Who will be lucky with the Earth Pig in 2021: look at the Bazi map

We will determine the lucky ones of the 2021 Yellow Pig based on the natal chart of Bazi. To do this, open any free calculator, for example this one, and enter your data.

To build a complete map, you need to enter the year, month, day and time of birth. But in this case, a year, a month and a day will be enough for us.

So, we get our calculation.

Astrological forecast according to the Ba Zi chart for 2021 - a chance to make your life better!

Every year is difficult in its own way. Each brings us both difficult trials and happiness. 2021 Year of the Yellow Earth Pig is no exception. There will be many difficult situations, but there will also be gifts from fate. How to avoid or pass the first with honor and how to make the most of the second, Ba Tzu’s individual forecast for 2021 will help you with this.

As a result, an individual forecast is conscious chances, opportunities and an understanding of the success of one’s choice at the most important turning points in one’s life, one’s destiny. For example, such as:

  • wedding, marriage, compatibility or new relationship;
  • study and self-development;
  • children and pregnancy planning;
  • work, money, profession and career;
  • real estate, financial planning, investing;
  • moving, change of place of residence;
  • travel and travel dates;
  • opening a business and new partnership;
  • health, diseases and health risks.

If you have already made a choice and the situation has developed, then it is possible to correct actions or plans within the framework of existing relationships, projects, studies, transactions, situations with your health or the health of your loved ones. During the consultation, you will find out what dangers lie in wait for the next year and understand how to protect yourself from them, how to live the next year to the maximum of your potential. You will find out what your main advantages are and understand your strengths and weaknesses in various areas of life.

Flying Stars 2021

Flying Stars 2019 Nine flying stars will move to new sectors from February 4, 2019.
Features of nine stars in the corresponding directions in 2021, precautions and treatment - read in this article. If you use the directions properly, you can neutralize the influence of bad stars and strengthen the benefits of favorable stars, gain good luck and ward off bad energy! CENTER Yearly star: 8 white Wealth and finance

In the center of the Lo Shu square is the prosperity sector. Flying Star 8 white is associated with happiness, fame and wealth, with reaping the fruits of your hard work, your efforts. If the main door of the house is located here, you can expect important benefits from your investment and significant advancement in your career. People born in the years of the Dragon, Snake or Gua 4 are under the positive influence of this flying star during 2019.

You cannot leave an aquarium in the center of the house and clutter it with all sorts of things.

The activators that I talk about in the article are a personal matter for everyone; if you believe, install them; if you don’t believe, don’t install them, although many of these Chinese things look very nice in the interior of a modern home.

Feng Shui Activators: During 2021, to benefit from the positive energy of the flying star 8, place all red and yellow flowers there, and place one or more of the following activators in the center of your home: money tree, lucky buddha on money frog, golden elephant.

Luck activators for flying star 8 white (center)

NORTH Annual star: 4 green Romance, science and beginnings

The northern part of your property is under the influence of an extremely favorable flying star for any research or educational activity. Additionally, this flying star also represents art and literature. Those who work in a professional field related to their studies will rise up the career ladder. If your children are in school or university, or if anyone in your family is an explorer, artist or writer, place them in the northern part of the house so that they can take advantage of this flying star. The North is of great importance for those born in the year of the Horse and with Gua 2.

Feng Shui Activators: During 2021, to benefit from the positive energy of the flying star 4, place one or more of the following activators in the north of your home: Mandarin ducks, wooden horse, Chinese dragon and phoenix, double carp crossing the dragon gate , bamboo stems.

Activators for flying star sector 4


Yearly star: 6 white Authority, power, strength and good name

This flying star will be especially useful for those who are looking for career opportunities. Use the eastern sector to gain recognition, especially in your workplace. If your office's front door is in this sector, use it frequently to enhance your status and influence in your profession.

In case your bedroom is in this sector, you may be negatively influenced, which brings feelings of loneliness and melancholy, or unexpected changes, especially at work! The Heavenly Star always influences, especially those born in the year of the Goat and the Monkey, as well as people with Gua number 2. Feng Shui activators : wind music with 6 or 8 tubes, Ru Yi, elephant, monkey on a horse.

Activators for flying star sector 6

NORTHEAST Annual star: 2 black Illness and stress

Flying star Two black are among the unfavorable stars that should be avoided as they are known to cause health problems, especially for older women or pregnant women, and difficulties related to real estate investments.

Avoid fire energy in this space! Those born in the year of the Rooster, Rabbit, Rat, Horse and with Gua 7 especially fall under the influence of this flying star.

To reduce the negative effects of this flying star, you can place some feng shui remedies in the northeast part of your home, such as the Golden Wu Lu Gourd, Metal Stupa, Patron of Medicine Buddha and Laughing Buddha with Wu Lu Gourd

Activators for flying star sector 2

WEST Annual star: 1 white Good for reputation, recognition and promotion

Those who use the Western sector this year can improve their chances of career advancement. In recent years, the energy of this flying star has been excellent for achieving prosperity, recognition and good fortune. Additionally, using this sector helps develop relationships and social skills. Thus, those who want to get married can also benefit from this sector.

If your front door is in the western part, 2021 will bring you good news and plenty of travel opportunities. If your workplace is in this zone, you will be valued and respected by your bosses and colleagues. Good for all who serve. This flying star is especially favorable for those born in the year of the Dog and Pig, as well as for those with Gua 6.

Feng Shui activators : golden lucky buddha, red dragon, golden elephant, dragon turtle on Ru Yi

Activators for flying star sector 1

SOUTHWEST Annual star: 5 yellow Danger, problems, failures and disasters

The southwest is the most dangerous sector of the house, because it is under the influence of the flying star 5 yellow. It is better to spend a lot of time in this place, organize holidays, for example, you have a living room there and celebrate birthdays. If this is not possible, you need to minimize bad omens by placing Feng Shui remedies.

Remove any signs of fire or bright light from this area, do not make repairs here. People influenced by the 5 in this sector are born in the years of the Rat or Dragon, or have a Gua number of 1.

Feng Shui Activators for Flying Star 5: In 2021, to counteract the influence of the bad luck star, place one or more of the following activators in the southwest side: Fuk Luk Lucky Gods Figurines, Five Elements Pagoda, Golden Laughing Buddha, Golden Stupa

Activators for flying star sector 5

SOUTH Annual Star: 3 Jade Controversy and gossip

The southern part of your house is occupied by the flying star 3, which is associated with bad luck, lawsuits, disputes, defamation and loss of money. In this sector, the water element must be avoided, while the fire element is recommended, due to its ability to weaken the influence of this flying star. People who suffer from health problems such as liver, arm and leg diseases should avoid this area of ​​their home. Those most susceptible to the influence of the energy of this flying star are those born in the years of the Ox and Tiger, and with Gua 8. Feng Shui activators : Laughing Buddha, three-legged bird - shining sun, pagoda

Activators for flying star sector 3

SOUTHEAST Yearly star: 7 red Rivalry, robbery and loss of wealth

If you find that your bedroom is located in the southeast sector, it is best to move it this year. Married couples should avoid having a matrimonial bed in this sector if you want to avoid disputes and quarrels. The Seven Red Star is known to affect emotional and physical well-being, and health problems may arise that can lead to hospitalization or surgery. Houses with a front door in this sector will have a higher risk of being robbed, their residents losing money, losing disputes, and so on.

People born in the year of the Rabbit and those with a Gua number of 3 are most influenced by the 7. Moreover, if your workplace is in the 7 sector, this indicates fierce competition and rivalry at work.

In order to get rid of negative energy, it is recommended to use yin water in the flying star sector 7. Feng Shui activators: golden buddha holding an ingot, amulet with elephants, blue dragon

Activators for flying star sector 7

NORTHWEST Annual star: 9 purple Holiday, good luck, quick money

The name of the flying star indicates its ability to multiply and redirect the influence of other stars. This almost always means good news, happy events and promotions. It is also said to bring popularity, prestige, fame and beauty. Because of this, the northwest zone of your home represents a favorable sector for starting something new, which may also include initiating a different career path. Immediately after the central zone, the North-West zone is in second place in terms of the rate of growth of well-being. If you have a door in this zone, try to use it as often as possible to progress in your financial activities. Couples who are planning to get married and have children can greatly benefit from the favorable energies of this space.

Feng Shui activators: gold coin, money tree, pagoda

Activators for flying star sector 9

What to do with this information:

1. Make an apartment/house plan 2. Divide the plan into 9 squares as shown below.

3. Stand at a central point in your home and find the north direction using a compass (you can also use a compass app from your phone). Then mark North and determine all other directions according to the compass. 4. Plot and compare them with the annual flying stars in the 2021 star chart.

Using a 9-square plan, you can identify the favorable and unfavorable areas of your home and use the good rooms either more actively or reduce the use of the “bad” rooms to a minimum.

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Difficult year. There may be financial losses, administrative problems, illnesses, accidents.

But according to other interpretations, not everything is so bad.

It is possible to make a profit by creating something new, for example, by writing a book or creating a new product (for those in business). In other words, it is possible to enhance creativity, which will bring profit.

There will also be a lot of vitality, which will help overcome the failures that may well visit the Goats in 2021.

January 2021 (from December 22 to February 3)

A period of maintaining stability, confidence and serenity. This is a time of great opportunities that do not tolerate fuss. There are fish, but there is no net; if you fuss and hurry, you will scare away the fish and you will not get anything. Keep calm and take out one fish at a time until you catch the whole school.

In a situation of great luck, fear and desires prevent you from being calm, tension increases, and accuracy in actions is lost. Thus, you are disturbing yourself. On the other hand, external circumstances frighten, seduce, distract and lead away from the Path. This is how you lose a jewel that you were already holding in your hands.

The task of the period is to remain calm in any circumstances and be able to stop in time. If, having reached the top, you take another step forward, you may fall into the abyss.

Detailed forecast for January


A year of danger of injuries and operations. If the Pig is in the day, then injuries can affect the spouse; if in the hour, then the children.

Fortunately, another forecast says that the Pig is one of the representatives of those 5 animals that bring good luck in the year of the Yellow Pig.

But in any case, the year will not be easy, since self-punishment will appear on the scene - the collision of the Yellow Pig 2021 and the Pig in the Bazi chart.

Many Hogs will be lazy and refuse to work. Fall into depression, lose vitality. In vain. We need to pull ourselves together. Because with the right hard work, it is possible to ensure success and prosperity over the next few years.

February, March 2021 (from February 4 to March 20)

A period when you are faced with illusions and misconceptions that should be abandoned. In a situation of illusions, secrets, gossip and lies, the truth is frightening and stressful. The spell wears off, but reality is painful to see. The main thing is not to deceive yourself; trying to sweeten the pill is another illusion. Illusions hinder development, but sincerity and reliance on reality help to move forward.

It happens that you are mistaken yourself or someone misleads you. In any case, you should not have vain hopes. Trusting your inner self helps you gain clarity. If you don’t like the matter, then the sooner you stop all this, the better. And denying the truth will lead to disaster. This is the period when you actually see what you can trust and who you can rely on.

Detailed forecast for February

Detailed forecast for March


The Demon of Destruction comes, bringing with him complex internal experiences. Diseases are possible, both your own and those of relatives, children and parents. You need to carefully watch your language, otherwise you can say something that will lead to a long-term conflict. Monkey men can withdraw into themselves.

According to another version, the Monkey is one of the “5 big animals” that speak of good luck in 2021.

Those Monkeys who have property, such as real estate, will notice that it has increased significantly in price.

October 2021 (from September 23 to November 7)

This is a key period of the year. It's time to build new projects, creativity and creation. It is favorable to start moving in a new direction, to do something that you have not done before. For a new business, you need to accumulate strength; you should not take on a project that exceeds your capabilities. It is necessary to realize your limitations and seek help from those who have already achieved success in these matters. Caution, proper planning and control at all levels are important. You need to act only at the right moment, until such a moment has come to hone your skills and accumulate strength. By doing this, you can develop your potential and make your biggest dreams come true. You should remember to maintain balance and avoid overexertion and exhaustion.

Detailed forecast for October


The Ox indicates the possibility of illness, difficulties in relationships and with authority. The year risks being difficult.

If the Ox is in the branch of the year, then your relatives may have health problems; if in the month, then in your parents; if in the day, then in you or your spouse; if in the hour, then in your children.

The Traveling Horse also comes to the Bull. A lot of travel is expected.

According to other interpretations of the map, no major health problems are expected. But the vitality will be in full swing. The Bulls will be in a great mood throughout the year. And all because they will be lucky and have the opportunity to make good money. Success and Bulls in 2021 are twin brothers.

August, September 2021 (from August 8 to September 23)

A period when disagreements, disunity and contradictions appear. Situations that are repeated, fixation on some problems, complicated affairs and erroneous judgments. During such a period, you need to do everything not to get involved in disagreements and not to succumb to provocations. If mistakes are made, they need to be corrected as quickly as possible. Now is not the time to make claims to others; instead of mutual understanding, there will be conflict.

It is useful to temporarily change your social circle or place of residence in order to look at the situation with different eyes. Try to stay close to those who are wiser than you. So gradually the circumstances will become clearer and interaction will improve.

Detailed forecast for August

Detailed forecast for September

July 2021 (from June 21 to August 7)

The period of accumulation of forces and means that are needed to correctly conquer what is necessary. This is the time to unite with people and gather a team. Allies increase your strength many times over. However, there is no need to join the team in any way and unite with everyone. Unity is useful only with like-minded people. Military men were the first to realize the importance of a unified spirit to achieve victory. You need to pay attention to the goals and reliability of your partners, as well as clearly define your own motives.

Detailed forecast for July


The Robbery Star is coming, which is fraught with losses of money, relationships and promising proposals. At the same time, there is a possibility of receiving money and fulfillment of cherished desires. So the year 2021 will be very uneven for Dogs. For every one bad event in life, there may be one good one.

A dog will help improve the relationships that already exist. Which ones exactly depend on where the animal is standing. If in a year, then this means your general social environment; if in a day, then your personal life.

The Dragon

The dragons will be visited by the Demon of Destruction, fraught with various mental problems. At the same time, personal attractiveness will increase sharply. People will be drawn to Dragons. Help is possible from people who are in a higher social position. As well as receiving bonuses, awards, and thanks from superiors.

The dragon will help the owner of the card find a soul mate in 2021. This could be a romantic partner or just a friend.

In the year of the Yellow Pig, Dragons need to live actively and act a lot. The more active life is, the greater the result will be. Sitting and waiting for weather by the sea is contraindicated. Moreover, the Dragons will not lack vitality and optimism in 2021, especially women.

November, December 2021 (from November 8 to December 22)

A period of expansion, expansion and relaxation, which lead to fragmentation of the team, dispersion of forces and resources. Great prospects open up, and you can move in any direction without effort or obstacles. However, if you relax and stop concentrating your efforts on the main thing, you will waste the accumulated potential on small things. If you do not control expenses, the collected funds will be scattered over trifles. If in a team everyone is for themselves, the team will lose effectiveness. It is difficult to cope with great power, it is difficult to manage a large team, and it is easy to lose a lot of money. It is necessary to deal with fragmentation and dispersion by uniting with like-minded people for a greater purpose. You need to assemble different parts into one whole.

Detailed forecast for November

Detailed forecast for December

Author: Alexandra Naumova

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