Southeast Money Zone according to Feng Shui: how to activate

Don't hide things that are blue and green

In Feng Shui, green is a symbol of prosperity, harmony and growth, while blue brings calm and balance to the home.

It is believed that the energy of prosperity consists of blue and green colors. That is why, in order to attract material wealth into the house, it is worth putting as many blue or green objects as possible in a prominent place.

An excellent option would be a vase or a large painting with a predominance of these colors. In addition, in Feng Shui, wealth and prosperity are inextricably linked with water and water flows - it is believed that a small fountain, an aquarium or paintings depicting water landscapes, located in a prominent place, will also help improve one’s financial situation.

Cleaning by energy zones

Feng Shui teaches that each room can be divided according to directions or cardinal points:

  • the south is responsible for fame and prosperity in life;
  • southwestern - for love, harmony in relationships and art;
  • southeast - for wealth and financial prosperity;
  • Western - for creativity and the presence of children;
  • eastern - for the health of the owners of the house;
  • northwestern - for the prosperity of the owner of the house and help in life from other people;
  • northeast - for knowledge;
  • northern - for career and career growth.

All these zones and their locations are calculated using an ordinary compass. The center, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, is responsible for the health of all inhabitants of the house.

It is believed that the energy of each zone of the house affects the corresponding aspects in the life of all inhabitants of the apartment. It is enough to establish good order in one of the zones and constantly maintain it, and positive changes will immediately occur in one of the areas of life.

If your career is going poorly, clean up the northern part of the apartment. If your studies are bad, general cleaning is necessary in the north-eastern part of the home, etc. According to this philosophy, cleaning an apartment according to Feng Shui turns into a way to influence all aspects of life.

Flowers - on the windowsill

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, plants have different energies. However, in Feng Shui it is believed that the presence of any plants helps to activate the wealth zone.

The most suitable is Crassula (money tree). This plant will attract cash flows and success to your home. To enhance its magical properties, the fat plant must be planted in a red or black pot, and some coins must be buried in the ground.

It is better to take crassula sprouts from those houses where there is already wealth - such a seedling will bring a little luck with it from the old home. Flowers do not have to be real - symbolic images of plants and trees are also suitable to activate the wealth zone. For example, figurines made of wood, beads, plasticine, salt dough, curtains, wallpaper and tablecloths with floral patterns.

Money feng shui for home

The ancient Chinese teaching of Feng Shui not only recommends the most optimal ways to organize space, this wise science helps to achieve a variety of goals by making certain changes to the interior of the home. One of the most important tasks that Feng Shui sets for itself is to attract financial wealth. In general, for the Chinese, wealth is one of the most important components in life, to which they have long attached great importance. Wealth is as important to them as children, health and family. Moreover, the Chinese are well aware that financial well-being often underlies all other components of the happy life of every person and his family.

In our modern reality, especially during a crisis, ensuring financial stability and well-being is also a very important and pressing issue for many. To make the ancient energies of Feng Shui work to increase your own well-being, you need to correctly use certain useful elements that will attract money, and, conversely, try to avoid dangerous things that repel money.

The hallway should sparkle with cleanliness

To attract wealth and prosperity into your home, you first need to cleanse the space and get rid of negative energy.

The best way to clear the way for new energy flows is to clean and get rid of old unnecessary things. Old things accumulate negative memories from the past and interfere with development and material growth.

Renewed energy flows enter the house, bypassing the corridor and hallway, so these rooms should be spacious and should not be cluttered with massive furniture or a lot of junk.

It is also worth tidying up the front door - it is believed that its unsightly appearance can “scare off” favorable energy flows from the home.

Freeing up areas in the apartment

Each zone corresponds to a specific room. First of all, when we enter the house, we are greeted by the corridor - it personifies our capabilities. It should be light here, lay a rug at the entrance - it will not only be beautiful, but will also attract positive energy (if a greeting or other friendly statements are written on it). If desired, you can attach a bell at the entrance. You should not overload it with unnecessary items. An accumulation of clothes and shoes promises illness.

The kitchen is a collection of dishes and appliances. Such objects, designed to be our helpers, often become a hindrance. Feng Shui gurus advise reducing the number of electrical appliances in the house to a minimum. But thanks to these helpers, housewives have time to manage the housework, prepare delicious food, and care for children, so it is simply impossible to give up most household appliances. You can get rid of an overabundance of equipment by replacing single-function devices with more universal equipment.

The kitchen stove should always be kept clean, because it is a symbol of prosperity.

The bedroom should also sparkle with cleanliness. Because in this zone we restore energy and relax. Cleanliness makes a home feel cozy, which is ultimately the goal of Feng Shui.

By overloading your balcony, you are closing the door to future changes in your life.

Final stage

When everything around is sparkling clean, when all the dirty linen has been swept out of the hut, and there is no dust or dirt left in a single corner, then you can begin the final stage. It involves replanting a houseplant. Choose the plant at your discretion. You can buy a new one in the store or transplant a cutting from an existing one. The most important thing is to transplant the plant into a new, pre-purchased pot.

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When you finish the job, place the potted plant on the windowsill, then open the windows to ventilate the apartment again.

Where to put a money tree according to Feng Shui in an apartment

There are also money plants that help attract financial flows to the apartment and increase wealth.

The most famous money plant that provides abundance is the money tree (crassula). It has small round leaves that look like coins. Do not pick off the leaves of the money tree. And to increase the family budget when planting a plant, bury any coin in a pot with a fat plant.

It is advisable to place the money tree near a window facing southeast. Choose a green or red pot for the plant. You need to carefully care for the plant, do not forget to water it.

Geraniums and cacti also attract finance to the apartment. Cacti serve a dual function:

  1. “strung” wealth on their thorns;
  2. protect from thieves.

General recommendations

Clean your house regularly

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The first thing to remember and what all Feng Shui adherents say is that junk, old and unnecessary things, dust clog not only our home, but also the energy flows around us, which, of course, negatively affects the quality our life.


And vice versa - cleanliness and order can lead us to well-being. To do this, you must follow the following recommendations.

  1. Cleaning according to the lunar calendar. To carry out general cleaning, choose the period of the waning moon. Since this phase of the lunar cycle itself represents cleansing, cleaning at this time will have the most beneficial effect on the energy of your home.
  2. Get rid of dust daily. By wiping dust, you thereby neutralize the negativity that accumulates in your home. Clean carpets and floors regularly with a vacuum cleaner, but remember that when you use it, tiny particles of dust remain in the air. Therefore, after working with it, spray the room with a spray bottle; you can first add a drop of your favorite aroma oil to it.
  3. Leave with a positive attitude. According to Feng Shui masters, treating cleaning as a hated chore is extremely unprofitable. Instead, you need to develop a new attitude towards it and, while putting things in order in the house, imagine how by doing so you are putting things in order in your soul and life. Because that's how it is!
  4. Take advantage of the energy of music. Clean while listening to energetic music - you will not only perk yourself up, but also activate the energy flows in the house. After cleaning, take the Chinese bells and walk around the rooms, ringing them. And then you can put on calming music that harmonizes the energy.

Important cleaning rules

In order to clean the house, choose a day when, if possible, household members will be absent or will not be distracted, and you will not need to rush about business. The most favorable days of the week depending on the purpose of cleaning:

  • Tuesday, Saturday - attracting wealth;
  • Wednesday - success in trading;
  • Thursday - getting rid of negativity.

On Sunday, cleaning the house is strictly prohibited! This is the day to rest.

Water symbols

The correct use of water symbols in the design of a wealth zone will help attract money into a person’s life. Circulating water brings changes for the better: self-development, prosperity, new opportunities. Therefore, it is useful to place a small fountain in the area responsible for material well-being. If it is not possible to acquire a mini-reservoir, it is replaced with a picture of a river landscape. It is not recommended to use paintings in interior design that depict a waterfall and a sea storm: money does not like the raging element of Water.


An aquarium with fish is an effective talisman that can easily attract big money into a person’s life, but only if the home mini-pond receives high-quality care.

On a note

Pay attention to important rules that will increase the effectiveness of your spring cleaning ritual. Here are the main points:

  1. On the day of cleaning, do not allow guests into the house so that they do not “draw” all the positive, powerful energy onto themselves.
  2. Don't clean in such a way that you fall off your feet. Do the work in stages, breaking it down into small tasks. Rest after each stage.
  3. During a break, you can meditate and think about something good. Try not to turn on the TV. To set the mood, you can turn on your favorite music.
  4. When you clean, visualize wealth. Think only about the good, imagine a happy future, good changes that will happen in your life immediately after you clean the house.

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We are starting to carry out “cash cleaning”

  • 1. When starting to beat or vacuum the carpets in your apartment, you must say: “Just as there is no place for dirt in my house, there is no place for lack of money in my house. Let it be so".
  • 2. Before you start “money” cleaning, accumulate 27 coins, among them there should be five- and fifty-kopeck coins. During the cleaning process, thoroughly wash the accumulated coins, which will wash away the negative energy of other people from them.
  • 3. After the coins have been washed, fill a basin with clean water and place the coins in it for seven minutes. After the coins have arrived in clean water for the allotted time, take them out of there, be sure to dry them and put them away until the next “money” cleaning.
  • 4. Pour the remaining water in the basin into a bucket, add a couple of drops of essential oil of pine, patchouli, lavender, mint or grapefruit, which, according to Feng Shui, attract financial well-being.
  • 5. Use water to wash the floors in the apartment, saying: “I wash with money water, I charge my floor, I attract money into the house.”

7 Feng Shui rules for attracting money

If you want to get rich, first you need to learn about the 7 rules of Feng Shui. By following them, you can fill your life with abundance, become more successful and attract money.

The teachings of Feng Shui can change any area of ​​our life beyond recognition. Experts are confident that most financial problems arise due to energy causes of poverty, which Feng Shui helps to combat. 7 basic rules will help you increase your luck and tune in to the right energy flows. You should organize your home correctly, then material wealth will not take long to arrive.

1 rule: cleanliness is the key to wealth

Home is your fortress: it is here that you wake up and greet a new day, and here you are saved from misfortunes and adversity. It is your home that fills you with the strength to achieve success, so it is important to make sure that it is clean and orderly. It is necessary to ensure that garbage does not accumulate at home (it stops the movement of energies), wipe off dust in a timely manner (it accumulates negativity), throw away old things (they interfere with the acquisition of new ones). The cleaner and freer your home is, the sooner prosperity will settle in it.

Rule 2: the right wallet leads to wealth

A wallet is a kind of home for your money. And it is he who is the receptacle of monetary energy. It is necessary to monitor the condition of your wallet. Under no circumstances should you store money in an old, torn or battered wallet.

It is advisable to purchase a new wallet, and one that you like. It's best to place bills neatly in it to send a sign to the Universe that you care about your money. Then it will give you even more profit.

Changes and paper bills should be stored in different sections of the wallet, but checks and other unnecessary notes should not be placed there. Periodically clean up your wallet and make sure that there is nothing else in there except money, bank cards and money talismans.

To always have prosperity in life, when buying a new wallet, put an irredeemable coin in it, which will help attract even more money and will not allow you to remain in a difficult financial situation.

Rule 3: Find a zone of prosperity in your home

According to Feng Shui, every place in the house has a special energy. While in your apartment, you may notice that some kind of malfunction occurs in a certain place, for example, your mood may change sharply, or you simply feel negative energy. All this indicates that some things in your home are placed incorrectly and in the wrong places.

A certain sector in the house is responsible for the financial sector, which can be identified by standing with your back to the front door. The farthest side of the apartment, which is on the left hand, is the very zone that is responsible for financial well-being.

It is necessary to maintain special order in this place, in no case should it be cluttered and, if possible, do not place furniture there. Otherwise, the energy that is responsible for the prosperity of your home will be disrupted. It is best to improve this place, put flowers and various figures there that attract wealth.

If for some reason it is not possible to clear the wealth zone, then you can hang a mirror on the outside of the front door, which will help eliminate the negative influence.

Rule 4: water is a source of monetary energy

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, water is the source of life and should be treated with special care. It embodies wealth, prosperity and abundance, for this reason it is necessary to monitor how water is used and not waste it unnecessarily.

The way you treat water shows your attitude towards money. The more you value water, the more money will flow into your home. Make sure that there is no water dripping anywhere in the house, that the pipes are intact, and that the taps do not leak.

Rule 5: an aquarium with fish is the path to wealth

In Feng Shui, aquarium fish are considered a symbol of money. In the place where the aquarium is located, a special monetary energy is concentrated, which attracts a large amount of money into the house. But everything has its own rules, so before you start an aquarium, you need to familiarize yourself with them.

Firstly, the aquarium must be of adequate size and fit into the interior of the room. It is necessary to choose a place for it where it will stand for a long time, because, according to Feng Shui, it is better not to change its location so as not to disturb the Qi energy. Do not buy a very large aquarium, as this, on the contrary, can worsen your financial condition.

Secondly, it is better to place the aquarium where the energy of prosperity is concentrated according to Feng Shui, or at least as close to this place as possible.

Thirdly, it is necessary to place an odd number of fish in the aquarium and, of course, monitor their condition and the cleanliness of the aquarium.

Rule 6: buy a toad mascot

In Feng Shui, there are certain talismans that attract wealth. These include a golden toad with three legs, which should be in every home to increase material wealth.

Before purchasing such a talisman, make sure that the toad has a coin in its mouth. Otherwise, it will be a simple figurine that will not attract wealth and prosperity to you. Also try to find a figurine painted in gold or bronze color, because it is these figurines that increase income and attract money to the house.

Rule 7: positive mood

According to Feng Shui, it is very important to be in a good mood and think about money only in a positive way, otherwise you will not be able to attract finances to the fullest. Even if at a given period of your life you do not have a very large amount of money, you should not despair and think about how little there is in your life. Better think that soon your finances will increase and you will be able to afford much more than you have now.

Always remember that the Universe is abundant. Never scold the Universe because you don't have enough money. You shouldn’t think at all that there are few of them. Learn to be grateful for what you have, and then the Universe will reward you with more.

All these Feng Shui rules for attracting money will help not only improve your financial situation, but also change your life for the better, and also start thinking in a positive way. Always remember that if something goes wrong in life, it can be easily fixed. The editors of the site wish you success,

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