Western Zone of Creativity and Children according to Feng Shui: how to activate

Western Zone of Creativity and Children

Life in this sector is filled with sunny colors and joy. The Creativity and Children zone should always be bright and positive. Let's look at its details.

What is he responsible for?

The Children and Creativity sector is closely related to the arts. The space symbolizes childhood and everything connected with it. After all, it is during this period that a person’s character and his characteristics begin to manifest.

A great place for extraordinary personalities to express themselves. If you notice an alluring zest in yourself and catch brilliant ideas on subtle planes, then this is exactly yours.

Where is

The Children and Creativity Zone is correlated with the western side of the world. You can determine it on a map, use a hiking compass or an application on your phone. At your request, a common sector in the whole house or a small space in a separate room is allocated.

The Life Zone of Creativity according to Feng Shui is the most important part of every person’s life!


Finally I got to my creative workshop. This time there is a very symbolic and interesting topic - another life zone according to Feng Shui - the Creativity zone .
I'll start with the Koan:

«Gain skill first, creativity will come later».

Very wise. Only where you feel like a fish in water can you improvise, create something new - create.

Now “Om” of the Creativity zone:

«What's on the outside is really on the inside».

You can place “Om” in your personal room or living room near a vase with multi-colored candies (for example, marmalade or M&M’s), which will denote alluring and inviting creativity.

The main color of this Bagua zone is white.

Corresponding body parts: arms and waist.

The Feng Shui recommended silhouette is fitted and form-fitting.

The wisdom of the Creativity zone is to find the creative streak in yourself, find creative solutions to emerging life problems, develop talents given by nature, and with their help make your life happy and beautiful.

This zone is the action zone. Creative inspiration does not come through desires and hopes on their own. The ability to create will come through action. You need to participate in life.

What does it mean? This means finding some interesting and favorite activity for yourself that brings joy. For some it may be dancing, for others - swimming, yoga, for others - cooking, etc. To learn to relax, be flexible and free. This will bring creative energy.

Take action! Thanks to action, you will be inspired to grow and learn new things, gain the necessary skills, so that you can then create freely.

You need to be open to new knowledge and ideas. To do this, you can visit museums, exhibitions, concerts, competitions, competitions. It’s good to travel, and you don’t have to go somewhere far; you can visit areas of the city remote from your place of residence or nearby populated areas.

An important point for the Creativity zone is bringing what you started to the end, completeness. This will create a solid foundation for further actions, discipline and self-expression, and teach patience.

The creative process is the most important part of every person’s life. The creative element has a place in any profession and life situation.

In order for the muse to visit more often, you need to constantly train your brain. Learn not to be distracted by various stimuli, and focus internally on a specific goal. This will allow us to find contact with the inner child within us. And children, as we know, never stop creating. Inner concentration is food for creativity, like the Earth is for a plant.

Creativity is integral to knowing yourself. You should look inside yourself honestly and identify your shortcomings and strengths. Ask your loved ones about yourself, how they see you, what are your positive and negative sides. All this will help you get your true image in order to appreciate and take advantage of what is given to you by nature, to see your amazing and unique creative abilities. Perhaps what you yourself take for granted is your main talent.

The Life Zone of Creativity corresponds to the element of Metal. However, this metal is not too hard. We can say that creativity is your “armor” that will help you defend yourself in this world. They should be reliable and fit you perfectly. To do this, you need to learn to achieve inner peace, to go through life not chaotically, without a rudder, but to find roots and strength, to be yourself, the master of your destiny.

Let's stop there for now. There is still a lot of interesting things ahead for us to learn about this Bagua zone.

To be continued …

Your guide and travel companion on the road to Paradise, Natalie Paradise.

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The bright and original Western Zone of Creativity and Children is governed and strengthened by certain elements. Properly selected shades in this sector guarantee success in any endeavor and in communicating with little pranksters.

Governing elements

The main element that governs the sector: Metal.


The Creativity and Children sector should be filled with the elements of Metal and Earth. Various metal racks or hanging shelves, painted clay vases or bells are acceptable.

If you are a creative person, then feel free to display your crafts, embroidery and any items that you created with your own hands. The ideal place for your workshop. Children's drawings are also welcome.

The space should be well lit with various sconces and floor lamps, but you need to be careful with fire. After all, the fire element can weaken and crush with its energy.

Shapes and colors

If possible, it is recommended to decorate the Children and Creativity sector in favorable Feng Shui colors. If this is not possible, add stylish accents to the interior in matching shades.

FormFavorable colorsUnfavorable colorsScents of success
  • round;
  • dome;
  • spherical;
  • crescent.
  • white;
  • brown;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • grey;
  • terracotta.
  • blue;
  • black;
  • red;
  • orange;
  • green.
  • jasmine;
  • geranium;
  • cedar;
  • citrus.

What is this sector responsible for?

The children's sector influences the happiness, well-being and health of younger family members, as well as creative self-realization. By activating it, you can achieve your chosen goal:

  • pregnancy;
  • development of the child’s inherent abilities;
  • harmony in relationships with children;
  • desires to become a creative person;
  • unlocking your own potential in the field of creativity;
  • participation in a creative project.

The children's zone is a direction that symbolizes childhood, and therefore should be filled with light, joy and positivity. When designing a sector according to Feng Shui, parents strive to achieve harmony, since in an energetically balanced space the child will grow up happy, purposeful, and self-confident.

The importance of sectors in Feng Shui

Feng Shui zones, photos of which are often found on the Internet in an unusual ratio for us, fully correspond to the so-called Bagua grid. This is a regular octagonal pattern, divided into 9 equal areas with an angle of 45 degrees. Each side of the Bagua figure, as well as the center, has a trigram - the correct combination of Yin and Yang. Although the Feng Shui sectors are the same in area, only one vital direction dominates in them, for example, Love or Glory.

Activation of Feng Shui zones is necessary for stable and rapid circulation of energy. This means that negative waves will flow out of the house, and the Qi energy will begin to influence the residents of the apartment if the Feng Shui sector is decorated with the necessary talismans. For example, the design of the Wealth zone directly increases well-being and helps not only earn, but also save money, and also spend it more wisely.

Please note that if you follow the rules of Feng Shui, you may encounter many surprises in practice. Many apartments simply do not correspond to the shape of regular rectangles and squares, so some sectors are missing. In this case, there is no need to worry: hang a mirror in the place of the potential zone.

If any sector coincides with the toilet or hallway, adjust the energy with additional talismans.

Choosing colors

Color scheme is an important aspect in organizing your desktop. Choose warm colors - golden, yellow, light orange, light green, beige, coffee with milk - these colors will give you a joyful feeling.

Do not give preference to black, white and gray colors - they do not carry any energy, which means they are not harmonious and are absolutely useless for us.

Common mistakes

The table should be visible from the front door, but at the same time be as far away from it as possible. There should be no passages behind you, sharp corners or shelves that hang over your head. Pay attention to the cable - there should be no wires in sight. Otherwise, this is fraught with an outflow of money. The location of the desk undoubtedly affects our performance. If you place the table in line with the window and door, then all your efforts will simply be “blown away” by the energy that will enter through them. It will be more comfortable to work in a team if you do not sit facing each other. It is best to position your desk diagonally from the front door, this way you gain status in the eyes of your colleagues.

You cannot have your desktop with its back to the window. This position causes fatigue, loss of energy, tendency to make mistakes and lack of concentration. Placing the table with its back to the door is also fraught - in this case, you can even lose your job. To protect your energy field, do not sit with your back to cabinets, shelves or bedside tables - this arrangement of corners collects clots of negative energy.

Important! A table shaped like the letter “L” or “P” will hinder your career growth.

Maintain order in your workplace, keep it clean, arrange the items you need, taking into account the rules of the zones of the Bagua octagon. If you do everything in accordance with Feng Shui, you will certainly achieve success in all areas of life.

How to choose the right table

In order for work to bring pleasure, you need to surround yourself with things and objects that are conducive to this. The table should be “warm”, familiar, it should be pleasant to be at it, and every time you will be happy to return to your workplace. Light wood is ideal for a desktop. The table itself should not have sharp corners - try to avoid them so that the flow of free energy gently envelops the tabletop without clinging to sharp corners.

Do not choose small tables for work, as well as too large ones. On small ones you will be uncomfortable, and on large ones you will be uncomfortable. Optimally, the desktop should be from one and a half meters to two meters wide. The table should accommodate all the necessary work items, as well as the symbols and talismans you need at a given time.

Do not clutter the table with all the Feng Shui paraphernalia at once - this will create chaos on the table and not only will not help in strengthening the Bagua zones, but will also do harm, since the energy flows of different talismans will overlap each other’s Chi energy.

Of course, you do not need to activate all zones at the same time. Make a choice in favor of current values ​​at a given time. A competent approach to organizing your workplace will definitely help you achieve your goals.

Where should the table be located?

Nowadays, most of us have to work at a computer. And today it doesn’t matter where you work - in the office or at home, remotely. Therefore, the desktop must be located, first of all, conveniently. So that sitting for a long time does not cause discomfort.

Following Chinese practice, it is important to determine the cardinal directions for the correct location. The table should be in the south-eastern part of the room - facing the front door and with its back to the wall. Ideally, if your eyes “rest” on the East. But it doesn’t matter if there is a wall in front of your gaze - hang a picture with a seascape on it.

If you position the table so that the front door is visible, and the light falls from the window, then the place will be considered successful.

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