Tattvas - the five elements that form the material world

Elemental principles:

  • Earth: dry and cold;
  • Water: wet and cold;
  • Air: warm and humid;
  • Fire: warm and dry.

If we add up all the symbols of the elements into a single figure, we get a six-pointed star - a symbol of perfect form.

The six-pointed star is a symbol of the unity of the 4 elements of nature

I want to tell you about the elements, and we will start with Air

Installation method

Every person installs this amulet intuitively. If you feel bad while walking around the house, that’s where you should put the pagoda. A tower-shaped talisman helps in studies.

The 5 Elements Pagoda often stands on the desktop and must be located in a specific place. It depends on the year of birth of the person (only the last digit is taken into account). The directions are as follows:

  • 1 - north;
  • 2 - northeast;
  • 3 - east;
  • 4 - southeast;
  • 5 - south;
  • 6 - southwest;
  • 7 - west;
  • 8 - southwest;
  • 9 - west;
  • 0 - northwest.


The element air corresponds to the anahata chakra. Therefore, the study of the elements begins with the air. Air is the element that our physical body needs most of all. A person can live for several days without water and fire, but without air he cannot live even 5 minutes. Therefore, air is very strongly tied to life processes. In addition, it is air that is responsible for human creativity. Air is associated with chaos, but even chaos is based on some simple laws. And it is the element air that is the bearer of these simple laws.

Air is in harmony with the elements of Fire and Water, but it is much more difficult for it to interact with the elements of Earth. Air corresponds to the season of spring; at this time the element of air is most manifested in our world. Air is our breath, air is the sounds we make. Given the apparent lightness and accessibility of air, learning air magic is not a simple matter.

People in whom the element of air is most manifested:

Air is a yang element and promotes analysis, learning and reflection. Such people easily bypass obstacles, are calculating to the point of commercialism, are emotionally stingy, and at the same time they can easily communicate with any interlocutor. Air people cannot put pressure on anyone on their own, so they often use other people for these purposes, entangling them with their intrigues. As a rule, these are intellectuals who have an interest in everything, which often develops into a constant information need. These are pleasant people who always have something to tell you. They will also listen with interest to something new. These are people who need very clean air, and at the slightest stagnation or air pollution, they begin to experience severe discomfort.

The magical instrument of Air is the Wand.

Air symbols

Qualities: masculine, active, agile

1. Shape: sword

Air is associated with quickness of thought and sharpness of mind. In accordance with this, symbols of air are swords, pikes and other piercing and cutting objects.

The sword pointing downwards denotes the descent of the creative divine will onto the earth. A sword raised with its tip up is a sign of war and destruction.

2. Essence: freedom and spirit

The white bird is a symbolic image of the spirit. In the esoteric sense, this is a conscious creative act or action aimed at creation. In the Christian tradition, the Holy Spirit is depicted as a white dove. And in Ancient Egypt, the hawk was a symbol of the human soul. In many traditions, the bird acts as a symbol of air - a link between heaven and earth, between the spiritual and the physical.

3. Phenomenon: wind

Air has the qualities of lightness, mobility and speed. At the same time, it can be changeable and sudden, destructive and unpredictable. The symbol of air contains phenomena from a light breeze to a giant tornado. Air is movement in all its manifestations.

Air symbols: 1) Whirlwind; 2) Sword topped with a crown; 3) The white bird is a sign of the Holy Spirit.

4. Place and time: east, spring, morning

Air is the element of youth and new birth. Therefore, it is often associated with the east - the place where the Sun is born every morning. In accordance with this, the time of year of the air element is spring, the time of day is morning.

5. Planet: Mercury

One of the symbols of the air element is the planet closest to the Sun - Mercury. Mercury in ancient Roman mythology was the patron of trade and travel, a mediator between gods and people. His attribute is the Caduceus: a club with two snakes entwined around it and crowned with wings.

Qualities of Mercury: speed, cunning, resourcefulness, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, eloquence, perfect mind, changeability.

The god of the air element is Mercury and his attributes: the caduceus and flying sandals with wings.

6. Chakras: Anahata and Vishuddha

Symbols of air are also the respiratory organs and their corresponding energy centers: anahata and vishuddha. Anahata is the heart chakra, located in the center of the chest and is responsible for breathing, the manifestation of unconditional love and compassion. Vishuddha is the throat chakra, located in the thyroid gland and has the function of creative self-expression and connected speech.

Where to buy a talisman?

You can buy the Pagoda of Five Elements amulet for 2,368 rubles on AliExpress. Shipping from China is free. The talisman is made of copper and painted in five colors. The amulet consists of five elements: Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire. The talisman has Chinese characters on it.

The 5 Elements Pagoda is suitable for students and writers, which you can buy on AliExpress. The price of the amulet is 885.76 rubles. Free delivery. The Wen Chang talisman has nine levels. You can take it with you, as its dimensions are small: 6 x 15 cm, weight - 210 grams.


The element of fire corresponds to manipura and sahasrara chakra. Fire is energy, and accordingly is responsible for human energy. This is a certain state in which you seem to plug yourself into an outlet. As soon as this becomes available to you, you can say that you have started learning fire magic. But you have just begun to learn fire magic.

Fire easily interacts with the elements of Air and Earth, but it is much more difficult for it to interact with the element of Water. The time of year summer corresponds to fire; on the hottest days, this element is most manifested in our world. Fire is the ability to realize your aspirations.

A magician always needs energy (just like any civilization.) The simple accumulation of energy can lead to the revelation of your abilities. Which don't work only because you don't have the energy to run them. Even the same perception is a very energy-consuming process, let alone super perception. In addition, with an increase in energy potential that does not merge in the usual ways here and now, this potential can be aimed at destroying your internal barriers.

This is usually done through practices of impeccability or abstinence (called retreat), food, words. That is, abstinence, hunger, and silence and stopping the internal dialogue.

When studying the element of fire, we learn to sense energy, then receive it and then retain and accumulate it.

Fire people are impulsive, very active and impatient, always active and passionate, great originals and romantics. At the same time, they are very demanding, jealous and vain. Fire is a yang element that bestows courage, optimism, and a thirst for search and discovery. As a rule, these are the initiators of any endeavors.

Fire Magic Tool - Sword or Dagger

Fire symbols

Qualities: active, masculine, fast, cleansing.

1. Shape: wands

In ancient times, the rod, as an attribute of power and magical power, belonged to the spiritual caste of priests. This symbol is a designation of the highest element in the hierarchy - fire. The rod also symbolizes the masculine active principle, the divine spark, the creative idea that gave rise to the entire Universe.

2. Place and time: South, day, summer

The symbol of fire corresponds to the hottest side of the world - South, the time of year - summer and the time of day - day. These symbols of fire indicate its burning nature and the destructive aspect of the element. The sun's rays can give life, but also take it away.

3. Phenomena: lightning, explosion, flame

The element of fire can manifest different aspects of its character. The qualities of phenomena determine the qualities of the corresponding fire symbols.

  • A sunbeam is a sign of the Creator’s light, a symbol of his pristine pure nature.
  • Lightning is an idea, a thought born in the Supreme Consciousness, which gave birth to the world.
  • An erupting volcano is a symbol of anger, rage, rage, and the destructive power of fire.
  • A candle flame is a symbol of faith and spirituality, a guiding light, hope, the light of truth in the darkness.

Various forms of manifestation of the element of fire: fire flame, electric discharge of lightning, volcano explosion
4. Planets: Mars, Sun

The destructive qualities of fire are most manifested in the nature of Mars. The planet Mars is a symbol of an uncontrollable and raging fire that incinerates everything around. In Ancient Rome, Mars was the god of war and destruction. And at the same time, he was honored as the patron and protector of Ancient Rome.

Another symbol of fire is the Sun. The energy of the Sun gives life. This planet is the center and reason for the existence of life on our earth. In ancient times, the sun was often identified with the Creator himself. In ancient Egypt, the luminary was called by the name of Ra - the god of the Sun and the creator of the world.

Planets of the fire element: the Sun and Mars and their astrological symbols.

5. Chakras: manipura, muladhara, ajna, sahasrara

The symbol of fire can carry a variety of qualities. Accordingly, in the energy structure of a person this element is reflected in several centers at once.

Manipura - the solar plexus chakra carries solar qualities: generosity, leadership, will, primacy, nobility, desire for power. Muladhara contains the energy of Mars, manifested in the penetrating force and power of basic instincts. Ajna is heavenly fire, the electrical nature of thought. Sahasrara - the cosmic chakra - is a connection with the Creator Himself, who is the truth, the source and the cause.

Properties of the five elements of feng shui

Let's take a closer look at the properties of each element to better understand its nature.

The tree symbolizes the beginning of a new life. Just as spring is the beginning of everything in nature, so is the Tree

is the beginning of the cycle of the five elements. But in fact, there is something amazing in the fact that trees grow! A seed thrown into the ground sprouts, takes root, breaks through the soil from darkness to light, the sun and turns into a bush, flower or huge tree. Stone walls are not able to withstand the force and pressure of the roots of a growing tree. Its sprouts can break through the road surface and are capable of turning over stones. The tree is a representative of everything that bears the imprint of slowness and confidence, that carefully, but at the same time confidently moves towards victory. And the Tree is a symbol of intuition and inner knowledge. Tree people are strong but flexible, they always listen carefully to their inner voice. The best symbols of the Tree are living plants; for example, bamboo sticks are believed to bring good luck and favorable energy. By the way, the energy of the Wood in your home is activated by any green objects.

Five eastern elements. Fire Release

Of all the elements, it is most saturated with Yang energy. Before the advent of Feng Shui masters, there were “fire creators”, whom once upon a time, people took for wizards who were able to burn forests if they were in a bad mood, or cook a delicious dinner if they were satisfied and happy. Fire energy is strong, assertive and dominant. To regulate Fire in Feng Shui, a candle or red color is usually used. Red evening light or a table lamp with a red shade perfectly compensates for the lack of Fire. The element of Fire is contained in the fireplace, interior items made of feathers, wool or leather, in images of dawn and sunset, in pyramids, needles; carriers of fiery energy are animals, birds and such restless, fast, omnipresent children. It should be noted that an overabundance of this element can, on the one hand, bring a person to exhaustion: a huge number of various tasks, eternal haste, continuous whirlwind - and the condition can get out of control. On the other hand, too much Fire can make a person overly self-confident and selfish.


, as everyone knows, is our habitat. We stand firmly on it. The earth is vast and all-encompassing. This was the case long before we appeared and will remain so for centuries after us. In many cases, Earth is recommended to enhance harmony with the environment. I would recommend using large granite boulders or beautiful clay statues. Terracotta sealed tanks filled with earth help strengthen this element and eliminate the lack of the Earth element. Since the Earth is the basis of everything, the more of it in your life, the more stable and confident your position will be. Earth is generally all objects made of ceramics, stones, crystal, porcelain; globe, landscapes. But too much Earth will turn you into stupid, narrow-minded creatures, suffering from your own stubbornness. Make sure that your well-being does not slip away from you like a sudden mudflow.

And here is the element Metal

, perhaps, will be found in all forms of our planet. Copper, silver, gold and bronze are just a few variations of the Metal element. There are so many metal things around us that we have stopped appreciating them. But this element is as important for the modern world as fire was important for primitive man in its time. Metal develops mental activity and thought processes. To attract this “brooding” energy, place something metallic in your home, such as photo frames, candlesticks, figurines or a clock. But don’t get carried away too much: the more symbolic objects you choose, the less positive energy they attract.


is considered another magical element in China because many years ago you could only see your reflection with the help of water. It is as ancient and mysterious as the ocean that gave us life. The color of Water is black, sometimes dark blue. It is a symbol of spirituality, contemplation and meditation. There is always a mystery in water. Since water always flows, filling everything that needs It, the more symbols of this element you have in your life, the calmer, more sensual, more creative and flexible you will be. To attract the energy of Water into your home, place a glass vase or jug ​​with fresh water, a bowl with glass or transparent pebbles, or something black in your room. But an excess of Water can turn you into an easily wounded, indecisive person.

In nature there is always a balance of all Five Elements. But man isolated himself from nature with the walls of houses and apartments, arranged his home, often without even remembering the harmony reigning in the Universe. Ideally, the energy of all five elements should be present in every room. If any room is missing at least one of the elements, the entire energy of the house will be “skewed” - the balance necessary for a harmonious life will be disrupted.

© Ogudin Valentin


Water is the element that is closest to man. The human body is 85% water. The human brain is made up of 95% water. If you look at the human body from another element, it will be a capsule of water. If we look at our planet, we will see how water occupies a significant place on it. Water corresponds to svadhisthana and ajna chakra.

Water easily interacts with the elements of Air and Earth, but it is much more difficult for it to interact with the element of Fire. Water corresponds to autumn. On the rainiest, autumn days, this element is most manifested. Water is the ability to maintain balance.

Water is a reflection of the primordial ocean from which life originated. It concerns our subconscious, and through this element we can get in touch with past lives. Hence, some schools identify Water with the concept of Time. Through understanding the element Water, the adept understands what it means to be in harmony with the world. Water teaches fluidity and calmness. Water carries the principles of serene purity and infinity. “If the water is dirty and cloudy, it is not very easy to clean it, but leave it alone and it will clean itself.” If you look at any of the strongest storms in the ocean, from the perspective of the total volume of water in this ocean, then this storm will turn out to be just light ripples on its surface.

Water people are characterized by fluidity and plasticity, they can find a common language with any people, easily adapt to the environment and also easily enter into any society. Water is a Yin element. With insufficient ability to keep their shape, people of water can also spread out. They are characterized by a desire for spiritual knowledge, as a consequence of the presence in them of a particle of the primordial ocean, as well as the presence of their own psychic energy. But if this energy is used incorrectly, it can turn against them, destroying their own psyche. As soon as this becomes available to you, you can say that you have started learning water magic. But this is the very beginning of learning magic.

The magical instrument of the element Water is the Chalice.

Water symbols

Qualities: feminine, passive, soft, flexible.

1. Shape: bowls and vessels

The symbol of water can be a bowl, a jug or a sea shell. The bowl is also a symbol of the feminine principle, reproductive forces and abundance. Water is the principle of eternal life and motherhood.

2. Sphere of existence: astral world

The water element on the Tree of Life represents the astral world of the Yesod sphere, which means “form.” Here we are talking about astral forms formed in the interaction of feelings and logic.

Water is a symbol of the depths of the subconscious, insight and clairvoyance. This element connects us with the world of dreams and visions, with the sphere of astral forms.

Contemplation of the water surface was often used in the practice of foresight. Peering into the depths of the water, the soothsayer saw sacred symbols and mystical images that emerged from his subconscious mind and which were the answers to the question posed.

Symbols of water: fish, sea shell, bowl.

3. Time and place: west, autumn, evening

The rainiest time of the year, autumn, is associated with water. This season corresponds to the time of day - evening, cardinal direction - west. Autumn is also the time of harvesting and summing up the results of the year. And fertility and harvest are also one of the symbols of water, as mentioned above.

4. Planets: Moon and Neptune

The water element corresponds to the planet Moon. The Moon is the patroness of femininity, motherhood, emotions, feelings and intuition.

The water element also protects the planet Neptune. This planet is associated with the psyche, fantasies and dreams. Qualities of Neptune: a tendency towards mysticism, illusions, deceptive visions, mystery and nebula, but also spirituality, connection with the Higher Self, meditative mind.

Water planets: Neptune and Moon

5. Chakras: Ajna and Svadhisthana

Water qualities are inherent in two energy centers: Svadhisthana and Ajna. The first is responsible for emotions, receiving pleasure, and the desire to procreate. The second chakra - Ajna - is water, as a symbol of clairvoyance and insight.

Relationship of elements

According to Feng Shui, the universe consists of five elements:

  1. Fire.
  2. Earth.
  3. Metal.
  4. Water.
  5. Tree.

Elements constantly interact with each other. The practice of Feng Shui involves choosing a talisman for each zone. To position products correctly, you need to know the sequence of elements.

5 feng shui elements

The creative cycle begins with Fire, which gives birth to the Earth. Then from the Earth, which gives Water and Wood, Metal appears. The creative cycle ends again with Fire. All this is repeated.

Destructive cycle:

  1. Water destroys Fire.
  2. Fire melts metal.
  3. Metal kills Wood.
  4. The tree feeds on the energy of the Earth.
  5. The Earth covers up the Water.

The pagoda consists of the following parts:

  • bottom;
  • threaded connection;
  • top and cover.

At the bottom there are elements of the elements:

  1. The earth is a cube.
  2. Metal is a ball.
  3. Water is the main figure.

At the top there are silhouettes:

  1. The tree is a cylinder.
  2. Fire is a pyramid.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

The Five Elements, where Earth gives birth to Metal, is the creative cycle used in the pagoda. The ball generates Water, which feeds Wood, and Fire.


Earth is the element that creates the matter of this world. The element earth is directly related to planet Earth. Everything we have in this world we received from our planet. And everything we have will also return back to the Earth, including our physical body. The Earth is a Yin element, just like our planet Earth. The Earth element corresponds to the Muladhara and Vishuddha chakra.

Earth is the world of information, which is primary for the world of forms (the world of Manipura chakra). This is the element of order, and it is order that rules in the world of information. The earth is what forms structures, the crystal lattice of any substance, obeys some invisible law, according to which this substance has just such a crystal lattice. And this invisible law is the element Earth.

The Earth interacts harmoniously with the elements of Fire and Water, but it is much more difficult for it to interact with the element of Air. The element Earth corresponds to winter. The most severe frosts are the greatest manifestation of the elements in our world.

Magic in the understanding of the majority is precisely the quality of the earth. Since it is the earth that is responsible for operating forms, including subtly material ones. Learning earthbending is the most difficult for most.

The people of the Earth are those who you can rely on, they stand firmly on their feet. They are unhurried, stable and resilient, they know what they are trying to achieve, and if they take on something, they do everything thoroughly. They do not get along with people very easily, they are stubborn, and often petty. It is very difficult for them to forget someone else's insult, and they have a strange combination of stinginess and generosity. At the same time, they are reliable friends and helpers. They are generous with friends and are always happy to share what they have. These are reliable defenders who always keep their word.

We can say that the main property of the element Earth is the ability to hold. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what to keep, money, information, structure or form. These people slowly comprehend something new for themselves, but if they understand it, it will last for a long time. They don't like change because they don't know how to react to it. The qualities of the people of Earth are thoroughness, reliability, strength, efficiency, painstakingness and perseverance.

The magical instrument of the Earth element is the Pentacle.


Elementals and their influence on the elements

All Elements reflect the mental plane, revealing primary properties (signs). On the astral plane, it looks like worlds with different mental colors. There are worlds where individual Elements are represented, like the world of Fire or Death. They are very different from our world and exist according to their own laws. These worlds imagine variants of the development of laws - some Elements may not be there, but completely different ones, unknown to us, may be presented.

Elementals, these representatives of the Elements, are alive, but not in the sense in which this word is usually interpreted. These are spirits that do not have their own mental body, that is, souls; they are mortals. Their nature represents the mind of the Elements, completely different from the humanitarian mind. They act in rare chemical reactions or phenomena. This is how a Fire elemental can act in a blazing fire. Water elementals often appear in a stormy waterfall.

In occultism there is a tendency to construct detailed divisions of the spirits of the Elements - the elementals. The simplest way to define the kings of the elements is to add the word “Rek” after his name, as well as their subordinates. Their names can be used in magical actions. Methods for calculating names and those names that have already been calculated are presented in sufficient detail in occult literature, but it is practically useless to voice them, since the world is constantly undergoing changes, and therefore names also change. There are other, more convenient ways to interact with elementals and determine their names.

For example, used in ritual magic, objects of Power, or objects of Elements. Four of them are the minimum set for performing complex magical operations. A clue for the consciousness of a Magician who begins his movement through a certain element is the object of this element. In addition, there are also non-ritual ways of working, the tools of which are replaced by “template settings”.

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