Why do superstitious people put a coin under the doormat before leaving the house?

This is a serious magical ritual that can have unpleasant consequences. What to do with tossed coins?

So, where do the scattered coins under the door come from? There can be many options. For example, they were dropped by someone living in your apartment, a neighbor or one of the guests. But there is a possibility, and a considerable one, that the coins were not by chance under the door, that they were placed there, or even more correctly, planted there, for some magical purpose.

Possible reasons

1. Bad people are trying to direct some kind of negativity at the residents of the apartment.

2. In this way they try to “take away” the health of the residents. Magicians consider such an action especially dangerous if there are children in the house. They are easily exposed to negativity.

3. Those who planted the coins want to ruin the life of the person living behind this door, or harm him in love, work and other areas of life.

4. Trying to survive from home. This is how envious neighbors or other people who dream of living in your apartment or house act. They say that after three “linings” you will have to move in any case, otherwise family problems in the form of endless scandals will not be solved out of the blue.

5. They want to “take away” your income, your impoverishment. All you have to do is touch the coins with your bare hands, and monetary losses are guaranteed. Therefore, never pick up money with your bare hands. Also, do not carry them over the threshold into an apartment or house. And it’s better not to pick up change in general, even outside the house, on the street. They say that by picking up small change, you take away the troubles of others (the one who dropped them intentionally or accidentally).

What to do if you find coins under the door

As soon as you find coins near the door, you need to take precautions. You don’t know who planted them and why... You should put disposable gloves on your hands, if you don’t have them, use simple bags, and carefully collect the “lining” in a bag or trash bag. Then, without bringing it into the house, take it further away - somewhere to a vacant lot.

If the time of year allows, then be sure to bury these coins in the ground along with the gloves, and silently go home.

If it is not possible to bury the coins, take them to the nearest garbage chute and throw them there.

It would be bad if children, having found coins under the door, collected them with their bare hands and carried them into the house. Then those people who wanted to harm you will get what they want.

Advice : if it so happens that coins end up in your house, take them to church and give them to the priest. Light a candle for good health for yourself and your family.

From the author

As children, we often picked up coins - both in the entrances and on the street, and I don’t remember that after that anyone felt bad. Probably, a lot depends on the person who picked up these coins. If the person being suggested did this, unaware of possible problems, then, having learned about the magical component, he may get scared, withdraw into himself, start visiting magicians, etc. And this is already fraught with real problems.

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Why do they put a coin?

The ceremony to attract cash flow is carried out alone. It does not depend on the lunar phases, but it is better to choose Tuesday as the day of the week. It is under the auspices of Mars, the planet of commerce, and carries powerful financial energy.

Money loves order. So do some deep cleaning the day before. Be sure to get rid of the old stuff that has accumulated in the hallway. Money energy does not tolerate proximity to torn things.

Having prepared the place, you can begin to perform magic. You will need a coin of any denomination, preferably yellow. Squeeze it in your left fist, bring it to your lips, whisper three times: “My penny of money beckons, it meets you at the threshold. Come into the house, money is small and large, a place has been prepared for you. The owner welcomes the money. Save up, increase and gain strength. My word is inviolable. As I say, it will come true.”

During the conspiracy, concentrate on your desire. Believe that it will come true. Otherwise, higher powers may be offended and make the situation worse.

Place the coin under the mat on the inside of your front door. No one should touch your money talisman. When cleaning, you can lift it, but then you should return it to its place. Signs promise that as long as the coin remains under the rug, the finances in the house will multiply.


Sleeping on notes or textbooks to successfully pass an exam is the oldest sign that is still popular among students and students in many educational institutions.

Experienced students also advise waking up and rushing to the exam, without talking to strangers along the way, so as not to inadvertently lose luck. And in the classroom, write the paper with the same pen that was used to take notes during lectures.

Real life example

Having bought a new apartment, the happy family “rolled up their sleeves” and immediately began renovating it in order to enjoy their purchase to the fullest and live even better in the home of their long-time dreams. As usual, we found a team from nearby countries, and work began to boil. The people in the team were different, but they had one thing in common: the desire to earn a lot, in view of their plight, for which the ancestors of their employers were historically “to blame.” For some reason unknown to the owners, people in the brigade changed, new people came to replace the old people, with their own problems and only one unchanging desire. Only one person never changed. From the beginning of the renovation, he remained in place, working properly and serving his owners, ingratiating himself with them and evoking pity, telling tearful stories about his large family, which was forced to live very poorly, eating practically nothing but bread and water. The owners, compassionate people, felt sorry for him and tried in every possible way to give him additional work so that he would have the opportunity to help his family. Even when the repairs were completed and the crew moved out, they left him for a while, giving him the opportunity to significantly improve their financial situation. After everything in the apartment was done, the owners, having settled with this worker, expressed with gratitude in money and gifts, sent him to his homeland, escorting him to the train in order to eliminate any possibility of an uncomfortable departure. They called a clearing company to clean it and, after cleaning the apartment until it was perfectly clean, they set a moving date. And just before cleaning, we unexpectedly discovered small change scattered on a plate in the corner of the dressing room. At first glance, it was about a hundred rubles. “The worker probably forgot in the chaos,” said the head of the family, but he noted to himself that such people usually never forget anything. He put this money in a small bag and left it in a box with tools, naively believing that this worker would certainly return for it.

For a long time, this money was kept in the apartment, waiting for its owner to return. Meanwhile, the previously prosperous family suddenly began to experience financial difficulties. Debts, loans and unfulfilled financial obligations appeared. This has never happened before. And there was no apparent reason for the sharp financial collapse of the family budget, with the exception, probably, of money left in the apartment, with “best” wishes to the grateful and unsuspecting owners.

Coin spell to attract money

Every modern person wants and strives to have enough money to live comfortably. But it is not always possible to earn the amount that is necessary.

In this case, a coin spell comes to the rescue. The coin is the best item to attract profit. It is from one coin, or in the old way, money, that wealth begins to develop. There are many rituals to attract money, which should be carried out according to the rules.

It is recommended to repeat many money rituals periodically, since the properties of the old enchanted coin at some point cease to operate and the next one needs to be enchanted to replace it. Many rituals involve preserving the first large income, since it will serve as a talisman and attract new large income.

Financial conspiracies allow people not only to get big money and build wealth, but also to conduct business transactions profitably.

You can find financial rituals aimed at the profitable and successful acquisition of new things, including clothes. After carrying out such a conspiracy, the performer remains to wait for the receipt of some income, which is intended for the purchase of new things. Of course, the speaker needs concentration to carry out such a ritual.


People know many rituals that attract money, but in order to use magic, you must strictly follow the rules of the ritual and all the nuances. Financial rituals aimed at gaining wealth are best performed during the waxing Moon. It is advisable to get rid of debts on a decreasing basis. Coin conspiracies should be carried out exclusively on yourself - turning to magicians or third parties for help is simply unacceptable.

It is recommended to attract wealth on the day of the waxing moon - in the morning or in the evening after dawn. Only the performer should know about the ceremony. If other people find out about this action, unpleasant consequences may arise. The presence of strangers at the time of the conspiracy is prohibited; even close people are not allowed to know about it, much less be present when it is carried out.

Coins attract wealth

In most cases, coin spells are carried out without the participation of additional magical means, but there are exceptions. Thus, one ancient ritual involves the use of two buckets and water. The ceremony should be carried out at home, and it is recommended to close the vents, windows and doors, and also completely turn off the lights.

One metal bucket is filled with scooped water, a coin is placed in the other. At the moment of casting the spell, you should pour water from one bucket to another without splashing the water.

Spell for a coin and buckets

“A wide river flows, a deep river flows, a circle of pure fields, a circle of Alatyr-stone, the river carries mighty water, boiling water, for every animal, every grass to live on. So for me, the servant of God (name), gold and silver would flow like a river, wash the thresholds, fill the corners, a child - there for strength, for the elderly for their belongings, for people's profits. My words are bound with iron, you can’t pierce them with a knife, you can’t chop them with an ax, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen." Read more…

After the ceremony, the coin must be placed in the wallet and never taken out.

Another ritual for attracting wealth is read for 5 rubles or 5 kopecks. On the day of the waxing moon, 5 kopecks are spoken with prayer and put into the wallet.

Conspiracy “For 5 rubles”

“I go to trade as a merchant, I return on a sable a fine fellow. I'm bringing the treasure home. God grant me so much money that I have nowhere to put it. Amen."

The magical effect lasts for a month, then you should take a new 5-kopeck coin and speak it in the same way.

Another ritual for 5 kopecks is carried out differently. A hole is dug under the aspen, a nickel is placed there, a spell is spoken and it is buried. The conspiracy is carried out on an even day of the full moon.

Spell “For 5 rubles” on the full moon

“May God be with you, my soot. Grow as a sprout, live as a harvest. Just as a mouse cannot gnaw you, a worm cannot eat you away, so that no one can steal my money. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Rituals with a silver coin have the best results - they are the ones that allow you to gain wealth.

To perform a ritual for wealth using a silver coin, you will need a deep bowl. The bowl is filled halfway with spring water, into which a silver coin is then immersed. The ceremony is carried out on a full moon under a cloudless, clear sky. The bowl is installed in such a way that the moonlight is reflected in the water. Symbolic movements are made over the water, as if hands are scooping up liquid silver, and words are pronounced three times, then the water is poured onto the ground. The coin is put into the wallet.

Spell “For 5 rubles” on the full moon

“May God be with you, my soot. Grow as a sprout, live as a harvest. Just as a mouse cannot gnaw you, a worm cannot eat you away, so that no one can steal my money. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Amen."

What can happen

Rituals using coins that attract money and good luck belong to white magic, so they do not cause consequences. However, there may be exceptions if the ceremony was not performed according to the rules. In this case, magic can have the opposite effect. Thus, by performing a ritual to receive a large sum, and by violating the sequence of its actions, you may soon not make a profit, but lose your existing fortune.

With excessive use of magic, when the performer cannot get enough of the available funds and wants to get more, the consequences can affect other aspects of a person’s life, for example, negatively affect his health or destroy family relationships.

Video: Coin Spell

Useful conspiracies things:

  • Wallet spells
  • Water conspiracies
  • Conspiracies for salt
  • Spells on a pin
  • Spells on cards
  • Apple conspiracies
  • Poppy conspiracies

Consequences of conspiracies for good luck and financial well-being

White magic is powerful , but not safe, as many people think. To avoid the consequences of reading conspiracies of white magic and black magic, you need to understand why and why you are making a conspiracy:

  • rituals can be performed only when absolutely necessary;
  • You cannot cast spells out of curiosity;
  • you should not share results or talk about the use of magical rituals.

Remember, for a money plot to be successful, you need to read it alone. The power of the conspiracy and faith in it increases your chances of successful trading and successful business. After the ritual, imagine how you will find a high-paying job, carry out financial transactions on favorable terms, go on vacation to an expensive resort, be able to open your own business and receive maximum profit.

Do you want to live in abundance, dream of having material wealth and really want to make expensive purchases every day, but you can’t afford it? Then strong conspiracies will help you. The power of a conspiracy can attract wealth, money and good luck!

Lucky coin for good luck

For the sacrament you will need a gold coin, a bag, and a red satin ribbon. The ritual takes place in the evening:

  1. 1. First, remember a situation from your past when a person was lucky: he managed to find a desired job, buy an expensive thing, pass a difficult exam.
  2. 2. Then take a coin in your hands, and, holding it tightly between your palms, say the spell seven times: “Coin-coin, love me, attract luck and good fortune.”
  3. 3. Place the talisman in a bag and tie with a red ribbon. When tying knots, you need to whisper the words on them: “My luck is always with me.”
  4. 4. After this, the bag is placed under the pillow, and in the morning it is hidden in a secret place.
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