The power of the bear's paw amulet, who is the symbol intended for?

During the time of paganism, people worshiped many gods; one of the gods revered by all tribes living in the modern territory of Russia was Veles, who often turned into a bear or a wolf. It was believed that by using bear talismans, people received the protection of Veles himself. Faith has lost its meaning, but the desire to gain the power of the totem beast has survived to this day.

The bear personifies the power of the god of 3 worlds - Veles.

The bear's paw amulet is considered a strong amulet that protects against illness, adversity, loss and failure. The owner of one of the bear symbols: a claw, fang or paw attracts happiness into his life. Love, prosperity and reveals intuition.

Bear symbols occupy a place of honor among the attributes of people involved in magic: magicians, shamans. Witch doctors.

The image of the taiga animal is closely connected with the otherworldly: the world of dreams and the dead. Being a conductor between reality and reality, the bear is endowed with colossal magical energy.

What does the Veles bear paw seal look like?

Amulet Seal of Veles Bear Paw - a reflection of the worship of God Veles as the Master of the Forest. According to legend, God Veles turned into a bear, this healthy, strong and intelligent animal. It is believed that the bear, just like this multifaceted God, is smart, even cunning, interacts well with people, maintaining its independence and even aggressiveness. The cult of the bear and the related cult of Veles are one of the most ancient. It was believed that the bear warded off damage and terrified evil spirits. The bear easily scares away the devil, senses a witch and sorcerer in the house, and can expel the merman. The bear is approached in a conspiracy against damage and the evil eye, against “bathhouse evil spirits.” Amulet Seal of Veles The bear's paw symbolizes power and greatness in the eyes of others, strength and success, protection from evil spirits.

What are the amulets that give protection to Veles?

To know

The symbolism of the Paw of Veles is the strength and intelligence of the bear, the mighty master of the Forest and wild Nature.

This sign is worn mainly by adults to gain confident power and protection from evil spirits, witches and witchcraft attacks. The Seal of Veles sign is good for those who themselves live in an aggressive environment - “warriors and sorcerers” in the broad sense.

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Who is the sign suitable for?

Despite the fact that the Seal of Veles is initially considered a male amulet, it can be worn by all people who want to take advantage of the powers of the talisman.

  • The amulet will be a good help to law enforcement officers, protecting them from attacks, helping them make informed decisions, be fair and respect the laws. The amulet will also help with career growth.
  • Pendants with an animal paw will make their owner closer to nature, bring good luck when hunting or fishing, and will be useful when collecting medicinal plants or gardening.
  • For people working in trade or doing creative work, wearing a talisman will provide inspiration and help them find new areas of sales and development.

Women are not recommended to wear the Seal of Veles constantly. There is a great risk of developing tough, stern masculine character traits.

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Bear - meaning in magic, myths and legends among the Slavs and other peoples

The “Bear” amulet is endowed with the magical power of Slavic myths and legends. In magical rituals, the clubfoot was the patron of the male strength of warriors and the courage of defenders. Amulets in the form of a bear's claw were worn by hunters.

The bear's claw was used as a magical item that awakens male strength, endurance and agility.

In ancient times, people did not strive to oppose themselves to nature: they wanted to find harmony with it. That is why the Slavs and other peoples believed in the forces of nature and worshiped numerous spirits in the form of animals. The animal world, in their understanding, is a prototype of the human world, and forest animals are their brothers.

The bear was considered one of the most mysterious and powerful animals among the Slavs. The winter hibernation of this animal allowed the northerners to draw an analogy between the bear and Dazhdbog, whose awakening symbolized the awakening of nature in the spring. The owner of the northern forests was often mentioned in oral folk art.

Slavic tribes believed that only Veles was stronger than the bear, whose will the bear carried out. Therefore, next to the image of a bear, the seal of Veles was often placed - a paw print

  • In legends, the bear was considered the patron saint of fishing and hunting.
  • He was also revered as the chief guardian of livestock. A bear claw, paw, or bear fang was attached over the entrance to a barn or stall to protect sheep, cows, and horses from disease.
  • The bear's head, fixed above the entrance to the barn, symbolized the fertility of livestock.
  • To protect the chicken coop from the fox, it was smoked with the hair of the clubfoot.

Almost every conspiracy mentioned a bear, whom people asked to “carry illnesses into the dark forest,” “protect the house from harm,” and “defeat the disease.”

Over time, the bear became associated with fertility. There was an old ballad that told the story of a woman who was grieving because she had no children. Every evening she went out to the edge of the forest and sang sad songs, asking the spirits of nature for a child. One day a bear heard her songs.

The beast chased the woman, she ran from him through the forest for a long time, tripped and fell. She was already prepared for the fact that in the next moment the predator would tear her apart, but the beast just jumped over her and ran away into the thicket. Soon the woman became pregnant. The ballad ends with a description of the happy old age of a woman surrounded by 9 sons: a bowmaker, a merchant, a hero, a shipbuilder, an adze, a furrier, a hardware worker, a potter, and a blacksmith. It is believed that the children of this woman became the founders of traditional northern crafts.

In Siberia they believe that a bear can cure many diseases. In those parts, for bronchitis and pneumonia, people rub children with bear fat, which has a warming effect. Stuttering and fever in children were treated by smoking them with bear hair.

Knowing about the powerful power of bears and their anger in early spring, there was a widespread belief among magicians and sorcerers that people with bad thoughts turn into bears. If a person of ill repute happened to go missing, it was believed that he had turned into a bear. It was also believed that a witch could turn a man into a bear for adultery.

Symbols and signs of Veles

The symbolism of God is rich and multifaceted, and in addition to the seals of animals, there are several other signs of God, which we will now talk about.

Meaning of Wolf Paw

The seal of God with the Wolf imprint carries a special interpretation. It is intended for those who have to deal with litigation for a long time (lawyers, judges); makes a person strong as a stone, indifferent, decisive and purposeful. Patronizes family happiness, protecting against evil envious people, dispersing negative energy.

Esotericists believe that such a product simply needs to be kept with them by those who are constantly on the brink between life and death - police officers, firefighters, miners, military personnel. In addition, if the owner is also a kind, honest person, then constant wealth will certainly appear in his life.

With the Wolf's trail, any door will open, where he will always be received with understanding and respect, and his owner will gradually acquire the habits of a cunning animal on the hunt. The product helps to wage a long, stubborn struggle, immediately moving forward towards the intended goal. For many, it develops supernatural abilities and bestows the gift of premonition.

Meaning of Bear Paw

They say that one of the most powerful medallions of the god is the Bear's footprint, the appearance of the amulet corresponds to the name. The Slavs sincerely believed that the second and most important form of the almighty deity was a bear; it was he who patronized merchants and guardians of order. God Veles usually appeared as a wild beast, such a meeting meant one thing - quick success in business.

Modern esotericists claim that Veles protects the owners of the Bear imprint to this day. They quickly achieve their goals and rarely encounter failures. Businessmen always make win-win deals, thrill-seekers always win lotteries. The main purpose of the product is to prevent and ward off any evil, negative energy of spirits from its owner, ranging from ordinary evil eyes to black deeds.

Experts often agree that the owner of such a product gradually begins to unconsciously develop the abilities of the beast. A person becomes more decisive, feels like a master everywhere, quickly achieves goals, and most importantly plans everything clearly in advance. This happens especially often with children who have carried such jewelry with them since childhood.

The amulet of the god Veles allows you to easily and quickly overcome obstacles on the path of life. Beliefs say that failures bypass the owner of such an amulet. It will always be easy for him to realize his plans, of course, if they are related to the real world. The Seal of God can be called a magnet of good luck, but in this regard it is more suitable for traders than, say, lottery fans. It allows you to conclude profitable contracts and establish business acquaintances for a long time.

It is also capable of protecting from negativity and can ward off any evil - from energy vampirism to the evil eye or damage. The son or daughter of the god Veles is always protected by this powerful patronage. Not every person is able to protect themselves from negativity of a magical nature, at least for a short time. Special amulets created by a knowledgeable specialist greatly facilitate this task.

Character traits characteristic of the person to whom it is dedicated will also be revealed in the person who wears it. The owners of the trace of the god Veles are characterized by wisdom and strength of character.

It also develops a person’s magical potential. If you wear it from childhood, the level of magical power will always be at its best. Even if the child does not become a magician, his intuition will help him get out of even the most difficult situations. The medallion sharpens the ability to anticipate future events.

A bear trail can protect you from theft and other troubles while traveling. In the old days, it was valued by merchants who were wary of attacks by robbers. This amulet destroys the evil intentions of enemies in the bud, making them absolutely powerless against their owner.

What is the difference between the “seal of Veles” and an amulet?

It is based on the famous image of an inverted letter "A" and looks like a signet ring. It has properties that its normal form lacks.

In particular, it can protect you when signing contracts and other documents. To do this, you need to attach a security seal to business paper. The wisdom of the god Veles will protect you from deception and protect you from scammers.

The medallion of the god Veles resembles a schematically sketched head of a bull with horns. It is regularly found in the burial places of the ancient Slavs, since God guards the gates to the world of dead spirits and distributes souls according to their actions in earthly incarnation.

Practitioners tend to consider it a means of communication with the world of dead spirits and a reminder that death will overtake everyone. It also serves to protect your home and pets.

The amulet is considered neutral and is suitable for both sexes. It perfectly helps beginners on the path of learning esoteric wisdom and reveals a person’s internal reserves, sharpens sensitivity and attentiveness. A correctly configured amulet makes it possible to set up a communication channel with deceased ancestors.

For those who have connected their lives with the military path, it will be useless and will not have any noticeable beneficial effect.

Bull head

A bull's head in a circle or in a magic wheel is the hypostasis of the god Veles as the patron of rural labor. Even in the last century, when ears of corn were still harvested by hand, spikelets, volots, or Veles' beards were left on the field. The incarnation of the god Veles with a bull with horns is common.

On models of the Millennium Monument of Russia, the god Veles appeared among the rejected pagan deities, with a naturalistic bull's head on his chest. Veles the Bull, the Cattle God, patronized plowing, magicians and storytellers. These signs endow the amulet with magic that will protect the work of rural workers and food traders. The bull's head is an amulet of prosperity, wealth, and increase.

Star of Veles

Each god essentially has a star made up of repeating lines. The number six corresponds to it, so it is six-rayed.

The Star of Veles today is called "dauda" or "hexagram", colloquially - the "star of David" and flaunts on the flag of Israel, but it does not belong to the Jewish religion or Christianity and was borrowed by the Jews relatively recently.

The first mentions of a six-pointed star are found in sources that describe the Bronze Age. Archaeologists find dawda on household items of many peoples, including Jews. Researchers agree that in those days it did not carry a sacred meaning in Christianity and was used as a decorative element.

The nomadic peoples of the northern Persian region called the hexagram the Seal of Solomon. The upper triangular part symbolized the masculine principle, the god Dyya, and the lower part belonged to the goddess Mara, the patroness of death. The hexagram combines masculine and feminine, Sun and Moon.

Due to the use of the star of Veles in fascist symbolism, it is attributed a negative meaning and is considered a sign of a deity who rejected light and accepted darkness. She personifies the struggle of antagonists, familiar to every person. Without seeing darkness, it is impossible to know light.

In modern magical practices, the star of Veles is used as a mirror - to reflect negative intentions and the evil eye.

The meaning of the symbol in other cultures

In modern times, it is very popular, especially in the teachings of Kabbalah. Here it is called “hexagram” and “dauda”.

This symbol is often found in Jewish culture and can even be found on the Israeli flag. In truth, he does not belong to the Jewish religion. This symbol was borrowed by Jews not so long ago.

According to reliable information, this image was discovered back in the Bronze Age on various objects. More specifically, it was drawn or engraved on lamps, seals and dishes.

Bear amulets - their meaning and types

At first glance, it may seem that amulets with bear symbols are only suitable for men. But that's not true. If you look at fairy tales, you can find many examples of how bears helped women and children.

The table will help you understand bear amulets:

AmuletActionWho is it suitable for?
Use of bear skin in clothing (as insulation or finishing)Symbolizes beauty, youth, longevity, fertility.Suitable for women and young girls.
Bear skinSleeping on a bear skin increases stress resistance and improves immunity.Suitable for children.
Amulet with a bear paw "Eeren"The amulet should be placed in the western part of the home. It helps to create comfort in the home and eliminate conflicts from family relationships. To maintain the magical power of the amulet, you need to thank it daily and periodically dip it in milk or tea. Suitable for homemakers.
Bear jaw or figurine of an animal with an open mouthHelps to attract wealth and prosperity into the home.Used by women.
Bear skullThe head of a predator is used as a housing talisman and protects against evil spirits.The effect of the amulet is the same for all family members.
Amulet "Fang"The amulet must be secured under the belt of the dress. This item guarantees a strong marriage and a happy life. The main condition for the amulet to work is that the husband should not see it. Immediately after the wedding, the fang must be hidden. Used by brides.
Guarantees an easy road and protects against the evil eye.For this purpose, it is used by everyone, regardless of gender and age.
bear clawThe claw amulet allows you to control the weather.For this purpose, the bear claw is used only by women.
Helps to achieve success in business negotiations, symbolizes success in business.Used by men.
The talisman was used for the purpose of a love spell: the girl had to quietly hook her claw on the clothes of the guy she liked. It was believed that the power of the bear amulet would then never let the young man go to another lady. Used by young girls.
Helps cope with restless sleep and frequent crying. In order to calm the child, you need to touch his forehead with a bear claw. Used for babies.

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Description of the amulet

The Slavs used the seal of Veles as a protective symbol. He was endowed with powerful natural strength. The amulet contains great energy potential. In many specialized stores, the Seal of Veles is sold in the shape of a wolf's paw. This is a different amulet and there is no need to confuse them.

The ancient Slavs revered the God Veseles, treated him with great respect and dedicated holidays to him. One was celebrated in winter, the other in summer. People believed that God supported farmers. He helps those whose work is related to trade and the law.

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The life of the Slavic tribes consisted of numerous rituals. So, for example, in ancient times people were very sensitive to creating a family, believing that you needed to get married in order to live your whole life together.

The wedding ceremony was very beautiful. The leading role in it was given to the bear. The most famous wedding rituals are:

  1. "Bear Song" This ritual is the prototype of the modern bride price. The groom is dressed up in a bear costume and asked to complete a series of tasks (dance a bear dance, play a musical instrument, sing ditties, measure strength). If the groom successfully passes all the tests, he “turns into a man” (the bear skin is removed from him). After this, the bride gives her consent to the marriage.
  2. "Bear Hunting" This ritual game symbolizes male heroism. A young man dressed in a bear costume chases girls in a clearing. The girls scream for help from the groom and his friends. The groom and his assistants kill the bear, performing a war dance, and save the girls.
  3. Wedding ceremony. The eldest woman dressed up in the skin of a bear and was next to the newlyweds throughout the celebration. This symbolized the protection of newlyweds from envious eyes and evil tongues, since the Slavs associated the bear with purity of thoughts, wisdom, and a sense of security.

Rules for wearing an amulet

The talisman should be worn around the neck, threading it through a silver chain or leather cord. It is advisable to hide the amulet from prying eyes under clothing. Often the image of a wolf's paw is applied to pendants, earrings, rings or belt plaques. It is also allowed to embroider a talisman on the hem of any clothing, scarves or mittens.

It is not recommended to wear the sign of Veles for people prone to alcohol or drug addiction, since the power of the amulet can turn against its owner and attract illnesses and misfortunes into his life.

Signs associated with the bear

Among the people there were many signs associated with the bear.

For example:

  • If a young girl saw a bear in a dream, it meant that she would soon get married. The girl's early marriage was also foreshadowed by the dream in which she ate bear meat.
  • If a married woman dreams that a bear is chasing her, she should expect the birth of a baby.
  • If after the wedding the mother met the bride and groom wearing a sheepskin coat turned inside out (the fur symbolized the skin of a bear), this meant that the newlyweds would live in abundance and they would have many children.
  • At the bachelorette party, the bride gave the groom a hand-made bear figurine. By the number of details of the craft, the accuracy of the elaboration of small elements, the degree of respect the girl had for her future husband was judged.
  • For their wedding, newlyweds were given a talisman - a bear's paw or a figurine in the form of a bear standing on its hind legs. The amulet had to have the inscription “Tikhon” or “Quiet”. It was believed that such a talisman would save a young family from quarrels and attract happiness to the family nest.
  • When a person needed to remember a large amount of information, he rubbed his forehead and temples with bear fat.
  • Keeping a bear claw at home was considered a good omen, protecting the home and its inhabitants from various troubles. When going on a long journey, people took with them an amulet in the form of a bear’s fang to protect themselves from the evil eye.
  • It was considered a good omen to see a bear's footprint in the forest.

A newlyweds' amulet - a figurine in the form of a bear standing on its hind legs will save a young family from quarrels and attract happiness to the house.

How to make an amulet with your own hands?

Initially, amulets were made from bear or wolf paws, obtained in personal combat. In the modern world, there are enough materials to make a strong talisman.

For a Seal stylized in metal, silver is best, although bronze, gold or copper can also be used. It is allowed to wear a wooden amulet. It must be remembered that an amulet for men should be made from oak, and for women – from birch. If desired, the amulet with the paw of a bear or wolf can be shaped into a pendant, ring, plate on a belt or earrings.

Women can sew a talisman from genuine leather or fabric, decorating it with embroidery in the form of a stylized image of a bear or wolf.

A self-made amulet has more power than one purchased in a store. In the process of creating a talisman, you should think only about the good and work in silence. It is not advisable to make a talisman for yourself.

Bear tattoo - meaning, where to apply

Some people choose bear tattoos as a protective amulet. Their meaning and strength are different:

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Bear with open mouthSymbolizes aggression, strength, power. This body pattern is chosen by people who often find themselves in conflict situations.
Bearish grinThe image is chosen by strong, strong-willed individuals who strive to take a leading position and defend their rights and legitimate interests.
Drawing of an animal consisting of smooth linesThis tattoo is chosen by women with a pronounced maternal instinct. The drawing expresses the lady’s life position: “First of all, I’m married. Secondly, I have children."
Mother bear with cubsThis pattern is applied to the skin by people who lack self-confidence, advice and protection from an influential person.
Brown bear, grizzlyTattoos are chosen by hunters and professional fighters in order to develop masculine aggression, determination, and composure.
Polar bearThis pattern is applied to the skin by extraordinary individuals. A tattoo increases the vital resource of the body and increases a person’s adaptive abilities.
PandaSymbolizes independence and ingenuity. Helps a person think outside the box, engage in creativity, and bring brilliant ideas to life.
Teddy bear in the forestThe drawing is suitable for those who often have to travel on business. The image helps a person maintain an invisible connection with home and dear people.
Bear PawThis is a symbol of tenderness, maternal love and care. If claws are drawn on the tattoo, the image will help a person come to power and achieve success in a leadership position.
Cartoon bear cub imagesGirls choose these designs. The tattoo symbolizes naivety, carelessness, and memories of childhood. Some girls get this tattoo after becoming a mother. In this case, the drawing is associated with maternal feelings.

Tattoos with bear symbols are most often done on the shoulder, chest or back. The location of the tattoo is chosen depending on the size of the desired design.

Girls get teddy bear tattoos on their arms or legs.

How to activate the power of the amulet

A purchased or self-made talisman will not reveal its properties without a certain ritual, which includes two stages: cleansing and activation. To perform the first step, dissolve a pinch of salt in a glass of spring water. Then the amulet is dipped into the vessel three times and left there for a day. Upon completion of cleaning, it is taken out and the water is poured away from the house.

The second stage - activation is performed in the evening in the forest or at the temple (sanctuary of ancient Slavic deities).

Reference! The activation ritual is good to carry out on “Veles” days - July 12 or February 11.

You must come to the chosen place alone and spend time in silence. Then tell the amulet about your plans and desires. It is possible to gain the favor of the god of fertility by reading prayers and offering “requirements” of natural kvass or good beer.

The ritual is considered completed when the performer feels the presence of the majestic patron.

Bear paw tattoo

A tattoo is not only a way to stand out from the crowd, but also a means to influence your destiny with the help of mystical designs and symbols.

In alchemy, the bear carries the image of primordial matter, symbolizing the beginning of any business.

In mythology, it is associated with the moon goddess, which connects it with the subconscious.

Photo examples:

For many peoples, the bear was a totem animal, symbolizing: witchcraft, divinity, reliability, invulnerability, protection, maternal energy, providence, endurance, patience, intuition, strength and courage. Therefore, in order to protect their home, people acquired a talisman - a bear paw.

A bear paw tattoo has the same meaning as the image of a bear:

- incredible strength;

- fearlessness;

- mercilessness;

- a talisman against misfortunes;

- protection of the owner’s family and wealth.

The image of a large, massive bear paw with claws is applied mainly to men, emphasizing their superiority and strength. If you add claw wounds to the design, this will make it more impressive and aggressive.

Girls love bear paw tattoos just as much as men. On a woman's body she will carry the meaning of tenderness and motherhood, because the bear will stop at nothing to protect her cubs.

Meaning of Wolf's Paw

A less common, but still possible, version of the Seal in the form of a wolf's footprint. The wolf is another hypostasis of Veles. To those who turn to it, the amulet, in addition to traditional protection, gives purposefulness, independence, strength of character and courage. Can demonstrate and enhance leadership qualities. It will help where you need to gain authority and reputation.

Important! If a person’s activities are associated with real risk and danger, it is better to choose the option of the Seal of Veles in the form of a Wolf’s Paw.

History of origin

According to legend, the ancient Slavic goddess of beauty Lada caught fish in a sacred lake. After eating it, the goddess threw the bones into the field where the cows were grazing. One cow ate the magic bones, after which she gave birth to a deity called Veles - half man, half bull, half bear. The ancient Slavic god Veles was one of the three most revered deities at that time. In ancient chronicles, his name stands on a par with the thunderer Perun and the sun god Svarog, and in his strength and power he was in no way inferior to them. It is believed that all three were brothers to each other.

It is believed that Veles is the patron of creative people, musicians and poets striving for knowledge, as well as many working peasants, traders and travelers. It is generally accepted that Veles was the main assistant to healers and magicians, giving them knowledge and insight.

According to legends, Veles could easily transform into forest animals, control the forces of nature, and was the patron of farmers and travelers. He is also credited with the role of guardian of the world of the dead and it was he who decided where the deceased would go - to Nav or Prav (Slavic analogues of Heaven and Hell). Outwardly, the Slavic god is depicted as a mixture of a man and a bear, which makes him look quite terrifying.

However, with such an appearance, God was the main patron of people. The chronicles say that it was Veles who taught the ancient Slavs art and science, and also taught all kinds of crafts. In some myths and legends, Veles appeared to people in the guise of a bear, wolf, bull, or a wandering old man. Because of this, he was also called the many-faced god. When meeting people, Veles always tried to pass on new knowledge and a piece of his wisdom to them.

Veles symbol

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