A sign of finding keys in a variety of places: for good luck or future problems?

Keys are essentially an unusual, magical object that symbolizes power, knowledge, and an open road. It was not for nothing that the ancient priests always carried a bunch of keys with them, as this allowed them to establish a connection with the gods and contact with the subtle world. In folk legends, many signs associated with the discovery of this little thing have been preserved. Interpretation depends on a number of nuances. It is important where you found the key, when and under what circumstances? Let's look at the most common beliefs.

What does the key contain?

Since the key is considered a sign of change, such a find promises quick changes in various areas of your life. Whether they turn out to be favorable or not depends on various other circumstances. For example, on the appearance of the found item. So, find a new, shiny key - to success, fulfillment of desires, relocation, favorable changes in your career and personal life.

But it’s better not to pick up the old keys at all; it is believed that in this way you are taking over the problems and ailments of its previous owner. Such unattractive keys are often damaged by being carried. However, in any case, finding keys darkened by time and scratched is considered an alarming sign; you may have problems.

Analyze your life, think about where to expect troubles and try to take measures to avoid them. As the popular saying goes: forewarned is forearmed.

Rusty key

But finding a rusty key is a rare success. This sign promises a quick receipt of an inheritance, an unexpected gift, or profit. Moreover, in this case, the larger the key you find, the greater material benefits await you ahead.

According to popular belief, such a key should be picked up, brought home and hidden in a safe place, away from prying eyes. Just under no circumstances throw such a thing or leave it on the table - it is believed that in this case the gifts prepared by fate may simply not reach you.

A loss

The meaning of the sign about the loss of keys is exactly the opposite of the prophecy about their fall. Despite the fact that modern beliefs predict theft in this case and advise urgently changing the locks, the superstitions of our ancestors say the opposite.

  • For young people, this sign promises happiness in their personal lives. Cherished wishes will come true, the couple will experience prosperity and great love.
  • Popular beliefs predict a very successful move for the head of the family. The old keys were lost for a reason: they made room for new ones.
  • If the mother happened to lose the keys to the apartment, then the sign in this case indicates the possibility of losing control over the children.
  • For everyone else, this belief predicts imminent changes. The only thing that is kept silent is what kind of changes should be expected. In any case, you will take the changes hard and will take a long time to get used to them, but you should reconcile yourself and trust fate.
  • If you are going on a trip and discover that your keys are missing, you should postpone it or abandon the trip altogether. If you happen to lose your keys at home, this sign warns of a high probability of major troubles, even an accident.
  • If they mysteriously disappear right before some important event, great luck awaits you. Found missing before the exam - it will be passed successfully, this happened before the wedding - family life will be filled with happiness.
  • But when this item is lost before moving to a new place of residence, the atmosphere in the house will be tense, and life will be difficult and full of failures.
  • Lately you have been haunted by troubles - the loss of your keys promises the beginning of a new bright stage. It is the missing key, according to the sign, that should open the door to a new life.

Lose a bunch

If a married woman loses a bunch, then this is a bad sign. Household chores will literally start to fall out of your hands, relationships with family members will deteriorate. Signs advise you to pull yourself together and not indulge in laziness, then everything will definitely work out.

For people who run their own business, superstitions promise success and prosperity. You will be able to conclude a very profitable deal that will bring considerable profit, in addition, you will be able to establish useful connections, find reliable partners and sign many contracts in the future.

When the key is lost before moving to a new place of residence, the atmosphere in the house will be tense

Bunch of keys

If you find a whole bunch of keys along the way, then this is a sign that soon the problems in your life will be resolved, and ways out of dead-end situations will be found. Also, a bunch of keys signifies strong personal and family relationships.

Perhaps distant relatives will appear in your life. But if one of the keys in this bunch breaks, be careful and careful. This means that you may soon become a victim of robbers or scammers.

A fall

Often, keys seem to slip through your fingers and fall out of your hands. Most superstitions tend to believe that such a situation portends trouble.

  1. The keys fell at the moment when you were leaving the house - the omen promises a whole heap of minor troubles and sorrows. It is better to postpone the matter for which you left for a couple of days. Otherwise, the plan will not be crowned with success.
  2. If this happens upon returning home, quite major problems are expected.
  3. Dropping a bunch of keys in front of the door - according to the sign, this is a sign of failure, quarrels, misunderstandings in the family and misfortunes in the house.
  4. If a key falls, troubles can be averted by knocking on the table with it.
  5. Keys fall out of your hands regularly - you should be careful. The sign warns that someone is trying to break into your home, and with the worst intentions. Another belief advises you to reconsider your behavior: whether you treat your relatives well, perhaps you yourself always provoke conflict situations.

Your key

It also happens that you unexpectedly found your own keys that were once lost. This sign is also considered very favorable. It promises the imminent beginning of a bright streak in life, a transition to another level, the beginning of a new life stage. Finding a key in a difficult life situation is considered a good omen, prophesying a quick and, most importantly, favorable resolution of all difficult problems and dead-end issues. This is a sign from above, as if telling you that a way out exists.

When was the key found?

In addition, not only the location, but also the time of discovery matters. So, finding the keys in the morning or during the day means a joyful event, a profit, a possible early housewarming. A key found in the evening indicates that obstacles in your life's path will soon be removed.

But if you find a key in the middle of the night, then you should seriously think about your behavior and way of being, this is a sign that in the near future you may make a fatal mistake that will turn your universe upside down, and not for the better.


The key is broken - a sign advises you to beware of intruders. Thieves may try to steal your property, or they have already attempted to do so. For this reason, if you are just getting ready to go on a trip, then you should not leave the apartment unattended.

Ask your neighbors to stop by occasionally and check that everything is okay. And be sure to pay attention to whether the door is locked when you just go out on business.

Folk beliefs can tell a lot about the loss and discovery of keys. But remember, even if the sign promises good luck after you discover the loss, changing the locks will not be superfluous.

How to clean a find?

In any case, not only the keys, but also any thing found can pose a serious danger. After all, it stores a certain code, the energy of its previous owner. And you don’t know how negative this information is.

Therefore, if you nevertheless decide to pick up the found key, in order to maximize the positive effect of this sign, first you should clean it thoroughly. This can be done with water and earth. So, in the first case, it is recommended to hold the find under running water for some time, imagining how the streams wash away everything bad and unkind from it.

To cleanse with the help of the earth element, you need to bury the key in the ground (for example, in a flower pot) and leave it for a day. Then dig out the thing and rinse with water. After this, you can be calm, because the earth has absorbed all the possible negativity of your find. Another option is to cleanse the item with incense, fumigation with incense, or holding it over the flame of a church candle.

What to do with the found key?

As already mentioned, the found key is always a sign of change, a mystical symbol. Therefore, in order for all future changes to be only for your benefit, you should treat the found item with care and even respect. The key can be decorated with ribbons, or, for example, covered with gilded paint.

After the procedure of cleansing the information field of an item from the energy of its previous owners, you can use it as a personal amulet. To do this, it is recommended to always keep the find with you, as this will allow the object to come into contact with your biofield and speed up the expected changes in fate.

You can carry the key in your purse, in your pocket, attach it to your shared key ring, or use it as decoration. To do this, tie the key on a beautiful ribbon and put it on your neck, thus turning an ordinary thing into your faithful talisman.

Folk signs

It is known that with the help of this object you can not only open the lock, but also perform a ritual - “lock up” a person’s failures. In the old days, after this ritual, it was customary to throw the enchanted object into a pond. But if someone finds the key in such a place and takes it with him, then he cannot avoid a dark streak in life. For this reason, it is better to avoid such a find.

Other interesting signs about keys that are worth paying attention to have survived to this day.

  1. People say that if you jingle a bunch of keys on Wednesday, you will lose your mind.
  2. Signs also do not recommend whistling into the key - according to popular belief, memory may suffer because of this.
  3. Knocking on the table means causing quarrels.
  4. Only a man should lock the front door at night; if a woman does this, scandals will begin in the family.
  5. A rusting key is a good sign. An unexpected profit, an expensive gift or an inheritance awaits you. In any case, it will be a pleasant surprise.
  6. If you installed a new lock, you should definitely throw away the key to the old one, since it no longer has anything to do with your home and destiny.
  7. You cannot put this item on the windowsill, otherwise you will attract problems and poverty into the house.
  8. If you put it under your pillow at night, you can protect yourself from evil forces in this way.
  9. This item, left under the mattress, will return male health and strength to the spouse.

Signs advise hanging the bundle on a specially designated hook. Moreover, it is advisable to do this as quietly as possible, so that the other half does not hear the keys ringing. In this case, life together will proceed peacefully and calmly.

Using the key you can perform a ritual - “lock” a person’s failures

Ritual to attract luck

If you are lucky enough to find a key, you can use it as a means to attract wealth and well-being to your home. For this purpose, experts in the field of magic recommend performing the following ritual. First, rinse the item under running water.

Then take the key in your hands, hold it in your palms, saturate it with your warmth. Say the following words: “As easily the lock is unlocked with a key, so my problem is solved. Amen". After the ceremony, the key turns into a powerful family amulet. Hide it under your pillow and wait for the results!

To summarize, it should be emphasized that in most cases, finding a key is a favorable omen, promising good changes, most often associated with a quick move, career advancement, or resolution of long-standing problems.

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