15 Feng Shui ways to attract happiness and health to your home

Hello, dear readers! I think you will agree with me, dear readers, that today few of us have not heard the word Feng Shui.

This is an ancient Chinese teaching and art (which arose many thousands of years ago), which is based on the theory and practice of symbolic exploration of space.

In short, and without going into the jungle of various interpretations, we can say that Feng Shui is a set of practical methods that teach how to live in harmony with ourselves and with the world that surrounds us. This is an opportunity to make your life happier, more successful and richer.

At the end of the 19th century, the whole world was swept by a wave of enthusiasm for the philosophical direction of Feng Shui (translated from Chinese as “wind and water”).

And now, even if the meaning of this word is not completely clear to everyone, and many do not believe in the effectiveness of this Eastern philosophy, you can find some kind of Feng Shui symbol in almost every home.

When choosing a place to build a house or starting a new business, arranging your home or even just your workplace, many of us “non-believers” consider it a good idea to seek advice from those who have comprehended the wisdom of Feng Shui.

Create Feng Shui zones correctly

Each part of the housing is associated with a specific area of ​​life. The sides are determined by the compass (cardinal directions). If you stand inside the house with your back to the north:

  • The far left corner is the money sector . Direction – South-East. Color – light green. There should be fresh flowers and plants here. This is a place for images of money and financial well-being.
  • The far right sector is the love zone . Direction – South-West. Brown color. Paired objects located here attract love. Butterflies, lovebirds, and intertwined trees (or their images) are considered especially strong.
  • The sector on the left in the middle is responsible for family relationships . Direction – East. Color – dark green. Place an aquarium or fresh flowers here. There should be no dried plants, photos of deceased relatives or weapons in the family area.
  • On the right is the children's and creativity area . Direction – West. Color – white, silver. The place is suitable for any craft, sewing. Auspicious items - photos of children, metal figurines or hang Wind Chime bells.
  • The far zone in the middle is the sector of reputation and fame . Direction – South. Color – red. This is a place for hanging awards, medals, and certificates of commendation.
  • The near left corner is the knowledge sector . Direction – North-East. Colors – beige and yellow. The room in this area is suitable for conversations, conversations, and reading. It’s good if there is a bookcase or desk here, there are figurines of a snake, an owl or crystals, pyramids.
  • The right near sector is responsible for the environment, friends, travel . Direction – North-East. Colors – white, gold, silver. Place here maps of the world, photos of people you respect and places you would like to visit.
  • The near sector in the middle is a career . Direction – North. Colors – blue, black. This area should be illuminated as much as possible. Mirrors, paintings with ponds, glass objects, and an aquarium are suitable for decoration. It's good if there is a work office here. The zone's mascot is a turtle.
  • The central part of the apartment is the health sector . Colors – brown, yellow. Here you can place figurines made of clay or ceramics, a decorative fountain, or a crystal chandelier. Talismans and symbols of the zone are peach, crane, pine, bamboo, heron.

How to attract good luck to yourself: folk signs

Folk signs that have not lost their relevance to this day will help you attract good luck, and then happiness. The main thing is to learn to notice the hints of the Higher Powers, paying attention to them, because through lucky signs they are trying to show you impending success.

Folk signs are different. Some of them warn of danger, others help you understand that your life will soon change for the better. We have prepared signs for you that do not belong to either the first or second categories - their purpose is to attract good luck, happiness and prosperity. As a rule, there is never too much luck - this postulate is true at all times, especially now, when success is especially important. Attracting good luck to oneself has always been considered relevant, and the proof of this is folk signs that have been tested by more than one generation.

List of folk signs for good luck and happiness

Signs that have come down to us from the past that attract happiness are a guarantee that luck will definitely find you. The main thing is to notice them and allow fortune to burst into your life. It is important to notice the signs of fate that it is trying to convey to you, because so often people pass by their happiness, not suspecting that it was at arm's length. We bring to your attention a list of signs that will make you happier and attract what is rightfully yours.

  1. A person who comes towards you with a full bucket of water portends great success in the material sphere of life.
  2. If you met a red-haired woman, expect happiness.
  3. A dove that sits next to you, on a window visor or a tree branch, indicates that you will soon receive a big profit or reward. If a bird lands on your window, you need to make a wish before it flies away.
  4. If you saw a nest of rooks, you will soon see how your home is filled with happiness.
  5. If you heard the voice of a cuckoo near your house or dacha, it means that luck is rushing to you.
  6. A popular sign used to attract good luck to a new home. You need to walk through all the rooms, tearing the pulp from a piece of black bread and throwing it in the corners. Wait until the bread dries, do not throw it away, but take it to the birds to eat. Your kindness, which the bread absorbs, will fly around the whole world and return to you, multiplied several times.
  7. The web that the spider has spun over your bed indicates huge profits or happy events that will radically change your life.
  8. Accidentally seeing light in the windows of your apartment portends unexpected happiness and success in business.
  9. If ants appear near your house, expect stunning success in society.
  10. If you find a horseshoe on the street, it means that luck will always be on your side. But you can’t pick up such a find; you could end up in trouble.
  11. It is forbidden to whistle in the house - it scares away luck, and with it money.
  12. Hand over the money you lend only in the morning, afternoon and evening. Those who transfer money at night and through the threshold lose their luck for a long time.
  13. Meeting a cripple on the road means gaining health and good luck for a long period of time.
  14. Happiness is promised by an eagle or an airplane seen high in the sky.
  15. If you carelessly crash into a man, this means money; if you crash into a woman, expect trouble.
  16. To catch the clatter of hooves is to receive happy news from afar.
  17. Accidentally spilling tea means getting money luck.
  18. If you notice a running tricolor cat, it means that life will become very happy.

  1. There is another very interesting belief associated with spring: if on a dirty road your right foot gets into the mud or puddle earlier than the first, expect a large reward in the near future.
  2. A flying bug you notice indicates impending success.
  3. Our ancestors believed that dishes always break for happiness and success.
  4. If during a church service a bird suddenly flies into the room, this promises good luck to everyone present in the very near future.
  5. If you want good luck to remain your constant companion throughout the year, drink the very last drink on New Year's Eve, and your wish will definitely come true.
  6. To get your day off to a good start, get out of bed on your right foot.
  7. Donated silver brings great luck and material success to the new owners.
  8. There is a very ancient belief about how to attract favorable events. To do this you need to pet a black cat or a black chicken.
  9. Broken phone screen? Don’t be sad: this fairly new sign promises you quick happiness.
  10. If you see a priest or three nuns on the street, it means that your cherished dream will soon come true.
  11. Sneezing before you start eating means you will soon experience an unexpectedly successful development of events.
  12. If, when leaving the door, the baby was the first to attract your attention, then the whole day will go well.
  13. To prevent luck from turning away from you, you should wear clothes from your right hand.
  14. If you hear a ringing in your right ear, expect good news, and on the contrary, if you hear a ringing in your left ear, bad news is being spread about you.
  15. To bring happiness and good luck into your life, give the first pancake baked on Maslenitsa to your pets.
  16. If along the way your right leg becomes numb, the day will be successful and joyful.
  17. In order not to scare away good luck from your home, you should not look out the window before sunrise.
  18. Meeting a pregnant woman or a woman with a baby face to face means attracting a series of successful incidents for the whole week.
  19. If your loved one smiles at you in a dream, your life will be filled with happiness.
  20. When going on a long journey, do a thorough cleaning. The trip will be successful, without negative consequences.
  21. You should always sit on the path before leaving the house. This folk custom foretells good luck outside the home.
  22. Meeting a funeral procession on the street, oddly enough, is a sign of great luck.
  23. Got wet in a heavy downpour? Do not rush to complain about the weather: this sign indicates good luck in all new endeavors.
  24. If you have a thorn stuck to your clothes, prepare for good luck.

It is possible that some of the signs presented may seem very naive to you, and you will regard this as prejudices of the past - of course, this is your right. But we still recommend that you listen to the folk wisdom that our ancestors collected over centuries and passed on from generation to generation in order to simplify life. We wish you good luck, success and, most importantly, simple human happiness. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

Maintain a balance of the 5 elements

Feng Shui for the home says that housing should have “representatives” of all elements:

  • Earth;
  • Trees;
  • Fire;
  • Water;
  • Metal.

These elements can be present both physically and symbolically. The goal is to balance life and the environment. An ideal Feng Shui home may contain colors in its design that symbolize them instead of elements. These are yellow or brown, green, red, black and white.


In Feng Shui, an aquarium is a symbol of prosperity. Aquariums can attract and enhance Qi energy. The best shape for this powerful talisman is a rectangle or a ball. In addition, to attract wealth you need to place 9, 18 or 36 fish in it. It is advisable that the inhabitants of your aquarium be golden in color. A good place for an aquarium is the east or southeast.

An aquarium, like a mirror, should not be placed opposite windows and doors.

Use mirrors wisely

They are placed where you need to increase the flow of energy. Mirrors should reflect something beautiful. To attract good luck to the bedroom, place them correctly in the room.

The mirror should not reflect the bed. This will adversely affect your sleep.

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Talismans for increasing well-being

Suitable talismans:

  • The most effective talisman is the kind fat man Hotei . He holds a bag of money behind his back and a satisfied smile on his face.

Hotei with frog and bowl

  • Combine Daikoku and Ebisu figures . They are excellent allies in attracting wealth. And the Tai fish joining them will increase the energy charge.

Netsuke Daikoku and Ebisu

  • Three Chinese coins with square holes in the middle are a symbol that can increase capital. Tie them with a red thread and place them in your wallet or under the rug. You can also put them in an aquarium, fountain, or jar of water.

Reference! Place the amulet under a flower pot to enhance its effects.

  • A toad with three legs holding a coin in its mouth will attract wealth to your home if it is located with its muzzle inward. It can also be placed in an aquarium or fountain.

  • The owl will save your fortune when it is near the money tree. Will protect you from thoughtless spending.
  • Rats and fish are the money animals of Chinese teaching. Place their figures or images in the desired area.

  • Still lifes, where there are silhouettes of citrus fruits , as well as their dummies, are another way to get luxury and banknotes. Since ancient times, oranges and tangerines have been attributes of a rich life. Therefore, it is not surprising that these fruits, lying beautifully in a vase, will bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but also “work” for the benefit of their owner.
  • A beautiful piggy bank has already become a traditional, integral part of increasing the budget. The main thing is that it is not empty, but used for its intended purpose. After all, 2021 is the year of the Rat (mouse) .

These simple tips will help organize a harmonious flow of monetary energy. Follow the rules, and then money will rain into your home. May your life become better and richer every day.

Place the bed correctly in the bedroom

The layout of the house plays an important role in Feng Shui. The apartment needs to be arranged so that energy circulates properly. This also applies to places to sleep. When positioning a bed or sofa, remember that it should not be near a window or with its feet facing the door.

Place your sleeping area so that you can see people entering.

The first step to wealth is to get rid of negative energy

No matter how hard you try and place the amulets, if the energy in the apartment is stagnant, then nothing will work. First you need to make room for cash flow . Throw out all old and unnecessary items from the room. They create congestion and retain negative energy. The space cleared of old trash will immediately begin to be filled with Qi energy, bringing money, luck and happiness.

Keep an eye on the corridor for clear access. Let there not be oversized furniture or boxes with all sorts of rubbish and garbage. If there are mezzanines, then put things in order inside them and put the really necessary things there. The flow must move freely in space. Say goodbye without regret to things that remained unclaimed during the year.

Advice! It’s a pity to throw it in the trash - give it to good hands, friends, relatives . Make it a habit to periodically conduct an “audit” of your closets.

A front door that is dirty and unkempt will clearly scare away money .
They “won’t want” to visit such an apartment. And everything positive that has already accumulated in your apartment will easily “leak” through cracks and holes, if any.

Cleanse the energy in your home

Its character depends on the people who visit the housing. This energy needs to be cleaned and removed so that new energy can come. You can use natural essential oils. To cleanse energy, sprinkle them around the room. Sage and orange oils are suitable.

It's good to have a fountain at home. Water cleanses energy and removes dirt.


Clutter is stagnant energy. However, simple daily cleaning is not enough to attract the energy of wealth. The fact is that many of us are accustomed to storing things just in case, just in case. All these old appliances, broken dishes and clothes, old shoes are a powerful accumulator of the energy of fear and pessimism. People who are prone to hoarding various rubbish are subconsciously preparing for worse times. If you throw away junk, donate or sell things that you have not used for the last three years, you will free up a lot of space in the house.

In addition, it is necessary for every thing, even the smallest, to have a place in your home. And learn to always put them in their place. This is a very useful habit, and also helps save time searching for what you need. After some time, you will notice how your life will change for the better.

Important psychological aspect

Feng Shui for attracting money affects all aspects of a person’s life - physical, emotional health, relationships in the family, at work, and one’s own perception of the world. Therefore, in order for the process to progress and attract luck, and not vice versa, you should be prepared and know exactly what money is needed for. And, above all, how to earn them.

At a minimum, this requires a business idea, a job, and internally a person must prepare for a promotion, an unexpected inheritance, a successful deal, an expansion of clientele, etc. Changes in financial terms entail increased security requirements, a certain responsibility for one’s actions, increased obligations to clients, partners, etc.

To be successful, it is important to clearly understand how well-being will affect your future life.

To help yourself understand this issue, you can create a small business plan. In it, write down the main questions and answer them, clearly defining the wording. You should not limit your answers to one sentence - the more points there are, the better.

  • How to earn money?
  • How to earn more money?
  • What money problems exist now? Ways to solve these problems.
  • How to make sure there is always money in your wallet?

To control your expenses, keep a diary. Write down all your expenses there, even the most insignificant ones. At the end of the day, do an analysis of cash costs, cross out what you consider unnecessary. The next time you buy, you will wonder if this thing is needed now.

To be successful, communicate more with people who love and know how to control cash flows. The energy emanating from successful businessmen can capture and provide you with a share of success. Learn from them, observe, repeat the basic techniques of doing business. That is, create a mood for yourself, an atmosphere around and in your head, where money plays a leading role.

Are mantras, spells, prayers effective?

There are a lot of all sorts of conspiracies, whispers and other rituals on the Internet that promise to impart wealth and success to anyone who pronounces them.

With your permission, I will not cite the texts of magic spells here. If you are a believer, you can read prayers to Saint Philaret, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky or Matrona of Moscow. But keep in mind that this method is usually resorted to by people on the verge of starvation, and not to attract monetary luck.

What I can recommend from the category of linguistic constructions are affirmations. This is a short positive phrase actively used in psychology. Here are some good affirmations for tuning into money energy:

  1. I live in abundance.
  2. I have enough of everything.
  3. I can afford everything I need.
  4. Money comes to me easily.
  5. My business brings me profit.
  6. Success always accompanies me.
  7. I attract money.
  8. I am a money magnet.

You can come up with similar affirmations yourself. The main rules: they must be positive and without the particle “not”. For example, the wording “I am not poor” will not work.

If you want to learn how to handle money and increase your income, I recommend reading our selection of books on financial literacy.

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