The influence of the symbolic stars of Ba Zi on a person’s destiny

The Ba Zi system appeared many centuries ago, over a long period of time it was improved and developed, masters at different times analyzed dates and derived patterns. As a result, symbolic stars appeared, with the help of which one can determine the character of a person, his destiny. The Ba Zi system is based on five elements (Wood, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal) and five factors (Money, Friends, Power, Self-Expression, Resources).

What is a symbolic star?

The stars are just a combination of signs; with their help, without detailed analysis, you can draw quick conclusions. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other, you need to understand that such an analysis will be incomplete and superficial. To see the full picture, you should study a lot of information about a person. The masters have deduced several hundred symbolic stars, but not all of them are worthy of study, since most of them are unreliable. Mostly about 20-30 stars are used, no more.

Symbolic stars are calculated using certain formulas that take into account the animal of the birthday, the year of birth, or the celestial trunk of the birthday.

There are only 12 animals, so several stars can correspond to the same earthly branch, and all of them will have different meanings and influences on human life. Symbolic stars are divided into two groups: Spirits of Good Luck and Spirits of Failure, they are also called Gods and Devils, Spirits and Demons.

This division is very arbitrary, since even good stars can harm a person if they are located in the wrong place. But Demons in some cases not only do not bring misfortune, but also help to cope with bad habits. It happens that in the Ba Zi chart there is a numerous cluster of stars, this is not very good, since a person has a confused fate and a complex character. He has many advisers in his head, giving different, sometimes even contradictory, instructions.

Hidden sky trunks. Modern version

For some time now, the hidden celestial trunks have been considered according to a new scheme presented in this part of the publication: 1. The tiger contains within itself - Yang-tree, Yang-fire, Yang-earth. 2. Rabbit - yin tree, yang tree. 3. Dragon - Yang-earth, yin-wood, yin-water. 4. Snake - Yang-fire, Yang-metal, Yang-earth. 5. Horse - yin-fire, yang-fire, yin-earth. 6. Goat - yin-earth, yin-fire, yin-wood. 7. Monkey - Yang-metal, Yang-water, Yang-earth. 8. Rooster - yin metal, yang metal. 9. Dog - Yang-earth, yin-metal, yin-fire. 10. Pig - Yang-water, Yang-wood, Yang-earth. 11. Rat - yin water, yang water. 12. Ox - yin-earth, yin-water, yin-metal.

Characteristics of the stars: Noble man, Flower of romance, Traveling horse

Although the symbolic stars are virtual, since they are calculated using formulas, their interpretation occupies a significant place in the Ba Zi system. The Noble Man star is considered almost the most favorable. It symbolizes unexpected luck, support, and outside help. Not only people, but also a guardian angel and higher powers can act as assistants. A person who has this star is lucky in life. He easily solves any problems, gets out of unpleasant situations with minimal losses, and is lucky in the financial sphere. This star does not always manifest itself; sometimes its influence can be destroyed by another.

Star Flower of Romance has a dual meaning. On the one hand, it gives a person attractiveness, sexuality, a happy family life, and popularity with the opposite sex. But on the other hand, it imparts negative characteristics, such as promiscuity, inconstancy, gambling, and depravity. If the Romance Flower is located in the right place and only one, it helps a person in the area of ​​relationships. If it is in the husband's house, the woman may have difficulties with men; the low Qi phase of the star indicates a tendency towards debauchery and gambling.

The Traveling Horse star, also called the Postal or Yamskaya Horse, symbolizes travel, changing jobs, and places of residence. She helps a person on long-distance business trips, in moving up the career ladder, in health improvement and treatment, and in changing place of residence. Basically, the Traveling Horse brings prosperity. If it is associated with the Friends element, it is best for a person to travel in company, with Resources - learning will be easy, with Money - one should expect success in the business and financial sphere, with Self-Expression - a person will be able to make public speeches easily, with Power - a meeting with management will be productive.

Symbolic stars continued

We continue to consider the Symbolic stars in Bazi.
Other names: Effective Power of Heaven, Heavenly Grace, Noble Power of Heaven. Symbolizes help in all areas of life. Brings wealth, reputation and status. Endows a person with intelligence, generosity, generosity and openness. Speaks of balance and inner harmony. Endows a person with charm, sincerity, generosity, promotes recognition and success. Reduces the negative qualities of bad stars.

Other names: Effective Power of the Moon, Monthly Star of Virtue, Noble Power of the Moon. Symbolizes help in all areas of life. Lunar virtue gives its owner attractiveness, charm, and charisma. Helps in achieving success, fame and wealth. Is a symbol of harmony. A person with this star in the chart is endowed with such qualities as kindness, politeness, and has high moral principles. Lunar virtue gives a solid inner core, imparts composure and calmness. Brings help from influential people.

Reward of 10 Heavenly Trunks

Other names: Star of Prosperity.

Symbolizes: material wealth, prosperity. Indicates a person’s ability to achieve financial success on their own, to find their own ways of enrichment and prosperity. A person from a poor family can become a wealthy person. Moreover, the star seems to stimulate a person to strive for success and look for opportunities for enrichment. It is best if the star Reward of the Ten Heavenly Trunks is in the pillar of the day - this is the maximum potential for enrichment. Of course, just having a Prosperity star does not automatically make a person rich. But it gives opportunities, the ability to find a way to make money, exactly the way that specifically suits a person. Watch the video about the star Reward 10 Heavenly trunks on my Youtube channel

Symbolizes: material wealth, prosperity. A golden carriage is another sign that a person’s destiny contains the opportunity to achieve a high financial position. Even if there are very weak signs of wealth in the chart, the Golden Carriage star helps a person to always stay afloat. For a person with this star, the external attributes of wealth are very important: real estate, cars, jewelry. However, this star is afraid of collisions, in which case it loses its favorable properties, and can also serve as a sign of a car accident. Watch the video about the Golden Carriage star on my Youtube channel

Symbolizes: will and fortitude. The star gives a person fearlessness, the ability to overcome obstacles and solve problems. Gives a person enormous vitality, the opportunity to have a high material and spiritual level. A good sign for a successful career; a person persistently and competently moves up the career ladder, without making enemies, but on the contrary, establishing strong and promising connections.

Other names: Red Luan, Lovely Peach Blossom.

Symbolizes: beauty and elegance, attractiveness especially to the opposite sex. Makes a person noticeable, endows him with charm and charm. It is believed that people with the Red Phoenix star find it easier to find a partner and enter into a relationship. It can impart love of love, and sometimes even promiscuity. A very useful star for people in public professions, in which charm plays an important role. Helps in negotiations, presentations, speeches. But first of all, this star is considered as a sign of the emergence of a new relationship when it appears during a period of good luck. We use the months, days and even hours with the personal star Red Phoenix to go on dates, go to negotiations or go to places where you can potentially meet someone. Watch the video about the Red Phoenix star on my Youtube channel

Noble Heavenly Fortune

Another name is Heavenly Official.

Symbolizes: career success and good assistants in this field. Noble Heavenly luck is a sign of help in achieving significant results in your career and the opportunity to gain high social status. The star governs career, efficiency, aspiration, and determination. A person may be gifted and talented in some area. The star gives a person universal respect and authority among people. The presence of the Noble Star of Heavenly Luck endows a person with ambition and perseverance. He will have enough strength and determination, which he will use to achieve his goal. The collision destroys the qualities of this star.

Noble man of the state seal

Symbolizes: success in a political career, public service, justice and correctness.

The noble man of the state seal endows its owner with mercy, kindness, justice and sincerity. Such a person is often calm, reasonable, and kind. A reliable friend and partner, thinks about the welfare of others. Complies with the rules and laws of the society in which he lives. While in public service, he makes fair decisions, follows the law, and not personal gain. The collision destroys the qualities of this star.


Characteristics of the stars: Art and loneliness, Red Luan, General

The Star of Art and Loneliness is very often found in the Ba Zi cards of people in creative professions, as it symbolizes refined taste, sophistication, and talents. If it is located in the earthly branch of the hour or day, a person has difficulties creating a family and establishing relationships. By nature, he becomes an introvert, always immersed in his own world. Such a person treats his other half well, takes care of his family, but often remains silent, thinks about something of his own, without paying due attention to the people around him.

The Red Luan star, also called the Red Phoenix or the Wizard of Love, endows its owner with beauty and attractiveness. In the Ba Zi chart, this is a good sign, since it is easy for such a person to improve his personal life, find a soul mate, and start a family. The location of the star on the map indicates the place where you should presumably look for your spouse.

The General's Star, also called Command Influence, symbolizes leadership qualities, authority, and power. Its owner may well become an important official, have a successful military career, or occupy a high leadership position. In Bazi, a star is considered successful; it provides great assistance in gaining authority and managing a team. Team influence makes a person disciplined, wise, and fair.

Characteristics of stars: Bankruptcy, Storage, Robbery, Self-punishment

The Star of Bankruptcy, as can be seen from the name, refers to the Spirits of Failure. It is also called the Big Bad or the Ten Ashes. If the Ba Zi card is initially strong, this star will not do much harm, but in weakened cards it leads to failures related to the financial sphere. Its owner can make unprofitable investments and lose a large amount of money. The Bankruptcy Star is often used in choosing dates for resolving financial issues; if it falls, it is better to postpone an important meeting or business until later.

The Vault Star is also called the Grave. She belongs to the Spirits of Luck, since money and other treasures can be stored in a person’s vaults. The owner of several Vaults has a great chance of becoming a wealthy and influential person. The star is associated with earthen elements: Dog, Dragon, Ox, Goat. The people of the Tree are the luckiest, since they have all four storehouses of wealth, all other elements have one each. A person with a daytime Wood dominant can become very wealthy.

The Constellation of Plunder refers to the Spirits of Failure, which is clear from the name. The owner of a star can both lose something and take something from others. These are not necessarily material things; you can lose a good chance, reputation, prestige.

Given a combination of circumstances, a person may show abilities for deception, theft, cunning, resourcefulness, and unconventional ideas.

In the practice of Ba Zi, the stars of Self-Punishment indicate that its owner is unknowingly making life difficult for himself. A person, due to his inattention, absent-mindedness, personal judgments and prejudices, creates problems for himself. Rash actions lead to troubles, and as a result, the owner of the star does not know peace. This influence can easily be neutralized or at least smoothed out by constantly working on yourself.

Art of Bazi

Symbolic star rating (Shen Sha) is one of the methods of reading a card in Bazi. Some masters take them into account, others do not, and the approach to assessing and the importance of these stars in bazi may differ. In addition to the astrology of the four pillars, symbolic stars can be used to select dates, be taken into account when moving in certain directions, moving, used in physiognomy, and also for activations. Basically, star rating is used as an auxiliary method, rather than a basic one. This method should not be separated from the main assessment of the card, which includes the strength and weakness of the card, 10 gods 十神, the interaction of 5 elements, etc.

At first glance, the analysis of symbolic stars seems simple, but in reality it has many nuances and can be quite accurate. Not all “bad” stars are actually bad, and “good” ones are favorable. Therefore, a flexible approach to assessment, knowledge of the characteristics of stars, their interactions with each other, energy phases, the strength of the personality element and other factors are important.

The names of some stars look scary, and here it is important to understand the basic essence of the star without being attached only to the name.

Let’s take for example a symbolic star – the “Star of Bankruptcy”. Does it always symbolize the loss of wealth, the risk of failure in a monetary matter? Or does it have a greater impact on poor relationships with loved ones and create health problems? How to determine its influence in a map?

In cycle 60 of Jia Zi 甲子, there are several pillars in which the energy of “Prosperity” enters the branch of “Death and Emptiness” (don’t be alarmed by the term). In these pillars, the flow of Prosperity Qi becomes empty and dries up. For example, in this map there are two pillars Jia/Chen 甲辰 (hour) and Ren/Shen 壬申 (year). Prosperity in our time is associated with wealth, and therefore in the spheres and palaces associated with these pillars it will be difficult to achieve an increase in wealth.

If we talk about financial losses, this is more typical for weak cards, but this card is not entirely weak, the daily pillar is strong and well supported by the annual one. In general, the star speaks of losses that are associated with errors in making financial decisions, incorrect investments, etc. In this card, the “Star of Bankruptcy” is in the pillar of the hour, that is, a person must make informed decisions when implementing his business and financial ideas and projects. Or use the help of other people, consultants when working with finances and assets to eliminate the possibility of mistakes.

The annual pillar is associated with the social circle, friends and elders in the family. This does not mean that friends will “go bankrupt,” but it is unlikely that a person will receive good advice from them in matters of finance and money, or alternatively, when communicating with them, he will spend more of his money.

The Chinese love to give colorful names to stars. For example, the symbolic stars of “Network of Heaven” and “Trap of Earth”. To identify them in the bazi chart, you need to refer to the 28 constellations of the Lunar-Solar Zodiac. There are four constellations Jiao, Zhen, Kui and Bi which form the “Gates of Earthly and Heavenly Qi” in the starry sky. Each sector has its own earthly branch. The Dragon 辰 opens the “Earthly Gate”, and the Dog branch 戌 opens the “Heavenly Gate”. When the Dragon 辰 Snake 巳 appears in the map, and the Dog 戌 Pig 亥 appears in the chart, then the “Trap of the Earth” and the “Net of Heaven” are formed.

“Network of Heaven” has a stronger effect on men (yang aspect), and “Earth Trap” on women (yin aspect). A person may be subject to negative influences. In general, there may be psychological constraint that is difficult to manifest in certain areas of life, for example in personal relationships. Women may be highly sensitive.

Taking into account the fact that there are quite a lot of symbolic stars, more than 100, the stars add additional details to the reading of the bazi card, thanks to which many things become more obvious and understandable.

Questions about symbolic stars in the forum thread

Characteristics of stars: Academic, War, Warrior, Golden Carriage

The Academician's Star belongs to the Spirits of Luck. Its owner may have literary talent and even make a living from writing. The Academician's Star helps in studies, a person remembers material better, and he also demonstrates the ability for intellectual and scientific activity. The star may well turn its owner into an academician, a great scientist, and a writer.

If there is a War star on the Bazi card, then you should not be afraid, since it has a dual meaning. Its owner has a natural talent as a strategist. Such a person brilliantly manages to draw up plans with the help of a highly developed intellect. He leads superbly and ultimately wins battles because his nature is treacherous, tough, and difficult to comprehend. The owner of the star is in many ways like a chameleon; he is able to endlessly change his appearance, put on different masks and play roles. A person achieves great heights in life and can command armies. In a negative sense, the star indicates injustice or theft.

There is a Warrior star on the Ba Tzu card, which means that its owner seeks justice in everything, fights against deception, and protects the weak. This is a brave person who does not fight with anyone in particular, but seeks the truth in a broad sense. According to Bazi, the golden carriage brings its owner all the benefits of the material world. A person achieves high status, lives in a rich house, drives a luxury car, and can afford to travel to any corner of the world.

Characteristics of the stars: Angel of Death, Sheep Knife, Blooming Canopy

Symbolic stars very often have names that are scary at first glance, but in reality not everything is so terrible. The Angel of Death or the Demon of Destruction does not bring trouble to a person from the outside; the problem lies in the owner of this star himself. He may have certain complexes, dissatisfaction with life, subconscious fears. As a result, problems with the law and a criminal record may arise. On the other hand, the Angel of Death endows a person with diplomacy, a sharp mind, and quick wit.

The Star of Prosperity refers to the Spirits of Luck. It allows the owner to reach certain heights in life and not need anything. A blooming canopy gives a person receptivity and sensitivity. The owner of the star has a rich inner world and a well-developed imagination. On the other hand, he can withdraw into himself, immerse himself in his thoughts. Sheepknife is a dual star. It gives a person perseverance, stubbornness, determination, cruelty, and temper. If the Ba Zi card is strong, such qualities will bring problems to its owner, but with a weak card, the star allows one to achieve heights in the military field.

Of course, not all stars are listed, but only the most common ones. Despite the fact that there are more than two hundred of them, masters use only a few dozen. It should be remembered that symbolic stars provide only additional information, and in order to get a complete picture, it is necessary to analyze the Ba Zi map in detail.

Although the stars are mainly designed for the average person, their characteristics come true in most cases.

Neutral characters


The Warrior Star indicates that a person is fair, honest, defends the rights of other people, and fights manifestations of evil.

Of course, not all Ba Zi stars are listed, but only the main ones. They appear in most people's charts. It is important to understand that you need to look at the map and make it only based on the complex of stars, since they influence each other and can have additional effects, depending on the person’s complete map.

The same symbol, adjacent to other stars, can become both a positive and negative vector in the fate of an individual. But more often, the general characteristics of a star come true, since they influence the fate and actions of every person.


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