Feng Shui for a happy life: how to identify zones in an apartment and activate them?

According to ancient Chinese teaching, each house has its own energy, both positive and negative. Proper organization of room space according to the laws of Feng Shui will help neutralize flows of negative energy, activate positive energy, and also change certain areas of life in a favorable direction.

All events in a person’s life occur in 9 areas. These aspects of life form certain sectors of Feng Shui. Feng Shui zones along the cardinal directions are presented in the so-called Bagua grid - an octagon, each side of which has a specific color and element. Feng Shui sectors are also represented in the Lo Shu square.

Cardinal directions

Feng Shui cardinal directions:

  • north – career zone, position in society;
  • northwest – sector of patrons and assistants, business relationships, travel;
  • west – children's and creative zone;
  • southwest – love and marriage, relationships with a partner;
  • south – glory sector;
  • southeast - wealth, financial well-being;
  • east - family;
  • northeast – zone of wisdom, knowledge, life experience;
  • the center is health.

Proper arrangement of each zone contributes to maintaining good health and success in your personal life and in the financial sphere. Correctly determining the feng shui zones in the apartment is the first and most important step.

The heart of the house or the central palace in Bazi

The central palace is also called the heart of the house, and it is related to the cardiovascular system of every living person and to the preservation and accumulation of wealth.

To avoid problems with the cardiovascular system and difficulties with saving earned money, it is very important that the following are not located in the central sector:

  • toilet and/or bathroom;
  • fireplace (real, with a chimney);
  • ladder;

It’s good if the Central Palace is free and there is no heavy Furniture in its center.

To find the very center of the Central Palace, you need to connect the corners of your house (after you have built it to a rectangle). The intersection of these lines will be the center, and it should always be free.

If the apartment is irregularly shaped AND the Central Palace (or most of it) is located outside the house, this will also have an impact on health and wealth.

Now let's move on to the rest of the Palaces.

How to define zones?

Why do you need to determine and know the Feng Shui zones of an apartment? Knowing the location of a certain sector makes it possible to activate it, that is, to influence the sphere of life it controls.

How to determine the zones of an apartment according to Feng Shui:

  1. print out the apartment plan (you can find it in the documents for the apartment or draw it yourself, knowing the parameters of each room);
  2. print an image of a Bagua grid or, in a simpler version, an image of sectors in the form of a square;
  3. determine where north is in the apartment using a compass;
  4. mark it on the apartment plan;
  5. attach an image of the feng shui zones to the apartment diagram and combine the two directions;
  6. determine the remaining zones according to the markings on the grid;
  7. In the absence of a compass, it is easy to determine east or west by the sun. Where the sun rises in the morning is east, where it sets in the evening is west;
  8. Another way is to determine the cardinal directions using online maps.

Some zones may be missing due to the fact that the apartment drawing has the shape of a polygon. What to do? In this case, you can hang a mirror on the wall in place of the missing zone. Another option is to define and activate zones only in the central part of the apartment, for example, in the living room.

Feng Shui zones in the house: what and where to put it to live comfortably

As a rule, home is the place where we rest, relax after a hard day and spend time with those closest to us. That is why it is very important to feel comfortable and at ease in your home, so that you will always want to return there.

What is important for comfort? First of all, of course, this is a favorable environment among everyone at home, among family members. But it is also necessary to carefully monitor the arrangement of housing: the arrangement of furniture, the harmony between zones and their relative positions, the correct distribution of spaces depending on their purpose.

In this article I will tell you what Feng Shui zones are in a home, why it is so important to find them and how to correctly place a set in accordance with this concept.

How to activate zones?

Activation of Feng Shui zones in an apartment occurs by placing various objects and symbols in the right place, which helps to increase the flow of positive energy.
First of all, you need to determine which areas of your life require adjustment. If you want to build a career, succeed at work and make money, the areas of the north, southeast and possibly northwest obviously require attention.

If your plans are to find your soulmate, get married successfully, start a family and have children, you need to pay attention to the southwestern sector, as well as the eastern and western.

It is best to influence several zones at the same time. In this case, you can get a more pronounced and harmonious result.

Tips before using the Bagua net: general cleaning

Before moving on to Bagua planning, I highly recommend paying attention to your room and its general condition.

The fact is that Feng Shui is about harmony, and harmony certainly cannot exist among chaos, disorder and clutter. So look at every area and room in the house. Conduct an analysis of all spaces: which zone “sinks” the most, which one requires the most urgent cleaning, which one needs to be redone completely.

Carry out a global cleansing of the apartment. Look in all the closets, on the shelves, everywhere where “no human has set foot in a long time.” I assure you that you will find a lot of interesting and, for the most part, unnecessary things. So, you can safely throw it away to free up space for a happy life.

Dirty, cluttered places, images reminiscent of unpleasant events or people are the most sources of negative, overwhelming energy - Sha energy. When you clean your home, you will see for yourself that it has become easier to breathe, because you will get rid of the garbage, even if not in its literal meaning, that has been weighing on your shoulders for many years.

If you find it difficult to part with some things, use the following tactics: think about the last time you remembered an item, have you used it over the past year, or better yet, over the past few months? If the answer is “no”, I want to make you happy – such a moment will not come, so without any doubt, take everything to the trash heap or give it to those in need.

The next object of your attention is breakdowns. Review any appliances that are not working. Further, there are several ways: get rid of them if they are of no value, or repair them. Use everything you have, even small things like a burnt out light bulb in the farthest corner of the house.

The last thing you should deal with is faulty items. This can be attributed to cracked dishes, which can no longer be called complete, but it’s also a pity to throw away half-working devices. You will also have to part with this, since storing faulty things redirects the same energy to other areas of life. Check home greenhouses for dead plants. Plants personify life and breath, so keeping dried trees means neglecting your own condition as well.

Tips for activating each zone

Each zone has its own dominant element. When describing it, it comes first. In second place is the secondary element, which supports the main one. The colors that are favorable for a particular sector directly depend on these two elements. Each zone has its own number. It shows the number of items that have the most favorable impact in that sector.

So, how to activate zones in the apartment:

  • health (center ). The most important zone, the state of which affects all other aspects. Element – ​​earth. Number – 5. Favorable colors – red, brown, orange, yellow. To properly organize this zone, it is better to use figurines, figurines, and vases in warm earth tones made from materials such as clay, ceramics, and porcelain in the interior. Negative: paintings depicting violence, natural disasters, predators; items belonging to a sick person or associated with diseases;
  • wealth (southeast) . Element – ​​water, wood. Colors: all shades of blue, light blue, green, brown, beige. Favorable in this zone: an aquarium, a pond, fresh flowers, indoor plants in pots, a painting in a wooden frame depicting water and nature, a fruit bowl in the kitchen, wooden furniture. Negatively affected by: objects with symbols of fire (candles, fireplace) and metal (metal photo frames);
  • love (southwest) . Element – ​​earth, fire. Number – 2 (it is important to place only paired objects in this sector). Colors: all shades of red and brown. Favorable in this zone: a pair of armchairs or chairs, figurines of two swans, two candlesticks, images of lovers. Do not place: items containing water; wooden and metal items, as well as items that previously belonged to other people;
  • children and creativity (West) . Element – ​​metal, earth. Number – 7. Colors: white, yellow, metallic, silver. Activate: photographs of happy children, children's things and toys; things made with your own hands (drawings, crafts); fresh flowers and plants. Negatively affected by: objects of the element of fire (candles, fireplace, red things), any dirty, broken, torn objects;

  • success and glory (south) . Element – ​​fire, wood. Number – 9. Colors: red, green, yellow, orange. Favorable effects: symbols of fire (fireplace, candles, images of the sun and flame), wooden furniture and figurines, flowers. You cannot place: objects with the image and color of water (fountains, aquariums, blue and light blue things) and earth (brown things, many plants in pots);

  • family (east) . Element – ​​wood, water. Number – 3. Colors: green, brown, blue, light blue, black. Favorable in this zone: green curtains, tablecloths; wooden photo frames; Money Tree; fresh flowers and plants; paintings with images of water; aquarium. Negatively affected by: colors of fire (red, orange) and metal (silver, white); fireplace, candles;
  • knowledge and wisdom (northeast) . Element – ​​earth, fire. Number – 8. Colors: yellow, brown, beige, red, orange. Activate: good bright lighting, crystals, porcelain and ceramic vases, fireplace, candles, aroma lamps; figures depicting a globe, an owl, a snake. Negatively affected by: objects related to the elements of wood and metal;
  • career (north) . Element – ​​water, metal. Colors: blue, light blue, silver, black. Favorable in this zone: an aquarium with fish, a home fountain, marine-themed paintings, coins, a turtle. You cannot place: wooden furniture, crystal and ceramic vases, porcelain dishes, candles;
  • assistants and travel (northwest). Element – ​​metal, wood. Number – 6. Colors: gray, silver, white, yellow, golden. Favorably influence: any images and figures of angels, saints, dolphins, great famous people. Negatively affected by: things and objects of the elements of fire (fireplace, candles, red things).

How to attract positive energy into a space

It is very important not only to arrange the space according to the rules of Feng Shui, but also to monitor your actions, emotions and feelings. They directly affect the energy situation at home.

The recommendations are as follows:

  1. Never sort things out at the dinner table. This is the central sector of the house, in which the energy is especially strong. Therefore, during a family gathering at lunch or dinner, only positive emotions should prevail at the table.
  2. The kitchen is the symbol of the hearth of your home. The health and emotional state of your household will depend on the mood in which you prepare food. Therefore, there is no need to cook when you are irritated, angry or offended. First, solve the problem, talk and make peace, and only then create culinary masterpieces.

In conclusion, Fr. You can decorate the entire space with talismans, creating an ideal environment according to oriental canons. But if you don’t do anything in real life, don’t “ground yourself” by doing sports, creativity, household chores and work, you shouldn’t expect magical changes.

Tips for decorating individual rooms of the house

If we talk about the front door and hallway, it will be favorable if:

  • the door opens into the apartment;
  • the space in front of the door is large and spacious (promotes unhindered circulation of energy);
  • There are no dirty shoes or rugs in the hallway.

In living rooms they contribute to the flow of positive energy:

  • clean large windows;
  • wide window sills, not littered with things;
  • absence of old, broken, dirty items, things with expired expiration dates;
  • bright lighting, no burnt out light bulbs.

When arranging a bathroom, the following points should be considered:

  • plumbing is kept clean;
  • the tap and flush tank do not leak and work properly;
  • The toilet lid is closed.

Methodology for determining the Bagua sector

Experts in the oriental art of improving life through the harmonization of space like to exaggerate that without their help it will not be possible to determine each zone in the apartment. In fact, it is not so difficult, and if you are careful, you can calculate the location of the Bagua sectors yourself. The only thing that is necessary for this is knowledge of the cardinal directions and how they relate to the layout of the home. Therefore, arm yourself with the most accurate compass possible.

In Feng Shui, it is generally accepted that interior elements arranged according to Eastern traditions improve the circulation of Qi energy and remove its stagnation, which means they have a beneficial effect on all residents of an apartment or house. For example, plants grow and bloom better if they are in the right place. The Bagua octagon of 8 trigrams and a center - a total of 9 elements, each of which corresponds to one area of ​​life, the side of Light, has its own element-element according to Feng Shui and the number of the sector - from 1 to 9.

To accurately calculate the location of sectors in your home, draw a detailed and high-quality plan on cardboard. Don’t forget, you need all the rooms, including the bathroom, toilet, hallway, and storage room, if there is one. Carefully cut out the plan along the outline and place it on the tip of a sharpened pencil. It is necessary to find a position in which the cut out plan will be in balance and will not move from the pencil. This way you will find the center of your home.

Having marked the center, take the compass and go with it to a room where nothing will interfere with the accuracy of measurements - there should be no magnets or working electrical appliances. You can measure the exact cardinal directions on the street, the main thing is to correctly compare them with the plan. Just don’t use the compass under wires: in such places the device can seriously lie.

Important: when drawing each zone on the apartment plan, it must be mirrored, that is, where in reality the north is, the south sector should be located, and where the east is, the west sector should be located. Feng Shui requires this, and you will notice that in all octagon diagrams, the south is at the top and the east is on the left.

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When the exact center is indicated on the plan, take a protractor and from it divide the home into 8 zones according to the cardinal directions. You will get 45° each. Compare the information received with the Bagua sectors (mirror).

Universal ways to activate zones

The universal talismans in Feng Shui philosophy are:

  • crystals . Used in areas of health, love and wisdom. They attract an influx of positive chi energy and block negative energy. Crystal or glass pendants, balls, cones or pyramids can be used as crystals; natural stones in the form of leaves on a tree;
  • candles . They cleanse the house of negative energy and fill it with positive energy. Activate the element of fire;
  • mirror . Redistributes the flow of qi energy and recreates the missing zone. It is beneficial to place the mirror so that beautiful objects are reflected in it (a picturesque landscape, a lake, a richly served table). It is highly undesirable to hang a mirror opposite the front door or windows (positive energy will not enter the apartment). You should not place mirrors in the bedroom (in a dream a person is more susceptible to the influence of reflected energy);
  • paintings. Positive energy is carried by images of nature, happy people, as well as paintings with semi-precious stones. Pictures depicting grief, suffering, aggression have a negative impact; abstract paintings;
  • The music of wind . These are small bells that are suspended in the air flow. They make pleasant sounds when the wind blows. “Wind music” reduces the level of negative energy in the room and helps eliminate conflicts. Traditionally, they are hung above the front door, in corners (where energy stagnates), above windows;
  • singing bowl . It is a small bowl made of a metal alloy. When exposed to it with a wooden stick, it makes a sound similar to a bell. This sound transforms negative energy into positive energy. You can use it after quarrels, visits from guests, during illness and in a depressed state. In addition, the bowl is indispensable for meditation.

Singing bowls

Important points

According to the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the entire space of the home is divided into zones, each of which is responsible for certain areas of human life. Each sector has its own rules for organizing space and its own energy, subject to the forces of the four elements.

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To create a favorable energy environment in a house or apartment, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Every item should be kept in its place. It is necessary to constantly maintain order, wipe dust, wash the floor and dishes on time. Dirt and disorder interfere with the free flow of energy flows and attract negativity into a person’s life.
  2. You cannot store spoiled and broken things at home that can no longer be used. Therefore, regularly “declutter” - throw everything that is unnecessary and has expired in the trash.
  3. It is very important that there is enough light in the house. Therefore, before choosing an apartment before purchasing, look through the solar options. Artificial lighting should also be bright enough. The darker the house, the more negative energy there is.
  4. Update your renovation regularly: cracks on the walls, dirty ceilings and peeling wallpaper also interfere with the free movement of positive energy.
  5. Window and door openings must not be blocked. You cannot store things on window sills or place large furniture in front of the entrance to rooms.
  6. According to the rules of Feng Shui, the door to the bathroom should open outwards, and all others should open into the rooms.
  7. The space above the bed should be empty: there is no need to hang lamps and decorations by attaching them to the ceiling.
  8. It is not recommended to leave rooms empty and uninhabited in large houses. Each room must be used for its intended purpose so that the energy in them does not stagnate.

If you follow these simple rules, the situation in the house will always be prosperous, and household members will feel calm. Conflicts will decrease and quarrels will stop. The home will turn into a powerful source of energy and abundance for the whole family.

Interior color

For interior design, it is important to consider the influence of different colors. Red, bright yellow, orange, the colors of fire activate physical and mental activity. It is better to use them in an office, a sports room, but not preferably in a bedroom.

Green and blue calm and help restore strength. It is ideal to use them in the bedroom and nursery. White is a color symbolizing purity and harmony. Suitable for any room.

How to choose an apartment according to Feng Shui?

A successful purchase will be the apartment that is being sold due to happy events in the life of the previous owners (expansion of living space due to the birth of a child, improvement in financial situation).
Accordingly, negative events in the life of sellers (divorce, loss of a loved one, bankruptcy) do not bring good luck.

It is also important to consider the situation near your home. The location is favorable near parks, any children's and creative centers, and sports clubs. The proximity to a cemetery, hospital, and prison has a negative impact.

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