Injuring an official in Ba-tzu. One of the 10 Divines in human character.

Position of signs in the bazi map

The Lu Ming system is the salary of fate. 10 gods.

The names of the signs are associated with Chinese tradition. For example, the "ribbon seal" is reminiscent of the ribbon on which Chinese officials wore their seal in the Middle Ages. Another name for ribbon printing is direct printing.

For the personal sign Yang (Bin, Wu, Gen, Zhen, Jia), for the personal sign Yin (Dn, Ji, Xin, Gui, Yi).

Classic titles:

1 - equal shoulder, 2 - wealth robber, 3 - food, 4 - official pest, 5 - true wealth, 6 - side wealth, 7 - true official, 8 - seventh killer, 9 - seal ribbon, 10 - food destroyer (oblique seal).

Other names: Spirit of food - spirit of pleasure. Pest of an official - an attack on authority, a challenge to authority, injury to an official. Direct wealth is stable wealth, lateral wealth is a tendency towards wealth. A true official is the correct government, the 7th murderer is a murderer in the 7th position, the wrong government. Direct seal - ribbon seal, correct resources, oblique seal - food destroyer, owl spirit.

Equal shoulder.

Shows the importance of friendly relations, the presence of allies and companions. The importance of siblings.

Robber of wealth.

Indicates the presence of competitors in a person’s life, competition in business or affairs. There may be dishonest or treacherous friends and envy on the part of friends. The person himself is unsure of himself and doubts. Some difficulties in business. This sign harms a strong ba zi card.

For a man - some difficulties in marriage, unwillingness to endure difficulties in relationships. If there are many signs - a desire to free yourself from marriage ties, failures in relationships.

Food (spirit of food).

Shows the presence of creative talent, hobbies, interests.

Pest official.

Talks about the desire to engage in unusual, unconventional creativity and self-expression, including changing one’s appearance. Shows some difficulties in your career, with bosses and authorities.

For a woman , it shows some difficulties in marriage, an unwillingness to endure difficulties in relationships. If there are many signs - a desire to free yourself from marriage ties, failures in relationships.

True wealth (stable wealth).

Talks about the possibility of good permanent income, if there are no special indicators.

For a man - a successful marriage, if there are no other indicators. There are as many signs as there can be so many marriages.

The presence of two signs of true wealth (both a branch and a trunk) in the year of birth or month of birth of a person indicates financial success.

Lateral wealth (propensity for wealth).

It says that a person wants “easy money”, to win, to hit the jackpot. It still gives financial success if there are no special indications.. Partner’s money, inheritance, lottery winnings.

For a man , it shows interest in women, a desire for easy, not burdensome relationships.

True official (official, correct power).

Talks about the possibility of a good career, the desire for power, the ability to build correct social relationships, and adherence to norms. A sign that a person can occupy a high position or position. Prestige, respect.

For a woman - a successful marriage, if there are no other indicators. There are as many signs as there can be so many marriages.

The presence of two signs (both a branch and a trunk) of a true official in the year of birth or month of birth of a person indicates social success.

The seventh killer.

The desire for career and power. More complex relationships, there may be enemies. Difficulties with bosses. A person may be disliked by his subordinates. Bad reputation. But it still gives aspiration and career opportunities.

A person's needs are set too high. He may seem picky to others. Requires special treatment, dissatisfied, makes complaints

If there are many signs, a person may experience aggression towards people, a desire to suppress and defeat competitors and rivals, to prove their superiority. Can choose dishonest paths to achieve success, bypass established rules, and interpret laws in his favor.

A person who has several of these signs in his chart may be negatively inclined, picky, critical, and talk about everything with a negative connotation.

If there is an angel of death star in the chart, this indicates an increased tendency towards aggression and destruction of foundations.

For a woman it means male attention, but it is difficult to find that same man. There may be men who are aggressive, causing suffering and disappointment. Relationships with married men are possible. More successful is marriage with a difference in age, social status, with a person of a different culture, or any differences.

Ribbon printing (direct printing).

A very good position in the Ba Zi chart. Helps in career and relationships with people. A sign of a good family, if there are no other indicators. The ability to build good relationships, the right attitude to life, moral principles, commitment to the right way of life. A person needs to receive a fundamental and academic education. He can achieve success in serious sciences.

People are respected and given a helping hand. He has a good reputation.

Position, indicates success in career: 2 signs (both branch and trunk) of the seal ribbon in the year of birth, or month of birth of the person.

Food Destroyer (Oblique Seal).

It says that a person “hears” the advice of others less well, preferring to decide everything himself. Often he “steps on the same rake.” Difficulties in creativity and self-expression, unclaimed creativity, it is more difficult to achieve success in creative fields.

These signs often show interest in something unconventional. For example: non-traditional learning. There may be an interest in esotericism and astrology. Such a person can be advised to receive an unusual education and use unusual methods of education. And the academic education he received may not be useful to him in life.

Position of signs.

Lu Ming shows the pros and cons laid down by fate in career, society, relationships, creativity, money. “Correct” positions of the signs: equal shoulder, food, true wealth, true official, seal ribbon. “Wrong” positions of the signs: wealth robber, official saboteur, lateral wealth, seventh murderer, food destroyer. Their names often imply what they harm. The seventh killer is a sign that harms a personal sign, the seventh in a row from a personal sign.

The sign of a true official is also a husband for a woman. And if there is a sign of a saboteur of an official in the card (that’s what it’s called), this sign harms the official, i.e. career and relationship with my husband.

Signs in the “right positions” give the right generally accepted things and trends in a person’s life: right marriage, traditional education, career, right social relationships. Signs in "wrong positions" may indicate unequal or difficult relationships, unconventional learning, unusual self-expression and aspirations.


Spirit of Pleasure I have one wonderful client, with an endless sense of humor and inexhaustible optimism in life, her name is Natasha. Natasha called me yesterday and almost screamed into the phone: “I beg you!” Look at my map, I don’t understand what’s happening to me now! I spend money on all sorts of nonsense like crazy and I just can’t stop! But when will this end, this process has become simply uncontrollable, I’ve already spent even my stash!” This is almost the “cry of the soul” I heard from Natasha.

Of course, I looked at the map and what was there? Everything is quite simple and predictable. Her Spirit of Pleasure came to her. This is one of the most pleasant deities, of course, when you have something to spend on it

The Spirit of Pleasure is one of two types of self-expression and brings a person love and care for his beloved self. When the Spirit of Pleasure comes into the card, it becomes quite difficult to resist it. A person begins to take care of himself, pamper himself, buy beautiful things, go to expensive restaurants, or simply cook various delicacies for himself. When the Spirit of Pleasure comes into our chart, we pay increased attention to ourselves and show increased care. We can start playing sports or go dancing. We can buy half a store of fashionable shoes or try all the cakes in a pastry shop. Or we may simply become dependent on communication with the opposite sex with all the ensuing consequences))

Is the Spirit of Pleasure the same in its manifestation for everyone? Of course not, because the Spirit of Pleasure can be in 10 variations, in 10 elements.

For Natasha, this deity is manifested in fire. What month is it now? Right! Yin fire on the Rooster and Tin is now in a high phase. And this Tin makes our Natasha spend money on something that she usually doesn’t get sick with. Why is this happening now and why doesn’t she do this all the time? Maybe because it’s simply not on her map?

There is this deity in her bazi card, but it stands in the hour pillar. This means that Natasha still takes care of herself and pampers herself with expensive things, but quite within reasonable limits and not often. This happens because, firstly, the hour pillar is quite far from her in the time frame, and secondly: this Spirit is in a fairly low phase and therefore does not cause her any special problems in life in the form of unrestrained spending. But what happened this month? And this month this deity entered the heavenly trunk and not just like that, but turned out to be in a fairly high phase, which gave such interest in shopping.

And what does the Spirit of Pleasure in fire mean? Fire is emotions, it is beautiful things, it is brightness and sparkle.

A person with the Spirit of Pleasure on fire becomes dependent on bright emotions and bright events in life. He likes beautiful things, bright clothes, loud music and entertainment. The mood is simply off the charts with positive emotions and you see only positive aspects in everything. Everything is joyful and easy, because the fire is light and warm. A person becomes open, warm, pleasant to talk to, all-forgiving and all-helping. Not a deity, but just some kind of holiday!

But Natasha’s condition is temporary, and when the month ends, everything will pass and return to normal. But when she becomes a grandmother and enters her clock pillar, then it will wake up again and make itself felt. And our Natasha will buy herself beautiful fashionable clothes and go to practice oriental dancing)) She will begin to take more serious care of her health, will buy herself not just fashionable but also warm things, will engage in physical therapy and spoil her grandchildren. She will be easy to communicate with and will become very noticeable to her grandfathers, because along with the Spirit of pleasure the Peach Blossom also comes to her

Of course, this Spirit comes to us in the map both in the year and in the month and in the day, and brings us joy and satisfaction from the fact that we are on this earth, we breathe, we enjoy the sun and fresh air. We rejoice at our children and simply smile at the world.

How great it is that not only crises and illnesses come to us, but such bright and so necessary Spirits. Let the Spirit of Pleasure live in your chart at a high phase and in a useful element, and not just one, but with a huge amount of useful money! Bazziists will understand me))

Good luck!

Copyright © All rights reserved. Publication date: 09/27/2011 (7332 reads)

How to protect yourself from collisions in Bazi

One of the main “horror stories” that frightens students of Bazi is collisions. What are clashes in Bazi? These are six pairs of animals that are located in opposite directions and oppose each other. But is it as scary as it seems? Let's find out!

First, look at the diagram of the “Six Encounters”. These animals are astrological opponents and destroyers of each other.

The Traveling Horses' clashes are the most active and most obvious. Although this is a conflict, the result can be positive. You can go through unpleasant life changes and end up feeling better after the encounter.

The DragonDog

Tiger andMonkey,

Pig andSnake

Peach Blossom clashes are associated with human relationships and emotional conflicts. They are less noticeable, these are hidden attacks and intrigues.

Rooster andRabbit

Horse andRat

"Vault" collisions. Quite safe compared to others.

Dragon andDog

Goat andOx

To find collisions or make sure there are no collisions, enter your date of birth into the Bazi calculator and build a map. Then look to see if there are any animals close together.

Collisions in Bazi are not a disaster, and if you see them in your chart, then do not be afraid. They are what makes a person move and develop. Albeit through shocks.

In the event of a collision, the support seems to “loose”, and solid stability disappears from under your feet. And how such a shock will end, good or bad, largely depends on the favorableness of the elements and on the personal actions of the person.

Just as ants rebuild their damaged anthill - and after a while it becomes even better than before.

How to protect yourself from collisions so that they do not destroy a person, but stimulate him to further development?

In general, if there are already collisions in the Pillars of Fate themselves, then they cannot cause unexpected troubles, since they have already collided with each other. You should protect yourself from collisions when they come in the pillars of luck or in the year.

The DragonRooster

Symbolic way of protecting against collisions

This "defense" is to find the animal that the animal attacking you likes. They prefer to be friends rather than clash. And if the attacking animal sees its “sympathy”, it is already distracted and does not want to fight. You can find a “friendly animal” using the “Six Mergers” table

You can use an animal figurine, and thereby “soften” the collision. To protect yourself, you need to carry a distracting animal with you as a talisman until the period of shock passes.

Moreover, you need to distract not the animal that is in your pillars of fate, but the incoming animal.

Forewarned is forearmed

Another way to protect yourself from collisions requires you to do some internal work on yourself. Knowing that at some point a collision will occur, take this into account, prepare to survive it with dignity and do not provoke anything that could bring adverse consequences.

So, if a day collides with your year of birth, do not schedule important things that require good luck on this date. It is also not recommended to make long important trips on the days of collisions.

For example, if a Tiger-Monkey collision occurs, which means the possibility of an accident when traveling, be more careful while driving, do not violate traffic rules, and fasten your seat belts. Even if you get into trouble, the consequences will be much milder.

Days of Personal Confrontation

The day when an animal comes into contact with an animal of your year of birth is generally considered an unfavorable day and is called the day of the Personal Destroyer. On such a day, it is better not to undertake important matters, especially of a personal nature. things started on such a day may go wrong.

To determine the day of a personal destroyer, see the table of “colliding animals”. For example, people born in the year of the Goat are not suitable for the days of the Ox. And for those born in the year of the Monkey, the days of the Tiger are not suitable.

True, sometimes it happens that a Personal Destroyer is also a Personal Noble One. This gives protection from collision, but at the same time the Noble Man weakens and brings less benefit than he could.

By the way, in the personal calendar of favorable dates all the days of the Personal Destroyer and the Noble Man are marked. With its help, choosing a favorable date for an important action becomes easier and faster.

So, let's summarize.

One might say that the clashes in Bazi cause a feeling of discomfort, but they indicate the need for change, whether you like it or not. Do everything carefully during this period, keep a clear plan of action in your head and soberly assess your capabilities.

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