Bedroom in Feng Shui style: color of bed linen according to Feng Shui

Color is one of the easiest ways to transfer energy in your home or office to create a good Feng Shui atmosphere. However, working with color can be quite challenging (as many interior decorators and feng shui enthusiasts will attest).

Finding the right Feng Shui colors for your space is truly an easy process as choosing the one that best suits you can be done relatively quickly. It's harder to fit a certain color organically and make it work in your space.

The correct presence of feng shui color in your home depends on many factors, two of which are the quality of light in the room space and the surrounding colors in the interior design.

Feng Shui color tips will help you determine your main color scheme that will create good energy in your home. You can then play and experiment until you find the right color for your home.

Feng Shui color selection is based on the five elements of Feng Shui theory

In Feng Shui, each color is considered to be an expression of one of the five elements of Feng Shui:

  • fire,
  • land,
  • metal,
  • water,
  • tree.

Each of these five elements “rules” a specific area of ​​your home (according to the feng shui energy map of your space, called the bagua). When the color choice is focused on enhancing the specific feng shui area you are decorating, it results in good feng shui energy.

This color guide will help you choose the best options to create a harmonious Feng Shui home. Choose feng shui colors according to the energy you need and bring them into your space through painting the walls, incorporating art, photography or various decorative elements.


A balanced fire element in your home will bring energy to all your career endeavors and help you achieve certain results. The fire element also nourishes sexual energy and inner warmth.

Fire is the dominant feng shui element in the southern bagua area of ​​your home. Northeast and southwest feng shui areas also benefit from good fire element energy in your home decor. Fire flowers according to Feng Shui are:

  • Red,
  • Orange,
  • Purple,
  • Pink
  • Bright yellow.


A strong and harmonious feng shui earth element in your home will help create stability, prosperity and calm protection for all your relationships. The earth element is also necessary to maintain the health and internal balance of the residents of the house.

Earth is the main feng shui element in the northeast and southwest bagua regions. The center of your home is also ruled by the earth element in Feng Shui. The Feng Shui colors of the earth are:

  • Light yellow,
  • Beige/skin color,
  • Earthy/sandy tones.


The feng shui element of metal brings characteristics such as sharpness, precision and efficiency to a space; its balanced presence will help you live with clarity and ease. The correct presence of the metal element in your home will help create an energy of calm, transparent clarity and eliminate any “deviations from the course”.

Metal is the dominant feng shui element for the western and northwestern areas of bagua. The area to the northern bagua of your home will also benefit from the presence of metallic elements. The colors of the metal element according to Feng Shui are:

  • Grey,
  • White.


The harmonious element of water according to Feng Shui will bring refreshing energy of calm, lightness, purity and freshness. The water element is also an ancient symbol of abundance, thus a powerful magnet for wealth. This is due to the use of fountains and mirrors as elements to attract wealth and prosperity.

Water is a feng shui element in the northern bagua area of ​​your home. The eastern and southeastern areas of bagua also benefit from the strong water element. Water flowers according to Feng Shui are:

  • Blue,
  • Black.


The wood element brings the energy of good health, vitality and growth. The wood element is also an expression of abundance, thus it is used as a means to attract wealth and prosperity. This is due to the use of plants and the money tree in Feng Shui.

Wood is a feng shui element in the eastern and southeastern areas of your home's bagua. The southern bagua zone also experiences a strong presence of wooden elements. Feng Shui tree colors are:

  • Brown,
  • Green.

So now you have a basic guide to Feng Shui colors to help you create a happy and healthy home. Color is reminiscent of music, nourishing and uplifting, and the more colors you absorb harmoniously throughout the day, the greater your sense of well-being. Don't be afraid to bring pops of color into your space.

Furniture arrangement in Feng Shui

Almost every day online searches include Feng Shui bedroom interiors. Photos of found designs do not always correspond to the correct Chinese organization of space. Therefore, you should remember the rules for arranging all the elements of the room yourself.

The arrangement of furniture in the bedroom according to Feng Shui should take into account the relationship of all interior items relative to each other. Large beds and huge tables cannot be placed in a small room.

It is better not to keep a TV and computer in the bedroom, which in no way correspond to the spirit of romance and fertility. If you cannot do without them, then Feng Shui advises covering the screens with a screen at night.

The Feng Shui design of a bedroom, a photo of which can be found on the Internet, should be multifunctional and minimalist. There should not be too many things, and if necessary, they should be easily rearranged, without regretting the disappearance of the overall charm of the room.

All pieces of furniture must be kept clean and dusted in a timely manner. Do not keep broken chairs and overbought decorative elements in your bedroom: their energy is not suitable for relaxation.

Arranging furniture according to Feng Shui in the bedroom always implies the presence of free space above the bed. The wall should not have hanging shelves or mezzanines. Firstly, it increases the amount of excess junk, and secondly, it interferes with the circulation of energy.

Select all items with rounded lines and edges. If the positive flow of Chi finds sharp corners, it may turn in the other direction.

Do not keep a closet with outerwear in your bedroom. Everything worn during the day should not be stored in a place for restful sleep. If the apartment is small, the question of how to arrange furniture according to Feng Shui in the bedroom is solved without taking this nuance into account. The only closet in the house, located near the bed, must be tightly locked, and all clothes in it must be vacuumed and shaken regularly.

As practice shows, it is the arrangement of furniture according to Feng Shui that takes the most effort and time. A bedroom requires a special approach to the interior, so try to arrange all objects based on the dominant elements in each cardinal direction.

The ideal bedroom according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of arranging living spaces, is based on many of the same principles as alternative medicine techniques such as acupuncture. Feng Shui is about enhancing the flow of "chi" (energy or life force) in the environment for maximum safety and productivity.

Think about how you arrange and use your bedroom, it's very important. It is where you sleep and spend significant amounts of time, so it is vital to your health and well-being.

If you share your home with a spouse or partner, note that a bedroom with the right feng shui energy is believed by experts to strengthen the bond between a couple and attract love. So for better sleep and a better relationship, consider these tips for improving the energy in your bedroom.

Gray and silver

The color of rigor, stability and isolation, embodies the element of metal. Suitable for “male” interiors, for the rooms of young men and bachelors. The predominance of gray color can suppress bright emotions and ruin a good mood. Gray is good as accents.

Suitable textures and patterns for decorating a bedding set:

  • rounded geometric shapes;
  • partial moon (crescent);
  • money symbols.

Light gray sets made of glossy “metallic” fabrics - satin or satin - are also suitable. Gray color will help enhance financial well-being if used in the western or northwestern zone of the room.

Start from your bed

The ideal bed placement allows you to see the bedroom door while you are in bed. According to feng shui experts, viewing the door from the bed when not too close to it gives a feeling of security and promotes relaxation and sleep.

When placed on a bed, your feet should not point towards the door. If this cannot be avoided, use a nightstand, high bench or table at the foot of the bed that can act as a buffer without blocking the view of the door.

The head of the bed should be against the wall, but not under a window, which could allow the chi energy to flow out and cause restless sleep.

If two people sleep in a bed, there should be equal space on both sides so that each person can easily get out of bed.

Bed placement according to Feng Shui

The most pressing question when planning a bedroom according to Feng Shui is how to place the bed correctly. The Chinese practice of organizing space gives several important tips on this matter:

The door should be clearly visible from the bed, but lying feet first towards it is a bad sign.

According to Feng Shui, the bed in the bedroom should not be too close to the wall. The distance from the headboard to the support is 5 cm.

The sleeping place should not be located between the door and the window, otherwise the energy will escape. In addition, there is no need to turn the head of the bed towards the window.

According to Feng Shui, the placement of the bed in the bedroom should always correspond to your personal favorable direction. The back of your head should be turned in this direction. And the Gua number will help determine the optimal position.

Rooms with a toilet, kitchen or bathroom should not be located under the bed or directly above it. We are talking, of course, about the territory of your own home.

The location of the bed in Feng Shui should take into account the size of the bed. If the model is double, then there should be free space on three sides. That is, placing a bed against the wall in this case is undesirable.

Don't place the stock completely in the center. The proximity of at least one wall symbolizes support from others in different areas of life.

How to place a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui, observing the cardinal directions? In this case, you should lie with your head towards the north. Then a full and sound sleep is guaranteed.

Do not place the bed where something is hanging from above. Especially do not place furniture under large chandeliers and lamps.

Feng Shui advises determining the location of the sleeping area taking into account the general layout of the room. So, placing the bed in a niche or under beams is not recommended.

Sources of electricity and sockets should not be adjacent to the bed. The ideal distance from them to the bed is one and a half meters or more.

Indeed, the most important detail in a bedroom according to Feng Shui is the location of the bed. There are very suitable photos and instructions on the Internet, but you shouldn’t get too hung up on this element of the interior. You must also think about your own convenience. And don’t be afraid to experiment, because over time you will figure out exactly how to place the bed according to Feng Shui in the bedroom.

Get organized

According to Feng Shui, clutter is more than just a distraction, it can block the flow of chi and disrupt your sleep.

Accuracy doesn't just have to be where you can see it. Don't use the space under your bed for storage and keep the inside of your closet tidy and weed out clothes that you don't wear periodically. Keep the “insides” of nightstands and chests of drawers organized by putting books away in drawers or bedside tables.

"No" to mirrors

According to Feng Shui, if you have trouble sleeping at night and suffer from insomnia, the mirror in your bedroom could be the culprit. Mirrors act as a reflector of energy in the bedroom, which can make you feel anxious.

It is especially important not to hang a mirror on the wall opposite the bed. Feng Shui consultants say this can encourage third party intrusion into a couple's relationship and possibly encourage infidelity.

Determining a suitable location

The location of the bedroom in relation to other rooms and extensions is of decisive importance. If the bedroom is located directly above the garage (this is often the case in private homes), the owners feel the lack of a strong shoulder and reliable support in life.

The basement floors are filled with negative Yin energies. In such rooms, you should emphasize the sunny sides and fill the bedroom with Yang energy as much as possible. If there is a staircase in front of the room, install musical pendants on the door. Their melodic sound will prevent the rapid flow of energy.

Be selective in your art

Any images you hang on your bedroom walls should be inspiring, uplifting or relaxing. One of the best places to hang such an image is on the wall opposite your bed. It will be the first thing you see when you wake up and the last thing you see before you turn off the lights and go to bed. Avoid hanging sad or sad images in your bedroom, or paintings or photographs that show only one person: this symbolizes loneliness.

It is also best to avoid images in which the dominant theme is a lake, waterfall or river. In other parts of the house, water symbolizes money, but in the bedroom it can contribute to financial or relationship losses.

Paintings, talismans and other decor

To ensure harmony reigns in your marriage, decorate your bedroom with couple symbols.

These are mandarin ducks, swans, two candles - red and white. For a romantic mood, use chocolates. Angel figurines, especially in the Children sector, will help a couple have a long-awaited child.

To avoid creating information noise, avoid decor with inscriptions. The simpler the pattern, the more pleasant it is to be in the bedroom. And don’t overload the room with decorations so that your eyes don’t wander.

Paintings in the bedroom

What paintings are suitable for decorating a bedroom:

  1. The moon and the lunar “path” of light will bring a long-awaited partner into the house. This symbol is popular among women.
  2. Red peonies are magnets for men. When a woman finally has a husband, peonies are moved to the living room.
  3. Images of phoenixes, swans, peacocks and other birds.
  4. For harmony, choose paintings with calm landscapes, images of mountains, trees.

Any decor should evoke pleasant associations - peace, happiness, tranquility, protection, love.

A pair for everyone

In general, try to find a pair for each element in the space. A pair should have two (ideally) identical bedside tables (one on each side of the bed). Ovals and circles, whether it's the shape of your nightstand or the type of accessories you choose, are better than furniture and accessories with sharp corners or edges.

The color of bed linen affects a person's mood

The color of linen affects a person's mood. The influence of color on mood and psyche has long been beyond doubt; this process has long been studied and is successfully used in various fields of medicine and psychology.

However, we often do not think that the interior can be the cause of depression, family disorders and even failures in our sex life. So before you buy new sheets or start redecorating, here are a few tips.

  • People who are too sexually excitable and prone to cheating need to have at least two light green elements in the bedroom.
  • Women dreaming of a child should hang a light blue curtain on the window and attach a red bow to it.
  • Those who are shy and afraid of erotic experiments should choose an emerald shade of green as the color of bed linen. This color excites imagination and gives courage.
  • For those engaged in physical work, the color of bedding should be green, and for people engaged in mental work, you should choose blue bedding.
  • In the bedrooms of overweight people there should be no orange elements, it awakens the appetite.
  • And the main advice to women is that pale pink bed linen will make you visually younger and more attractive, which will not go unnoticed by your partner.

Yang colors

Yang colors are “aggressive”, so they should be chosen with extreme caution. At the same time, these kinds of colors are recommended for those who lack decisiveness:

  • yellow color will reward you with positivity, adding strength. This color is also recommended for use in the marital bed in order to strengthen relationships and better mutual understanding;
  • red will signify passion. This color will be wonderful for those who lack determination, as well as those who lack in intimate life. However, you should remember that bedding in red can only be made for a couple of nights, after which it can be changed to a soft color. According to energy, this color is extremely strong and constantly excites the nervous system;
  • orange means fun and positivity. You should definitely make your bed with linens of this color if you lack positivity. If you are overcome by depression, then after just a couple of days you will be amazed at how bright and fun life has become.

Feng Shui color of bed linen

There are some secrets regarding bedding. First of all, Feng Shui bedding should be soft and pastel colors and the best color according to your individual Feng Shui color chart. But, very importantly, never use blue or even any pieces of blue in your bedding. Wavy patterns also correspond to the symbol of water, so we recommend avoiding them on bedding. The color blue, symbolizing water and any wavy elements, absorbs your energy at night. Blue bedding brings illness (especially affecting your stomach and breathing). Your bedding can be any light color except blue. Keep your bedroom calm. Change your bed linen regularly to avoid the accumulation of negative energy. Keep your bedding made from natural materials like cotton, silk, etc., avoid synthetic fibers.

Blue and cyan

Bed linen in blue tones helps you relax and fall asleep faster.
Calms and harmonizes, personifies the moving element of water. Blue is not suitable for soft and spineless people, because it enhances the negative aspects of this character trait. A bedding set of this color will help you rest, relax, and put your thoughts in order before bed.

Blue is a more active and rich color, reduces reaction speed, and helps you fall asleep faster. The color of contemplation, in large quantities, can cause melancholy and depression, therefore it is recommended as accents and decorative touches.

Blue and light blue bed linen is decorated with the following images:

  • waves;
  • fish;
  • wavy geometric patterns;
  • seascapes;
  • rivers and waterfalls.

Water is considered the primary element that gave birth to all others. This element is a conductor of Qi energy, which is extremely important in Feng Shui, and also personifies the feminine principle of Yin. It is best to use blue and cyan in the north of the room.

How to choose the color of the bedspread?

In the bedroom, the need to create coziness and comfort is especially clearly felt. We all want to see how interior details successfully harmonize with each other. Textile design plays a special role in bedroom design. Regardless of the interior style, any bedroom requires softness, warmth and a homely atmosphere. Typically, the main element of a bedroom is the bed and its bedding.

But no matter how luxurious the bedding is, this accessory is made to hide from prying eyes behind a curtain in the form of a bedspread. Therefore, when choosing a bedspread, you should be guided not only by its quality, but also by the design features and color of the bedspread in the bedroom. And choosing the best covering so that it harmonizes perfectly with curtains and other bedroom decor elements will help you create the “home of your dreams.”

Violet or magenta

The color of nobility and divine presence helps to balance the spiritual and physical principles. A creative and mystical color, suitable for relaxation and meditation. When choosing bed linen, preference is given to delicate lavender and lilac shades.

The color represents the tree, so the following drawings are suitable:

  • flowers and herbs (heather, violets, irises, wisteria, hyacinths);
  • geometric patterns of rectangles, ascending lines;
  • landscapes.

Purple is an active color; too much of it will not allow you to relax and will cause irritation. The corresponding application area is southeast.

Bedspread color in the interior and bedroom design

A couple of decades ago, when choosing bedspreads, the housewife was guided by one principle: the product should be combined with curtains or a carpet. It cannot be said that now this principle has completely sunk into oblivion; it works, but not so strictly.

You shouldn't choose bedspreads and curtains for your bedroom that match each other perfectly, but it is advisable that the texture of these accessories be compatible. For example, if the bedroom has thick curtains, then against their background an openwork satin bedspread will not look entirely harmonious. A set of tapestry or velvet curtains and bedspreads made of the same material looks much nicer.

As for the color matching of the bedspread and the bedroom design, this problem has more rules:

  • Firstly, colored bedspreads and curtains can be combined. But now this solution is used mainly for design in a strict classical style. If the interior of your bedroom is less demanding, you can choose a covering color that harmonizes with the pattern of the curtains, or vice versa.
  • Secondly, the interior looks very beautiful, in which a color is chosen that matches the color of the wallpaper. In this case, it is also appropriate to use both full and partial combinations of shades. For example, if the wallpaper in your bedroom has designs or patterns, choose a bedspread that is the same color.
  • Thirdly, the color of the bedspreads can be combined with the color of the furniture. This solution looks especially good if the bed is part of a single set of furniture and it has a high headboard.
  • Fourthly, the color of the bedroom bedspread is often chosen according to the main color of the interior. Also, in this combination it is not necessary to completely match the shades. For example, if the bedroom is made in blue tones, then the bedspread can be blue, turquoise, etc.
  • And fifthly, modern interiors often use accented bedspreads, the color of which is not necessarily related to the overall design. However, such a solution will look harmonious only if the bedroom is decorated in neutral or pastel colors and the bed is centrally located. For example, the color of the wallpaper and decor can be imagined in beige-sand tones, and the color of the bedspread can be orange.

Color spectrum

The color of the bedroom is chosen to be neutral, pleasing to the eye, and setting the mood for relaxation. The main tone is set by the walls. Choose your wallpaper wisely. Let them be plain, without a colorful pattern.

In a huge bedroom, bright accents are allowed, for example on curtains or a floor lamp. In a cramped room, bright colors will be irritating.

Red color

Color design can be used to improve the sex life of spouses. For this, elements of Yang energy are used: red bed linen, paintings with red flowers.

But do not use a lot of red, even if the bedroom falls on the Glory sector, which is ruled by Fire. Red is the color of passion, but everything needs to be done in moderation. Don’t accidentally turn your vacation spot into a battlefield for your spouses.

Bright hues

In a small bedroom it is better to give preference to pastel colors. They will visually increase the space. These are white, gray, beige, pink, sky blue. Both warm and cold shades are allowed. The chosen color should please those who relax in the room.

When choosing a color scheme, base your choice of colors on the sector in which the bedroom is located. For the Wealth zone, green and delicate purple will be good colors. For the Children's sector - silver and gray.

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