Symbol of great love - description of lotuses according to Feng Shui, rules for using crystal figurines

Lotus in feng shui

What flower is associated with spirituality, purity, life harmony and enlightenment? Of course, Lotus! Since ancient times, it has been loved and revered by different peoples, cultures and religions.

It has grace, a charming scent, as well as healing powers that can heal the body, soothe the soul, give vitality and longevity.

It can be found in many images, not only in the hands of gods and goddesses, but also as a throne, symbolizing the basis of life and personifying the harmony and balance of Yin and Yang energies. Its symbol is found on numerous ancient architectural monuments, and references to it can be found in many legends, stories and poetry.

Growing from mud and silt, plunging into it every evening, but at the same time always remaining pristinely pure and exquisitely beautiful, opening its petals towards the sun and new life, it has always been a symbol of purity and spirituality, happiness and beauty, rebirth and restoration of vitality.

The general structure of a flower, its bud and petals personify the unity of the masculine and feminine principles, bringing harmony and love to the world. The white lotus is believed to have divine powers.

Buddha has an inextricable connection with him. After he came to the earthly world, he christened the Lotus an incredibly auspicious symbol for humanity (more precisely, it is one of the eight symbols of happiness or, in other words, eight auspicious objects).

Using a lotus as a Feng Shui talisman will help to attract wisdom, spiritual peace into a person’s life, and will also protect its owner from anger and envy.

Lotus - a symbol of purity and enlightenment

The lotus is a flower that closes its petals every evening and hides in the dirty swamp water, only to return in the early morning as soon as the first rays of the sun appear in the sky. It symbolizes rebirth, spiritual purity and peace of life in its beauty and grace.

Opening its flower at dawn, the Lotus became a sign of youth, immortality and renewed vitality. Its petals resemble the rays of the Sun, and the bud itself forms a circle, like the center of the universe.

The secret meaning of the Lotus sign denotes three stages of human spiritual development:

  1. Ignorance;
  2. Overcoming ignorance;
  3. Gained understanding, enlightenment.

In the religion of Buddhism, the Lotus flower is often depicted either in the hands of the Buddha and his followers, or they sit on it as if on a throne.

The lotus is an image of creation, the original universe, emerging from the waters or emptiness.

Legend of the Lotus

An ancient legend tells of a young girl, Lot, who sacrificed her life for the happiness of her lover. Her chosen one, being in love with the obstinate beauty, was forced to seek her favor along with other young men of the village.

The unapproachable beauty promised to marry someone who would bring her something that no one had ever seen, and suitors scattered around the world in search of wonders. Lota’s beloved could not leave the village anywhere, because he could not leave his sick, elderly parents.

He only withered away from his hopeless love every day, watching how suitors returned to the village every day with wonderful gifts for the beauty. Lotta could not bear his grief. One day, at noon, she called the young man to the lake, promising to show him something unprecedented. The young man agreed to go boating with her, and when they swam to the middle of the lake, Lota threw herself into the water and sank like a stone.

The young man rushed to save her, but instead of the girl he picked up a beautiful flower from the bottom, the like of which he had never seen in his life. He gave this flower to his beauty, who was inflamed with passionate love for him and married him.

Since then, the lotus has been considered a symbol of great love and self-sacrifice. It is good to have his image in the bedroom, not far from the marital bed, or in the office on the windowsill.


How to activate the amulet: lotus position and meditation

To quickly fall asleep and overcome insomnia, practitioners recommend lying with your head towards the sunset, closing your eyes and imagining yourself inside a closed white flower. If at this time an amulet in the form of a lotus is worn, the effect will intensify.

For the talisman to gain power, Eastern practitioners recommend wearing it or placing it in your palms. Then there is meditation. Closing your eyes, you need to imagine a transparent lake surface on which flowers have opened. A huge lotus will spread under the practitioner, from which warm and bright energy will flow, filling every cell of the body and giving energy. You need to imagine how light fills the amulet and it begins to shine. It is important to see in detail how energy accumulates in the palms and penetrates into the practitioner himself.

The meditation is repeated 8 times. It is not recommended to do the ritual shortly before bedtime, because due to the surge of energy you will not be able to go to bed quickly. If you feel that the amulet has weakened, you need to meditate again. An additional advantage of the ritual is calming and filling with energy, which will help cope with stressful situations.

The meaning of the talisman

The lotus is one of the most powerful Feng Shui talismans, whose history goes back thousands of years, it is very effective and functional. This symbol of the divine principle attracts the energy of wisdom and spiritual peace into a person’s life. Lotus has properties to purify negative Sha energy and stimulate positive Qi.

In the teachings of Feng Shui, the lotus flower is also endowed with significant and symbolic qualities. For Feng Shui, it is a talisman that gives its owner calmness, wisdom, harmony, and enlightenment.

It is not easy to describe in words the properties of the lotus as a talisman. After all, this mysterious flower has absorbed the best, brightest and spiritual. It is no coincidence that the lotus is used where stimulation of positive energies is required, and many eastern deities are depicted sitting on a lotus flower - these are Ganesh, Hotei, and the goddess Lakshmi.

The lotus symbol also denotes help and compassion. Since ancient times, people have found practical uses for this flower, which is also found in the Russian Far East. In Eastern medicine, medicines were prepared from all parts of the plant.

The stem of the flower is used in many dishes of Japanese, Chinese, Indian, and Tibetan cuisine. Rosaries are made from its seeds. Thus, the sacred plant benefits people.

In yoga, the lotus pose is very popular. During meditation, a person crosses his legs, straightens his back, and places his hands on his knees, palms up. Thanks to this, it becomes like a sacred flower. The human limbs represent the petals of the bud, and the back represents the stem.

When visualizing the energy system, yogis imagine their energy centers (chakras) with lotuses of different colors, facing down or up, and different numbers of petals. The upper main chakra is called the 1000 petal lotus (sahasrara). It is located near the crown. During meditation, energy passes through all the chakras and escapes into the surrounding space through the sahasrara.

When choosing a talisman, you should take into account that fresh flowers carry more energy than artificial ones or images of a lotus. You should not look for large flowers; it is better to focus on small buds that fit organically into the space of your home. A lotus tattoo will bring good luck to the owner outside the home.

The main condition is that the symbol must please its owner and attract him.

According to Feng Shui, the lotus symbol helps restore the flow of vital energy and an influx of strength, bringing harmony and tranquility to family relationships. Source:

How to activate the magical properties of amulets and amulets

To activate the amulet and endow it with magical powers, it is recommended to take it in your hand and perform meditation.

  1. Close your eyes;
  2. Imagine a clear lake full of beautiful lotus flowers;
  3. Imagine yourself sitting on a huge flower;
  4. Feel the warmth and light energy that comes from bottom to top and fills every cell of your body with vital energy;
  5. Now imagine how the energy passes into the amulet that you hold in your palm and it begins to fill with sparkling shine.

This meditation should be repeated daily in the morning or afternoon for 8 days. It is not recommended to do it in the evening, as the body gets tired and weak by the end of the day.

Only such an amulet charged with energy will protect you and protect you from negative influences.

Unactivated amulets are worn as decoration, but they do not provide any power or protection to their owner.

“Lotus flowers are a ship on which someone drowning in the ocean of life can find salvation.”

The meaning of lotus in different cultures

The lotus flower of extraordinary beauty has long won the love and respect of many peoples of the world. Almost all of them consider it a symbol of purity, fertility, life and special spirituality.

In many cultures, the lotus is a symbol of purity and nobility. It is believed that the cup of the flower signifies the fertility and productive energy of all life on earth, endless life. The image of this sacred plant reminds people of the dominant role of the mind, its divine nature and victory over base feelings and difficulties of the external world.

In Ancient Egypt, the lotus was considered a symbol of fertility. When he appeared in large numbers along the banks of the Nile, people rejoiced and said that the year would be fruitful.

In China, the lotus is also revered and considered sacred. Feng Shui says the following about lotus:

The lotus is the embodiment of harmony between the masculine and feminine principles. The feminine principle in this case is stagnant water (Yin), the masculine is the light of the sun on the surface (Yang).

Thus, it turns out that it symbolizes the perfection of the world. This plant fertilizes itself and exists in itself. Lotus buds are a symbol of the past, a beautiful flower is the present, a lotus seed is the future. It is the embodiment of Tao. Therefore, in Feng Shui, the lotus is considered a symbol of purity, a bright desire for spiritual perfection, harmony and fertility.

The Chinese believe that if you inhale the aroma of lotus and make a wish, it will definitely come true. Such is the power of this wonderful plant. Lotus is truly magnificent. This is a good example of the harmony of form and content, because this beautiful flower is also a medicine and is also used as food.

In Chinese art, the theme of paradise - a lake covered with lotuses - is widespread.

Each lotus that grows on this lake represents the soul of a deceased person. Depending on the sinfulness of a person’s earthly life, lotus flowers, personifying his soul, either bloom or die

Meaning of the lotus symbol

In China, Paradise is often depicted as a lake surface covered with lotuses, where each flower symbolizes the soul of the deceased. If the deceased was a righteous person, then the petals open; if they are mired in sin, they rot.

Since ancient times, the divine snow-white flower, symbolizing purity and innocence, has been revered in eastern countries. When Buddha was born, according to legend, there was a shower of petals, and then, wherever the great teacher stepped, flowers appeared everywhere. Indian deities often sit on a lotus, and goddesses have it included in their hairstyle. The magical plant contains hidden creative possibilities and divine light power, which is why it is considered a powerful amulet. The lotus bestows wisdom and spiritual harmony on its owners.

The flower cleanses the living space from the negative force of Sha and transforms it into Qi. In a home with a heavy atmosphere, the talisman harmonizes the flow of energy and creates an atmosphere of peace. The magical lotus also symbolizes life itself and true love, which knows no self-interest. According to ancient legends, a girl turned into a flower after sacrificing herself for the happiness of her beloved, who did not even notice her. In a closed bud, Yin and Yang, male and female energy, are intertwined, therefore together they complement each other. A magical amulet in the form of a lotus is suitable for everyone, regardless of gender and age, and will not give any side effects.

In Hinduism

Hindus in ancient times depicted the Earth in the form of a lotus blossoming over water. According to legend, while Vishnu (the creator of the world) was resting in the primordial waters, a flower grew from his navel. Brahma appeared in the bowl of the plant, who created our Universe.

Vishnu's wife is Lakshmi (goddess of happiness, beauty and wealth). According to myth, she came out of the ocean with a lotus in her hands when the gods created the ocean. There is another version: the goddess surfaced on a flower from the primordial waters.

The sacred plant was considered in ancient India in two parts. As a reflection of the solar principle, it is a symbol of the solar gods (Vishnu and Surya), and according to the lunar principle, it is a symbol of the goddess of moisture Lakshmi.

The sacred plant is a symbol of 2 manifestations of life: the passive side is the immutability of the Universe, its eternal existence, the active side is the activity of a person in revealing his abilities. This is explained by the fact that the plant stem is under water, and the calyx is above its surface.

Located on the threshold of a Hindu temple, the lotus symbolizes the pure abode of the deity. A plant with 3 stems signifies the tripartite aspect of time, which includes past events, those happening now, and those that are yet to happen. The center of the flower represents Mount Meru - the world axis located in the center of the Earth.

In Ancient Japan

The Japanese believed that the lotus bud represents purity, not susceptible to the negative influences of the environment. Buddhist painting and temple culture were developed in Japan.

The lotus was a necessary attribute in temples. Buddha was often depicted on his throne in the form of this flower.

After accepting Buddhism, the Japanese learned about the Lotus Sutra (one of the cycles of Buddha's sermons). In the 8th century it was recognized as one of the sutras that protect the country. The authority of this canonical text increased in the 9th century. after the Tendai Buddhist school was declared the state church.

The Japanese have long been committed to fresh flowers and their cultivation. White and pink lotuses are grown in Japanese park ponds. They are mentioned in folk poems and songs. People in this country have come up with many culinary recipes using the root of this plant.

What does lotus mean in Buddhism?

In Buddhism, the lotus is the divine flower of the East or a symbol of purity, life and happiness. Its flowers rise from dirty swamp water, but appear bright and pure, like Buddha born into the human world. Like him, those who sincerely practice Buddhism will be able to get rid of torment. In this religion, revered deities (Buddha, White Tara, Manjushri, etc.) are depicted sitting on a blossoming lotus flower or holding it in their hands.

Buddhists believe that the blossoming of the lotus represents the beginning of a new era. When fully bloomed, this flower symbolizes the cosmic wheel - uninterrupted life.

In the Buddhist paradise, plants of different colors grow in ponds decorated with precious stones. The color of lotus petals in Feng Shui is associated with a Buddhist deity and has its own meaning:

  • White (White Tara). The color symbolizes a state of spiritual perfection.
  • Red (Avalokiteshvara). The red flower calls for love and compassion.
  • Blue (Manjushri). Associated with the victory of the spirit, higher knowledge and wisdom.
  • Pink (Buddha). Corresponds to the highest deity and denotes his presence on earth.

The meaning of the colors of the sacred Lotus

Lotus colors have different meanings and interpretations.

White Lotus

The white color of the Lotus belongs to the goddess “White Tara”, who eliminates dangers and gives long life without suffering. It is the color of healing and brings good luck.

Red Lotus

Red color represents purity of heart. It symbolizes purity of thoughts in love and empathy.

Blue Lotus

The blue color of the Lotus is a symbol of the victory of the spiritual over the sensual. He personifies wisdom and great knowledge. The blue emblem signifies modesty and purity.

Pink Lotus

The Pink Lotus is a symbol of the presence of the Divine and is associated with Buddha. The legend says that at the birth of Prince Gautama, the clouds in the sky burst into an extraordinary lotus rain. And during his stay on earth, wherever he walked, a graceful Lotus of enormous size grew.

Crystal lotus in feng shui

Probably the most common lotus in Feng Shui is the crystal lotus. Being a crystal in nature and a lotus flower in shape, such a talisman will be a very powerful tool for the room, which will transform negative energy into positive.

A lotus made of rock crystal creates an extraordinary aura in the room. Its crystal petals refract light in such a way and accumulate positive energy that they make the entire space favorable for staying. In such a room, energy flows are straightened and normalized, and this is the main goal of Feng Shui.

The meaning and magical properties of the Lotus amulet

The magical amulet in the form of a Lotus flower contains a powerful force that puts a barrier against negative thoughts and conflicts directed at you.

It is better to make a talisman for your home from transparent rock crystal. A paper lotus, which you can make yourself from a white sheet, is also suitable. A product placed in the house will bring peace, get rid of negative thoughts and contribute to the acquisition of wisdom.

If a Lotus amulet is placed in a children's room, then the child's energy will be directed to the development of creativity and creativity.

Image with lotuses

It is possible to use Feng Shui lotus in the workplace. You can put a lotus figurine on your desktop, or hang a picture of this beautiful flower. Such a talisman will attract great luck and bring prosperity in business.

Some Feng Shui masters also recommend placing a crystal lotus where there is sunlight, for example on a windowsill.

Do not be afraid to put the lotus on public display, it is not afraid of prying eyes. On the contrary, it will help neutralize the negative thoughts of those around you, be it the owners or guests of the house.

Dzi bead with lotus image

The image of a lotus flower is also used in another traditional talisman - the Tibetan dzi bead. The Dzi bead with lotus helps make informed and thoughtful decisions, calms thoughts, and clears the mind of everything superficial and momentary.


How to enhance lotus energy

This flower can be placed in any area of ​​the house, including the kitchen, but the talisman works most effectively in the living room. The activity of all family members is concentrated in this room. Every time they enter the living room, their energy fields will fall under the influence of the lotus. The lotus should be on a separate table made of glass or wood. A metal table will interfere with the talisman - the energy fields of metal and nature do not combine well with each other.

It is not recommended to place the lotus on the windowsill. Intense flows of negative energy from external sources will affect the flower - it will not only stop working as a talisman, but will also live much shorter. To enhance the lotus, place glass figurines next to the flower, for example, an elephant - a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Water has a beneficial effect on the energy of the lotus, so if the flower is located next to an aquarium or decorative fountain, its influence will increase significantly.

Are you striving for spiritual growth? Then place the talisman in the western part of the house. The West is a zone of creativity and development, so the energy of the flower will be concentrated on this aspect. The aspect of influence depends on the location of the lotus; for example, in the northern zone, the energy of the flower will be concentrated on attracting material wealth.

If the lotus begins to dry out or completely wither, it must be replaced as soon as possible. When this is not possible, the flower is simply removed from the house. A dead lotus not only does not help attract spiritual and material benefits, but also interferes with the normal circulation of Qi.

How to choose a lotus

The lotus is very difficult to keep at home, so a large number of different figurines are created from different materials that symbolize this beautiful creation. In the ancient science of Feng Shui, it is believed that a talisman of this kind should be made of rock crystal, which helps stimulate positive energy.

When choosing a lotus as a Feng Shui talisman, you should not choose a very large lotus; the principle “the bigger the better” does not apply here. The main thing is that it fits harmoniously into the space and evokes positive emotions in you.

Feng Shui teachers recommend purchasing figurines made of rock crystal, which will ideally generate positive energy. Feng Shui always says that material is incredibly important, no matter what symbolism you use. Rock crystal has the same priceless qualities as the lotus - it has amazing purity and gives radiant energy.

By combining two powerful forces, you will achieve harmony of the cosmic flow. The soft energy of the crystal lotus can fill absolutely everything with its positive energy. This is the main goal of the science of Feng Shui. Lotus has the ability to purify the soul and enlighten the mind.

By placing the lotus figurine in a prominent place, the eye will “look” at it very often. Therefore, the talisman must, first of all, be liked and evoke pleasant emotions in the soul.

Remember this and do as your inner intuition tells you.

How to choose and use lotus

Feng Shui says that the crystal lotus is the most powerful talisman. But this does not mean at all that you need to take as many of these amulets as possible and as large as possible. Feng Shui amulets do not like prying eyes, so such a graceful flower can be absolutely miniature, and it is better to place it where it can feed on sunlight.

How else can you use this powerful symbol? Few of us use amulets for various reasons. Feng Shui masters advise choosing a lotus for this, it will help you cleanse yourself of negativity and maintain spiritual purity. Such amulets can be found both in specialized stores and in ordinary jewelry stores.

When planning to buy Feng Shui talismans in the form of a lotus, do not chase the size. A too large flower figure will be, if not superfluous, then certainly not justified. Focus on your own taste preferences, the availability of free space in the house and the existing interior.


How are magical properties used in Feng Shui?

Amulets for home

According to Eastern teachings, it is better to make an amulet in the form of a lotus from rock crystal, since the mineral symbolizes crystal purity. Another suitable material is white paper. It is better to fold the magic figurine with your own hands, and to recharge it it should be placed on the windowsill. A figurine placed in a home will bring harmony, tranquility and give all household members wisdom so as not to provoke conflicts. Owners note a feeling of complete peace, getting rid of bad habits and bad thoughts that bother a person. The talisman will also help in the treatment of neuroses and depression.

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