Balance of elements in the Bazi chart. Five categories.

This is the eleventh lesson in Basics of Bazi and Feng Shui.

In the last lesson, you analyzed your Personality Element. You have learned about what nature lies within you, and what you will start from when analyzing your BATZI card further.

And the first pillar that we will look at is the pillar of the DAY. The Personality Element of a person is represented by the Heavenly Stem. And what is closest to the Personality Element has the strongest influence on it. And the closest element to the Element of Personality is its Earthly Branch.

The Pillar of the Day, in the BATZI chart, is called the Palace of Marriage; it is responsible for marriage, family, and personal life.

Analyzing this Pillar gives us information about how you see your family life. How do you perceive the person who lives next to you, what qualities of your spouse will you highlight first, what will you pay attention to, what will you see in him, and what will go unnoticed.

The palace of marriage does not describe your spouse, not the person who is your husband, it describes YOUR VIEW of the family union. YOUR VISION and YOUR PERCEPTION about it.

Apart from you, there is not a single real person in your BATZI card. All the other people you want to know about are YOUR VISION of these people. The BATZI card belongs to you personally, it represents the energies that make up YOU personally, and no one else has anything to do with it.

When you look at the Earthly Branch of the DAY, you see an animal there, which for you is the energy of family relationships. This is not your husband's personal energy. This is the animal through which you see your union.

The Animal of the Palace of Marriage shows how the Heavenly Stem - your Personality Element - passes through the Earthly Branch of the day, what charge does it receive, support or weakening? And we can find out whether you will experience a feeling of happiness in a union with your spouse, or whether you will have to seek compromises and take into account the features of your marriage Palace in order to become a happy family.

The analysis can be carried out according to plan.

Pillar Analysis Plan:

  1. Identifies the Deity that represents the animal standing in the Palace of Marriage. It could be: - Friend or Wealth Robber; — Wounding Officer or Devouring God; — Direct Wealth or Indirect Wealth; — Officer or 7th Killer; — Direct Resource or Indirect Resource.
  2. We determine the usefulness and non-usefulness of the Deity for the Personality Element. — To determine whether the energy of the animal that stands in the Palace of Marriage is useful for your Element of Personality, or not useful, just look at nature. And based on the Laws of Nature, try to imagine the image of the Pillar of Marriage.
  3. We determine the interaction of elements within the Pillar (control or generation?) - If generation, then who generates whom - Does the Personality Element generate the Spouse's Palace, or does the Spouse's Palace generate the Personality Element? — If control, then who controls whom? — Does the Personality Element control the Spouse’s Palace, or does the Spouse’s Palace control the Personality Element?
  4. We determine the usefulness or non-utility of generation or control. - Thus, you will answer the question: is a good animal in the pillar of marriage for you or a bad one? And you will be able to understand your true feeling, which is inherent in you regarding family and married life. Will you feel supported by your husband, or will you be afraid of him, or maybe you see him more as a mother, or a wallet. There are pillars of marriage where a woman ceases to be a woman, she changes roles with her husband.
  5. Determines the Stage of Growth of the Personality Element in the Marriage Pillar animal. Let's analyze this Qi Phase.
  6. Next we turn our attention to the Circle of Generation and Control. On the Circle of Generation we find the energy of a true husband for a woman, and a true wife for a man. - For a woman, we look at the Deity - OFFICER. - For a man for DIRECT WEALTH.
  7. And, lastly, and most importantly, we analyze the relationship between the energy of the animal of the Palace of Marriage and the energy of the element of the true spouse of a person. — Repeat all steps from step 1 to step 5

This plan is not only applicable to the Pillar of the DAY , this plan can be applied to any interaction of elements in the Bazi chart. Not only to the pillars, but also between elements located anywhere on the map.

Let's look at an example. This is a woman's card. Woman Soil, sitting on the Snake.

  1. The deity that stands in the Palace of Marriage is a Direct Resource for the Soil woman.

2. The snake is the Sun. Is the sun good for the soil in nature? Yes, useful! Therefore, this woman will strive to start her own family. She sees her family union as bright, warm, sunny. Direct Resource for a woman symbolizes her home, comfort, coziness, protection and support.

3. Within the pillar, the Soil on the Serpent, there is a relation of generation. The Palace of Marriage gives rise to the Element of Personality.

4. This is a good interaction. This woman, having entered into an official marriage, expects help and support from her husband.

5. The stage of Soil Growth in the Snake is the Peak of Bloom. This is the mature stage. A woman takes a responsible approach to choosing a partner and married life.

6. According to the Circle of Generation, the true husband for a woman of Soil is the Yang Tree - the Tiger. The tiger is the design of the matrimonial quarters. This is the energy that is inside the palace of marriage.

And we need to analyze the relationship between the energy of the animal of the Palace of Marriage - the Snake, and the energy of the element of the true spouse - the Tiger.

And here we go again to point 1. We check which Deity the Tiger is represented for the Snake.

The Tiger for the Snake is an Indirect Resource. The Tiger represents the energy of a true man for the Soil woman, and the Snake is the energy of her Marriage Palace. When a man comes into this woman's life, she receives the support of her family, it is a harmonious relationship.

Most of the time, this relationship will be harmonious for a woman who was born in autumn or winter. But if she was born in the spring or summer season, the relationship will quickly deteriorate.

This is how we analyze the Bazi map step by step. Practice on your birth chart, based on your life history, and you will understand how the actions of energies play out in your destiny.

If you want to penetrate into the very heart of Bazi, I invite you to the Bazi-PRO course “The Art of Bazi - Understanding Nature” .

What secrets will the interpretation of bazi reveal?

Bazi is the ancient art of Chinese fortunetellers, first mentioned in historical sources 2000 years ago; by the 10th century, the art of bazi acquired features recognizable in modern times - 4 pillars of fate and the interaction between them.

In the 4 pillars of fate there are 8 hieroglyphic signs of yin or yang polarity, where the top line is the Heavenly trunks, and the bottom line is the Earthly branches. There are also hidden heavenly trunks inside the earthly branches - this is a deeper reading of the bazi.

Fundamental in understanding the essence of a particular card after determining the element of personality located in the Heavenly trunk of the Day is the monthly pillar and sign in the earthly branch. Next comes the calculation of strength and weakness, determining the influence of 10 deities on a person, and so on.

And now, using several examples, I will show how from 6-8 signs you can see what will be the most important and decisive for a person in his life. You will also be able to see how too much of one element or another destroys a person.

Map 1

This is a woman's card.

1) In the season (Earthly Branch of the month) Monkey. Monkey for Gen, Yang metal, located in the personality or day pillar - Friends. For this woman, her environment is very important. The people who keep her company are very important.

2) In the Heavenly Stem of the month we see Ren - Yang Water. Ren is the Spirit of pleasure, these are children, and self-expression for a woman is her actions. Those. this is how a woman will communicate with her environment, what she wants from people. And she wants to communicate, exchange opinions, being in a circle of friends, she feels very light, and joyful, pleasant, and smarter than she really is, she believes that she can cope with everything. Plus, he really loves to eat and drink in the company of friends. And friends constantly produce drink and food, because the Monkey is the Mother of Water.

3) Also, home is important for this woman - this is the Correct seal in the pillar of the year. Rooted, strong Correct seal - this woman definitely has an apartment from her parents, But this apartment cannot remain in the same condition, it is consumed too much by the abundant Metal and high Water. This woman's apartment is invariably dilapidated. For the same reason, she will not apply the knowledge that she received in childhood.

4) A direct seal for a strong element of personality is very unfavorable, as it indicates that the person will value pleasures and be drawn to forbidden pleasures, and will not value convenience and stability.

This is the card of an alcoholic who takes her drinking buddies to her apartment and they often beat her up. I've been drinking myself for the last 15 years. Of course, without the hour of birth it is impossible to fully understand. What prompted her to such a lifestyle, because not all people born on this day live the same way.

But specific character traits pushed her to such a self-destructive lifestyle: excessive sociability and breadth of soul, self-confidence (that the knowledge gained in childhood would help her) and craving for emotional pleasures, neglect of health and lack of a practical outlook on life.

Map 2

This is also a female card, but it is a completely different character.

1) Personality - Ji, Yin land, rooted, born in the month of the Monkey. For G Monkey - a challenge to power, this is self-expression, these are children, creativity. Ji is generally characterized by a high degree of caring; she will not, like Gen from the example above, quickly attack and prove her point of view and the right to live the way she wants. He is a very warm and caring person.

2) Self-expression in the month - children are important, it is important to leave something behind - such a woman will give birth and be creative. This is the main thing in life for her - to do what she loves and bring it to life.

3) Since the card contains both the Robber of Wealth and the Oblique Seal, it does not always behave as expected of it. She cares a lot about children and is generous with friends and strangers, very sociable and eloquent, but the Oblique seal in her NA year screams that she would often like to be somewhere far away and in an environment that is unusual for her, she did not sit at home, She couldn’t be happy sitting at home, especially since there was no Power in the map. She was simply fulfilling her, as they say now, “female destiny.” Because that’s how it’s correct and that’s how it’s taught (Correct seal in the GE of the year)

Unfortunately, the life of this particular woman was tragically cut short at the age of 41. She left behind five children.

Map 3

This is a card of a man, a young man.

1) Daytime dominant, Xin personality element, born in the month of the Dog, the Correct Seal.

2) This is not a follow card, it is a strong card, and for a strong card the abundance of Seal, especially if it is Earth for Metal, is very bad. Because Metal loves to shine and loves to be processed, but such an Earth covers Metal.

And the Dog takes Xin into a trap. This is a sign that the parents protect their son recklessly, and they and his friends are a mountain for him, which spoils this person, he loses his bearings.

In the pillar of the year is Brotherhood on the Snake - Right Power. This is a sign of great individuality and high self-esteem; the father of such a person is very independent, a self-made man. This person is drawn to associations, “brotherhoods” on the basis of seizing power. This guy has a very cruel character, and his parents could have saved him if they had not so carefully imposed their care, literally shielding him from all the consequences of his actions. In such a map, friends have a very strong influence; such a person is capable of anything for the sake of having power over people.

There is no control of the Earth in the map - parents and friends, no Tree. The uncontrolled care of his parents, the cruel nature of the guy himself, who was drawn to possessing power, and bad friends led to the fact that in the duplicate year of Wu Xu, the monthly pillar of the Mountain, the guy committed a terrible crime. This is the card of the murderer and rapist.

Map 4

This is a man's card.

1) Personality element Gen - Yang Metal, born in the month of the Pig - the Spirit of pleasure.

2) This is a creative person, he will also do only what he loves, namely create, the main thing for him is to come up with and do it, and not just leave it in theory. Weak Metal Card,

This is a card of the famous Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace. There is no doubt about the creative potential.

Now look why in the chart of this creative person the abundance of the Earth could not contain and “shut up” the source of self-expression. And everything is banal and simple. Since childhood, Gianni, with the tact of Hsin Chou, the Metal Bull, “followed” the seal - his mother. His mother was his inspiration; it was in her workshop that he acquired his first skills and then continued his studies. In his youth, Gianni was fascinated by the history of Ancient Greece, which played a huge role in the development of Italy. He attended the Lyceum Classico Tommaso Campanella

, where he studied Latin and Ancient Greek, but did not complete the course. I didn’t finish because, after all, the source of Self-Expression is more important in the month. In addition, this person is an entrepreneur who uses the power of his family (7th killer on the Diagon Seal), charismatic and obsessed with ideas, gaining fame abroad.

Map 4

Man's card. Personality element Yang Earth Wu, born in the month of the Monkey, Yang Metal, also Self-Expression. different are these expressions?

1) this man has a very weak personality element and support within an hour from Bin has no power (Sun behind the Mountain). But this is not following Metal, because there is a Tiger in the map (here I went into specifics a little, but there’s no other way to explain it).

2) I will not reveal the theory of emptiness here, but I think that it influences this map, despite the clash with the Tiger and the half-season of Autumn.

3) There is a merging of Water, through the pillar with the Tiger - Dragon, plus Monkey, with access to the Tendency for Wealth.

So that's why he creates, but that's not it. Watch your hands, as they say))

This person also wants to express himself, to create something, but the main thing for him is not creation, but the money and pleasure that he wants to get from life. Wealth robber in the NS of the year - he has no ancestors who could give him the financial support he desires, but he really wants money, he wants to get it from creativity, doing what he wants, but this is definitely not work. And he tried to become a clothing designer. And whoever he tried to be, since childhood he was known as a pathological liar, with high IQ scores. Since childhood, he has had metallic beats, Self-expression on the Robber of Wealth, on Seals, i.e. It is always more important for him to appear. and not to be.

Therefore, nothing worked out for him, and with the arrival of the tact of the Wealth Robber on the Diagon Seal, he goes crazy and kills several people, including Gianni Versace. And he commits suicide. This man was gay and engaged in prostitution. despite excellent education - in the NA of the hour, in the pillar speaking about the fruits of human life, the combination of an Oblique stamp on brotherhood, i.e. this man lives off the forced help of other people, which ultimately led him to murder - he knew about himself, what he was capable of, but at the same time he could not use his skills to his advantage, he wasted his life and lost himself.

Map 5

  1. 1. A man with the Yin Tree Y personality element, born in the month of the Goat, in the month of the Tendency to Wealth)
  2. Wealth is controlled by his friends, but for the weak And this is good, because And loves friends, this is the element that benefits from other people almost always. His friends, whom he loves and who love him, control the money, and through them he benefits, and he himself becomes rich, and his friends become rich.
  3. The main thing for this person is to do business, make money, but in such a way that everyone who sees the work of his hands can see creativity - An attack on the Authority in this case is favorable, these are two useful gods for Yi and for his friends. two Suns that shine both for the owner of the card and for the people around him. This is a very successful businessman and famous fashion designer - Yves Saint Laurent. It was he who wrote the words “The best clothing for a woman is the embrace of a man who loves her.” But for those who are deprived of such happiness, there is me."
  4. Look at the hour. One can tell by the hour whether a person will live a fruitful life. Challenge to Power on Direct Wealth. This is a very good combination with a strong Daytime dominant. Those. when an element of personality is rooted in the Day. This means that a person earns where others lose. Not afraid to take risks.

And indeed, he was the first fashion designer who attracted black fashion models to his work, the one who first brought a collection of clothes to Moscow, the creator of the unisex style. This is a pioneer)

Bin - the Sun sits on a useful god - the Rat, which is also useful to the element of personality) From the age of 22, Yves Saint Laurent was in tact with Wealth. He was a very active, but also successful man. If only the 7th killer of Xin na Chou had not come in 1988, in which the fashion designer began to be overcome by illness. he would have been creating for a long time.’s good that this tact did not come in Yves Saint Laurent’s youth, because then we would hardly have known about it.

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  • Seal



What does the Oblique Seal give? What should you pay attention to?

It's cold, dark and quiet outside. Early morning. You turn off the alarm clock. You look out the window. Another Groundhog Day. Feed. Collect. Send.Remove. Wash. Cook... Everything is the same. I so want to forget about all the “needs” and do what I “want”. Be by yourself, in silence. Read, study. Lie in the bath. Without haste... Drink your favorite coffee with candy. In silence...

One day is enough for me! No more needed...

And tomorrow? And tomorrow I will again be a proper mother and wife, as “needed”.

Oblique Seal (or Secondary, Irregular Seal) 偏印星

The Oblique Seal is a homogeneous element that generates the element of Personality.

For the NS of the day of the Yang Tree JiaOblique Seal is Yang Water Reni Pig Hai

For the Ying Tree and Oblique Seal – Ying Water Guiand Rat Dzi

For Yang Fire BinOblique Seal – Yang Tree Jiaand Tiger Yin

For the Insk Fire DingOblique Seal – Insk Tree Yiand Rabbit Mao

For the Yang Earth WuOblique Seal – Yang Fire Bingand Snake Si

For the Inskaya Earth JiOblique Seal – Inskaya Fire Dingand the Horse Wu

For Yang Metal GenOblique Seal – Yang Earth Wu, Dog Xu, Dragon Cheng

For Ying Metal XinOblique Seal – Ying Earth Ji, Goat Weiand Ox Chou

For Yang Water Ren Oblique Seal – Yang Metal Genand Monkey Shen

For Ying Water GuiOblique Seal – Ying Metal Xinand Rooster Yu

In the women's chart represents the mother

In a man's card - a grandfather or an elderly gentleman, or an unexpected helper.

Oblique Seal is:

  • sixth Sense
  • creative thoughts
  • subtlety and grace
  • secluded lifestyle
  • attention to detail
  • unconventional research (metaphysical research)
  • sense and experience things that others cannot.

If the Oblique Seal is useful :

  • good intuition
  • calm
  • religious or spiritual
  • dreamy
  • inventive
  • curious
  • wise
  • speed of cognition

If the Oblique Seal is not useful :

  • fanaticism
  • distance
  • gossip
  • mental problems
  • poor health
  • laziness
  • they are difficult to please
  • character problems
  • takes on a lot of things, but doesn’t finish them completely
  • bad feng shui at home
  • anxious
  • unsure of themselves

What does a person need?

  • it was exciting and interesting
  • be alone
  • guess the riddle, mystery, secret


偏印多了必克子Too much Scythe Seal will harm children! Especially if it’s in the hour pillar of a woman’s chart. Harm is problems getting pregnant or bearing a child, a sick child, problems in relationships with him or a lonely old age. Not all of the above will necessarily come true, maybe just one.

Who has the Oblique Seal in their card or came in the tact of good luck? Admit it), which description coincided with you?

Post Views: 9,564

Ba Zi calculator. 12 Palaces of Fate.

This is a limited version of the calculator. The following descriptions are available in the full version: characteristics of the Personality Element, properties of the 10 Deities, influence of the Qi phase, description of the Symbolic Stars. Calculation of the map of the 12 Palaces of Fate with a description of the characteristics of the Palaces, how the Deity is manifested in a particular palace, the influence of the Qi Phase on the Palace, Symbolic Stars in the Palaces.

It is possible to print the card or save it in your personal account.

To gain access to the full version you need to log in or register and pay for access to the full version.

Ba Zi calculation form

Instructions for using the calculator (pdf version)

The Ba Zi system of Chinese astrology (Wa Zi or 八字) is better known as the Four Pillars of Destiny. The Bazi card (4 Pillars of Destiny) represents information about the moment of your birth, recorded using hieroglyphs.

The time of birth is expressed in the form of the Four Pillars:

  • pillar of the year
  • pillar of the month
  • pillar of the day
  • pillar of the hour.

Each pillar consists of two elements - the Heavenly trunk (hieroglyph in the top line of the table) and the Earthly branch (hieroglyph in the bottom line of the table). Chinese astrology uses 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches. The color of the hieroglyph in the map indicates one of the five elements (five elements) - Water, Fire, Earth, Metal, Wood.

The pillar of the day (two hieroglyphs in the “Day” column) deciphers the main characteristics of a person, and the remaining pillars are associated with various aspects of life. The element of your personality in the Ba Zi chart is represented by the Heavenly Stem of the Day (another name is the Element of Personality, Lord of the Day or Day Dominant).

At the beginning of making a forecast, you need to determine the strength of the element and identify the excess or deficiency of a particular element in the natal chart. The strength of an element is determined depending on the season, the amount of that element in the chart and its Qi phase.

For a basic interpretation of the map of the Pillars of Fate and Luck, the properties of the five elements are used, which, in accordance with Wu Xing theory, enter into various interactions.

Each element in the Bazi map corresponds to one of five areas of life :

  • Friends,
  • Self expression,
  • Money,
  • Power,
  • Resources.

For a more detailed analysis, 10 Deities , which are determined depending on the Yin, Yang sign of the element in the map:

  • Brotherhood,
  • Robber of wealth
  • Spirit of Delight,
  • Challenge to power
  • Tendency towards wealth
  • Direct Wealth,
  • 7 killers
  • Official,
  • Oblique Seal,
  • Correct Print.

The interpretation of the Symbolic Stars will give additional color to the analysis of the Bazi map . There are about 80 of them in this calculator. These are the most common stars and proven by centuries of practice: Noble Man, Traveling Horse, Flower of Romance (Peach Blossom), Academician star , etc., and rarer stars, such as: Steel Broom, Five Spirits, Evening dawn, Salty pond , etc.

An important aspect of decoding the Bazi card is the interpretation of the Qi Phase , which characterizes the strength and quality of the manifestation of the energy of the element in the card. The Qi phase is taken into account when determining the strength of the personality element, the strength of the 10 deities, and when analyzing the symbolic stars.

The Heavenly Trunks hidden in the Earthly Branches can be calculated in two versions, depending on which school of Ba Zi you use - Ba Zi Suanming (八字算命) or classical. Hidden Heavenly Trunks show those character traits that are not too obvious.

The Pillars of Luck provide information about each ten-year period of life. Taking into account the Pillars of Luck, you can allocate periods for yourself that will be more or less favorable for a certain type of action. Each Pillar of Luck is represented in the map by two hieroglyphs (Heavenly trunk and Earthly branch). In the top column of the Pillars of Fortune table you will see the first year of the beginning of the decade.

For children under 10 years of age, Children's Pillars of Luck , the so-called Small Tacts, are used. It is especially important to take these steps into account during the period of time when the child has not yet entered his first pillar of luck.

Regulating or Used Deities will tell you how balanced the card is, whether it initially contains the potential for luck, and will help when choosing a Helpful Deity in the Ba Zi.

An analysis of the Four Pillars of Destiny will be incomplete without an interpretation of the 12 Palaces system . The Twelve Palaces of Fate system is directly related to the decoding of the Bazi card. The primary information for interpreting the map of the 12 Palaces of Fate, the favorableness of the elements, is obtained from the Pillars of Fate.

The palaces, each of which describes a specific area of ​​life, provide additional information, expanding the interpretation of the Ba Zi horoscope.

The calculator contains descriptions of the properties of each of the 60 Jia Tzu for the year, month, day and hour .

In the Bazi chart, each of the four pillars is a combination of the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. This combination is called Jia Zi after the two characters of the first pair 甲 Jia and 子 Zi. There are sixty such pairs in total.

Hieroglyphs in the system of the Four Pillars of Fate are not just signs. Each has its own characteristic.

The importance of applying chart analysis using the 60 Jia Tzu is that you no longer need to determine the strength of the Personality element and calculate the useful elements. The Bazi card reading method with 60 Jia Zi can be used offline.

First of all, the Jia Zi of the day is interesting, since it is this pillar in the chart that describes the person. But you can also look at other pillars: year, month and hour, which will tell about loved ones: parents, children, relatives of the older generation.

You can use an additional level of analysis using the 60 Jia Tzu system . Descriptions of the properties of 60 Jia Zi (they are different for the year, month, day and hour) will help to conduct an additional analysis of the card, assess the character and abilities of a person. Characteristics of 60 Jia Zi can be used without analyzing the strength of the Personality element and calculating useful elements. Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of the Sixty Jia Zi in relation to Bazi analysis will help you look even deeper into the map, see some character trait of a person or the potential of his relationships with people around him, which perhaps you would not have seen using conventional chart analysis tools.

Attention! The Ba Zi calculator is intended for those who have professional knowledge in this field. If you do not have sufficient knowledge of Ba Zi techniques, please refrain from using this calculator.

Access to the full version of the calculator is provided for one user.

By purchasing access to the full version of the calculator, you agree to the following rules: 1. You are the sole owner of your account on the website 2. Only you have access to information about your account. 3. You have not and will not transfer your account login and password to third parties. 4. The information obtained when using the calculator is used by you for personal purposes. If you do not comply with the rules, your account may be deleted before the expiration of access to the full version of the program without any compensation.

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Secrets from Violetta

Let us consider the relationship of the Personality element from the Ba-Tzu map with other Wu-hsing elements, taking into account the cycles of generation and destruction.

Each of the elements is responsible for a specific area of ​​life. Friends, partners are the same element as the Personality element; Resources are an element that generates (feeds) the element of personality; Power is an element that destroys (controls) the element of personality; Self-expression is an element generated by the personality element; Money is an element destroyed (controlled) by the personality element.

Dividing these five elements into 10 deities. Each element, depending on its relationship with the personality element, can be homogeneous or heterogeneous, thus forming ten deities. An element with the same polarity (Yang or Yin) as the personality element is homogeneous. An element with opposite polarity is heterogeneous. For example, if the personality element is Yang Water, then all the Yang elements in the Ba Tzu chart will be homogeneous, and the Yin elements will be heterogeneous.

Friends, partnersBrotherhood brothers and sisters, equal shoulder, parallelWealth robber loss of money, competitors
ResourcesOblique seal, false seal, owl spirit, unconditional ideas, obscene resourceCorrect seal is true, correct seal, conditional ideas, decent resource
Self-expressionSpirit of pleasure (Spirit of food) homogeneous self-expression, creativity, beneficial productionChallenge to authority, injury to an official, injury to a spouse, rebellion, radical production
Power7 killers false, wrong official, seventh position killer, extreme power, obscene power/powerCorrect power (Officer) true official, correct power, normal power, decent power/power
MoneyWealth addiction oblique, sideways or false wealth, casual money, wealth addiction, obscene wealthDirect wealth true wealth, proper wealth, stable income, decent wealth

Each of the 10 deities relates to a specific area of ​​life, indicates a person’s character traits, and also correlates with family and friends. For example, the correct seal is the mother, and when it comes in the 10-year stroke of luck, one can expect events related to the mother. Such relationships between gods and demons make it possible to build a tree of relatives. The tree of relatives is built differently, depending on gender and personality element.

How to find 10 gods in your Ba-Tzu chart 8 Heavenly trunks are analyzed: open Heavenly trunks and dominant hidden Heavenly trunks, which can be identified by the Earthly branches, as containers of hidden Heavenly trunks.

It also makes sense to consider the influence of incoming energies: the energy of the Pillars of Luck, the energy of the coming year and month.

Brief characteristics of 10 gods and demons

Each of the 10 deities has auspicious/beneficial and inauspicious/unbeneficial influence. This influence depends on the strengths and weaknesses of the bazi card, on the quality of the deity itself (Qi phase).


This is friendship, communication, communication, pleasantness in communication. If this sign is present in the Ba Tzu chart, it is easier for them to find a common language with their opponents and understand someone else’s point of view. If there are one or two such signs in the chart, the person is pleasant to talk to, sociable, and capable of languages. If there are 3 or more signs in a card, this indicates selfishness, superficiality, and pride. Such people often fuss a lot and conflict in vain. If brotherhood is not useful, a person often faces betrayal or deception on the part of partners. False, two-faced friends stick to him.

Wealth Robber

If there is one such sign in the map, this is good, because it indicates that a person can give up wealth for the sake of mental development. For such a person, personal growth, character improvement, and the spiritual side are no less important than material values. Such people are always in the process of development. If there are two or more such signs in a card, this indicates generosity, sometimes extravagance. For those with a strong or following card, the Wealth Robber is harmful. His arrival could cause trouble. The appearance of such a GB in the coming pillar of luck, the coming year or month indicates a likely loss of well-being. During such periods, a person may waste money, lose his job or property. For those with a weak card or a super strong card, Wealth Robber is useful. Its appearance can help in acquiring wealth - making money, or achieving your goal. Most often, during such a period, a person receives support that will allow him to earn money. For example, a joint project or investment. A useful GB in this situation allows you to benefit. But at the same time he will have to share the acquired (profit/income). Helpful Wealth Robber is eloquence, helping others make money. Unhelpful deity The robber of wealth brings with him arrogance and arrogance.

Both the Spirit of Pleasure and the Challenge of Power are responsible for self-expression and give rise to the element of money, i.e. people are able to create their own business, generate productive ideas, and ways to get rich.

Spirit of Delight (Spirit of Food)

This deity is responsible for self-love and self-care, about your body. The spirit of pleasure gives a person sensitivity, sensuality, and sharpens the perception of all five senses. These are the deities of a good lover, a sensual woman. Men who have one or two such signs in their chart are gentle and sexy. The useful Spirit of pleasure gives creativity, rich imagination, desire for self-knowledge, creativity. Unhelpful Spirit of pleasure (three or more signs) - talk about stinginess, addictions, if expressed in the water element - to alcoholism, if in the earth element - to gluttony.

Challenge to the authorities (Injury of an official, Attack on the authorities)

This is a sign of disobedience, a desire to argue and defend one’s rightness. Celebrates rebels, people who make their own way in life. If a person has a similar sign in his destiny, he often communicates in a way that from the outside looks very authoritarian. He clearly demonstrates that he is right, it is difficult to argue with him, it is difficult for him to object. If there are two or more signs in the chart, a person puts his interests above all else, considers himself special, and loves to shine. A useful challenge to power speaks of the makings of a manager, a leader, an innovator. Unhelpful A challenge to authority results in fussiness, useless conflicts, and disputes. In a woman's chart, two or more signs are considered unfavorable for family relationships; such a woman will try to lead the house. The role of a housewife is not for her; it is better for her to realize herself in another area.

Direct Wealth (Stable Wealth)

This deity endows a person with a desire for order and prudence, when every step is calculated, everything is laid out on the shelves, according to the rules. Such people are honest, decent, law-abiding, thrifty, good performers, have a pragmatic outlook on life, and know how to manage finances. Such people achieve success through hard work and dedication. Having three or more signs in a chart, a person is inclined to pursue illusory goals.

Addiction to Wealth (Slant Wealth)

A person who has two or more such signs in a map has a clear goal - money. At the same time, he pursues both material and non-material benefits - fame, recognition, awards. Such a person constantly finds ideas on where to make money and feels the financial wind. If there are two or more such unhelpful signs in the map, this indicates vanity and excessive anxiety. Such people tend to make fatal mistakes when planning, quickly achieve and quickly lose what they have achieved. If a man has several of these signs, it is more difficult for him to get married or maintain a marriage, since they tend to have mistresses.

Right Authority (Officer)

If there is such a sign in the map, a person is inclined to follow rules and laws, to be honest and fair. Such people are usually honest, intelligent, efficient, capable of leading, and know how to structure a conversation correctly. They are often conservative and work productively in a team. If there are two or more such signs in the card and they are useful, then the person is inclined to “serve the law”, and may be tormented by his conscience using his official position in his own interests. In both men and women, the card is a useful sign because it imparts responsibility, caring and order. The unhelpful and numerous appearance of signs in a chart makes people too honest and correct.

The Seventh Killer (Seventh Position Killer, Oblique Power, Wrong Power)

This is another rebellious deity. This sign gives a person courage and charisma, quick reactions and many ideas. People with the seventh position will be able to find a common language with representatives of all social spheres, will be indispensable in leadership positions, but as quality employees they can become a problem. If there are two or more such signs in the chart and they are not useful, such people often change jobs due to problems with their superiors or excessive workload. If the seventh position is numerous and useful, such a person will be able to achieve great success, because he sees the entire situation, quickly makes decisions and finds the optimal solution.

Correct printing (Direct printing)

Responsible for mental resources: knowledge, intelligence. Such people are polite, intelligent, helpful, educated and understand the importance of learning, respect family and family values. A kind of “correct” person, a person who ruled. If there are two or more such signs in a chart and they are unhelpful, this will manifest itself in capriciousness, painful attachment to people, a desire for hyper-protection over loved ones, and sole decision-making.

Oblique seal

Responsible for the attitude of the world, indicates a person’s desire to understand himself, to find his way. The oblique seal gives a penchant for applied sciences: psychology, metaphysics, esotericism. If there are two or more such signs in a chart, it is difficult for people to find friends, but they are not afraid of loneliness, have good intuition, and can foresee possible developments of events. If there are two or more such signs in a chart and they are not useful, this indicates arrogance. Also, too much oblique printing in the chart indicates problems in relations with parents.

10 Gods and Demons in the Ba Tzu Chart

Table: 10 Gods and Demons in relation to the Personality Element

Resource in the bazi map

Resources are the element that supports the Lord of the Day. These include the material component of a person’s life (property, home, food, health, clothing, work) and spiritual values ​​(our thinking, knowledge, education, upbringing, inner world, ideas). It is resources that make a person educated, cautious and conservative. If there is a strong star of Resources in the fate map, you move through life easily and on your life path you meet people who are ready to provide help and support. But if they are in an unhelpful element, then this leads to indecision, reluctance to act, and unnecessary thinking. Strong resources are found in the cards of teachers, scientists, writers, and analysts.

Weak resources do not allow the owner of the card to express himself; he cannot concentrate and complete the task.

A resource is information, and if you have information and other people need it, then your role in life will be very significant. Therefore, learning Bazi is of great importance because you see what other people do not see

You can learn a lot about a person from the resource.

What happens if a resource comes in a year or cycle of Luck and an imbalance appears in the fate map - there is a lot of resource. The answer is simple: you will lose motivation and laziness will overwhelm you. You will sit still and wait for something. People who have a lot of useless resources in their bazi chart are indecisive and self-indulgent. Such a person loves to enjoy life.

The resource shows the overall health status of a person.

When the Resource element comes in the strokes of luck, then you begin to learn, you can start writing a book.

If the resources are in the annual Pillar, then first of all people see his education, politeness and good manners.

Lack of resource in the bazi map

Let's look at what the absence of a resource element in the fate map gives:

  • weak connection with parents, with family, that he has nowhere to wait for help;
  • lacks vitality to realize your goals;
  • decreased interest in study and education;
  • management will be biased towards him, not noticing his achievements in work;
  • there is no “indicator” of health, it is difficult to diagnose the disease at an early stage, a person can see a doctor only when they are already in an advanced stage.
  • A practical person, the material aspect is important to him.

Resources, in turn, are divided into Homogeneous, they are called “Oblique Print” and Heterogeneous, they are called “Direct Print” or “Right Print”.

Direct printing

Direct printing is an element opposite to the Lord of the day. In the bazi chart it represents the mother star. If you have a strong correct seal, then you are interested in your family, family traditions, and are happy to create a family tree. This is a symbol of knowledge, study, education. If there is a lot of correct seal, then the person is very jealous. He wants to control everyone.

Oblique seal

The oblique seal is an element homogeneous with the Personality Element. So, for the Yang Tree, the oblique seal is Yin water. The oblique seal (indirect resources, Owl Spirit) is a symbol of alienation, non-standard knowledge, original thinking, i.e. not like everyone else. But this is also creativity, great creative opportunities.

An oblique seal can be a sign of adoptive parents, or the fact that grandparents or nannies are raising the child.

People with a strong oblique seal are interested in spiritual practices, ba zi, qigong.

If resources are unfavorable and there are many of them, then a person may be inattentive, inaccurate, and make mistakes. This is a symbol of alienation. But also creativity, a wealth of ideas, enormous creative abilities. If there is a lot of oblique printing, then the person can be arrogant and arrogant. A person can isolate himself from people, prefer solitude, this is one of the signs of loneliness. These are individualists and can easily break off relationships with people.

People with a strong oblique seal often engage in research in the field of all sorts of spiritual things. They are interested in the origin of the world, spiritual practices, qigong, yoga, feng shui, bazi.

The oblique seal is responsible for sincerity and sensitivity. The oblique seal may be a sign of adoptive parents, or the child may be raised by grandparents rather than natural parents.

If resources are not favorable, and there are many of them, then a person may be careless, inattentive, and make mistakes.

These are the different regular and oblique prints in the bazi map.

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