Where is the zone responsible for health according to Feng Shui?

Finding the health sector in the home

The health sector is located in the eastern part of the apartment.
To find the zone responsible for health according to Feng Shui, you should use a compass. This device will help you determine the cardinal directions and find the desired direction. In addition, a Bagua grid can help in your search. Read more: compass for Feng Shui operations

Eliminating unnecessary things

As soon as you correctly design the sector responsible for health according to Feng Shui, you need to pay attention to interior items, which can be called, according to teaching, poisoned arrows. These include all sharp corners directed at you, shelves with racks hanging above your head. It can also be beams. Such things have a destructive effect on the owners of the Feng Shui premises. That's why they try to get rid of them. For example, plants can help with this by blocking corners directed towards us. It is possible to use air bells or crystals in such places.

Please ensure that your bedroom is not located next to the bathroom or kitchen. According to Feng Shui, such proximity is harmful to health, especially if the bed is adjacent to the wall bordering the bathtub, toilet or kitchen stove. Before moving into a new home, find out how the previous owners lived. If they quarreled, this may affect your well-being. It is not advisable to sleep in the place where there was previously a bed with a long-sick person. To cleanse your home, it is good to invite a priest to perform the necessary ritual.

For positive energy at home, constant washing is required. It is done in this way: add 5 drops of rose oil to a bucket of water, wipe with this liquid everything that protrudes in the room, including doors and frames. Home renovation can be done with the help of air bells. All corners are ringing with them. Another beneficial effect on the energy of the house is cleaning unnecessary things from the mezzanine. They accumulate negativity for many years, so you need to get rid of it.

The view from the window plays a big role. If within your view there is a park area and playgrounds, then this is good, but if there is a cemetery and a hospital, it is urgent to weaken their influence. Checkered curtains will help you cope with this. But you need to place a lot of flowering plants on the windowsill.

If you properly arrange your health zone according to Feng Shui, this does not mean that you will immediately become healthy. It is important to maintain a positive attitude at home. It’s good when this sector is filled with fun and smiles. Pleasant music and bright thoughts should always be there. Among other things, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and take extra care of yourself.

Activation of the eastern zone of the apartment

To activate, you need to properly arrange the zone.

The color scheme should suit Earth and Water. You can take different shades of green, gray, black, blue, cyan. Bright fiery shades should not be present in this area. You should also get rid of metal structures.

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According to Feng Shui, the health zone should not accommodate bulky pieces of furniture. It is recommended to clear the area as much as possible so that physical obstacles do not interfere with the circulation of energy flows.

Objects made of ceramics, crystal, porcelain and clay will have a good effect. It is recommended to hang a crystal chandelier: this piece of furniture will bring positive changes to the lives of apartment residents. The lighting should not be too bright. It is prohibited to burn candles in this area.

Suitable mascots for this sector

One of the mascots of the zone is a special Chinese character. It is believed that it helps ward off diseases of various etiologies. You can use this sign in decoration. In addition, it will help the person wearing it as jewelry, a design on clothing, or a tattoo.

Read more: Feng Shui hieroglyphs

According to Feng Shui, you will feel better if there is a crystal lotus in your apartment. The image of this flower is a symbol of happiness, beauty, and prosperity. Chinese philosophy claims that a figurine depicting a lotus has a beneficial effect on a person’s memory.

As talismans, you can use turtles symbolizing wisdom and longevity, promoting the accumulation of vitality, cranes, and the deity Sau, who is responsible for health. It is recommended to place peaches in this sector. Both fresh fruits and their images made from various materials are suitable. Figurines in the form of deer and hares will have a beneficial effect on the health of people living in the house.

Houseplants promote health and longevity

Experts advise keeping live plants in the indicated sector. According to Feng Shui, small bonsai trees also attract positive energy. You can grow such a plant yourself at home or buy it. Bamboo symbolizes longevity.

It is important to water the plants in a timely manner. Dryness will attract negative energy and disease. Problems may also arise in the financial sector. In addition, dried flowers do not look very aesthetically pleasing.

It is recommended to install an aquarium with fish. He will drive away diseases. However, you should not have fish if you do not know how to care for them: if the fish start to get sick and die, then the residents of the house may experience unpleasant pathologies.

A fountain would be a good option. In addition, images of marine life hanging on the walls will have a beneficial effect. You should buy wooden frames for paintings.

Health and longevity according to Feng Shui

Without good health, it is difficult to feel completely happy. Even a strong family and a solid bank account will not bring much joy if you constantly live on pills and regularly visit doctors. Previously, in the East, living to the age of heavenly longevity, which is one hundred and twenty years, was the norm. And modern scientists have found that the resources of the human body can last for about two hundred years. In connection with these data, the legend that the founder of the internal style of Wushu, from which the popular health system of Taijiquan then emerged, Zhang San Fen, lived for about two hundred years, does not seem so implausible.

Each guest gets a pair of slippers

The rule for guests is: each guest gets a pair of guest slippers. As a rule, our friends or acquaintances usually come to our house as guests, so you don’t have to tell them to ask them to take off their shoes every time. You just need to have a pair of “guest” house slippers ready.

Each guest gets a pair of slippers

The patient needs the care of a doctor. And the further the doctor goes, the better!

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