Charisma. Heavenly Grace and Lunar Virtue are the stars of charisma.

Symbolic star

Lunar virtue helps a person realize his most cherished dreams, protects him from possible problems related to finances, and brings good luck in material matters. The owner of the star has an amazing ability to convince people around him of anything, it is pleasant to communicate with him, and he easily manages to gain popularity. Such a star-virtue is found in the pillars of the fate of many celebrities in the creative professions, politicians, famous businessmen and even presidents.

Lunar Virtue in Ba Zi

The presence of Lunar virtue in the pillars of fate weakens the negative influences of stars with bad qualities and enhances the influence of stars with good signs.

Lunar virtue endows its owner with subtlety, grace, generosity, sincerity, and the ability to find the right direction in business. Teaches you how to solve existing problems, complex issues, and gives you the opportunity to understand your inner world. Gives intuitive abilities, the ability to foresee events, which plays an important role in a person’s life and allows him to achieve high social status.

Charisma. Heavenly Grace and Lunar Virtue are the stars of charisma.

  • Meryl Streep

  • Serge Gainsbourg

  • John Lennon

Sometimes you communicate with a person and cannot forget this meeting.
There seems to be some kind of magnetism emanating from him. And this is explained by the simple word charisma. Let's turn to Wikipedia. “Charisma is a special talent, the exclusivity of a person in an intellectual, spiritual or some other respect, the ability to appeal to hearts.” What unites Merrill Streep, Serge Gainsbourg, John Lennon? They all had incredible charisma. And also in their bazi chart there is the star Heavenly Grace or Lunar Virtue. But everyone evaluates charisma in their own way.

There are people for whom charisma is a calm, confident and piercing look with a twinkle, as well as fortitude imbued with harmony. There are many who are verbose and emotional, but few are confident in their words, gestures and actions! Someone likes the voice, timbre, manner of speech.

A woman I know said: “Charisma comes naturally to those people who do not pretend to be someone in their lives and do not deceive themselves. You should always be yourself." I think it's said very accurately.

For me personally, first of all, charisma is self-acceptance and natural manifestation. Surely you have heard the phrase: “She is so real and that’s why I love her.” Genuine emotions are worth a lot. Secondly, strength of personality, self-confidence in one’s actions and words. And only then the other components - for some, sexuality and sensuality. But sexuality does not mean that a person is depraved or vulgar. And sexuality from the point of view of energy flow. You feel that the person is alive, he is somehow whole. He gives off a pleasant aura. You want to touch him, touch him. For some, charisma is willpower and the ability to take responsibility, for others, for example, wisdom. But none of these qualities will work without the ability to express them naturally, that is, by listening and accepting yourself.

Charisma is beauty. But, alas, beauty does not last forever. And self-realization is cool! Charismatics are very lively and real. Disadvantages fade when a person is charismatic. Individuality is a gift from God.

Is it possible to determine a person’s charisma from a bazi map? To do this, you need to go to the site and build your map. Next we find the symbolic stars of charisma - Heavenly Grace and Lunar Virtue.

Heavenly Grace in Bazi

In the bazi chart, the symbolic star Heavenly Grace is responsible for charisma. It is also called Heavenly Virtue. This star can be found in the Four Pillars of media personalities, film and pop stars, popular leaders, politicians, celebrities.

Let's look at a table that can be used to determine the presence of the Heavenly Grace star in the bazi.

Earthly branch of the monthHeavenly Stars of Virtue
BullMetal Yang
TigerFire Yin
The DragonWater Yang
SnakeMetal Yin
GoatYang tree
MonkeyYin Water
DogFire Yang
PigYin tree

If the Star of Heavenly Virtue is located in the Heavenly Stems, then the person’s charisma is manifested more obviously and openly. The earthly branch with the charisma star is more hidden.

Bazi cards of charismatic people

Lyudmila Gurchenko. Date of birth: November 12, 1935. She was born in the month of the Pig. The Yin Tree is located in the Heavenly Trunk of the year. This is the Star of Heavenly Grace.

Marilyn Monroe . She was born on June 1, 1926 at 9:30 am in Los Angeles. The earthly branch of the birth month is Snake. According to the table, we find her Star of Heavenly Virtue - Yin Metal, which is her Lord of the Day.

Lunar Virtue or Virtue Star of the Month

The Lunar Virtue or Virtue of the Month star is also a charisma star. And that’s why it can often be found in the bazi charts of famous people and celebrities. Let's look at the table for determining the Star of Virtue of the month.

Earthly branch of birth monthVirtue Star of the Month
Tiger-Horse-DogFire Yang
Monkey-Rat-DragonWater Yang
Pig-Rabbit-GoatYang tree
Snake-Rooster-BullMetal Yang

Queen Elizabeth II (date of birth April 21, 1926) was born in the month of the Dragon with Yang Water in the Celestial Trunk of the month. This is both Lunar virtue and Heavenly grace.

Calculate your bazi chart using a calculator and see the presence of charisma stars in the Four Pillars. Don't be upset if you don't have Heavenly Grace or Lunar Virtue in your chart. These stars can come in the beats of Luck or the year.

At this time, a person becomes quite successful. In this case, you need to pay attention to the qi phase. It must be at a high stage. But it should be remembered that charisma stars are greatly weakened by collisions. Read about collisions here.

In conclusion, I want to wish you to be natural and alive. Stop being perfect, stop being like everyone else. It’s cool when you have something non-standard, extravagant, there’s no posturing. How often do you allow yourself to be free? How often do you post selfies without makeup or Photoshop? Allow yourself to be a free and real person. We will not always rely on the crutch of beauty. After all, it’s difficult to compete with young girls if you’re over forty. Beauty is not eternal. But finding and realizing yourself in this life is what you need to strive for. Good luck in everything!


If anyone says that the grace of God, by which one is justified in Jesus Christ our Lord, is valid only for the remission of sins already committed, and does not provide additional help so that other sins are not committed, let him be anathema. Because the grace of God not only gives knowledge of what needs to be done, but also breathes love into us so that we can fulfill what we know. If anyone says that the same grace of God in Jesus Christ our Lord helps us only in not sinning, since it opens and shows us the knowledge of sins, so that we know what we should seek and what to avoid, but what not given to us love and strength to do what we have come to know as a given, let this be anathema. For... both are the gift of God: knowledge of what is appropriate to do, and love for the good that is appropriate to do. If anyone says that the grace of justification was given to us so that we could more easily fulfill what is possible with free will with the help of grace, as if, even without accepting the grace of God, we, even with inconvenience, could still fulfill the Divine commandments, let such be anathema. For the Lord did not say about the fruits of the commandments: “Without Me it will be inconvenient to do anything,” but said: “Without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Rules of
the Council of Carthage (113, 426)

The highest good for us, that is, the grace of Christ, can be spiritually granted to the soul through holy Baptism. For as soon as Baptism occurs, Christ immediately dwells in her. But since the majority (of people) do not know the grace received in this way, especially those who are baptized as children, little by little a change occurs in them over time. In some the grace of God completely goes out, in others at least a spark of it remains, which, by the great mercy of God, sometimes flares up again with the assistance of faith, pastoral instruction and guidance. In those who, after reproof and instruction, are reborn to faith and the hope of salvation, grace in a short time flares up again and makes itself felt in the spirit. Then, if someone joyfully adds humility and mercy to this (humility because such mercy is not from us, but from God, mercy because the one who receives mercy must himself be merciful), a great flame kindles in him, which illuminates even everyone. contacting him in Christ Jesus our Lord (60, 332)

So, if a Christian now wishes to be clothed with grace-filled power in Christ Jesus for deliverance from sin and fulfillment of all the will of God, let him repent, endure the labors of repentance in fasting, prayers and other deeds and approach with faith the builders of the grace of Christ, who through the laying on of hands (permissive from sins action in the sacrament of Repentance) will absolve him from all sins and allow him again to receive the power of God for all good. Strengthened by this strength, he will be able to further live as a Christian should, and living this way, know and confess that “by the grace of God I am what I am” (1 Cor. 15:10), so as not to again be deprived of this grace and not remain naked and helpless. For the grace of God is removed from a Christian not only because of sin, but also because of non-recognition of it, if someone does not admit that he has everything he has from it. The Apostle also shows this when he says that God “wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:4). Because truth is nothing other than the grace of Christ in order to bestow it on us, and Christ came, was crucified and died (60, 200–201)


Christ became poor in order to enrich you or to transfer to you the necessary part of the riches of His grace. For this purpose He took on flesh, so that you could become a partaker of His Divinity. So, when you, having prepared yourself worthily, accept His grace, then it is said that you have received Christ. Therefore, when you hunger and thirst out of love for Christ the Lord, then He accepts your hunger and thirst as food and drink for Himself. For in this way and by deeds similar to this, you cleanse your soul and free yourself from corruption and the filth of passions. But God, who took you and appropriated to Himself everything that is yours, that is, everything human, every good that you do for yourself, considers it done for Him, as if He Himself ate of its fruit. In this sense, His words to those who have mercy on the poor can be translated in relation to you as follows: inasmuch as you did it for your poor soul, you did it for me. Otherwise, by what deeds did those who retired to the mountains and lived in caves please God? Nothing except works of repentance, faith and love. Having left the whole world, they followed Christ and, having received Him into themselves, they gave Him rest, nourished and watered Him with repentance and tears... Those who do neither one nor the other (that is, do not put on Christ either through Baptism or later through Repentance), they at least clothed all the naked in the world, what good would they do for themselves when they leave themselves naked from divine grace? Venerable Simeon the New Theologian (60, 189–190)

How can you attract grace to yourself? Doing what pleases God, obeying Him in everything (45, 833)

The grace of the Spirit cannot be poured out on one who is ungrateful and in enmity (41, 780)

The grace of the Spirit is sent down in abundance where chastity, honesty and other virtues are combined. Saint John Chrysostom (38, 499)

The spiritual action of God's grace in the soul is accomplished by His wisdom and mysterious discretion, if a person strives with great patience for many years (33, 72)


...Whoever expects to receive the seed of grace from God must first cleanse the soil of the heart, so that the seed of the Spirit that falls on it will bear perfect and abundant fruits (33, 456)

Grace requires that the soul that partakes of it be reverent and well-thought, honor grace and show in itself the fruits worthy of it (33, 456)

Some are reassured by the grace of God to such an extent that they can control themselves and not give in to victory over themselves to the sin that lives in them. Venerable Macarius of Egypt (33, 412)

Blessed is the man who always tries to prepare a pure heart for grace, so that when it comes, it will find the fragrance of virtues and the shrine of the soul and dwell in it forever and ever (25, 316)

When grace encounters unclean thoughts in our hearts, it immediately retreats, not finding an entrance for itself to move in and dwell in us... And does it only make an impression on the heart with its luminous sweetness, so that a person feels that grace visited him, but did not find an entrance? ; so that, having thus enjoyed the illumination of grace, he would seek it (25, 316)

Man’s duty is to call upon grace so that when it comes, it enlightens him. It is man’s duty to purify himself, to ensure that grace dwells in him and helps him (25, 111)

Blessed are we sinners, because grace itself comes to our aid. If we bring one drop of tears, it will wash away and destroy all our sins (28, 212)

Many by faith have been called sons of grace, but few are made heirs of it because of their negligence (26, 638)

Many desire to become sons of grace, but one must not only desire this, one must work (26, 638)


Grace has few heirs with whom it can rejoice. If (people) live disorderly, it endures, if it turns away wickedly, however, without confining its bosom, so that we do not die. If she is merciful even to those who insult her, then why do we not understand that she pours out in all its fullness on those who love her? Venerable Ephraim the Syrian (26, 639)


How do you wish and pray to God to grant you some kind of spiritual grace without labor and sorrow? (48, 395)

The Lord does not grant divine spiritual grace to everyone, but only to those who, in labor, in self-exhaustion, and with the shedding of sweat, ask for it day and night. Venerable Nile of Sinai (49, 361)

The more Christ is known, the greater His grace is felt in the heart of the faithful (104, 72)


The grace of God brings the sacrament into the soul of the believer (104, 72)


Let us recognize, Christian, our poverty and the riches of God’s grace and let us humble ourselves before our Lord, may He give us His grace; “For God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (1 Pet. 5:5). A humble heart, freed both from love for the world and from carnal desires, is capable of receiving God’s grace, just as an empty vessel is suitable for receiving water. Water always flows from the mountains: and God's grace descends from the heavenly mountains into a liberated and humiliated heart. Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk (104, 71)


The strongest flame goes out when it does not meet the combustible substance it needs. On the contrary, even a weak spark flares up into a strong flame when it is given a flammable substance. The extinction or rekindling of the fire of grace in us, that grace-filled gift that is given to each of us by the Lord, is also subject to a similar law. With abundant food, the gift of God flares up; with a lack of it, the gracious spirit fades away. Therefore, to warm it up, we must nourish it abundantly. What kind of food? Its type is determined by the very essence and properties of the gifts of the Holy Spirit living in us. We have been given from the Lord the spirit of wisdom and understanding, and we will give this spirit the necessary food if we enrich ourselves with knowledge of the teachings of Christ. This knowledge will constantly excite, support and nourish the sublime mental activity of our spirit, and through it the activity of the power of grace, and thus unite grace and our freedom for joint continuous activity. In order for the grace of God to act savingly in us, we must be surrounded by favorable moral and spiritual air. The circumstances among which the holy apostles lived before and after the descent of the Holy Spirit upon them clearly show us this moral air. “They all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication” (Acts 1:14). “And every day they continued with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with joy and simplicity of heart, praising God” (Acts 2:46, 47). With a prayerful mood, fervent prayers, reverent reflections and conversations, purity of thoughts and desires, we must all kindle the gifts of God living within us. Paul, Archbishop of Kazan (114, 122–125).

With true spiritual achievement, the grace of God, planted in us through holy Baptism, begins to heal us... from blindness of the spirit through tenderness (110, 54)

As soon as a person casts off the power of the body like shackles, grace, as if hitherto constrained by the flesh, develops extensively and majesticly. She serves as a pledge and testimony for God’s chosen one (111, 180)


If, through carelessness and absent-mindedness, you allow sin into yourself... then grace will retreat from you, leaving you alone, naked. Then sorrow... will come upon you harshly, erase you with sadness, despondency, despair, as if you were holding the gift of God without due reverence. Hurry to eradicate and, through decisive repentance, return purity to the heart, and with purity the gift of patience, because it, as a gift of the Holy Spirit, rests in only the pure. (108, 550)

Having received the gift of patience from above, watch carefully in order to preserve and keep the grace of God with you. Otherwise, sin will quietly creep into the soul or body and drive God’s grace away from us. Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) (108, 550)


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