How to correctly place accents in a room according to Feng Shui

Unlike apartment owners, owners of private houses can afford to design and build a house according to their wishes. By doing this according to all the rules of the teachings of Feng Shui, you can help yourself in finding a happy and worthy life:

  • Create harmonious family relationships.
  • Find good health.
  • Improve your career and business.
  • Increase financial wealth.

Anyone who plans to purchase a plot of land and build a house can choose the right plot, calculate the favorable location of the house, design it correctly and create an internal layout. The correct layout of the house according to the teachings of Feng Shui will help to increase and preserve Qi energy (positive energy that gives harmony and agreement) and avoid the accumulation of Sha energy (negative energy that brings misfortune and sadness to the house).

Selecting a site

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If you want peace and harmony to reign in your home, you need to place it in a place with the right energy. It is necessary to select a site for construction with special care, taking into account all the nuances.

  • The location of a private house next to high-rise buildings will be unfavorable. In such neighborhoods, Qi energy circulates poorly, but Sha energy will constantly enter the house.
  • A good option for the location of the house is considered to be a separate cottage community or a special village with similar buildings. In such places, where houses are built in a similar style, positive energy accumulates.
  • It is worth paying special attention to the surrounding nature. A picturesque location is ideal. Qi energy loves beautiful natural areas, parks, and forests. However, there should not be many trees. A lot of shade and a lot of sun can be harmful.
  • A natural body of water, such as a pond, would be a good addition to the site.
  • A low-lying location would not be the best option.

The main condition for choosing a site is the harmony of nature. A bare field will not work, nor will all hills. There should be trees, but not many. Surrounded by natural harmony, the house will be filled with spiritual harmony.

Finding your personal Gua number

Gua number for each family member

Now let’s determine the personal Gua number of the apartment owner and all his household members. We do not take animals into account, since they are able to intuitively find the most favorable places for themselves.

Let's do a simple calculation. The last two digits of the year of your birth (according to the Eastern calendar) need to be added and, if the resulting number is two-digit, the operation must be repeated.

If you are a man and were born before 2000, subtract the resulting number from ten, if after - from nine. Women should add 5 to the resulting number, for those born after 2000 - 6. If you again get a two-digit number, add its digits to finally get one.

This will be your individual Gua number. Following this algorithm, determine the Gua numbers for everyone living with you.

How to position the house

After choosing a site, it is worth taking care of the correct position of the house. In addition to the correct location according to parts of the world, you need to take into account some other characteristics.

  • If you have chosen a corner plot, then you should not place the house on the outer corner at the intersection of two roads. In such a place there is no concentration of Qi energy, but there is plenty of Sha energy here. On such a site, it is best to place the house inside the site.
  • The presence of a pond on the site is a good way to attract energy, but only if the house is located correctly. The house should face the pond with its central facade. If this cannot be done, then the house should be fenced off from the reservoir.
  • The location in the center of the site can have a bad effect on the energy of the house. It is believed that he has no support and protection, that he stands in the middle of nowhere. Raising a family in such a house will be problematic.
  • It is better to move the house away from the center, but not directly towards the fence. There should be free space between them.
  • The fence on the site should be low, especially if the house is one-story. Due to the high intake of Qi energy, it will be difficult to get into the site and into the house.

The situation around

What is around the home is also important. It's good when there is an elevation behind the house. It symbolizes a reliable rear.


A pond a short distance from the house is very good. Utility rooms are built evenly around the main one.


There should be free, level space in front of the entrance. Wood and other objects block the path of energy. Better make a slightly winding path framed with flowers.

How to design a local area

When the house is built, the yard must be landscaped. A neglected area will attract Sha energy. A well-kept area should have flower beds and flower beds, but the central door to the house should not be blocked. It needs to be opened to the maximum for access to the house of Qi energy.

The path to the house should not be straight, but winding with smooth bends. If it is not possible to make it like this, then you need to at least make it so that it rests directly on the central gate or fence.

House shape

To build a house according to all the rules of Feng Shui, it is important to decide on the shape of the future house. The teaching recommends building a house in the shape of a regular square or rectangle. In a house of this shape, it will be easier to make a layout and divide the rooms into bagua zones. It is better not to choose houses of bizarre and irregular shapes, for example, in the shape of the letters P or G. In a house of this shape it will be difficult to zone the space.

  • The front door should be wide to allow the right energy to enter the house.
  • The more windows, the better.
  • The shape of the house should be symmetrical and regular.
  • The roof is also of a regular symmetrical shape - regular gable, hipped, pyramidal, oval, round, pagoda.

Interior details and colors

Interior elements such as stairs, doors, furniture and even fittings should be organized in accordance with the recommendations of the teaching. Dynamic, frequently used interior items (stairs, doors) should not be painted in bright fiery colors. For example, someone who climbs a red-painted staircase will be in constant tension. The atmosphere in such a house will be tense, and the residents will be nervous.

Decoration Materials

The decorative elements used in the house must strictly correspond to the areas in which they are placed. It is appropriate to use wood for decoration in the eastern and south-eastern parts of the house, metal - in the northern and north-western parts. Bright fiery elements (stove, fireplace) are placed in the south and southwest. Natural materials are preferred in finishing.

Color spectrum

The colors used in the interior of the house must correspond to the teachings of the 5 basic elements of Feng Shui (Fire, Water, Metal, Wood, Earth). Red color (fire) – can activate vitality, yang energy, progress and movement. Green (wood) – calms and harmonizes. Yellow (earth) – helps to gain wisdom and experience. Blue and violet (water) - help meditation and concentration. White (metal) – is responsible for the spiritual side of life. By painting rooms in a color that enhances their corresponding Bagua zone, you can achieve success in life.

How to correctly correlate a house with the cardinal points

There are no unambiguous interpretations and correct plans for the location of the house on the cardinal points. This must be selected individually, taking into account the needs and characteristics of the residents.

The main entrance for energy is windows and doors, so the central entrance must be located on the side of the world whose energy is important.

  • The North is a zone of self-discovery. It will help you to know yourself. Will contribute to the establishment of a calm, secluded life, supporting philosophical moods. Suitable for those who prefer solitude and tranquility.
  • South is the energy of activity, the opposite of North. Makes residents live more actively, filling the house with movement and life. There will always be a lot of guests and events here. The residents of this house will see things through to the end.
  • West is the energy of conclusions and results. Helps you understand complex matters, promotes success in your career and business, and avoids difficult negative situations.
  • The East is the energy of renewal. Brings fresh ideas, gives new strength in difficult situations, helps in planned endeavors.

There are also mixed flows of energies from the cardinal directions, which can also be used to orient the location of the house.

House layout using bagua grid

If you are just going to build a house, then it is better to take into account all the features according to the teachings of Feng Shui. It’s better to do everything right away according to the rules than to eliminate the consequences later. A bagua grid will help with planning.

What is bagua

The bagua grid is an octagon with a functional center. This is a kind of arrangement of flows of various energies in the premises. All sectors of the diagram are responsible for some area of ​​human life:

  • Career.
  • Trips.
  • Children, creativity.
  • Marriage and love.
  • Glory.
  • Wealth.
  • Family.
  • Knowledge, wisdom.
  • Health.

Each sector has its own direction and its own tools for enhancing or neutralizing incoming energy.

The bagua grid in the classical presentation will be difficult for non-professionals. The correct placement can be done by a professional Feng Shui consultant. For the rest, they created a Lo-Shu square. In it, each cell corresponds to a sector of the octagon.

Feng Shui love zone in the room

To activate the zone of love and marriage, it is necessary to arrange the western direction of the room as correctly as possible. This is very important for those who are lonely or want to strengthen their relationships.

The main colors when arranging the love sector are pink and red, indicating the energy of Fire. This element evokes the Earth element, which has a beneficial effect on our relationships. Its main colors are yellow, terracotta and brown. Therefore, by adding such shades to the western side of the room, you can achieve a stable and long-lasting relationship.

To activate the zone of love and marriage, it is necessary to arrange the western direction of the room as correctly as possible

To improve the atmosphere in the room, you need to use paired items when arranging it:

  • scented candles;
  • sofa cushions;
  • lamps;
  • images of mandarin ducks, doves or cranes;
  • sculpture in the form of a pair of butterflies;
  • chocolate candies.

In a room arranged according to Feng Shui, you can place a photo that shows a joyful couple. If there is no other half yet, then an image of another happy couple will do.

On a note! Experts who know a lot about the teachings of Feng Shui advise lonely hearts to write on red paper the character traits and qualities that they would like to see in their future soul mate.

Melodic music is an essential attribute for attracting love. Aromatic oils and plants - jasmine, geranium, cedar and ylang-ylang - also direct energy into love.

When it is not possible to arrange a love zone, it is filled with a mirror located on the west side

To prevent the love zone from becoming filled with negative energy, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  1. Keep the western direction of the premises clean and tidy.
  2. As with the money zone, you need to avoid antiques, used and broken items.
  3. You cannot store photographs with your ex-passion or single relatives or acquaintances.
  4. Elements of Wood, Water and Metal (aquarium, fountain, wooden and metal products, furniture) cannot be placed in this zone.
  5. Eliminate contact between the love area and the toilet, bathroom or closet.

If the area does come into contact with one of the listed rooms, you need to keep the doors to the bathroom or toilet closed. In this case, talismans are not used.

The main colors when arranging the love sector are pink and red, indicating the energy of Fire

When it is not possible to arrange a love zone, it is filled with a mirror located on the west side. But it should not display the front door, otherwise the favorable energy will leave the house.

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