How to get the help of a personal angel - a Noble Person

Noble Man in Bazi

In Bazi there is such a thing as symbolic stars.

  • Noble Power of the Sky and Noble Power of the Moon
  • Noble Person (Noble of Heavenly Fortune)
  • Noble under the sign of Taiji
  • Noble man with good luck in his personal life
  • Noble heavenly cuisine
  • Noble of Heavenly Power
  • Noble heavenly fortune
  • Noble literature
  • Noble right size

The characteristics of such stars give a very bright color when reading bazi cards.

These stars help to understand a person's character, his actions and deeds, as well as his level of luck!

Reading a bazi card is impossible without symbolic stars.

Among the symbolic stars of the bazi, some of the most influential stars stand out.

Among them, of course, there is the star of the Noble Man , or also called the star of the Noble Celestial Unit.

Having such a star in your chart is a sign of good luck!

a Noble Celestial Unit star in your birth chart , you are very lucky!

Calculating this star is very simple.

To do this, you need to know the element of the Lord of the day (personality element) - the celestial trunk of the birthday.

With this table you can calculate your Noble Person star.

Nowadays, almost every calculator calculates symbolic stars.

If you do not know how to calculate a bazi birth chart, you can use my video instructions for constructing a bazi chart


If you have the Noble Person (Noble of the Celestial Unit) star in your chart, this means that you have certain advantages.

This star means help and support from other people.

In difficult times, someone will always come to your aid and support you.

With such a star it is easier to achieve goals and get what you want.

It is a sign of a person's financial luck, especially if associated with the money element in the birth chart.

Sometimes this star is called our Guardian Angel .

There is a very strong Noble Man star in my chart.

I constantly feel its effect in my life. For which I am very grateful.

Sometimes my friends say “how lucky are you”...

But I understand that any “luck” has “legs”

There will always be a reason for our Luck or our Luck.

I was once told that I have a strong Guardian Angel.

I think that in bazi we can see this precisely through the stars of Noble people.

How through qi men we can see who we were in a past life and what we came into this world with.

The Bazi card tells us much more than just when there will be money or love.

There are several categories of Noble people stars.

The Noble Person or the Noble One of the Celestial Unit is the most popular and active.

And the good news is that we can use it all in reverse.

For example, when choosing dates, choosing friends, in Feng Shui, etc.

That is, if there is no Noble Man star in your birth chart, do not be upset. It can be brought in through our choices (our actions) and Feng Shui.

For example, choose friends who were born in the year of your Noble One.

And they will never refuse to help you.

This star also promotes career, wealth and prosperity.

She can also endow a person with charisma and noble qualities.

Such people are attractive to others.

After all, in order to be helped, the person must like you.

But the most important thing is the help and support of other people.

You may get help at work with promotions, in finding a job, you may come across the “right” people at the right time.

There may be several stars of Noble people in the chart.

The bigger, the better.

But even having one star is already very good.

If there are two or three stars of a Noble Person in the card, your life will be easy and successful.

Such a star is often found in the charts of politicians, businessmen and successful people.

Found either in the birth chart itself or in the pillars of luck.


For example, a map of Igor Kolomoisky , one of the largest and richest entrepreneurs in Ukraine. A very famous and rich person.

If the star of the Noble Person is not in the birth chart, then usually in the charts of rich people it appears during periods of good fortune when the person is prosperous.

When such a star comes in periods of Luck, it means Wealth!

Selecting favorable dates

When choosing a date, we can also consider this star to get additional help and support from people.

Choose the day of your Noble Person to seek help from other people, in the state. institutions, doctors, etc. And you are more likely to get what you want.

Use the star of the Noble Man in your life: in bazi, feng shui, choosing dates.

This is one of the simple and effective techniques.

And it works very well in practice!

Let's take shortcuts to our goals!

I wish you Noble people in your life!
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Noble Heavenly Unit

Feng Shui is the science of the movement of energy in a home. The most famous symbolic stars in the Bazi natal chart are: Noble Man The Noble Celestial Unit or Noble Man is a very strong symbolic star. The highest position among all spirits of luck. Symbolizes a noble influential assistant, enhances all good stars.

This star has a beneficial effect on unhelpful demon stars, softens their negative effects or cancels them. Removes punishment and collision, but loses its power. A Noble Man shows his strongest qualities if he is in a month or year in a person’s Ba Tzu chart. In weak phases of Qi, decomposition, death or grave Noble gives bodily attractiveness, sharp mind and clarity of thought.

How to Find the Noble Person Star in Your Bazi Chart Noble Helper 6 Alliances This is a special pairing of celestial stem and earthly branch in the day pillar in the bazi chart, where the celestial stem sits on the earthly branch, which is combined with its regular noble helper stars. The presence of such a star indicates wealth or good fortune in middle age, such a person will be successful in middle age. In all other pillars, this star will not work.

How to find the star of the Noble Helper of the 6 unions in your bazi chart Heavenly Grace or Heavenly Virtue Brings attractiveness to its owner, promotes success, strengthens other good stars and weakens the effects of unfavorable stars and demon deities. Helps to realize any intentions or undertakings - in business and life. A star in the day pillar is especially effective.

It is good when this star is in a high Qi phase. For a woman's card, it brings good luck in marriage and a good relationship with her husband. Bankruptcy Star Provokes wrong financial decisions, failures in money and investments. It is more harmful to weak cards - it will be difficult to avoid financial failures. Not so harmful to strong cards. If the card contains the Bankruptcy Star, you need to register the business not for yourself, but for someone else. The most unpleasant thing is if she stands in the pillar of the day, especially for the weak lord of the day.

In this case, you cannot engage in risky financial transactions and business. It will be difficult to save and hold on to money and other material goods. If the Star of Bankruptcy is in the hour of birth, the person cannot complete affairs or business. The presence of other favorable stars in the pillar where there is a Bankruptcy Star softens this star. With the advent of luck with such a star, the life of a person with such a pillar of the day can deteriorate sharply.

If the affected pillar is tact, then it is better in such a period to insure your property, not spend money, take care of your health and take care of your relationships. How to find the star of Bankruptcy in the Bazi chart Money Vault It is believed that in order to become truly rich, it is very desirable to have a money vault in the Bazi chart. How to find a star Money vault in the bazi map Heavenly Joy or positive star The presence of this symbolic star in the bazi map gives a person the joy of life, a person enjoys every moment.

Also, this star, if it is in the chart, speaks of the attractiveness of the individual, beauty. If this star comes in the rhythm of Luck, it speaks of engagement, wedding or the birth of children. A star in the marriage sector promises a beautiful spouse for the personality of the spouse. Sheep knife Aggressive sword Star gives very strong stubbornness and determination. A person does not want to change his opinion, is ambitious, persistent in achieving his goal.

When combined with other bad stars, the person has unbalanced behavior. The sheep knife and the high Qi phase in the baz-zi chart and in a certain pillar gives high emotionality. It is important to keep it under control. Such a person does not need to make important decisions himself, but consult with wise people in order to avoid a fatal mistake. Sheep knife is better for a weak card, but for a strong one it can bring a lot of problems.

A sheep's knife in the Ba Tzu chart in the year means bad relationships with relatives. In the month - developed leadership qualities and the ability to lead people. At the hour of birth there are illnesses and injuries. It also means that the person will have conflicts with his own children in the future. If the star is favorable, its energy can be used, then the person will be persistent and consistent in achieving the goal.

The sheep's knife is unfavorable in the House of Marriage. He brings misunderstandings with his spouse, even disaster, and an unstable personal life. Star of Oratory This symbolic star has almost the same meaning as the Star of Education. Gives determination, desire for victories, ability for literature, learning, gaining wealth, prestige and social status. With a strong Qi phase and the absence of negative stars and damage, it brings a person fame, recognition, success, wealth, and high social status.

Star of Debauchery A symbolic star of human weaknesses and vices, such as drugs, alcohol, lust, gluttony. Its strength in the bazi chart depends on the number of stars in the chart. One may not manifest itself so strongly, but if there are 2 or 3 stars in the chart, a person may have serious problems in life that bring about his own weaknesses and vices. Lonely Phoenix This star symbolizes loneliness and various kinds of difficulties in creating harmony and happiness in marriage.

When combined with other negative stars in a chart, Ba Tzu can mean widowhood or infertility. As a rule, such people eventually develop indifference to their partner, they withdraw into themselves, and communicate little with him. Lonely Planet This symbolic star brings inharmonious relationships, mistrust, disharmony, emotional stinginess in relationships with a partner, inability to find a partner, suspicion, excessive expectations, depression, need for autonomy.

Together with Power and Seal - spirituality, isolation from the world. If the ZV is empty, then the person is not able to build relationships. The strong Qi phase does not affect it, does not improve the situation, and the weak Qi phase only strengthens it. With the Post Horse it brings disputes and showdowns. And if with a Blooming Canopy, a person deliberately leads a lonely life. This demon can be eliminated by paying attention to it.

It can be solved without problems by working on yourself. Yin-Yang Error This symbolic star brings adversity to your personal life. Women with this star may not marry for a long time, choosing more weekend parties. In any of the pillars, this star means coldness in relationships. If it affects the house of marriage, this is a love triangle in an externally successful marriage.

If you get married in a year or tact with the Yin-Yang Error, divorce can also not be avoided, especially if there are additional instructions. If all the pillars in the chart have a Yin-Yang Error, then this is a built-in karmic difficulty with love. If the daily pillar duplicates the annual pillar, then the tendencies of this symbolic star intensify. In other pillars, the card will mean coldness in relationships. If there is a symbolic star Yin-Yang Error in the chart, it is better to get married or get married late.

How to find a star Yin-Yang error in a bazi chart Blooming canopy or Star of loneliness This is one of the symbolic stars that has a double meaning: it is an understanding of aesthetics and beauty, as well as detachment and loneliness. On the one hand, the Blooming Canopy in a person’s bazi chart means his understanding of the aesthetic aspects of life. Typically, people with this sign understand the essence of art, have good taste, they are witty, educated, and capable of producing beautiful objects. A person who has the star Blooming Canopy in the Ba Tzu chart has a deep inner world and a rich imagination.

On the other hand, such people can also be introverted, they can feel deeply lonely, they feel like they are unavailable, no one can easily approach them and chat. How to find the star Blooming canopy in the Bazi map Symbolic stars in the Bazi map. About Feng Shui About Ba Tzu. Magazines Order. Contacts Reviews.

What does a symbolic star represent?

The stars in Ba Zi are not celestial bodies, they are symbolic. These are virtual stars that a person calculates based on the year of birth, the animal's birthday and the trunk of the birthday. According to the formula, a person will be able to connect the energies of life and the surrounding space. If you live in accordance with the stars in your chart, you can harmoniously manage the areas of your life and avoid some problems with work, finances and family. Knowledge of the Ba Zi technique helps you make the right decisions and not make a mistake in choosing the path. The meaning of each star consists of many characteristics.

Personality analysis according to Ba Zi

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

It is important to understand that several stars correspond to the same person, and this leads to a complex character and a very difficult fate. People with the most difficult combinations do not make decisions easily, but are easily confused in their loyalties and cannot decide on the purpose of life.

Noble Celestial Unit in Ba Zi meaning

Bankruptcy Star Provokes wrong financial decisions, failures in money and investments. It is more harmful to weak cards - it will be difficult to avoid financial failures. Not so harmful to strong cards. If the card contains the Bankruptcy Star, you need to register the business not for yourself, but for someone else. The most unpleasant thing is if she stands in the pillar of the day, especially for the weak lord of the day. In this case, you cannot engage in risky financial transactions and business. It will be difficult to save and hold on to money and other material goods. If the Star of Bankruptcy is in the hour of birth, the person cannot complete affairs or business.

Noble in Bazi

Knowing which noble is your patron at one time or another makes it possible to correctly set priorities. This is the universal Spirit of Luck at all levels, in any field, in career, love, financial matters. No matter what a person wants, the Noble One of the Heavenly Unit guarantees good luck! Responsible for intelligence, health, social recognition. The one who has it in his personal chart can have all the women and all the men in the world, that is, he is a person unusually attractive to the opposite sex. If the Noble One of the Celestial Unit is present in the chart in at least one pillar, all problems will bypass the person.

Noble Heavenly Unit

Knowing which noble is your patron at one time or another makes it possible to correctly set priorities. This is the universal Spirit of Luck at all levels, in any field, in career, love, financial matters. No matter what a person wants, the Noble One of the Heavenly Unit guarantees good luck! Responsible for intelligence, health, social recognition.

As we already know, symbolic stars have a certain influence - positive or negative - on a person’s life and destiny. This influence is due to the combination of elements in the map and depends on many factors of their location and relationship.

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