How to activate different zones in your home using Feng Shui knowledge

The origins of Feng Shui are very ancient and can be traced back over several thousand years, but its roots extend much further back into the centuries and originate in the practice of the very first shamans of antiquity. These ancient mystics placed great importance on the powers of the four cardinal directions and used their magical prowess to activate the powers and energies of the four cardinal directions. They sought help and advice from the Guardians of the four cardinal directions using their meditative abilities. These shamanic traditions have survived centuries and over time received their development in the culture of many peoples, each of which called them differently. This is how Feng Shui appeared.

Symbolism of the four cardinal directions in feng shui

Each of the four cardinal directions has a special impact on the energy of your home and all its inhabitants. To activate the power of the four cardinal directions in your home, it is helpful to understand some of the symbolic meanings associated with each of the four cardinal directions. This is necessary because these symbolic meanings will activate their inherent properties in your life. The symbolic meanings inherent in each of the four cardinal directions may vary in the cultural traditions of different peoples. The colors, components, animals, and characteristics of the four cardinal directions may vary among different cultures. And although the various mystical teachings here differ in some details, they all recognize those aspects of the power of the four cardinal directions that are associated with the cycles of nature, the cycles of life and the changing seasons of the year.

In the northern hemisphere we associate the north with winter, while in the southern hemisphere we associate the south with winter. Thus, the characteristics of the four cardinal directions that are listed here will change depending on which hemisphere you live in. However, since the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west, west and east will be relevant (i.e., significant) for both hemispheres.

How to understand which zone is which in an apartment?

Housing sectors need to be identified in order to activate it and the areas for which it is responsible. This is an amazing opportunity to influence your own life and energy.

What needs to be done to calculate the sectors? First, print out the plan of the apartment or cottage. You can find the plan in the documents for housing, contact the BTI, or simply draw it yourself, taking into account the footage and location of the rooms.

The next step is to print a Bagua grid (you can find one online). There is a simple option for depicting sectors on a square; you can use that too. Using a compass, determine where north is in the apartment. Mark a point on the apartment drawing. It will be much easier to start from it, defining zones and directions. Using the markings on the Bagua octagon, label other sectors.

How to understand which zone is which in an apartment

If you don’t have a compass, you can use your school knowledge and pay attention to which window the sunrise is usually visible in - it will be east. Where the sun sets is west. By facing east and extending your left arm to the side, you will find the north direction. Behind the east will be the west, and on the right side will be the south.

Due to the layout, some areas may fall out. In this case, it is recommended to hang a mirror on the area that is missing. There is an option to concentrate energies in one large room in the center and determine directions in it. Thus, each part of the living room will be responsible for its own area of ​​life, be it health or partnership.

Activation of the Glory Zone according to Feng Shui

Let's consider the existing activators of home zones according to Feng Shui:

  • South. Element – ​​Fire. Color – red.

This sector of the house supports you as an individual and helps you achieve success and recognition in society. By working on it, you can achieve fame and success faster and more efficiently. The traditional activator of the Glory zone is your diplomas and awards, as well as all upward-moving items. Peacock feathers are considered especially auspicious - they attract potential opportunities. In the absence of peacock feathers, you can use pigeon feathers.

The color red dominates in the south, so if in your southern sector there is a painting of Niagara Falls, you are unlikely to achieve much in life - water extinguishes fire! That is, the element responsible for your success suffers in this case. Although, in fairness, I must add that a little water won’t hurt if you have a powerful source of fire, such as a fireplace, in the south. Fire and water give birth to steam - a moving type of energy. We must learn to operate with such abstract concepts to successfully apply Feng Shui in life.


The main element of the money zone according to Feng Shui is Wood. Therefore, one of the ways to activate the southeast in a room is to decorate it with fresh flowers and indoor plants.

Fresh flowers and plants with lush greenery are good for this purpose, and money and dollar trees and bamboo are considered the best living magnets for money.

You should not keep fading flowers and artificial compositions in the southeastern zone.

Instead of fresh flowers and trees, you can activate the wealth zone with the help of landscape paintings where there is greenery - forest, park, leaves and grass. Another additional element of the money sector is the Earth; paintings with sandy landscapes and canyons are also suitable as cash flow activators.

Activation of the zone of Love and Marriage according to Feng Shui

  • Southwest. Element – ​​Earth. Color – pink, red and all shades of earth.

This sector will help if you need to attract love into your life. For the harmony of your relationships, I recommend that you carefully ensure that the place is always clean. In the case of “stagnant” relationships, sort out this sector more often and never store photographs in this sector depicting you with lovers from the past! This prevents a new feeling from coming into your life.

It is best to place two red candles here. Paired items would be good: two vases, a pair of pillows, two candlesticks, etc. All symbols of love and romance are appropriate in this sector - hearts, chocolates, paintings depicting happy couples.

Attention women seeking to find a mate! Never hang pictures of single women here! Such paintings carry exclusively Yin energy and cause the opposite effect - the woman remains lonely. Bring romance into your life using the age-old wisdom of Feng Shui and hang pictures of a man and a woman together on your wall!


Water is also a good activator, attracting cash flows for the southeastern segment. It is recommended to give preference to mirrors, images with the water element, and aquariums with fish.

The water should be clean, not stagnant. The best images would be a flowing river or a fountain with a jet gushing upward.

Falling waterfalls should be used with caution, since according to Feng Shui, a downward flow of water can destabilize the material sphere.

Activation of the Travel Zone and Feng Shui Helpers

  • Northwest. Element – ​​Metal. Color - white, metallic, gold and silver.

This is the sector of the patriarch in the house, influencing the owner of the house. Its proper activation helps to receive help from the most unexpected sources. This is a good place to place portraits of people you consider to be your mentors.

A metal bell can work miracles in this sector. It is often enough to call it with a request for help - and help will certainly come from where you did not expect it at all.

This sector of the house is also responsible for travel. If you have long dreamed of traveling around the world, hang here tempting views of distant exotic countries and you can be sure that you will find yourself there!


Before you begin to arrange the space in the room, the wealth zone needs to be prepared and cleared of negative energy to allow positive energy to circulate freely throughout the room.

What do we have to do:

  1. Get rid of excess junk and things that you haven’t used for a long time. It is believed that all this contributes to the accumulation of negative energy, establishing financial blocks. Therefore, take items that have been stored in closets for years to the trash.
  2. Do some general cleaning. There should not be a speck of dust left in the room. Look into all hard-to-reach places, free the space from dirt, debris and dust. Ventilate the room to bring in fresh air.
  3. At the end, the room needs to be cleansed on the subtle plane. To do this, you need to walk along it with a wax candle and light incense. The most “money” aroma is considered to be patchouli essential oil. You can carry out cleaning with prayers or mantras - their sounds increase positive energy vibrations.

And only after you have cleared the space, you can begin to arrange it.

Activation of the Career zone according to Feng Shui

  • North. Element – ​​Water. Color – black, blue, light blue.

Everything that is related to your work, career - everything is presented in this sector. Clearing the rubble here will give you a clear vision of your life path and perspective. The traditional way to activate this area is to place a turtle and any water-related objects, such as a fountain or aquarium, here. Placing metal in this sector helps many. These could be Chinese coins, “Wind Chimes”, or a metal bowl of water. In the cycle of generation of elements, Metal generates Water, and thus the harmony of the elements is restored.

Selecting the color of textiles

Large details such as curtains or bed linen deserve special attention.


Since Qi energy enters the apartment through the windows, curtains should not interfere with its flow, but enhance it. The easiest way is to choose by room: pink ones will create the ideal atmosphere in the bedroom, green ones in the office.

Bed linen

There are 2 options: energizing for activity or promoting rest and peace. In the first case, a blue, black, orange set will work perfectly. In the second - any calm tones - soft pink, cream, beige, blue, white.

Activation of the Family zone according to Feng Shui

  • East. Element – ​​Wood. Green color.

Family affairs, relationships between parents and children, grandmothers and grandchildren - everything is represented in this sector. By carefully caring for it, you can significantly improve the climate in the family and even help add to your family! For the symbolic prosperity of your family in the east, it is good to have a “family” tree. Keep it healthy and looking good as this plant truly represents a healthy family and its growth.

It is also believed that this sector “feeds” energy to the neighboring Wealth sector. The family zone is “responsible” for basic necessities: money for rent, food, education and clothing. Keep this area clean. Live plants and good lighting will bring essential vitality to your family.

© Ogudin Valentin

Bagua Grid

The Bagua grid is shaped like an octagon, which is divided into several areas.

Bagua grid by feng shui zones

When a person wants to influence his career growth, improve his health, make many friends, find a companion for life, then it is enough to form the Feng Shui of an apartment in accordance with a certain zone.

Each of us knows what exactly he is missing or what specifically he would like to change. Therefore, there is no need to give up - anything is possible if you really want it. Striving and perseverance are what help you build your destiny.

Your kitchen according to Feng Shui

Each of us has different goals. In addition, they can change throughout life. The Bagua grid allows you to direct energy flows to one or another area of ​​life. Positive changes will come gradually.

How not to make a mistake and arrange the Feng Shui of your apartment correctly?

This will require very little time and a minimum of effort. The main thing is to arm yourself with three things:

  1. compass
  2. Bagua grid
  3. apartment diagram or plan

What shades do you prefer in the interior?

The design of the room is entirely dependent on the influence of color. A warm palette from red to ocher and brown activates the energy of Fire and helps mental activity. Use these colors in your office, sports room, but not where you sleep.

Room design

Emerald and turquoise have calming properties and help restore strength. These are the ones you should choose for the bedroom, bathroom and nursery. The white shade symbolizes the purity and harmony of life. It can be used in any room.

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