Feng Shui zones and sectors: what is in the northeast, northwest and other cardinal directions?

When faced with stagnation in business, people make enormous efforts to overcome it. They try different methods and get exhausted. But they do not always realize that the reason for stagnation may not be in themselves or the current state of affairs, but in the incorrect arrangement of their home. Feng Shui masters have long found the answer to the question of how to attract success and the protection of helping spirits into your life.

The teaching involves dividing a home into different sectors depending on its location on the cardinal points. Each of them corresponds to a specific element or element. If you arrange your home, guided by the ancient tradition, the vital energy Qi will begin to circulate freely, as a result of which stagnation in business will disappear and a number of problems will be solved by themselves.

Assistants sector

According to Feng Shui, the northwest is the sector of helpers and travel . This zone is responsible for business activity, spiritual growth and travel. When planning your home, it is ideal to place a work office, telephone, computer, or arrange a meeting room.

This will contribute to success in business and the appearance of people in life who can help in business, everyday matters and spiritual quests.

In addition, this place is ideal for placing portraits of inspiring personalities, idols and gurus, whose lives and actions inspire us to conquer new heights. You can also place icons, talismans and images of helping spirits in it. That is, everything that is associated with help and patronage.

How to activate the northwestern sector according to Feng Shui?

The main element that patronizes the sector of Feng Shui assistants is Metal.
It is generated by the Earth. Therefore, the location of the attributes of this element will have a positive effect. Water weakens the effect, and Fire destroys it. To activate the assistant zone, you need to place the elements of Earth and Metal in it .

To do this, it is recommended to use white, silver, gold and gray colors in its arrangement, which symbolize Metal, or brown, yellow and terracotta, symbolizing Earth. The location of metal objects, crystal or porcelain objects in this sector will have a positive effect. The sector of assistants is an ideal place to place such a strong energetically charged Metal talisman as the “chime of the wind”.

It consists of several hollow tubes of different sizes suspended on thin threads. When they touch each other they produce a pleasant melodic sound. In addition, you can place small bells in this zone, the ringing of which will activate the element of Metal.

The music of wind

To activate the northwestern sector according to Feng Shui, you need to fill it with strength and energy. Portraits of great people and spiritual talismans are suitable for this. You can also place affirmations, mottos and quotes in this place that will energize you.

For those who want to travel the world or travel to a specific location, northwest homes can be filled with photographs and magazine clippings depicting routes and destinations for future travel.

There are a few simple rules that will help activate the zone more effectively:

  1. Water should not be present in the images, since this element blocks the Metal element. Even if a person dreams of going to the islands in the Caribbean, it is better to choose a picture that depicts the beach itself, and not the water area;
  2. The selected photos must have sunny weather. This sets an overall positive mood for the future journey;
  3. The pictures must evoke bright positive emotions. This increases the amount of energy.

What are the consequences of the absence of a sector? Energy connection in Feng Shui

This means that the energy connection between the house and the residents is weakened. Each sector in the house is responsible for a certain area of ​​life, for example, the gender and age of the residents, diseases of specific organs, energy, feelings, etc. Therefore, any missing sector, under other unfavorable circumstances, does not support people in a certain area and creates obstacles for them.

The absence of a sector in itself is not fatal, but the Feng Shui of a house noticeably worsens if there is any unfavorable object in the external environment on this side, which “turns on” the effect of the negative. For example, a power line support, a construction site or a large cemetery.

It is believed that the absence of two sectors in an apartment (house) is unacceptable. But the most unfavorable thing is if the following sectors are missing: south, north or northwest . It is not recommended to live in such a house.

Energy-weak people are more susceptible to the negative influences of missing sectors, such as children, the elderly and people with health problems. Therefore, they are the ones who suffer first.

By the way, a person changes his trigram in the process of growth. Therefore, in the same room, a child can, for example, get sick often before the age of 7, and feel good after the age of seven, or vice versa. And all because when the trigram changes, the same energies will affect him differently. You can often hear the following phrase about this: “The child has grown up.”

If the North-Western sector of the apartment (house) is missing

North-west is the Qian trigram, it corresponds to the father of the family and a man over 46 years old.

The most important favorable characteristic of this direction is the support of influential people. Consequently, the absence of this sector entails a shortage of help and support from others, and you will have to rely only on yourself in life. But this is not the worst thing. Since the North-West sector relates to the owner of the house, the father, the older man, the breadwinner, then in the absence of the North-West sector, the relationship between husband and wife suffers. It is difficult for the head of the family to realize his potential, and the woman experiences loneliness (even if she has a husband as such). The husband will not necessarily die or leave. He may turn into a parasite or start drinking, he will want to spend less time at home, and will try to leave it, for example, to go to friends. Often a woman in such a house thinks that it would be better for her to be alone than to live as she is now. A strong man will leave such a house, and a weak man will get sick or simply get drunk.

It happens that a completely prosperous family, when moving to a new apartment (house) with this sector missing, breaks up. Quite quickly at that. But most often, single women live in such houses, who are unable to get married and improve their personal lives. (But this is not the only reason for loneliness, there are others).

It is also unfavorable when this sector, responsible for the breadwinner of the family, is located in the toilet or kitchen. This not only affects the head of the family, but can also cause diseases related to the head in any family member, and in a person of either sex with Gua 6.

If the Northern sector of the apartment (house) is missing

The northern sector is the trigram Kan, it refers to the middle son. The element of this sector is water. Water symbolizes the flow of life, and professional growth and the opportunities from which a person chooses his life path are associated with it.

The absence of this sector adversely affects clarity of thinking and wisdom.

Also, the absence or negative influences in this sector of the apartment will primarily affect men aged 7 to 16 years and people of any gender with a Gua number of 1. Kidney and ear diseases are also possible.

If the North-Eastern sector of the apartment (house) is missing

The northeastern sector is the Gen trigram; the younger sons correspond to it. Good QI of this sector will imbue the home with powerful and purposeful energy. People in such a house will always be ready for change and will be eager to go their own way. They will have a desire to learn everything new.

The absence of the Northeast sector means slowdown in business and slow resolution of problems. Reluctance to learn and develop, as well as fear of change and change.

Also, the absence or negative influences in this sector of the apartment will primarily affect boys under the age of 7 years and people of any gender with a Gua number of 8. These are also prerequisites for hand diseases.

If the Eastern sector of the apartment (house) is missing

The eastern sector, the Zhen trigram, refers to the eldest son and men from the age of 16 until he marries. When he is married, he is already a father. But if he lives with his family along with his parents, then he can remain the eldest son, although he will be married, but only as long as he does not have a child. And it can also be influenced by two trigrams at the same time. But age matters a lot. Because at 50 years old he cannot be the eldest son, even living with his parents and not having children.

The most important characteristic of energy in this sector is health, as well as ambition and the fulfillment of desires. This energy is characterized by optimism and constant movement forward.

In the absence of the East, there is no dynamics, people have some lack of will, they do not fight for their future.

The absence or negative influences in this sector of the apartment will primarily affect unmarried men after 16 years of age and people of any gender with a Gua number of 3, and these are also prerequisites for leg diseases.

If the South-Eastern sector of the apartment (house) is missing

The Sun trigram belongs to the southeast sector - this is the sector associated with the eldest daughter and women from 14 years old until she gives birth to a child. Again, if she lives with her parents, depending on the circumstances, several trigrams may influence her.

The most important attributes of the southeast include wealth and prosperity. The energy here is also active, but, unlike the east, it is not so assertive and has more thoughtfulness.

In the absence of this sector in an apartment (house), it is difficult for people to realize themselves and find their purpose in life. This also means obstacles in pursuing creative and scientific activities.

Also, the absence or negative influences in this sector of the apartment will primarily affect women after 14 years of age and people of any gender with a Gua number of 4, and these are also prerequisites for illness in the area below the back in general.

If the Southern sector of the apartment (house) is missing

The south includes the Li trigram - the middle daughter, as well as girls from 7 to about 14 years old, everything is individual here, because as soon as a girl reaches puberty, she moves to another trigram.

It is a place of fiery energy that is associated with respect, authority and fame. If the South is absent, then the inhabitants of the house experience a lack of joyful emotions, depression, etc.

Also, the absence or negative influences in this sector of the apartment will primarily affect girls from 7 to 14 years old and people of any gender with a Gua number of 9, and these are also prerequisites for diseases of the heart, blood and eyes.

If the South-Western sector of the apartment (house) is missing

The southwestern sector belongs to the Kun trigram, it is associated with the mother of the family, a married woman and a woman of any age who has given birth to a child. This place is characterized by love and happy marital relationships. Calm energy promotes strong relationships and a sense of emotional security, and also helps in practical solutions to emerging difficulties.

If the South-West zone is absent, then the mistress of the house - the mother of the family - is weakened. She is not drawn to home; in the evenings she prefers to stay late at work and is in no hurry to get to the hearth.

Also, the absence or negative influences in this sector of the apartment will primarily affect mothers, women over 40 and people of any gender with a Gua number of 2. These are also prerequisites for abdominal diseases, i.e. all organs located in the abdominal cavity, most often these are the female reproductive organs and diseases associated with them, as well as skin diseases.

If the Western sector of the apartment (house) is missing

The Western sector belongs to the Dui trigram, corresponding to the youngest daughter.

This sector is primarily associated with children, creativity, fun and romance. It also includes all esoteric and metaphysical practices, speech and oratory.

If the Western sector is missing, then the residents of such a house are overly superstitious. And they are unlikely to achieve significant success in the areas described above.

Also, the absence or negative influences in this sector of the apartment will primarily affect girls under 7 years of age and people of any gender with a Gua number of 7, and these are also prerequisites for diseases of the mouth and lungs .

If the Central sector of the apartment (house) is missing

The center of the house is of utmost importance. The most negative scenario that can happen in a house, as we have already said, is the absence of a center, i.e. lack of heart at home. In such a house, not only Feng Shui will not help, this house can only be changed.

The middle of the house should be kept clean and under no circumstances cluttered, as this will interfere with the free movement of Qi energy. It's best to leave some empty space here.

If there is a storage room, an unused room, or it is heavily influenced by Sha Qi (for example, if a toilet or staircase is installed in the center), then from the point of view of Feng Shui this has a negative impact on the house as a whole.

Now, knowing this information, you can analyze all your family members. For example, someone in your family has this or that disease, then perhaps the sector responsible for this organ is “energetically damaged” in your home. Of course, many factors influence our health, including our Ba-Tzu cards, flying stars, etc. But in our home we can find a place where the rule “Walls in the house help” will apply, and, therefore, our home will heal us and not harm us.

What prevents activation?

As already mentioned, the element of water drowns out metal, and fire destroys it. Therefore, you should avoid placing things in this zone that symbolize these two elements. Fireplaces and candles located in this area will cause negative consequences. The northeast or south are better suited for this.

The fireplace cannot be placed in the northwest

Aquariums and other vessels with liquid activate the element of water, which will drown out the effect of metal. It would be correct to place them in the career sector in the north. According to Feng Shui, the family sector is located in the east. Its main element is Wood, and its activating element is Water, so it can also accommodate aquariums and vessels with liquid.

Mirror in the kitchen: is it possible or not?

Kitchen Feng Shui recommends handling it with caution, because an incorrectly placed mirror can increase not only wealth, but also vices, enmity, hatred, and dirt. Experts recommend not using mirror tiles, as this contributes to the breakdown of energy; it will circulate around the room in fragments.

The positive impact of mirrors in the kitchen will only be in the area where ready-made food is located (it helps to increase wealth), but you should not hang them so that people look at them when they eat. This may increase your appetite.

You cannot hang a mirror opposite the stove and work surfaces, since the cooking process is often accompanied by dirt, there is no need to increase this. And a mirror opposite the stove increases the fatigue of the person preparing the food. A mirror can be hung near the stove so that the housewife can see those entering, especially if her back is to the door while cooking (this is an unfavorable factor in Feng Shui).

You can read about how to choose a mirror and place it in other rooms of your home in our other article (link to the article about the mirror).

We put things in order in the apartment and life

In the helper sector, as in other sectors, it is very important to ensure the free movement of energy.
To do this, you need to get rid of the trash and restore order. Old things cause stagnation of energy, which is reflected in stagnation in all areas of life. That’s why it’s so important to regularly clean the entire apartment and get rid of unnecessary items.

If something is not used for a long time, then it is better to say goodbye to it. It is often a pity to throw away new and completely functional things.

In this case, you can give them to friends or people in need. This will help to establish energy circulation and achieve harmony in your life.

Other appliances in the kitchen: how to arrange them

Modern kitchens have a large number of appliances - microwave ovens, ovens, multicookers, etc. A Feng Shui style kitchen should not have broken appliances; they need to be fixed immediately. Equipment that is rarely used should not be in a visible place; it must be removed.

The microwave should not be suspended above the stove, as the movement of Qi energy above it is inhibited. The refrigerator, as mentioned above, cannot be placed near the stove; this will bring conflicts between the elements and, as a result, between those living in the house. The southeast of the kitchen is the most suitable place to place a refrigerator.

The sink and dishwasher (if there is one) should also be located in the southeast, east and north of this room. This will strengthen their energy and avoid conflicts with other elements.

Wisdom and knowledge

Northeast according to Feng Shui is responsible for wisdom and knowledge. The main element of this sector is Earth, and the fuel element is Fire. This part of the home should be well lit. Warm colors are suitable for decoration: red, yellow, orange.

A good location for a bookcase is northeast

According to Feng Shui, the northeast is well suited for placing a fireplace, as fiery energy enhances the effect of the Earth element. In this part of the home you can place a library or bookcase.

Zone elements and colors

As always, there is a rule for designing the assistants' area.

  • the main element of the sector is Metal
  • generative - Earth

Accordingly, the colors you should use are terracotta, peach, brown, white, gray, silver and gold. Metal and wooden furniture, as well as ceramic, porcelain, crystal, and clay products are appropriate.

  • Water is the weakening element
  • destructive - Fire

Therefore, no black, blue, light blue, red or orange shades. Well, accordingly, candles and aquariums have no place in this area either. As well as various water-fire images.

Love and marriage

The southwest sector is associated with romantic relationships, love and marriage . This is the most suitable place for wedding photographs, wedding candles, images of lovebirds.

For people who have not yet created a couple, it would be appropriate to place images of happy lovers here. According to Feng Shui, the southwestern sector is dominated by the elements of Earth and is activated by Fire, so the following colors are suitable: orange, beige, pink, red, yellow.

The location of the stove in the kitchen

Now let's talk about how appliances should be placed in the kitchen and, most importantly, the stove. It is she who personifies the element of fire and is the main one in the kitchen. When placing a stove in the kitchen according to Feng Shui, you need to consider the following rules.

  • A very good option for its location is the south, southwest and northeast side of the kitchen, and an unfavorable option is the north.
  • It can also be placed near the wall that leads to the center of the apartment.
  • You cannot install the stove towards the stairs, towards the entrance to the house, towards the bathroom or toilet (the direction is determined by the line where the oven faces). This will bring poverty into the home.
  • Look carefully to see if it is possible to direct the slab towards the central part of the house, because... this arrangement is considered lucky. But you shouldn’t place a stove directly in the center of the house, it will burn the “heart of the house” and also attract diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Use all the burners on the stove, this will increase the flow of wealth.
  • Do not place the stove near the sink and refrigerator, as the energy of fire and water will be in conflict.
  • Also, you can’t place the stove under the window, all your well-being will fly out of it.

Creativity and children

According to Feng Shui, the West is under the auspices of Metal.
The activating element is the Earth. This sector influences creativity and children. Here you can post photographs of your offspring or images of ideal little ones from magazines. According to Feng Shui, the Western sector can be decorated with your own creative crafts or reproductions of your favorite paintings.
For those who do not yet have children, but really want to, it is proposed to decorate the western sector with an image of a pomegranate tree - a symbol of fertility and pregnancy.

Or you can place rattles, pacifiers and baby toys here, that is, everything that reminds you of the joy of motherhood.

It is proposed to use the west in an apartment or office for a creative workshop or studio. It is this arrangement that will lead to increased activity and inspiration.

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