Southeast Money Zone according to Feng Shui: how to activate

The ancient system of knowledge about the distribution of energy flows in space, known to us as Feng Shui, is widely used in modern days for arranging interior elements and planning zones in apartments, houses and offices. Knowing the basic ideas dictated by this Eastern teaching, you can even build a house from scratch in which proper circulation of energy will be ensured without stagnation and dead ends.

Following the principles of Feng Shui, you can create almost ideal conditions in almost any apartment to attract money, love, luck and other aspects of human well-being. Let us examine in detail how money is attracted with the help of Feng Shui.


According to the rules of Feng Shui, the wealth zone should be arranged in the southeast of the apartment. Use a compass to determine which room corresponds to the money sector.

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According to Eastern philosophy, monetary energy can be activated through the correct organization of space. To do this, you need to know what color scheme the interior is decorated in, what money talismans enhance the energy of wealth. By following simple rules, you can easily organize the financial sector, allowing you to solve financial difficulties.

How to activate the wealth zone in an apartment

To activate the zone, the following steps must be taken:

  • carry out general cleaning;
  • throw away all unnecessary things;
  • fix broken things;
  • put things in order, put things in their places;
  • ventilate the room to prevent energy stagnation.

This way you will make room for the influx of monetary energy.

To activate the wealth sector, you need to arrange it correctly, that is, take into account the colors that are present in the interior, the arrangement of furniture, and design elements.

Be sure to pay attention to the light. During the day, the sun's rays should enter the window; twilight in the room is undesirable. Hang a bright chandelier and place lamps. If a light bulb burns out, change it immediately.

You can decorate the wealth area with flowers. Place large flowers, from the ficus genus, money trees or citrus fruits. If you don’t have time to care for flowers, place a basket of oranges.

Bowls, vases, and barrels filled with coins or shells will also help activate the zone. Such treasuries will attract wealth. Keep treasures in a desk or locked cabinet.

In the wealth sector they put drawings or photographs of what they have long dreamed of. A green plant perfectly activates the wealth zone. A money tree works well. Next to a real tree, you can also put an artificial one - with coins or ornamental stones instead of leaves.

An aquarium is an ideal option for activating the Feng Shui money zone in an apartment. Choose an aquarium with round or rectangular shapes: they create positive flows of monetary energy. It is best to start gold-colored fish, as they have good energy.

To attract money in Feng Shui, it is recommended to have eight goldfish (a symbol of material well-being and wealth) and one black one (it protects the owners from adverse influences and plays the role of a protector). If for any reason one dies, they replace it with a new one and bury the old one outside their home. It is believed that in this way the fish took on all the negative energy. You can have more fish, but it is advisable that their number be a multiple of nine: 9.18 or 36 pieces.

It is important to monitor the condition of the fish in the aquarium. It is necessary to regularly clean the aquarium and change the water.

Some items adversely affect the well-being of apartment residents. They should not be kept in the wealth sector.

  • You cannot keep an empty piggy bank in the wealth zone.
  • If there is a mirror hanging in the money sector, it should not reflect the front door.
  • It is unacceptable to place a trash can in the money sector.
  • You cannot place metal objects in the money zone. Remove frames and pictures with metal frames.
  • It is undesirable to place a fireplace and anything related to the element of fire in the wealth zone.
  • You should not hang pictures of autumn or the desert. They symbolize decay.
  • Antiques should also not be in the wealth sector. He has accumulated old energy, which prevents new flows from moving.


For the wealth zone to start “working”, it needs to be activated. It is important to take into account everything: the color scheme of the interior, the arrangement of furniture and decor.

The recommendations are as follows:

  1. The monetary sector should always be well covered. It’s great if the windows face the sunny side. Otherwise, you need to take care of purchasing bright lamps. Change burnt out light bulbs promptly.
  2. If there are mirrors in the room, the front door should not be reflected in them. Reflection will direct monetary energy back, preventing it from circulating freely.
  3. If there is a bathroom or toilet in the wealth sector, this is an unfavorable sign from a Feng Shui point of view. Money in such a family will flow down the toilet without staying for long. To neutralize negativity, hang crystals, bells or wind chimes above the bathroom door.
  4. A bedroom in a money zone is a great option. In this case, the wealth sector is activated automatically. It’s also nice if the money area is in the living room.
  5. The color scheme of the room should be decorated in green, purple, blue or gold tones. It is believed that they attract money to the house and help find new sources of income.

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Putting things in order

To ensure your financial situation meets your needs, start by deep cleaning your home. Money loves impeccable order. If you don’t keep the room clean, finances, even if they appear, will soon disappear.

It is better to remove things that you do not use for a long time from living areas. And old or torn things should be thrown in the trash. Also, you should not store chipped or broken dishes or cups riddled with cracks in the house. The refrigerator and stove should always look perfectly clean. They are symbols of home.

Remember that material goods do not become guests of houses with broken furniture, leaking taps and mold.

Water is the main element for attracting money

Don't forget that water is the generative element in the wealth zone. Therefore, it is important to take into account the presence of “water” in this area. By the way, water in the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui symbolizes money. And not only, apparently, in Chinese.

Remember our Russian “money is like water through your fingers”, “money flows like water”. Therefore, we agree with the Chinese: it is better to let water flow away, not money. Therefore, install a fountain - both money in the house and an air humidifier of some kind. True, Feng Shui experts say that the fountain must work uninterruptedly, otherwise it will be of no use. By the way, why a fountain and not a glass of water?

A glass of water is also suitable, but in a glass the water is “standing”, “stagnant”, and in a fountain it is “moving”, that is, “working”. Again, symbols and metaphors. BUT! It’s worth putting fish in this glass of water and - Oh, magic! – from “stagnant” water it turns into “living” water. Which means “working”. These are the tricks.

Our advice to you: if you still want to have fish instead of a fountain, then think in advance who you will put in your “glass”. There are fish that can live without a special device that saturates the water with oxygen (called a compressor), and there are those that cannot.

A consultant at a pet store will tell you. What are we talking about? Besides, dead fish in an aquarium (like dead wood in a flower pot) are a bad sign on the way to the coveted wealth *unknw* Don’t forget: metaphors are everything!

By the way, an image of water (preferably a fountain) is also suitable. Just don’t hang pictures of Niagara Falls on the walls in the hope that you will be crushed by the rapid flow of cash flows: there should be moderation in everything! Well, a stagnant pond, however, will not add money to you either.

Money corner in the apartment

The elements responsible for wealth in Feng Shui are water and wood. Therefore, the following items can be placed in the money corner:

  • fountain;
  • small aquarium;
  • wooden bowl with coins;
  • bamboo;
  • image of water or tree;
  • wooden Buddha statue;
  • a bowl of water;
  • jewelry box;
  • figurine of a toad with a coin in its mouth.

Favorable colors for the Money angle: green (element of wood) and black, blue (element of water).

You can decorate the money corner with a purple tablecloth or curtains.

Be sure to maintain cleanliness, do not allow the Corner of Prosperity and Wealth to become covered with cobwebs and dust, so as not to block the cash flow.

Money tree is the most common plant in homes and offices.

What elements govern the wealth zone?

Like any other sector, the wealth zone is filled with energy flows controlled by the elements, some of which support and strengthen it, others, on the contrary, have a negative impact. In order not to cause energy contradictions and not provoke problems associated with financial well-being, it is necessary to place objects here that are under the protection of the governing element.

The southeastern monetary zone is under the protection of the element of Wood and is supported by the elements of Water, which nourishes the tree, and Earth, which gives the tree a solid foundation. In addition to the elements themselves, protective geometric shapes, colors and aromas are also important. For the monetary sector, the following are considered patronizing:

  • aromas of rose, orchid, patchouli;
  • colors of wood, water and earth: green, emerald, blue, brown, light yellow, beige;
  • geometric shapes representing wood (rectangular, oblong), water (with twisting outlines), earth (square).

Folk signs

Since ancient times, there have been signs on how to attract money to your home. Our ancestors knew what rules needed to be followed in order to gain wealth:

  • It is better to repay debts in the morning on the waning moon. If you took a large bill, then you should give it back in small ones.
  • You need to hand the money to the seller with your right hand, and take the change with your left.
  • Borrowing funds is allowed on any day of the week except Tuesday.
  • After sunset, you should not count money, give it to someone, or ask for a loan.
  • The foam that has formed on the tea should be drunk immediately.
  • When giving alms, try not to touch the beggar with your hand.
  • Before lunch, be sure to eat a crust of salted bread.
  • You can't whistle or sit on the table in the house. These actions are a big drain on money.
  • At night, part of the savings must lie under the tablecloth.
  • If you cut your nails on Tuesdays or Fridays, good luck will visit your home more often.
  • The broom in the house should always be upside down.

And remember - you can raise money in many ways. But the main condition for success is a positive mood and harmony in your home. Money and luck will never come to untidy, lazy people.

Be sure to share this information with your friends, so that everything will be fine in their home!

Zone elements

It is worth remembering a small rule in this sector:

  • the main element is wood
  • generative – Water

This is why green, purple, dark blue and light blue are the main colors of wealth according to Feng Shui.

  • the weakening element of the sector is Fire
  • destructive – Metal

Therefore, there should not be any fiery shades, as well as silver ones. By the way, this also applies to metal figurines and furniture. Tough taboo. Place wooden furniture - it will not only provide freedom of movement of qi energy, but will activate the money sector.

Where to put a money tree according to Feng Shui in an apartment

There are also money plants that help attract financial flows to the apartment and increase wealth.

The most famous money plant that provides abundance is the money tree (crassula). It has small round leaves that look like coins. Do not pick off the leaves of the money tree. And to increase the family budget when planting a plant, bury any coin in a pot with a fat plant.

It is advisable to place the money tree near a window facing southeast. Choose a green or red pot for the plant. You need to carefully care for the plant, do not forget to water it.

Geraniums and cacti also attract finance to the apartment. Cacti serve a dual function:

  1. “strung” wealth on their thorns;
  2. protect from thieves.

How to enhance the effects of the elements

The wealth zone is dominated by two elements - Water and Wood. To activate the money sector, you need to decorate the space with appropriate symbols.


  1. To activate the energy of the Tree, place flower pots with living plants in the room. The ideal option is a money tree. If you don't like caring for flowers, you can replace them with paintings of floral arrangements or still lifes.
  2. Indoor fountains and aquariums with live fish are perfect for activating the energy of Water. These items must be kept perfectly clean.
  3. As a last resort, simply place a glass container filled with clean water in the wealth sector. Change the water regularly to prevent it from stagnating and becoming clogged with room dust.

You can complement the interior with various oriental talismans with Chinese coins, paintings depicting elements of the Water element (waterfalls, seas, rivers and oceans).


What are the basic rules of Feng Shui for attracting wealth?

  • Light . Lamps, lamps, clean windows attract light into the apartment, and therefore money.
  • Purity . Dirt and clutter in the home attract negativity, form stagnation of energy and impede the movement of monetary energy.
  • Feeling of comfort . Residents of the house should feel comfortable in the apartment, and they should like the interior.
  • Plants for wealth . The attraction of wealth is provided by the money tree and citrus trees - orange, lemon, tangerine.
  • Pets . Fish are considered a symbol of prosperity. Therefore, an aquarium should be placed in the apartment.
  • Talismans of wealth . These are paintings and photos depicting money, a horseshoe, a money toad, Chinese coins, and “wind chimes.”

Where to store money according to Feng Shui in an apartment?

It is best to keep banknotes in drawers, boxes, boxes, paper folders or red envelopes. All cash storage in the apartment should be made of natural materials.

According to Feng Shui, the ideal place to store money is the living room, dining room or kitchen. The greatest activity in the apartment occurs in these rooms, which means that the most powerful energy is there, therefore, monetary energy is also enhanced.

As a place to store finances in the kitchen, preference should be given to places such as sealable containers with bulk products, a refrigerator or a pantry. It is believed that the energy of reserves is concentrated in these places, due to the activity of which the financial condition increases.

The living room and dining room are the most common rooms for entertaining guests or gathering places for the whole family. The energy of joy, love, as well as profit from gifts received from guests is accumulated here. According to Feng Shui, money hidden in these rooms is saturated with positive energy and, like magnets, attracts new bills.

What colors attract wealth?

Gold, green, lilac, dark blue, violet and black colors.

Feng Shui of the workplace to attract money

In order for everything to go well at work, your bosses don’t find fault, your colleagues love you, and your salary increases, you need to think about decorating your space. Pay attention to the position of your desk where you work. Correct location:

  • You are sitting at a table with your back to the wall
  • The window and entrance door are located to your right or left (diagonally across the room)
  • Good natural light on the left
  • It is recommended to sit away from a large window
  • The table should not be on the same line between the window and the front door
  • There should be no overhanging beams or ceiling elements with clear edges overhead

According to Feng Shui, the desktop should not be reflected in the mirror or any shiny surfaces in the office. To your left you can place a table lamp with a golden shade. The golden color has the ability to attract wealth, prosperity, and money.

If there is enough space on the table, then it would be useful to install some kind of talisman to attract money (a three-toed frog, an elephant, a Ganesha figurine). If you do everything according to Feng Shui, you will have good luck at work and your career will take off.

Take out the trash regularly

Moreover, this should be done not in the evening, but during the day. Try not to leave garbage overnight, as this can lead to unexpected waste. Periodic ventilation of the room is considered a faithful assistant in attracting wealth.

Fresh air followed by aromatization will play a huge role in improving your financial condition. Money loves rooms filled with the aromas of mint, orange, basil, cinnamon and rosemary.

Problem situations

A person does not always have the opportunity to choose the location of rooms relative to the cardinal directions.

In the bathroom

The worst thing for the Wealth zone is its accidental coincidence with the bathroom or toilet. If you don't take action, money will flow out of your life like water down a drain.

What to do:

  1. Place as many green plants as possible in the restroom.
  2. Hang a mirror on the door (from the outside), but so that it does not reflect sharp corners and the entrance to the home.
  3. Keep the toilet lid closed at all times.
  4. Plug the bathtub drain with a stopper.
  5. Hang red ribbons on the pipes.
  6. Eliminate the attributes of wealth.
  7. Always keep it clean and smelling good.

It's okay if the finance sector coincides with the bedroom. Just pay close attention to the symbols and talismans.

In the bedroom

In the room where spouses relax, there is no place for aquariums, fountains and other open water; even images of the sea can negatively affect mutual understanding, respect and fidelity.

You shouldn’t get carried away with flowers: at night they take away the energy of the sleeper. To attract wealth, it is enough to decorate your bed chicly.

What to do if one of the mascot fish died? In Feng Shui, this is considered a good sign: the pet took on negative energy and protected you. Get a new fish as soon as possible to restore the numbers.

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