Money Lures: Symbols of Wealth and Prosperity

Some people believe that in order to have wealth, you need to work hard and hard, others prefer to trust magical symbols to attract money. Of course, having bought a bunch of things that symbolize wealth and sat down on the sofa, you won’t be able to get what you want; you will need to make some efforts, and fate will help with this.

Using the knowledge of the ancient Taoist teachings - Feng Shui, you can attract love, happiness, health, as well as prosperity and money into your home. As a rule, to do this, they carry out a rearrangement, throw out old things and acquire certain symbols that attract the necessary. In the teaching, each sector of life has its own side of the world, the ruling element and the predominant color.

Where is the wealth zone in the house?

An ancient teaching says: in order to attract love into the house, you should start arranging the southwestern part of the house, and to advance up the career ladder - its northern part.

Such a vital sector as wealth and material well-being is located in the southeastern part of the house, where the element of wood rules. This sector can be activated using colors and materials that match the ruling element, as well as other decorations that symbolize wealth.

For the interior, you can use any wooden elements and furniture in shades associated with wood - woody, green, and blue-blue colors are also allowed, relating to the element of water that nourishes wood.

Additionally, you can use photo wallpapers, paintings or photographs that display seething energy, growth, movement, for example, depicting a waterfall, stream, reeds, forest grove. Representatives of the woody element – ​​indoor plants – should also be placed in this part of the interior. Crassula or money tree, ficus, lemon bush, palm trees are preferred.

What symbols of money and wealth are there?

Special money symbols are used to enhance the attraction of wealth into the home. It is also preferable to place them in the wealth sector, but some require a different location.


One of the ancient Chinese signs that attracts wealth is the hieroglyph Wealth. Such a sign, according to ancient teaching, has powerful attractive energy.

The hieroglyph can be applied to the wall with special paints yourself, which will only enhance its impact. Having absorbed your energy, he will focus on your desires. You can also use his photograph, panel or embroidery.

You can place it not only in the south-eastern part of the house, but also at the entrance and even in your wallet. This symbol helps to change for the better not only the financial, but also the spiritual side of a person.

To make a symbol of wealth, you need to use natural materials: fabric, paint, threads and even a frame.

Turtle and Toad

Figures such as a turtle or a toad with three legs, located on a pile of coins and with a slot or coin in its mouth, attract money into the house. If the coin is missing, it must be placed.

The figurine should be made of real metal, preferably gold in color. The main rule for placement in the house is that the figurine should look into the house, and not out of it. This could be a living room or hallway, but it is not recommended to install it in a bedroom, bathroom or kitchen.

Following the traditions of China, you can place several toads of different sizes in the wealth sector, which will not only attract money, but also protect the existing well-being of the owners.


Any water source that has movement, such as a home fountain or an aquarium filled with goldfish. Moving water symbolizes the continuous circulation of finances and vital energy, so water in aquariums should not be stagnant.
In fountains, rising water is associated with increasing family income. Also, next to indoor plants, it will be a wonderful addition to the interior, which will also attract great luck to the house.

Goldfish, fish in general and especially Arowana fish, according to ancient Chinese philosophy, are not only a symbol of abundance and financial success, but also have a beneficial effect on family life, attracting harmony and happiness into it.

Money Tree

Also one of the most popular signs of wealth is a natural or artificial money tree. The living plant, called Crassula, should be placed in the southeast part of the house.

Such a talisman can be purchased in a store, placing a few coins at the bottom of the pot, or you can borrow a shoot from financially prosperous people, which will be charged with this attractive energy.

An artificial tree can have gold-colored coins or small natural semi-precious stones instead of leaves. Such a symbol will bring prosperity and fulfillment of desires to the home, and will also contribute to improved health.

The presence of large leaves on a money bush symbolizes attracting more wealth and happiness to the house.


A few more strong money symbols:

  1. a figurine of one of the seven gods, responsible for happiness, wealth and prosperity - Hotei. In order for him to contribute to the establishment of financial well-being in the family, his image must be complemented by a bag of money or he must sit on a bowl filled with coins. Also, according to Chinese legend, it is possible to fulfill a cherished wish by rubbing his stomach exactly 300 times. The figurine of this deity should be made of shiny material. It is preferable to place such a symbol in the bedroom, living room or hallway; it is not recommended to install it in the restroom, bathroom and kitchen;

  2. Ancient Chinese coins, complemented with special hieroglyphs and designs, also have enormous magical attractive power. Such symbols can be placed both in the wealth zone and in the owner’s wallet, under the entrance rug or simply on the walls. An important fact is that when tying them with red or gold thread, the effectiveness of this talisman increases. According to Chinese traditions, it is not advisable to tie four coins, it is better to use an odd number, for example, three;
  3. The cup of wealth also has special magical powers. It should be made of metal (copper, bronze, silver, gold), ceramics or crystal, and shaped like a pumpkin with the top cut off, which symbolizes the easy entry of wealth, but the difficult exit. Such a thicket is filled to the brim with Chinese coins (9 pieces), which must be tied together with a thread, alternating with minerals (topaz, malachite, rock crystal, carnelian) and their own jewelry, possibly containing precious stones. It can be preferably located in the bedroom of the owners of the house. Looking at her, one should dream of wealth and well-being in the family.

Horseshoe for luck

The most popular symbol of good luck. Even children know about it. It is believed that a metal horseshoe on the door of a house brings good luck to its owners if it is hung with the ends down. You can turn the horseshoe 180 degrees - then it will protect your home from dark forces.

Previously, only found horseshoes were hung on the door; they are the ones that have real power. However, it is almost impossible to find such an amulet in a modern metropolis. In search of luck, you need to go to a village where there are horses on the farm.

It is not known exactly why the horseshoe became a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Perhaps because metal used to be at a high price, and it was generally difficult to live without a horse.

In other countries

In Japanese tradition, the ancient symbol of wealth and good luck is the maneki-neko (money cat). He is a plump cat with one raised paw, which performs calling actions.

It is made mainly from porcelain or wood, but the color will determine what to attract into the house: white - for luck and good fortune, black - for protection from misfortune and evil, gold - luck in finance, pink - establishing family relationships . Open eyes will attract distant wealth, and closed eyes will attract close ones.

In Egypt, signs that attract wealth and good luck are the Ankh sign (“key of the Nile”) and the scarab beetle, which can be decorated with boxes, combs, mirrors and even jewelry. They will bring not only financial well-being, but also prosperity in business and success in life.

According to Indian beliefs, placing figurines or images of an elephant in the house will help attract well-being, stability and prosperity into the family and home.

Ankh Sign

Mediterranean countries consider the grapevine a symbol of prosperity, good luck and wealth. It is on New Year's Eve that this symbol is present on the table, and a grape eaten during each chime will help make your wish come true.

How to activate an amulet that attracts money

How to activate a plant so that it begins to work as a talisman has already been said above. Note that any amulet needs this procedure, otherwise it will remain just a decorative thing. Many talismans have detailed instructions for initializing them. In this case, we recommend following them. In another situation, you can do it like this:

  • Wrap the amulet in a clean red cloth, preferably natural.
  • Place on the windowsill overnight.

This ritual is performed on a waxing moon or on a full moon with a clear sky. Moonlight should fall on the talisman wrapped in cloth.

Amulets and amulets for attracting money and good luck are, although powerful, still only helpers on the path to well-being and prosperity. It is important not to forget that these items are only an aid to your own actions. Therefore, the main words, initiative, actions are yours!

What to do if the talisman is ineffective and a person does not notice any positive changes in the financial side of his life? Perhaps the negativity is hidden in you. Somewhere in the depths of your mind you do not believe in success, and these thoughts materialize. Get rid of doubts, believe in yourself. The amulet will help you and you will achieve success. Faith works miracles!

Some tips

The attraction of wealth and prosperity in the wealth zone and in the home as a whole will increase if you consider the following tips:

  • housing must be kept clean and tidy, since positive energy does not tolerate garbage and disorder;
  • be sure to get rid of faulty things, they help accumulate negative energy;
  • do not buy all the magical items and place them in the house, just a few are enough, which should be located in the appropriate zones in the house;
  • You should not place a mirror opposite the main entrance, so as not to reflect incoming luck and wealth.

How do amulets that attract money work?

If you use amulets that attract money and good luck correctly, they will help you:

  • discover new opportunities that you did not previously know existed;
  • organize a stable cash flow;
  • attract the right people to your side, take advantage of the current circumstances;
  • believe in yourself and your own strengths;
  • attract good luck, a happy occasion, such as finding money or valuables, winnings, a gift;
  • easily move up the career ladder in your chosen field;
  • improve relationships in the financial sector, for example, your bad debt will be returned to you or the bank will approve a loan;
  • make your home a permanent place for money.

The amulet helps a person to be thrifty and stop spending money on unnecessary things and dubious pleasures.

Your talisman will protect your savings from irrational use. You will not become a defrauded shareholder, you will not invest money in an enterprise that will subsequently go bankrupt.

As soon as you have the amulet, you will immediately feel confidence and strength, the ability to acquire and increase wealth. Each talisman has a certain magic. We will talk about the most popular of them below.

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