indicated which dynasty the coin belonged to, and on the Yin side the motto of the emperor’s reign could be minted. There are coins with the image of a dragon and phoenix to attract good luck and protection from evil forces, there are coins with trigrams, the image of Bagua or crossed swords - symbols of protection and good luck in Feng Shui, coins with the image of one of the 8 immortal Taoists, granting his protection and support.

Nowadays, these coins have already fallen out of monetary use and are used as amulets and talismans to attract wealth and protect people from negative energy, enjoying great respect among followers of Eastern teachings and in particular Feng Shui. They are worn around the neck as an amulet to protect against evil and attract good luck, placed under the pillow to harmonize marital relationships, and embedded in the foundation of a house during construction to ensure the well-being of the family. To attract money luck, they are placed in any place directly or indirectly related to money: put in a wallet or safe, under a rug in front of the front door, under a pot with a money tree, glued to folders with financial documentation, hung above the entrance to a store, office, restaurant. or above the entrance to the apartment to attract financial well-being to its inhabitants; on the refrigerator - for abundance, on door handles, on work chairs, on cash registers, on computers - without forgetting the important rule of placement with the active side up!

When using coins, their quantity also matters - it is believed that in a bunch they work more efficiently than individually, and depending on the quantity, such talismans have different meanings. To do this, coins are sometimes tied with a gold thread, but in most cases red, the color of which is a symbol of prosperity and good luck. However, some Feng Shui masters have a different opinion on this matter, believing that in this case, given that the amulet itself corresponds to the elements of earth and metal, it is still more favorable to tie it with a gold thread. The golden color is in harmony with the elements of the amulet, also corresponding to the element of metal, which strengthens the earth. And the element of the color of the red thread - fire, although it strengthens the element of earth, is destructive for the element of metal, which creates disharmony with the elements of the amulet.

In Chinese culture and in Feng Shui, the symbolism of numbers is very important - it reflects different meanings, different symbolism and associations associated with a particular number, therefore different numbers of coins are tied together and used for different purposes. The coin itself is already a symbol of attracting wealth and activates the energy of abundance. It can be used independently by placing it in the right place.

3 linked coins are the most commonly used talisman to attract the energy of prosperity, symbolizing the three sources of wealth: ordinary, earned wealth; wealth that came from outside and was earned in an unconventional way; unexpected wealth. This bunch is considered a symbol of the unity of Heaven, Earth and Man.

According to Feng Shui, 4 linked coins cannot be used to attract wealth.

5 connected coins are a symbol of the arrival of financial flows from the four compass directions and their accumulation in the center. Feng Shui recommends using this combination for trade workers.

6 linked coins are symbols of attracting heavenly luck. This talisman is recommended to be placed in the northwest, in the zone of mentors, to attract good luck and the necessary help.

7 connected coins, just like 4, are not used as a talisman to attract monetary energy, but this bunch is used to strengthen flying stars of the metal element or weaken unfavorable flying stars of the earth element.

The 8 linked coins symbolize the influx of wealth from all eight compass directions, that is, from everywhere. An amulet in which there will be a 9th coin in the center of the bundle, symbolizing the center of accumulation of wealth, will have the same power.

9 linked coins symbolize the integrity and completeness of the universe. It is believed that the owner of such an amulet will be patronized by 9 Chinese emperors of the Qin dynasty, who will bring material well-being to 9 generations of the family. However, it will only work effectively if you collect the originals of ancient Chinese coins in this bundle. A bunch of 9 coins is placed in different zones: to enhance the energy of wealth - in the southeastern zone, to attract help and the right people - in the northwestern zone, to receive financial support from 9 emperors, it is hung on the back of a work chair. This amulet will also work effectively to attract wealth if worn in conjunction with a red thread around the neck.

A decorative sword knitted from coins is considered good protection against unfavorable Sha Qi. The sword made from 108 coins is considered the most effective. It can be used in business to protect against competitors and precisely in those types of businesses where there is a fierce struggle for spheres of influence. Place it behind your back, point down. In a position in front of him, he can harm the owner by directing his power against him. It is also used to neutralize unfavorable flying stars of Feng Shui 2 and 5.

Feng Shui masters prefer to use authentic, previously circulated ancient coins, believing that they work more effectively, carrying the energy of prosperity and wealth. But it is almost impossible to find such coins now, so we must remember that even using modern copies, what is important is what powers and energies you endow these talismans with, resorting to their help.

Feng Shui for money and luck

I’ll just tell you about a few simple Feng Shui tips that you can apply today, even without any special knowledge.

All advice will relate to attracting money into our lives. Well, everyone decides for themselves whether to follow them or not.

Now I am practicing alpha state. It allows you to achieve goals and make dreams come true without any rituals, figurines, and so on.

Agree, you should follow these tips, even if you don’t believe in Feng Shui.

And it’s much more pleasant, when cleaning the apartment, to think that this makes us richer, isn’t it?

To attract prosperity to your home, it would be nice to have a money tree - a crassula. It is called a money tree because its leaves resemble coins.

The plant is unpretentious and does not require special care. It is best to grow a tree yourself from a small sprout.

It is best to place a pot with a plant in the southeast of the apartment (in the wealth zone).

Bury a coin of the largest denomination in the pot. Or you can hang 3 Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon on the tree.

I took the cutting for my tree from the Jardin Majorelle Botanical Garden in Marrakech, so it’s special to me


The garden bears the name of its creator, the artist Jacques Majorelle, who set up his studio here and also created a unique garden where he planted rare plants. If you are in Marrakech, be sure to visit it.

But let's return to the money tree. Talk to him and tell him about your desires. The more leaves appear on it, the better your financial affairs will be. This plant will decorate any apartment, even if you don't believe in Feng Shui.

Each of us has a wallet. In order for there to always be money in it, it should not be cheap: it will not be able to attract money, as it is charged with the energy of poverty.

It is better to choose a wallet made of genuine leather in brown or red. Don’t keep photos of your loved ones (no photos at all) in your wallet.

You can put three Chinese coins inside. And never keep your wallet empty.

You can also spray the money in your wallet with Patchouli oil. The oil is known for its ability to attract money!

And finally, a few words about talismans.

The three-legged toad is considered a symbol of wealth. Place her back to the entrance on a low surface, as if she were jumping into the apartment.

A sailboat is considered a symbol of monetary luck, as it is associated with the arrival of goods.

It is best to have a wooden model of a merchant ship. And put a few coins in it. The bow of the ship should be directed deep into the apartment, as if it were floating towards you.

In the northern corner of the apartment you can place a figurine of a turtle - a symbol of money.

That's all I intended to tell you today. I would just like to add that money will come to you only if you respect and value it, considering it as friends. And besides this, you won’t sit idly by, but start taking action, for example, investing money to make a profit.

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