Animal figurines in the house will tell about the owner and protect the home

» Feng Shui » Interpretation of nature according to Feng Shui



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The ancient Eastern science of Feng Shui is aimed at improving human well-being, attracting a positive aura and good luck in everything. A talisman is one of the most effective Feng Shui tools in improving a person’s life. Each figurine or object is endowed with unique magical powers and attracts favorable energy. Today we will tell you what nature and animals symbolize according to Feng Shui, and how these symbols help to attract all worldly blessings into your home.

Feng Shui interpretation of nature


A sitting cat figurine will attract wealth, success, prosperity and good luck. If a cat's tail is raised, then such a talisman will bring optimism and success to the owner. And graceful cats, made in Egyptian style, symbolize feminine strength and motherhood.

It doesn’t matter at all whether the owner of the figurines believes in the Chinese sages of Feng Shui or decorates his home with figurines in order to give it his own unique style. The main thing is that table or floor animal figures emphasize the individuality of the home, please the eye and bring positive emotions to a person’s life.

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12 most powerful feng shui talismans for the home (1 video)

Animal figurines - talismans (14 photos)


The symbolism of animals occupies a special place in ancient Eastern science. These are traditional Chinese talismans that help a person find wealth, happiness, luck and love. Let us consider in detail the meaning of each talisman.

The Dragon

One of the most powerful symbols in Feng Shui is the dragon. This creature, holding a pearl of wisdom in its paws, is the personification of wisdom, greatness and harmony in the home. It generates life, brings kindness and gives success in all matters and endeavors.

The dragon helps to advance in career, improve financial affairs and is a good protector for a person from ill-wishers.

In ancient times, such a figurine was a symbol of honor for the Chinese emperor. Therefore, he patronizes the strong half of humanity.


A three-legged golden frog with a coin in its mouth is a symbol of wealth and great luck. Where is the best place to put it? According to Feng Shui, this figurine must be placed at the entrance to the house. Some people place such a talisman in every room near the front door. You can place 24 coins around it, which will become a sign of prosperity throughout the day.

The golden toad can be placed in bodies of water - a water fountain, a waterfall or a lake. Also, such a figurine can be placed near a pond. It is important that the coin in the mouth is hieroglyphic facing up. According to Feng Shui, it is believed that if a coin falls out of a toad’s mouth, it means that there will soon be a big profit in this house.


The meaning of a pig or wild boar according to the science of Feng Shui promises a person great profit, in any field. This could be either an addition to the family or big money in business. Pigs have always been considered a symbol of fertility and wealth.

You definitely need to place several figurines of a pig or wild boar in your house in order to increase everything that is already in it. If you want a child to be born in the family, you need to install three figures - a pig, a boar and next to them a figurine of a pig.


According to Feng Shui, turtles symbolize longevity, health and patience. According to feng shui experts, the optimal place to place such a talisman is the northern part of the house. The turtle can be placed near a pond or any other body of water.

An ox, like a turtle, in Feng Shui means the same thing. Therefore, it is these animals that are most often recommended to be given to older people. They will support their health and give them strength. The science of feng shui says the same thing if you get a live turtle. It pushes its owners towards an active lifestyle and encourages them to always move forward, albeit slowly but surely.

There is another unusual creature that came to us from ancient mythology - the dragon turtle. He was revered in ancient China and is revered today. A turtle with a dragon's head is a life-giving symbol and creates powerful protection against negativity for the home and its owners.


This kind and harmless symbol means longevity, health, compassion and the birth of something new. A rabbit, like a hare, surrounded by its cubs, brings prosperity and well-being to a person’s home.


The energy of this animal is very strong, just like in nature. It is recommended that a businessman keep this talisman in his home or office. The Tiger helps to attract good and rich partners, facilitates the successful conclusion of profitable deals and helps promote business.

In addition, this talisman is endowed with strong creative energy and helps to develop hidden creative qualities in a person. When paired with a dragon, the tiger's magical power is enhanced.


Cat for good luck

If you are haunted by only failures, you should get such a talisman. According to Feng Shui, a cat or cat attracts success and good luck in everything. These animals help to overcome any troubles in life.

Cats have a particularly good effect on female representatives. They give them self-confidence, fill them with sexual energy and attractiveness.

In addition, cats promote the development of intuition and help make the right decisions.


A talisman such as a horse means freedom, endurance, strong willpower, indomitability and fearlessness for a person. This is a unique talisman that simultaneously combines the qualities of several animals:

  • eagle insight;
  • leonine masculinity;
  • deer swiftness.

This talisman is best suited for impetuous people who need endurance and endurance. These are athletes and representatives of courageous professions.


This talisman helps very well in risky matters. The image of a monkey is a symbol of dexterity, ingenuity and wit.

Such an animal helps creative people at the peak of loss of fame. According to Feng Shui, such a talisman inspires, helps to develop fantasies, new ideas and successfully implement them.


These kind animals have a beneficial effect on humans. They are a symbol of support for a person who requires help and salvation from any troubles and sorrows. In addition, dolphins help a person find what he really wants and fulfill his most cherished desires. Dolphins are often placed near a pond. Other bodies of water are also suitable for their stay - waterfalls, rivers, lakes.


This is one of the most significant and popular figures in the science of Feng Shui. Those who revere Far Eastern science certainly have such a figurine in their home. After all, it protects against robberies, unpleasant incidents, bitter losses and failures.

On the other hand, the rhinoceros is endowed with not only a protective function. Such an animal will bring good luck, prosperity and success to the house.


This figure is more suitable for women. It symbolizes their unfading beauty and good women's health. For all other family members, the snake will become a symbol of constant renewal, movement and wisdom.


A figurine depicting this animal is a symbol of kindness, generosity, honesty, and sincerity. Therefore, owners who have a panda mascot in their house have all these qualities.


This magical animal is highly revered in China. It is the patron of all winged creatures. For the owner, the phoenix figurine means glory, prosperity and great success.

Phoenix helps in realizing all your goals and helps you fulfill your most cherished desires.


This talisman is often used to drive away bad things from home, including bad dreams. Experts say that wolves pose a certain danger of the other world for humans, so they should be kept as a Feng Shui talisman with great caution. The same applies to the fox, which is the personification of evil and cunning.


The ancient Chinese believe that the hedgehog is a symbol of friendliness, nobility and kindness, so they highly recommend having such a figurine at home.

If you were given a horse, what does that mean?

A horse is an enduringly strong animal. This doesn't mean you have to work like a cart horse. Horses are different. The horse figurine symbolizes swiftness, forward movement, and a quick change of events. We must adapt to new circumstances quickly. A horse figurine will help you quickly get through troubles and overcome a crisis.

Remember that the winged Pegasus, the source of inspiration, was also a horse. A winged horse can fly up and carry you very high on the wings of dreams and inspiration. Signs: if a couple of lovers meet a white horse, then cloudless happiness lies ahead. Remember the fabulous animals unicorns, close relatives of horses. Horse figurine:

  • Speaks of speed and rapid advancement
  • Symbol of persistent overcoming obstacles
  • Helps solve problems
  • Brings you out of crisis and troubles
  • White horse brings happiness

What do bird figurines mean?

Swallows, doves, cranes and swans, each bird has its own symbolic meaning, which goes back to the beliefs and signs of distant days. Today we give figurines of animals and birds to friends often because they are beautiful. It is worth putting symbolic meaning into the gift, telling a beautiful legend or a lucky omen.

The figurine of a swallow is a harbinger of the approaching spring. Swallows build nests and take care of the chicks, protecting the house. A figurine of a swallow with a nest patronizes the hearth and takes care of children. You can give a beautiful figurine of a swallow as a symbol of striving upward and developing your talents. It is a symbol of freedom and youth. Swallows fly high. Soar your dreams high, but don't forget to make them come true.

Crane, noble bird. The crane means fidelity, devotion, longevity, good health. As a mythical creature, the crane accompanied the Greek god Apollo and was the messenger of the sun and spring. In the mythology of eastern countries, the crane occupies a place of honor.

Lucky peacock. The peacock is revered in all cultures. The ancient Romans believed that the peacock symbolized the stars. In Asia, it is patience and kindness. In the West, holiness. The peacock spreads its tail for happiness and well-being in the family. A peacock figurine is a good gift for both men and women. Helps in business development and generates new ideas.

When choosing an animal figurine, rely on your feelings

Animal figurines can be bought in souvenir shops, gift departments in large shopping centers, and online stores. Sellers offer a huge selection of souvenirs. Elephants, giraffes, frogs, roosters, tigers and monkeys... It is impossible to list all the animal figures. You can choose any figurine to suit your taste, color and budget. Some figures will inspire you, some you won’t like, some you will remain indifferent to.

Quite unexpectedly, a strange energetic connection with an inanimate figure may arise. Listen to your subconscious. Maybe an animal figurine represents certain qualities of your nature, or the artist’s skill “breathed” life into stone, metal or porcelain.

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Rodents are not welcome in the home

According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to have rodents in your home. Ancient experts claim that decorative hamsters, rats and other rodents inhibit the spiritual and material growth of their owners. The same can be said about the rodent mascot.

Therefore, if you are an active person and strive for something new and better, it is better not to keep such a talisman at home.

Leo is the king of beasts and the figure of kings

The king of beasts is a symbol of strength, power, justice. In the Middle Ages, the lion was associated with royalty and the king. Lion statues always lay at the feet of men. In Chinese mythology, the lion enjoyed well-deserved respect. Leo protects the family, scares away evil demons, and brings good luck in business. Statues of lions were placed in pairs at the entrance to the dwelling, at the entrance gate. It was believed that lions are reliable protectors.

A lion figurine is a symbol of power, strength, energy. Leo will bring courage, determination, nobility, and power to the owner. The image of a lion has powerful positive energy. If you have difficulties, you are not decisive, then the lion figurine will add courage and bravery to you. Leo is not used to retreating; all doors open before him. Lion figurine in the house

  • Helps uphold principles
  • Gives energy and strength
  • Means nobility and power

Dragon, mythical animal. In European culture, the mythical dragon is associated with evil. In Chinese culture, the dragon, on the contrary, personifies good forces. The classification of dragons in Chinese mythology is complex. The dragon symbol is a sign of imperial power. Today, when buying a dragon figurine, many rely on their own taste, and not on ancient legends.

Fox figurine. It's not so simple with a fox. In the Western imagination, many animals have a bad reputation, such as rats, pigs or dragons. With a fox it's the other way around. In the West, people admire the intelligence, intelligence, determination and beauty of the red-haired beast. In China, the fox appears as a sorceress, with a controversial reputation. She has a connection with spirits and the other world. A fox figurine will teach diplomacy:

  • Flexibility and grace
  • Diplomatic Mind
  • Flexibility in communication
  • Dexterity in business

A panther figurine is a great gift for a successful woman. Panther is a cat woman in a square. A brave, confident and graceful big cat will conquer not only with its strength, but also with its intelligence. The panther protects the house from evil spirits, ill-wishers and troubles. She believes that home is a fortress and will not allow enemies into her lair. The doors are always open to friends and all people with good intentions. The panther figurine will appeal to self-confident, seductive women who understand love.

Dog figurine - guardian and symbol of faith

Around the 12th century in medieval Europe, animal figurines began to be placed at the feet of statues. Figures of dogs were often placed at the feet of the lying sculpture on the tombstone. The dog had a “feminine” nature. She was the patron of the deceased in the afterlife. Some researchers believe that dogs prevented the return of the deceased by protecting life. A dog figurine signifies loyalty, devotion and faith in all world cultures.

In Ancient China, the attitude towards dogs was ambiguous, but, nevertheless, dogs drive away evil and help drive out demons. It was believed that if a dog approaches you with its tail raised and wagging, then this is a good sign, foreshadowing the appearance of wealth. Legends give examples of dogs being faithful to their owners. It is better to place the dog’s figure facing the front door or window. Thus, she will protect the house from enemies.

The following figurines are available for sale:

  • a bear sitting near a tree stump, awakened from hibernation, is refreshed by a young shoot;
  • a bear with freshly caught fish in its clawed paws and mouth;
  • a predator standing on its hind legs with a powerful animal grin;
  • a bear on four legs - depicted in such a position as if heading to inspect its forest possessions;
  • a bear on an ice floe, on the animal’s muzzle there is a predatory grin, it seems that he is growling;
  • a bear on four paws, with one front resting on a fallen log, and the second put forward, the mouth is slightly open and sharp teeth are visible.

feng shui symbols

A Feng Shui talisman is a kind of well-being activator that attracts a certain type of energy into our lives. For example, some talisman contributes to the emergence of mutual love, another to the acquisition of wealth and abundance, a third to strengthen health, a fourth to attract success... We can say that talismans are a kind of magnets that attract favorable energies and harmonize them, creating a certain magnetic field . With the help of talismans, you express what exactly your soul strives for.

In Feng Shui, there are two types of talismans. Firstly, these are traditional classical Chinese talismans. For example, figurines of gods representing love, wealth, health and longevity; images of some animals, fish and birds, all kinds of coins, vases, candles, crystal lamps, bells... Each of them is endowed with a certain symbolic meaning. Such talismans are very effective, because they have thousands of years of experience behind them.

The second type of talismans is based on knowledge of the five main elements in the Chinese tradition (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal) and their interaction. There is complete scope for your imagination here. Almost any object can become a talisman, even just a color or favorable shape, or features of the layout of your home. After all, it is the symbolic meaning of an object, color or shape that is important. Therefore, the effectiveness of such talismans depends only on your knowledge and imagination.

All this is designed to increase the owner’s well-being and strengthen his position. The richer a person is and the more he respects himself, the more expensive his talismans are and the greater their number. In rich Chinese houses, special rooms or even houses are reserved for them.

However, you should not turn your apartment into a museum of Feng Shui talismans. But well-chosen and correctly placed talismans can truly work wonders! Especially after you have carried out all the necessary preliminary procedures and prepared your home to activate the energy of luck: you have cleared the rubble, done general cleaning and carried out energetic cleansing of the space.

And the last thing I want to say before you plunge into the symbolism of Feng Shui objects: when choosing talismans, buy exactly those figures that you like both in terms of symbolism and meaning, as well as in appearance. Never buy a talisman if you don't like it.

Aquarium fish

People buy fish because they do not require special care. But this is not their main advantage. An aquarium, which is located in the money zone, attracts money and financial luck. Fish are a symbol of stability and create peace and general harmony in the home. If you often begin to conflict with members of your household, buy a small aquarium with fish. After a while, you will notice that the relationship has become much better. If you want only good energy in your home, then do not forget to feed and care for the fish.


Among all the talismans, fish occupy a special place in Feng Shui. Let's look at what they mean:

  1. Goldfish helps to attract wealth and prosperity into the home. According to Feng Shui, such fish solve financial problems and help you climb the career ladder. Therefore, it is recommended to keep not only figurines in the house, but also live gold fish in an aquarium.
  2. A figurine of 2 carp is a symbol of harmony between a woman and a man. According to Feng Shui, a figurine of 9 carps promises a person mountains of wealth and great prosperity. Where is the best place to place such figures? In order for carps to really help acquire these benefits, they must be placed in a low-traffic area in the sun. It is also worth remembering that carp will bring good luck only to that family where there will always be understanding and agreement.
  3. Arowana fish or dragon fish is one of the rarest and most expensive types of fish. According to Feng Shui, it is believed that live Arowana fish in the house will become a real magnet, attracting wealth and prosperity.
  4. In addition, according to Feng Shui, fish have the meaning of silence and reflection. They have a beneficial effect on the learning process. According to experts, you can keep fish in a room with a favorable aura and good lighting.

Home vegetation plays an important role in this. Some flowers have heavy energy, for example pike tail, yucca, cacti. Therefore, it is recommended to keep them away from indoor fish. And for the person himself, such plants in the bedroom are of no use.


It is not only a person’s faithful friend, but also a source of good energy. In a house where there is a dog, it is always joyful and everyone is happy, and the owners quarrel much less. Some types of breeds have a good effect on the home atmosphere and harmonize it. Just one touch to a puppy or an adult dog will increase your vitality and give you a little strength.

Just like cats, they know how to warn their owner about danger, but they do it differently. If your pet comes up to you and lies down next to you, do not ignore it, but be sure to pet it. This way you can find out what he wants to tell you.

Give dogs a little more time than other animals. An angry dog ​​is an accumulator of complex problems and negative energy. If your pet is a little aggressive, show him care and love, then he will be much kinder and more affectionate. When a dog is kind and cheerful, it can bring good luck and happiness to the house.

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