Signs of fate - a description of the symbolic stars of Ba Tzu according to Feng Shui, lucky and unlucky symbols

What is a symbolic star

The stars are a combination of signs, using which you can make a forecast. In order for the data to be reliable, a lot of information about a person’s personality should be studied. Since ancient times, masters have drawn more than 200 Symbolic stars, but in modern practice no more than 30 are used.

You can calculate the Symbolic Star using the necessary counting rules. They take into account the branches of the year of birth, which include the animals of the birthday, as well as the celestial trunk of the birthday.

There are 12 birthday animals. More than 2 stars can belong to one earthly branch, which will have different interpretations; Symbolic stars are also called Spirits, Gods or Devils. This division is relative, since even favorable constellations can harm their owner if they are in the wrong place. As for demons, they are not always harbingers of misfortune: they often come to the aid of a person in the fight against shortcomings.

It happens that in the Ba Zi map you can see a large concentration of stars. This is an unfavorable sign, because a person with such a card is endowed with a complex character and a difficult fate.

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So, let’s look at the sweetheart from all sides - the bareback, the person I mention in this video, and who is at the same time the carrier of the Snake (causing harm to the Tiger, that is, me), and the Punishment of Unlove, which is simply capable of poisoning everyone around this person. This personality is truly unique based on his birth chart. I rarely came across completely negative pillars of the card (usually this happens in palaces, and even then rarely) and in addition the Punishment of Lack of Love, which gave it some kind of completely grotesque, disgusting look.

My character is designed in such a way that I try to make scraps out of the most terrible toxins and wastes, then manure, and then use it for something useful. Today I will try to use my extremely unpleasant experience of acquaintance with such a parasite as Milenka - the bareback for general benefit and will use her example to analyze many phenomena of Chinese metaphysics.

She was born on the night of January 26-27. Actually at midnight. When a person is born in a border time, he has two cards. From time to time he can be switched to the second card, causing his established life to go upside down. This phenomenon is akin to the position of the planet in the border degree between two zodiac signs. It is believed that this is not a very good phenomenon, since the elemental/planetary flow is dirty, comes in jerks, and stable growth and development cannot be expected here.

Let's look at the first, leading card of the milenka - barebukha, in which the punishment of dislike is built into.

Before I look at this punishment itself, I want to draw attention to a few other features of the card.

  1. In the year there is a snake, in the month there is a bull. As I mentioned in the video, the bull loves to listen to the snake's verbal diarrhea. So the provocation to constant excessive verbiage is built into the card itself.
  2. The oblique seal, aka the spirit of the owl, is sewn into the yin earth. This deity is responsible for that very magical gift and talent that idle onlookers love to ask masters about. “Master, tell me, do I have a gift for magic?” - they ask and hope to hear that they are innate Merlins, who simply have not yet understood their strength. It is the Spirit of the Owl in the Ba Zi card that tells everything about the magical gift. This oblique seal is manifested directly in her year, the Heavenly Trunks, and has a root in the month (another spirit in the hidden heavenly words). In itself, this phenomenon is positive, and it means that yes, this person has a penchant for witchcraft, and it is strong and not smeared somewhere in the wilds of the dump of the subconscious.
  3. The lord of the day (Heavenly trunk of the day pillar) is still rather weak, or rather, as I call it, shaky. His qi phase in the season is Nutrition. In open and hidden trunks there is both earth and metal, but from the slightest change of season, or with the arrival of a specific year, its precariousness will still appear.
  4. It's safe to say that the card has a little bit of everything. This person is the carrier of the card of stagnation. When a person has a little bit of all the elements in his Ba Zi chart, there are weak, strong, and middle phases of qi, and the lord of the day fluctuates between weak and strong, then in general this is bad. Such people cannot change their lives on their own. The arrival of a year that enters into a collision or merger with one of the animals in their chart, or people who carry an animal of collision or merger in their chart in the year, helps them to achieve changes.
  5. I draw your attention to the element of Fire in this card, which is the element of Power. In women's charts, the element of power is responsible for the husband, lovers and the presence of men in life. And also for sexual attractiveness to men. Milenka - Barebukha has one Yang fire (official) in the hidden heavenly trunks per year and one Yin fire in the Heavenly trunks in the month (7th killer). For a woman, the Official is the legal husband, and the 7th murderer is the lover. In planetary astrology, Jupiter (husband) and Mars (lover) mean approximately the same thing.

One husband and one lover are written right into the card. The remaining husbands or lovers will be brought to this person by the current years and the movement of the wheel. Yin fire (7th killer) has a very weak qi phase, which means that these love affairs or chances for short-term relationships are almost dead, or will be of dubious quality and pleasantness.

I focus on personal life in this card not only because it is cursed by the Punishment of Lack of Love, but also because it was precisely personal life, obsession and fixation on this topic that forced the dear little barefoot to take very peculiar actions and deeds.

Spirits and Demons of this card.

The annual pillar is overloaded with tons of Nobles. But there is a nuance. Since this card is Stagnant, the carrier cannot use them normally. Changes and movements in the life of a baby baby are possible only if an animal of fusion (Monkey) or Harm (Tiger), or collision (Pig) appears. And all these options either destroy the noble ones or greatly change the specifics of their work.

In the monthly pillar there is one noble and Yin-Yang Error with a Heavenly Dog. It can be interpreted as a tendency to impartial, dubious actions, or that the environment at the level of colleagues will have such character traits.

In the pillar of the day, which is responsible for marriage and personal life, everything is very, very bad.

There is not a single Noble Spirit there. But there is the General’s Star, the Evening Dawn and the Hanged Man (demons of disease), another Yin-Yang Error and Ten Vices (propensity for intoxicants and other addictions). The Spirits and Demons of the pillar of the day also characterize the spouse/spouses who will be with the card bearer. Hmm.. Tyrant (general's star), sickly, prone to addiction. The Yin-Yang error is like a suitcase, a shell filled with these demons. It is interpreted very strangely in the Russian-speaking environment. In fact, it means that the carrier will step on the same rake. He will be full of certain misconceptions, find himself in a circle in the same situation, and will be deprived of the ability to understand what leads him to repeat the same scenario. Considering that this is the Punishment of Lack of Love, the dear little bareback sincerely did not suspect that the problem was with her and her behavior.

All Spirits and Demons of the day pillar characterize the wearer himself. Poor health (through her own fault, because the Yin-Yang Error in this area has closed her eyes and prevents her from understanding what the problem is), a love of command, and ten vices, expressed in a very interesting form. I attribute this phenomenon to the same Punishment of Lack of Love, which gave the tendency to addiction a bizarre form. Dependence on stars and public people. An idiotic dream of getting some celebrity as a husband. Dependence on communication with specific people, in fact, manic pursuit and pressure of them.

The hour pillar is responsible for children, way of thinking and creativity. At first glance, he's not bad. There are Nobles of Heavenly Kitchen, Literature and Academician Star. That innate thing that gives the sweet little barefoot the ability to hypnotize monkeys and talk more or less literary nonsense. Or rather, suitable for yellow-press tabloids and gossip columns. They also provide an opportunity to learn, understand something in literature, and work with information.

Dog Flower with Red Luan and Six Troubles. The Six Troubles themselves are a sign in the Ba Zi that in general there is damage, rot or progressive lesions of the ancestral egregor. Love perfumes (peach blossom and red luan) indicate that this is tied to the theme of love and passions. If a sweetheart-barebukha has a child, then he will inherit these six troubles and carry them further down the family line. Based on my experience, I would say that such a child will be the bearer of a tiger-monkey or monkey-snake or snake-tiger collision. And in the pillars of luck he will be subject to a series of troubles, since they will form a Fiery Punishment with his card.

Again, all these Spirits and Demons can characterize the carrier himself. The celestial trunk of the hour is a wealth robber. This deity is responsible for a vibrant social life. The spirits of literature and the star of the academician say that Milenka’s environment will be more or less well-read, interesting, and unusual, suffering in their personal life or with strong problems in this area. And the sweet little barefoot herself will bother herself with the topic of her personal life, she will be very interested in this, and it is her personal life that will be the main sore of her energy.

Let us examine some of the events and behavior of this person, of which I, Svetlana Grabovskaya and Tramp Redhead became witnesses and participants. Yes, my dear little bareback managed to blow our minds, and not only us, because at a certain point in time the topic of her personal life came to the fore for her and went into a phase of obsession. The first calls began in 2015. This year was the Wooden Goat. The Goat butted the Ox in the chart and made him think about his personal life as well. And then the Fire Monkey came (2016) and the little baby went crazy. For her, Yang fire is power, an official and a symbol of her husband. Her mind became completely obsessed with this topic. The terrible daytime pillar, two Yin-Yang Errors on the map and the framing of this whole nightmare with the Punishment of Lack of Love turned this person into a crazy creature, ready to sell her friends, parents, and random passers-by for a successful marriage. The desire to get the right man led to the following:

  1. There was no peace for everyone around her. She sat even more on everyone’s neck and whined, whined and drove us crazy with her whining about “I want pants.” And she demanded help. Yin-Yang mistakes and the Punishment of Lack of Love took their toll more and more, and she tried with redoubled force to bewitch actors living in other countries, and then switched to men with whom, in good faith, her paths should not have crossed at all. Milenka herself, a barefoot who knows that she is likely to marry a later man, to a man much older than her, very wealthy, and there is one who is not very likely to be of the same age, with some kind of ugly, stubborn obsession, tried to conjure herself a young man with long hair, prettier and slimmer. Considering that, energetically and geometrically, the appearance of the cute barebukha herself is simply disgusting, the request looked especially wild. In addition, it would be nice if this young man were a star at least on a local scale.
  2. She began to run after any deities she could reach and demand a man. And as a sacrifice. In general, offer your surroundings. If only they gave her a man: handsome, famous, and rich. Run through the deities and pantheons, to which she received access from me and from Sveta Grabovskaya! In parallel with such requests, she continued to play on the brains of all of us, those whom she was ready to pawn at a favorable price.
  • It all ended with the fact that I, enraged by this behavior of this parasite - the tapeworm, tired of hints and direct messages from various creatures on the subject of my dear running around, made a decision for myself to get rid of all the worms in my life at once and approached this in detail. First of all, I decided that since she wants a man at any cost, then let there be a man at any cost and not at the expense of those around her. Let her pay this price herself, from her own pocket. This will distract her from everything and everyone. “You know,” I said, “but you have a double card. I can switch it up. Everything is much better there with a personal message. But it’s hard to live as a Dragon, and not even from the very moment of birth, everything is different there. Dragons punish themselves, there is an unusual encounter with a Dog, very difficult. And I’m not responsible for the consequences.” She happily agreed and the switch took place. I will analyze this second card below.

As a result, the sweet little bareback got herself a man, albeit of a quality that exactly corresponded to her daily pillar, but she got it. And she was already going to continue to play on everyone’s brains, try to bewitch the next actor and strive to squeeze more benefit out of everyone with whom she communicates. Meanwhile, I staged a real “escape from Shawshank”, cutting myself out of all the decaying egregors, like the fallen Lemegeton and Demonia, with the help of Sveta Grabovskaya and Loa. This was much more important and relevant to me. I completely decided to break with the past, in which there was too much that was harmful and toxic for me.

And then 2021 came. It's time, I thought, when I woke up in February, the first day of the new year according to the Chinese calendar. Sveta and I clearly had the same thoughts. And the operation began to finally expel the parasites from my life.

There was a Rabbit at the milenka - a barefoot in the bottom, and became a Water Dragon and a Rat became a Water Dragon.

In 2021, the earth dog came and dealt a terrible blow both to the ten-year-old baby, the bareback, which also had a dragon, and to its pillar of the day. Breaking the environment, established life, old connections carefully cemented by it, channels for gluttony and theft. Everything was breaking, everything was cracking and collapsing. Unaccustomed to such earthquakes, the sweet little bareback flew upside down and, most importantly, away from all of us, her old entourage, which she ate, tried to sell profitably in exchange for her personal life, and when she got a man, tried to continue eating and using.

It was very important for me to get rid of it to the two-headed sarpa - feces, since such a terrible parasite, striving to grow as much as possible everywhere into my energy and tissues, would, of course, be cleaned off too, but this would turn me into a pile of ruins for a while. And I really didn’t want this.

But what exactly has changed in the map of Milenka - Barebukha?

  1. The oblique seals or owl spirit turned into an Official. Now it’s the PM and the opportunity to get a good man that’s clearly manifested itself. The sheer number of men on the map has increased. There were two fires, but there were four earthen symbols of men. The oblique seal was embedded in metal, and was in one copy. Metal is a harmful element for this card, since there is too much Water in it. In addition, it is hidden somewhere deep, in the annual pillar, and is more likely to drive one into a state of semi-delirium and some kind of vague insights due to alcoholism or drug use than to provide the opportunity to cast magic normally.
  2. The lord of the day has clearly become confidently strong, with such and such an amount of the element of Water in his card, and a couple of metals. A large number of the elements of the lord of the day in the chart speaks of a vibrant social life, that some kind of social activity is constantly going on. This is exactly what the little baby bareback wanted and dreamed about. A man and also social life. So that there would be more people to parasitize on, successful and talented, so that they would love her and kiss her ass, and she would do nothing and give orders. But a large amount of Water in general, and if it is the element of the Lord of the day, even more so, brings into life a lot of drunks, drunks, people who are inclined to poison themselves with all sorts of crap. Hysterical, emotionally unbalanced.
  3. Spirits and Demons have changed a lot. The Hour Pillar has become frankly worse. Six troubles have not gone away from him. All the Nobles evaporated. But the Star of Beauty and Illusions appeared. I really don’t like it when this demon, the brightest of all Ba Zi demons, is called so sadly. The Red Beauty Demon appeared there, along with the Sheep Killing Demon, White Tiger and Heavenly Medic. In fact, the hour pillar went completely destructive, despite the phases of the Imperial Lamp. There is not a single noble left in him at all, and the Celestial Medic has very poor protection against the Demon of Killing and the Demon of Red Beauty. The Earth Networks appeared. Personal female rock that makes you feel depressed and depressed from family life. The number of noble spirits in the annual pillar has also greatly decreased. Oh yes, the Golden Spirit appeared there. Such a desirable thing for a greedy little sweetheart - a bareback.

Instead of the confident Noble Literature and the Academician's Star, which gave her the opportunity to at least somehow write and at least study something, a frail Blooming Canopy (Star of Talent) appeared in the daytime pillar.

Everything became different.

So the sweet little barefoot began to write stupid little articles about brownies, she became completely stupid, and forgot that she herself was reading and sorting it out.

I think she had a split in spirit, and she began to randomly switch from card to card, because a few months after the switch, she began to always tell two versions of events, even completely everyday events. About what she has: 1. She has no money at all/she bought some very expensive item. 2. She went to the store/she was at home all day. 3. There is enough space in the house for all guests/guests; it is better to take sleeping bags with you, since there are clearly not enough beds.

These are a couple of examples from her speech that literally put me in a stupor at first. She presented a couple of versions of the same events, not at all embarrassed, to put it mildly, by their complete incompatibility. I myself, busy with much more important problems, and as befits a Dragon, filtering the verbal snake diarrhea, did not pay much attention, and then for a long time I could not understand where this schizogony came from in her stories even about simple, everyday matters. The fact that there was a whole split in the spirit came to me much later.

Of course, she had an entourage. All sorts of rune-lovers and runists, people whom she so fiercely despised (in personal correspondence, not publicly) and considered dirt under her feet, became valuable and dear to her. She decided to quickly turn the troll, who was so asking for peace and oblivion, into a trash heap, where the “masterpieces” of these same runes and runolukhs would be stored, where later there would be more information for “vanilla TP”. And in general, we need more people, even more, more crowds of onlookers, at any cost. More zhora.

Many people know how it ended. I finally put the troll to rest, having gotten rid of the sweet little barefoot.

But she got the Holy Pants. Overcame and Achieved. And yet she paid the price herself. And much higher than I thought.

And I received freedom from the vile parasite, who sought to eat everyone she could reach and tried to achieve what she wanted by sacrificing her environment.

Everyone needs fewer parasites in their lives and more antihelminthic for prevention)))

(c) Liri Kavvira


Star Interpretation – Noble Man, Flower of Romance, Traveling Horse

Symbolic stars in Ba Zi are also called virtual stars, since they are calculated using formulas. They carry true interpretations. One of the most favorable stars is the Noble Man. It symbolizes success in business, luck, support and help from other people.

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Not only people, but also higher powers and guardian angels can act as noble helpers. It is believed that a person who has this constellation in his chart is lucky in life. He wins in any situation, easily solves problems, and does not experience financial difficulties. But this doesn't always happen. It happens that a nearby star neutralizes its influence.

The constellation Flower of Romance has a double meaning. The advantage is that it endows its owner with such qualities as charm, sexual attractiveness, and popularity with people of the opposite sex. Negative traits include frivolity, immorality, and love of gambling.

If there is only one such star, and it is in the right place, then this circumstance makes a person successful in the love sphere and gives happiness and prosperity in family life. If the Flower of Romance is located in the house of the spouse, then the fairer sex may have problems in relationships with men. If the Qi phase is low, this indicates depravity and gambling.

The constellation of the Traveling Horse, also called the Yamskaya or Postal Horse, means travel, a change of place of work or residence. It accompanies a person when he is on a business trip, contributes to his career advancement, change of housing, etc.

This star is considered lucky. If it is combined with the element of Friends, the most favorable option for traveling for a person is in the company of friends; with the element of Resources it promises the absence of problems with learning; with the element of Money - luck will accompany one’s career; with Self-Expression - the person will become a good speaker and will attract people to his side. interested public, with the authorities - a meeting with higher authorities will bring a positive result.

What do the stars represent in the Ba Zi chart?

The stars in the fate map (as Ba Zi is sometimes also called) represent a characteristic combination of signs, on the basis of which Feng Shui experts calculate certain signs that characterize different periods in a person’s life, as well as the characteristics of his character.

Since this system was invented several decades ago, there are several hundred such stars in modern Feng Shui. However, only 20, maximum 30 characters are most often used. Their calculation is based on taking into account the animal characteristic of a person’s birthday, as well as the year of his birth and a detailed analysis of the celestial trunk of the birthday.

In total, as you know, Feng Shui studies 12 animals, so the same earthly branch can include several types of symbolic stars, each of which will influence a person’s life in completely different ways. In some cases it will bring good luck, and in others, on the contrary, bad luck. This depends on a number of factors, which only an experienced Ba Zi map specialist can take into account and analyze.

What do the stars mean – Art and Solitude, Red Luan, General

The constellations Art and Loneliness are a symbol of creative people endowed with various talents. They are often lonely due to the sophistication of their nature. It is not easy for them to find a life partner, since these people are mostly introverts. They are immersed in their inner world, it is difficult for them to make contact with people.

When they meet their soulmate, they are ready to shower her with warmth and care. But they are often silent and thoughtful, paying insufficient attention to their life partners. This star speaks of difficulties, obstacles, misunderstandings in relationships with the opposite sex, as a result of which a person faces problems in his personal life.

Red Luan, called the Magician of Love or Red Phoenix, bestows natural charm and beauty on its owner. In the Ba Zi chart it has a positive meaning: a person easily finds a life partner, starts a relationship, and starts a family. The location of the constellation on the map indicates where you need to look for your other half.

The Constellation of the General, called Command Influence, endows its owner with leadership qualities, a high position in society and power. A person with such a card can make a good career and achieve great heights. Such a person is disciplined and has great worldly wisdom.

Characteristics of the stars – Bankruptcy, Storage, Robbery, Self-punishment

The Bankruptcy Star has a negative meaning. People with such a card are often unlucky in the financial sphere, and creating their own business is contraindicated for them. This card is called Ten Evils or Big Bad. If the Ba Zi card is powerful, then this star is not capable of causing significant harm. But for weak cards, it is a harbinger of failure: its owner can make an unprofitable deal or investment, accompanied by large financial losses.

The constellation Vault, called the Grave, is favorable. It means that a person has a vault containing money and jewelry. If there is more than one Grave in the map, then a person can acquire a large fortune. The constellation forms a connection with such elements as Dog, Ox, Dragon, Goat. Luck accompanies the Wood element, since it has 4 storages at the same time (while others have one), which portends great wealth.

The constellation of Robbery is unfavorable and suggests that a person can take something from someone (not only in material terms). With the same success, something significant in his life could be taken away from this person. The card promotes the development of such qualities as resourcefulness, resourcefulness, a tendency to deceive and steal, etc.

The Star of Self-Punishment says that a person independently creates obstacles and problems for himself in life due to his personal qualities and shortcomings. Discipline and work on yourself will help neutralize the negative impact of the card.

Decoding the stars Academic, War, Warrior, Golden Carriage

The Academician's Star promises good luck to its owner. She endows him with literary talent, as a result of which a person can become a great writer and scientist; the academic star gives the ability to quickly memorize and assimilate material.

War in a map can have both positive and negative meanings. In a positive sense, it gives its owner strategic thinking, which helps him successfully overcome obstacles and win battles. The negative meaning of the card is human injustice, a tendency to steal.

The Warrior Star indicates that a person is fair, honest, defends the rights of other people, and fights manifestations of evil.

The golden carriage symbolizes wealth and luxury in all its forms. The life of a person who has such a card is cloudless and happy.

Unfavorable symbols


Bad symbol. The Bankruptcy Star in the chart speaks of big financial problems, possibly the collapse of material well-being. How severe the money crisis is depends on the symbols that surround the Bankruptcy star.

The stronger they are, the fewer problems there will be from an unsuccessful symbol. It is very bad if such a symbol is in the card of a person who is engaged in business.

Huge problems with business can be expected, and some experts generally advise that in this case the business should not be registered in one’s own name. It can also negatively affect family and health.


The presence of the “Robbery” symbol leads to direct losses. These are not necessarily monetary or valuable losses. This includes loss of status, trust, prestige, and place in society. Supported by four signs: Dog, Ox, Goat, Dragon.

The owner of this symbol can both lose a lot and learn to take away from others.

Sometimes such people have a combination of cunning and the ability to think outside the box. There may be a tendency to deception, theft, and resourcefulness.


Owners of the “Self-punishment” symbol in their cards very often create problems for themselves in many areas of life. This happens due to inattention, absent-mindedness, constant rushing, and also due to personal prejudices. To neutralize the effect of the star of Self-punishment, you need to work on yourself and your discipline all your life.


War in a map can have both positive and negative meanings. In a positive sense, it gives its owner strategic thinking, which helps him successfully overcome obstacles and win battles.

The negative meaning of the card is human injustice, a tendency to steal.


Angel of Death or Demon of Destruction

Despite its terrifying name “Angel of Death,” this star does not pose any particular threat to its owner. You can also hear about her under the name Demon of Destruction. People who have this star out are usually mentally unstable and prone to depression, and also have a whole “bouquet” of complexes and fears. As a result, problems with the law cannot be ruled out.

But the flip side of “owning” this star is that it gives its owner confidence, intelligence and wisdom. As you can see, these definitions make no sense to a mortal sense.

The Star of Prosperity brings good luck: a person achieves a high position in society and material wealth.

Sheep knife

The Sheep Knife symbol also has a double meaning. Positive qualities are determination, the ability to achieve one’s goals, and clarity of decisions. Such people rarely doubt and always know what they want to achieve in life and from others.

Such a star gives very strong stubbornness. A person does not want to change his mind, is ambitious, gives persistence in achieving a goal, determination, but this Star can also be dangerous, since a person can make a fatal mistake in life.

When combined with other bad stars, the person has unbalanced behavior.

The sheep knife and the high Qi phase in the baz-zi chart and in a certain pillar gives very high emotionality. It is important to keep it under control.

Such a person does not need to make important decisions himself, but consult with wise people in order to avoid a fatal mistake.

Sheep Knife is better for a weak card, but for a strong one it can cause a lot of problems.

A sheep knife in the Ba Tzu chart in the year means bad relationships with relatives. In the month - developed leadership qualities and the ability to lead people.

The sheep's knife is unfavorable in the House of Marriage. He brings misunderstandings with his spouse, even disaster, and an unstable personal life.

Famous people with the Sheep Knife card

Entrepreneur Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Key Inc., has built a successful business from scratch that is opening up new opportunities for women to achieve financial success today.

Her business is thriving to this day, annually selling products worth $2.2 billion, according to the company's official website.

And the heart of this successful organization has always been the energetic nature of Ashe herself. She was famous for her love of the color pink, which was found in everything from product packaging to the Cadillac that she awarded each year to the most successful consultants.

Ash truly valued her employees and once said: “The greatest asset of any company is its people.”

Ash was married three times and had three children from her first marriage to J. Ben Rogers - Richard, Ben and Marilyn. After Rogers returned from the army, in which he took part in World War II, he and Ash divorced.

The second marriage, to a chemist, turned out to be short-lived: the husband died in 1963, just a month after the wedding. In 1966, she married Mel Ash, and family life would last until Mel's death in 1980.


What you need to know about the stars Angel of Death, Sheep Knife, Blooming Canopy

The Angel of Death, or the Demon of Destruction, does not pose an external danger to humans. It only determines his predisposition to discontent, fears, and complexes. Positive traits: wit, diplomacy.

The Star of Prosperity brings good luck: a person achieves a high position in society and material wealth.

The presence of the Blooming Canopy in a personal chart speaks of the sophistication and sensitivity of nature. Such people have a rich inner world and a developed imagination.

The Sheep Knife is characterized by duality of interpretation. This star gives its owner perseverance, determination, temper and uncompromisingness. With a strong card, such character traits will complicate a person’s life; with a weak one, they will help to achieve success.

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