Animals guard your home according to Feng Shui teachings

The importance of Feng Shui in the lives of many people is quite great. And what’s surprising, because each of us strives to achieve well-being, material wealth and harmony, regardless of what skin color he has or how old he is. Amulets and talismans help to concentrate and direct the flow of energy in the right direction.

With their help, we change the environment, as a result of this, life is transformed, and it is always extremely interesting to observe this process.

A special place in feng theory is occupied by animals, both real and fictional, with special properties and abilities. Animals, or rather, figurines with their images, graphic images or toys, according to Feng Shui, can be reliable talismans; under their influence, the energy of your home can change, depending on your needs and wishes.


An elephant made of bronze, stone or ivory looks simply magnificent. It gives the owner strength, wisdom, and makes him invulnerable. It can help get a good harvest, bring long-awaited rain and increase soil fertility. The white talisman is a symbol of chastity.

It helps close people appreciate each other, maintains an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house, and makes household members of different ages more tolerant of each other.

For some people, luck enters the house right through the door, perhaps this happens as a result of the light of a favorable star illuminating its path, or maybe for another reason. But this doesn’t happen to everyone; an elephant figurine will help you bring good luck into your home. Many people believe that no matter how far away your luck is, the elephant will reach out to it with its long trunk and pull it in. To do this, you just need to place the figurine on the windowsill so that the trunk is towards the star, and that’s it.


The rhinoceros is a strong, fearless, brave animal. A distinctive feature of this majestic beast is the powerful horn in the nose area. This is the animal’s pride and natural defense. With the help of a horn, he makes his way through impassable bushes and gets his prey.

The rhino figurine looks naturalistic and very powerful.

The rhinoceros is one of the most beloved and significant protective figures in the art of Feng Shui. A powerful talisman can prevent robberies, thefts, bitter losses, unpleasant incidents, and accidents. It will give you happiness in your home, success in business and achieving noble goals, and will eliminate negative emotions and events.

Which rhino figures have special powers?

White, gray, black, silver and golden rhinoceroses look beautiful in the interior of the room. They can be monochromatic or combine several colors. Sometimes the figures are decorated with decor, shiny lines, and dots.

But the blue rhinoceros has special protective powers. It is valued for its ability to neutralize negative energy and transform it into positive energy. Using special calculations, experts can find out the location of the so-called “theft star” in the house. If you place the figurine in this exact place, it will reliably protect your home from theft, aggression, and invasion of any kind of negativity. Will prevent ill-wishers from evil thoughts and actions.

What materials are rhinoceros figurines made from?

Rhinoceros figurines can be made from various materials. Natural wood, stone, and metal can further increase the power of the talisman, attracting the positive energy of nature into the house.

  • Wooden figurines multiply the natural forces of the body, help restore energy, and have a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • Metal figurines strengthen strength and grit, train endurance, and accumulate the power of heaven.
  • Figurines made of ceramics, porcelain, and crystal are also very popular. They greatly increase the protective capabilities of the talisman and neutralize the negative impact of others.

Where to place the rhinoceros figurine?

The protective talisman can be placed in any corner of the house. But there are some helpful location tips that are sure to achieve the results you want.

  • A figurine in the living room will protect your home from the entry of people with bad thoughts. And if there are two rhinoceroses at the main entrance, this is double protection from evil! They will become faithful guards of the monastery. Moreover, animals must necessarily “look” towards the doors and watch for incoming persons.
  • If the figure is placed in a car, it will be excellent protection from unforeseen dangerous situations and accidents. Many drivers buy such amulets to make a long journey also happy!
  • A rhinoceros on the desktop will protect employees from gossip and envy and helps create a good atmosphere in the team. It also helps strengthen character - it will help overcome self-doubt and shyness. Your career will definitely go up!
  • If you place the figures of a rhinoceros and an elephant next to each other, then the above properties will add a sense of stability, resilience, and balance.

A figurine of a rhinoceros will look noble and majestic in your home.
With such a wonderful talisman, you can make the most daring plans and confidently move towards your goal! Protection and support are guaranteed to you! Alexander, November 6, 2014.


If you want to stay healthy and beautiful for as long as possible, a stork figurine will help you; it also helps those who have been waiting for an heir for a long time. This bird is considered the patron saint of children and the father's home. Those suffering from chronic illnesses can carry the talisman with them; it will alleviate their condition.

If you are unsuccessfully trying to find a successor, place a figurine of Lao Tzu, the ancient sage riding on a stork, in your office. Soon a person will cross the office threshold to whom you can entrust all your affairs. Rest assured, no matter what the first impression is, you can trust this person.


With a carp figurine, good luck will help you and you will grow spiritually. If a man and a woman lack harmony, place two figures in the room. Nine carps will increase wealth and bring stability in solving financial issues. Golden carp can swim in a large aquarium, but not everyone has this opportunity, but a picture or panel with their image can be hung on the wall.

A talisman in the northern part of the house will help you advance your career; if you place it in the southeast, your financial problems will be solved by themselves.


A proud eagle signifies success according to Feng Shui. Eagles help you find a compromise, point out the right path in decision-making, do everything to ensure that your efforts do not go unnoticed, and, of course, rewards follow.

Such a talisman can be given to a military man, an official, a scientist, or simply a purposeful person.

According to Feng Shui, the eagle soaring above the sun is one of the most powerful talismans; for it to work, choose the southern part of the room for it.

How to use blue color according to Feng Shui in an apartment

Like any other color, blue and its many shades help activate certain sectors and enhance human abilities.


This is a good option for a children's room, especially if the child has reached school age. Azure-colored walls will increase self-esteem, help you concentrate and at the same time feel calm, at ease - peaceful and relaxed.


Blue color in the bedroom according to Feng Shui is also an excellent solution. Just give preference to its light shades, for example, sea green. It will be a good place to relax in such a bedroom; blue walls will help get rid of insomnia and anxiety.


In the office, light shades of blue will help you get into a creative mood and find elusive inspiration - so they are especially suitable for a creative person, for example, an artist or writer.

It is worth remembering that everything is good in moderation. If the walls are painted blue, then the accessories, floor and ceiling should be of other colors - an excess of azure will make you sad and depressed. Sometimes it’s enough not to even paint the walls, but just to place accents in the interior with the help of things blue in order to experience its positive influence without going into soul-searching and emotional instability.

Fu dogs

Such a talisman will preserve the passionate feelings of the spouses and bring financial stability, and they are bought in pairs. Their second name is heavenly Lions; they are considered a symbol of courage, justice and selflessness.

The Chinese tradition of Feng Shui states that fu dogs bring good luck, harmony and stability to the home in relationships and financial matters. According to the Chinese, a dog is a symbol of devotion and fidelity, happiness and prosperity.

If something happens to one of the dogs, they change not just one, but a pair, otherwise the harmony of energy flows will be disrupted; a talisman is not placed in the bedroom.

Where to install a positive talisman.

1) If you install a figurine of an elephant in your home, in a prominent place, this beneficial talisman can improve the energy of the room, nullify any quarrels and squabbles between household members, and bring good luck in all matters and stability to your home.8) 2) In the children's area (western sector of your home), install a figurine of a white elephant (or 9 elephants in a children's room), which will improve energy flows, improve people's health, and bring success in all matters. 3) An elephant with a baby elephant - such figurines should be placed in your home; for those who want to have children, who already have children, these figurines can protect them from all sorts of troubles and improve the relationship of household members. 4) You can place a figurine or figurine of an Elephant standing on a mountain of gold coins in the southeast of your apartment or living room (regardless of the sector or direction, or even the office. Such a talisman (necessarily with its trunk raised up) can bring many benefits to its owner: wealth, abundance, success in all matters, fulfillment of desires 5) To protect your home from negative energies emanating from poisoned “arrows”, for example, if there is a neighbor’s door opposite your door, install a pair of Elephant figures aimed at the front door; if your window is directed at: a corner of a neighboring building, an antenna, a pole; or is located: a T-shaped intersection, a parking lot, a hospital, or any object that carries negativity and imbalance - be sure to place a figurine of an Elephant (or several figures) looking outward on the window. 6) Never install a figurine of an Elephant made of ivory or tusk in your home - such a figurine is unfavorable and will bring more trouble than a positive effect. 7) A figurine of an Elephant with a lowered trunk may not always be beneficial, so to be sure of a positive effect, buy only a figurine of an Elephant with a raised trunk. In the bedroom, place a couple of Elephant figurines, maybe on the bedside table, they will attract love; They will bring touchingness, romance and tenderness to already established ones. 9) A figurine or statue can be made of any material: plastic or glass, wood, etc. Except tusk or elephant bone.


This is a very favorable and sophisticated symbol, because one cannot help but admire these intelligent and graceful animals.

Dolphins can be depicted in a painting, wallpaper, embroidered on a pillowcase, or it can be a figurine made of wood, stone or metal. Such a talisman will protect your home from visiting people with negative energy, and people with bright thoughts, on the contrary, will come to visit you. If in your personal life you are haunted by one failure after another, get a figurine with two dolphins, and soon you will meet your soul mate. If you place an image of several dolphins jumping out of the water in your house, an atmosphere of harmony and comfort will reign in it, and household members will forget about conflicts and quarrels. People living in the house will be imbued with a feeling of friendship, nobility and responsiveness, which is why it is so important to place such a talisman in the room where there is a child. Don't worry, he will soon have true friends.

If you want dolphins to stand according to Feng Shui, place them in the northwestern part of the house. And by taking such a talisman with you on a trip, you can be sure that no matter what dangers await you along the way, everything will end well.

Feng Shui elephant - the meaning of the talisman.

Prosperity and stability are two main characteristics that an elephant has according to Feng Shui. It is also a symbol of energy, power and high position in society . It is believed that its trunk is capable of attracting good luck and positive energy into the house from the outside. Therefore, it is best to place the elephant on the windowsill so that its trunk is turned towards a good star. If the elephant's trunk is directed towards the apartment, then this is a sign that good luck is already “living” in the house. An elephant figurine is also very suitable for “absorbing” the negative energy of corners and sharp protrusions located indoors.

The elephant talisman is unpretentious in terms of location relative to specific cardinal directions, but still gives preference to the southeast and northwest . In these sectors, the power of the elephant will support the head of the family (SE) or help attract a patron to the house (NW).

It is not necessary to enhance the effect of the elephant; in essence, it is one of the most powerful talismans in the practice of feng shui . But if you still want to please and pamper your “benefactor,” then the best way to do this is with the help of decor and various decorations. So, you can hang a chain, beads on the elephant’s trunk, or decorate the talisman’s figurine or saddle with beautiful, bright rhinestones.

The elephant depicted in the painting can also be “pampered” by hanging rosaries or beads made of cypress, sandalwood or amber on the frame of the painting.

You should avoid jewelry made from ivory. This will only cause aggression and negativity.

In Feng Shui, there are many different elephants: single, paired, group, with trunks up and down, etc. The materials from which the talisman is made are also varied. This can be bronze, ceramics, bone, as well as various types of fabrics when it comes to toy elephants.

As for the magical properties of these talismans, each of them has a specific focus and priorities.

So, elephants, whose feng shui is aimed at attracting material wealth and wealth , must certainly have their trunks raised up. In addition, such a talisman will protect the owners from unnecessary waste and extravagance, and will bestow moderation and prudence in financial matters.

An elephant with a calf represents motherhood and is suitable not only for those who strive to procreate, but also for those families who already have children. This talisman has a positive effect on the relationship between parents and children, protecting the latter from problems and failures.

Continuing the theme of motherhood, it is worth noting that women who have certain problems with conception and childbirth should place a pair of elephant figurine in the bedroom. There is a belief that if a woman wants a boy, then she needs to hold the elephant by the tail. This, of course, does not give a 100% guarantee, but faith in the power of the talisman will certainly bring the desired results.

An elephant figurine
brings good luck to children if it stands on the table in their room. This magnificent creature with its presence will activate the performance of a growing son or daughter. Let her stand on the children’s desk, turning her mighty trunk towards them. Don't forget to place an elephant on your office desk so that all projects that start in this place will definitely succeed and become completed.
The most revered in the east is the talisman consisting of seven elephants . The magic number seven was not chosen here by chance. Its power is known not only from mystical sources, but is also confirmed by many astrological and numerological teachings. There are more than enough examples where the number 7 appears to be convinced of its power and strength. Therefore, feng shui 7 elephants promises its owners a home - a full cup of love, wealth, prosperity and good luck.

There are many variations of the elephant talisman in the theory and practice of Feng Shui, and the assortment on store shelves is amazing. Therefore, when choosing your benefactor, the main thing is to be guided by your inner intuition and feelings, and then your elephant will come into your hands.

Place an elephant at home and may good luck be with you!

In my store you can purchase or order talismans with the image of an elephant. For example, the Box is the “Seven Elephants” talisman

and Money box, banknote holder “Elephant”


This animal symbolizes courage and strength; men develop qualities that they did not suspect existed - indestructible will, the desire to win, determination, perseverance. The owner of the talisman becomes energetic and purposeful.

Thieves will not break into such a house, and no person with dark thoughts will cross its threshold. The talisman, like a living bear waking up in the spring, will help you start life, as they say, with a clean slate, forget about difficulties and sorrows, and boldly move towards your goal. It is advisable to place a figurine, toy or image of a bear at the entrance to the house, and the larger it is, the better.


Ladybug means changes in your personal life for the better. Such a talisman can be given to a lonely person who wants to start a family. It is also a talisman of good luck, harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

The tiny creature is able to absorb all the negative energy that is in the house, and the more spots on the back, the stronger the talisman.

The ladybug has one dot on its back - the talisman will help in a new endeavor, no matter in what area it occurs - at home, in the family or at work.

The ladybug has two spots - your sleep will be sound and calm, you will be able to understand those around you, irritability, anger, fear and misanthropy will go away.

Three spots on your back - such a talisman will protect you from hasty decisions and rash actions.

The talisman has four spots on its back - place it in the corridor or hallway, but so that guests cannot see it. Rest assured, your home is under reliable protection. Fire, robbers and the evil eye are not afraid of him.

Five dots - the talisman will help you unleash your creative potential, you will feel that you are capable of more, be confident in your abilities, because only then will others appreciate you.

A talisman with six dots can help a child master the basics of science easier and faster, just place it directly on the student’s desk, this will only enhance its impact.


According to Feng Shui, the tiger is a symbol of personal energy, strength, growth; if you place a figurine of a tiger and a dragon next to each other, the energy will become even stronger. Such a talisman will help attract business partners, conclude profitable deals and sign contracts. With him, I am afraid of competitors, since they will never cross the line of what is permitted. And, no matter how difficult the situation, the tiger will help you maintain composure and avoid conflicts and a dramatic ending.

There is no reason not to trust proponents of Feng Shui theory. Your health, family well-being, relationships with partners and financial issues will be under reliable protection if you place the talisman in the recommended place. Since the emperors believed in this, it means that talismans really have an effect on the human body, its energy field and everything connected with it.

But if you are a convinced skeptic, and if everything you read only makes you laugh, your life will not change with the appearance of animals in the house, and they will become just a useless decoration, nothing more.

Home protection from theft

Metal bars are a good way to protect your home from thieves.
In 2013, star number 7 brings thefts, strife, fires into your home, and you yourself are threatened with imprisonment! But don't worry, it's not that scary. You can protect yourself from it by taking both practical steps and Feng Shui magic. Protecting your home can be purely pragmatic. For example, you can put metal bars on windows and balconies, which, however, never hurts to do. By the way, metal is a protective element of Feng Shui, which is used to make many amulets. You may also want to think about how well you are with the law. Before you commit any illegal action - driving without a license, giving or taking a bribe - think carefully about the consequences! Isn't this fraught with a fine or worse? So, pay your taxes and sleep peacefully.

Blue rhinoceros and elephant - collage

There is another recipe according to Feng Shui. A remedy such as a protective painting or figurine of a blue rhinoceros and an elephant is applicable here. Hang or place a picture of these animals in the western sector, or place figurines of a blue rhinoceros and an elephant there. The blue rhinoceros is the best Feng Shui amulet from the seventh star, and the elephant is a wonderful symbol of protection and prosperity. You can buy them in an online feng shui store or you can draw a picture yourself if you have artistic abilities. Can you do origami? Great! If not, no problem either! Download a coloring page for an elephant and a rhinoceros from the Internet, print it out, cut it out along the outline, place it on a sheet of blue cardboard or colored paper, trace and cut out the colored silhouettes. You can make them from paper of slightly different colors or different quality. For example, it could be velvet paper and colored cardboard. Glue these silhouettes onto a white or white sheet (the color of the West) and frame them. Mentally ask these animals to protect your home. The protective amulet from the seventh star is ready!

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