Northeast Feng Shui Knowledge Zone: how to activate

Harmonization of a room for any purpose begins with dividing the space of the house into zones according to the Ba Gua grid, according to the teachings of Fen. Each sector corresponds to a side of the world and has a Gua number. By working with each area separately, selecting and arranging the furniture correctly, and using symbols to activate energy, you can achieve significant positive results in all areas of the residents’ lives.

According to the Ba Gua grid, the northeast sector is responsible for knowledge and wisdom. It supports brown, beige, yellow, and shades of red. The element Earth rules and fuels Fire. The sector is activated by symbols according to the rules of Feng Shui: crystal pyramid, cube, ball, snake, owl, lotus.

To achieve your goal in life, according to the wisdom of feng, you need to have knowledge. Having received a profession, move in a given direction, enriching yourself with new knowledge along the way, working on self-improvement. Positive flows of Qi energy, according to followers of the fen direction, contribute to the emergence of ideas that can be used by applying the inherent abilities and acquired knowledge in another matter. This is how they open a business or begin to engage in scientific research.

But this is only the first stage of change, since new knowledge will be needed to own a business for the benefit, and not at a loss. This is where the philosophy of Feng Shui comes to the rescue, where the northeast zone helps to absorb knowledge and gain experience. The main thing is to correctly activate the sector where colors play, as in other zones, a significant role.

The Chinese honor the direction of the east, because money comes from there, without which it is impossible to exist. And the northern direction brings wisdom and spiritual development. Therefore, the rules of Feng Shui dictate that the front door be placed to the east or northeast. Bright lighting should be maintained here, a crystal lamp or chandelier is especially suitable. And symbols, at least 2-3, which should be studied and used to benefit the cause.

If there are schoolchildren or students in the house, Feng Shui advises placing a study table here. If everyone has already grown up and is busy working in their profession, the zone is occupied by a library, and the symbols placed in it stimulate further, even independent, learning. Affirmations and phrases from Latin or Chinese help you move forward in development, for example, to feed yourself with knowledge and stimulate movement on the path to success. Here, according to the hair dryer, you can meditate.

Affirmations for success in school

The knowledge sector is the place where affirmations should be placed correctly. They can be activated using color, giving each phrase a different shade. They will help you discover hidden reserves and achieve success in your studies.

  • I have a well-developed intuition, and I know how to use it.
  • I know how to find a way out of the most dead-end situations.
  • I have a source of wisdom, I trust my inner voice.
  • I strive to learn new things.
  • I accept myself with all my flaws.
  • I am a problem solver.
  • I strive for harmony in everything that surrounds me.

By turning to affirmations at least once a day, you can find inner peace and an incentive to gain knowledge.

There is an endless source of wisdom within me

Before activating the northeast zone of knowledge and wisdom, one must study the elements that govern the sector. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Governing elements

The main element that governs the sector: Earth.


The knowledge zone should be well equipped with the element of fire. You can put a floor lamp with warm light, hang several sconces, or place a couple of candles in an even number. Any metal racks and shelves will be appropriate in the space.

But you need to be careful with wooden cabinets. There shouldn't be too many of them in the northeast. Any aquariums, fountains and images of water should be categorically rejected.

Shapes and colors

If you have such an opportunity, try to decorate the interior in favorable shades of the wisdom sector. It is recommended to add decorative items, paintings and other stylish accessories in matching tones.

FormFavorable colorsUnfavorable colorsScents of success
  • square;
  • rectangle;
  • triangle.
  • red;
  • orange;
  • brown;
  • scarlet;
  • beige;
  • ocher;
  • terracotta;
  • beige.
  • green;
  • blue;
  • black.
  • rosemary;
  • mint;
  • vanilla;
  • incense;
  • lotus;
  • myrrh.

In the wisdom sector, you can light a ceramic aroma lamp or add a few drops of oil to some object.

Northeast according to Feng Shui

An important principle of creating good Feng Shui is to take into account your favorable and unfavorable cardinal directions when orienting your houses, apartments, and interior items in accordance with them. In order to understand how the northeast according to Feng Shui affects our lives, it is necessary to understand what energies are contained in it.

1. Element and color of the Northeast according to Feng Shui

Element of the Northeast - Earth

Supporting element – ​​Fire

Weakening element – ​​Metal

Conflicting elements – Water and Wood

The color of the Northeast is brown, yellow.

Trigram of the Northeast - Gen. The energy of the earth, in nature, personifies the mountain. Qualities of the trigram: reliability, stability, calmness, patience. The trigram is connected with knowledge and its ordering. This is the period between the end of the old and the anticipation of the beginning of the new.

In a family, the Gen trigram represents the youngest son, boys under 15, and all people with a Gua number of 8.

The northeast sector according to Feng Shui, like the southwest , is subject to the energy of the earth. Earth corresponds to brown, milky, sand, terracotta, yellow colors. The earth is fueled by fire, so pink, red and orange shades are also favorable in the northeastern sector. The shapes of earth element objects are square and rectangular. You can also place triangular shapes of the fire element here. In the northeast zone, according to Feng Shui, it is good to place interior items made from natural fabrics and materials. Northeast Feng Shui paintings and other crafts made from stones and crystals will support the earth element. Favorable Qi will be attracted by additional artificial lighting, symbolizing the energy of fire.

You can weaken the northeast zone by adding elements of metal and wood, which weaken and control the earth. That is, the following colors should not be used unnecessarily in the northeast zone according to Feng Shui: white, light gray and green.

2. What to locate in the Northeast

Guided by the Ba Zhai method, rooms should be located in their personal favorable directions , which are determined by the Gua number :

  • People with Gua numbers of 1,3,4 and 9 belong to the Eastern group . Their favorable directions are South , North , East , South-East .
  • People with Gua 2, 6, 7 and 8 belong to the Western group . They are favored by the West , South-West , North-West and North-East .

More frequently visited rooms should be placed in your favorable sectors, and less important rooms should be placed in unfavorable sectors.

Therefore, for people of the eastern group in the northeast, it is better to place a kitchen (if it is not combined with a dining room), a bathroom and toilet, storage rooms and dressing rooms.

a bedroom in the northeast .

However, in any room, in a separate room, it is necessary to monitor the energy balance. You can decorate a kitchen in the northeast according to Feng Shui in the color of ripe lemon, but you must also add items that represent the other four elements.

If you want to learn how to create a harmonious environment on your own by choosing colors, interior items, and the right places for furniture, then I recommend studying the correspondence course “ Individual Feng Shui .” Anatoly Sokolov, Master of Feng Shui, teaches the basics of Chinese science on the planning and design of a house, apartment or office using practical examples.

And from the Feng Shui forecast for 2021, you can learn about what energies will prevail in the world and in relationships between people in the year of the Earth Dog , what areas of activity are more profitable, what to do in order to attract good luck and improve health.

You can learn Feng Shui and the pillars of destiny (ba-tzu) by taking correspondence courses from Feng Shui Master Anatoly Sokolov:

Discounts when purchasing several courses of Feng Shui and the pillars of destiny (Ba Tzu) by Feng Shui Master Anatoly Sokolov:

How to activate the Knowledge Zone

How to launch positive energy in the sector of wisdom and knowledge so that it helps you? It is recommended to follow simple tips that will help you with this. The Northeast zone of Feng Shui Knowledge loves systematicity and rationality.


Try to keep track of the space in your apartment. There should be no trash, damaged items or broken equipment in this area. Chewed pens, broken pencils, torn books and shabby globes have no place here either. Try to give things a second life and throw everything else in the trash.

Activation of the Knowledge Zone

The table presents symbols that will help activate the zone of knowledge and wisdom according to Feng Shui. These can be images, figurines, vases, household items and much more.

any clay objectscandlesgems
crystalcrystal pyramidPhoenix
globesnakepot of wealth filled with coins and gems
mapcrystalsmaterials and books you want to study
fireplacelandscapes and landscapesamethyst, rock crystal
Image of the Gods Hottei, Ganesha and Guan Gongmountain imagesorange or white flowers (lilies, lotuses, chrysanthemums)

Practical tips for activating aspects of life

First you need to decide on the space you plan to improve. You can start with the smallest thing, by improving your workplace. If you dream of big changes, start decorating your office or apartment.

  1. The first stage is drawing up a layout of the premises and general cleaning of the rooms. Getting rid of unnecessary things, dust and dirt is one of the most important conditions for accepting the flow of free and positive energy.
  2. Divide the schematic drawing into a matrix consisting of nine squares of equal size. Do not rush to sign the zones of the squares, since first you need to decide on the cardinal directions, and for this you will need a compass.
  3. Stand in the middle of your office or home and use a compass to determine north, south, east and west. Record directions according to your plan. You can combine the compass values ​​with the diagram by drawing cross vectors (the same as on the device).
  4. Determine the exact directions (southwest, southeast, northwest, northeast) between the main cardinal points and also reflect on the plan. After this, you can safely sign the sectors, identifying them with zones of real space.
  5. Having decided on the zones, you can understand what is missing or what is destroying the vital flows of Qi in this room. To make it clear, write in pencil the possible changes for each room, in accordance with the definitions that were described earlier.
  6. The space should not be overloaded with symbolic figurines, figures, pictures. It should be functionally convenient and pleasant for your contemplation.
  7. After making changes, you must carefully maintain the existing order. If you put a tree in the family or wealth zone, it needs to be carefully looked after and watered. Dry leaves or dead roots will bring destructive Shea energy, hindering your growth of prosperity and family idyll.
  8. Get saturated with information about those objects that activate a particular sector. For example, if you lack fame or recognition by colleagues of your talent and experience, it is not necessary to display all your awards and diplomas in the Glory sector. It is enough to place a cone-shaped pyramid on the desktop. After all, it is triangular objects that personify fire (the symbol of the zone), the desire to strive upward and not stop there. And the pencil lying next to it will be a symbol of the tree that feeds your fire. And then you will be constantly fed with new ideas and goals that lead to success.

Sources: fen-shuy/severo-vostok.html

Securing the symbolic “Anchor”

You can use a heavy object as an “Anchor”. It seems to descend on the energy of the place and brings the vibrations into balance, making the too light and insignificant energy more significant. For this role, use a large stone, column, large figurine or living tree.

Before choosing an “anchor”, conduct an analysis of your housing, each sector. Think about what materials prevail there, what colors are there, what shape is best to implement to activate your “stabilizer”. And do not forget that if implemented incorrectly, it may not be creative, but rather destroy what exists. This is the important condition to follow to prevent this from happening.

For example, a large bronze statue in the form of an eagle stands in the same sector with a metal star. This is a negative combination of “anchors” that will only spoil the sector with even more negativity.

But a sector with a water star plus a metal statue will be an excellent tandem. If you are still new to Feng Shui, you should pay attention to the element of the sector, which plays a major role in the energy background of the home. Depending on it, it is worth installing the anchor.

Where can you put an anchor?

You can place anchors in places that border zero sectors. This technique will allow you to achieve energy balance, but it works best not on its own, but together with other adjustment methods.


There is an opinion that two red eights can somehow affect the correction of the energy of the room.

If you want to use this method, cut out numbers from cardboard or paper 3-4 cm thick. Such dimensions attract the “Six Types of Luck”. The diameter size is 21 cm and will have a beneficial effect on luck in general.

And what size is needed for your specific sectors depends on which of them is missing.

In addition, you can take the symbolism of double happiness as the personification of good luck. This symbol helps remove some negativity. But even together with the eights, this will not be a worthy compensation for the missing sector.

In other words, this method should be considered as a way to correct problem areas. And then, if you use an integrated approach from the methods indicated above.

Good luck on the thorny path of studying Feng Shui!

Perspective images - how to use?

There are also a number of images that also visually expand the space. These are photo wallpapers and all kinds of wall stickers with perspective. The main condition is to choose a positive picture without a depressing plot.

Another secret - in order to not only correct, but also activate the sector, choose a composition that is as close as possible to the positive energy of the place. For example, in the Northern sector it would be appropriate to use a picture with water (excluding the bedroom), and the Southern and Eastern sectors can be decorated with green shades or take one of them as the main color.

It is very convenient to use such pictures, because they can be placed in almost every corner of the house or apartment - hung, put, placed, and so on. But there will be many obstacles for mirrors.

To position the image, the same rules apply as for mirrors. Since images add space, they need to be placed on the wall or against the wall behind which the missing sector is located or to the side where you want to enlarge the room.

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