Feng Shui sectors and cardinal directions: northeast, southwest and others

Oh, these desires! How I wish things would come true faster! Well, with Feng Shui this is possible if you build a circle of creation and get Feng Shui to fulfill your desires. In a sense, this is a ritual of magic, where the work is based on the interaction of the five elements, in accordance with the correct order. This is a kind of activator of housing zones, aimed at fulfilling the subject’s wishes.

An interesting fact is whether a person believes in the hair dryer or not, the technique will definitely work in favor of the person making a wish. It is not always necessary to activate the grid; the main thing is to remember and keep in mind the nuances of the elements of Chinese philosophy, creating harmony in space.

Each element of the fen brings into a person’s life its own breath of abundance, which is sent by the Universe. You just need to combine the elements correctly to make your wish come true. However, here you need to believe what you are doing. Actually, without faith it is impossible to achieve anything in life.

feng shui color wheel

To begin with, what is a Feng Shui square or Bagua circle, which is so often mentioned in recommendations for the proper arrangement of a home? Schematically, it can be represented in the form of nine sectors, one central and eight lateral, which diverge in different directions like the petals of a daisy.

Each “petal” symbolizes a certain area of ​​life: health, success, career growth, relationships with relatives, creative development and raising children, wealth, love, study and finding reliable helpers. It is believed that after activating all Sectors, a person takes Fate as an ally.

Bagua zones have their own symbolism, their own color and are dedicated to one of the governing Elements.

  • For example, the North, which is responsible for career, is ruled by the Element of Water, its color is blue.
  • And the South, which governs the achievement of success and glory, is subject to Fire. Its color is red.

The Bagua color wheel also contains:

  • Silvery Large and Small Metal.
  • Terracotta pink Big Earth.
  • Terracotta-orange Malaya Zemlya.
  • Green-brown Big Tree.
  • Green-purple Small Tree.

Another Earth Sector, which ensures balance, is located in the center, its color is orange-yellow.

Characteristics of the Five Elements

The five elements (Fire, Water, Metal, Wood, Earth) represent energy flows of appropriate quality. The theory of the origin, interaction and influence of these elements has been studied in detail in Chinese philosophy. Elements constantly flow from one state to another, accelerating or slowing down, circulating and changing the qualities of the environment. The primary elements are not dense matter, but a dynamic, continuous flow of energy of different properties:

  1. Fire represents summer and heat.
  2. Tree – spring and the awakening of nature.
  3. Earth – balance and maturation, changing seasons.
  4. Metal – withering and autumn.
  5. Water - hibernation.


Among the main elements, the element of Wood most influences the development and growth of abilities. The characteristics of this element are as follows:

  • direction – east (family) and southeast (wealth zone);
  • Green colour;
  • geometric figure - rectangles, rhombuses (oblong and tall shapes);
  • material – wooden and wicker furniture, plants and paper products;
  • season – spring;
  • time of day - morning;
  • number – 3 and 4;
  • the taste is sour.


All 5 elements of nature come from the first element – ​​Water. This element is a conductor of energy, symbolizes wealth, and has a cleansing and renewing effect. Characteristics of Water include:

  • direction – north (career);
  • color – blue and black colors;
  • geometric figure - wavy and winding pattern;
  • material – water, aquariums, fountains, glass, mirror;
  • season – winter;
  • time of day – night;
  • number – 1;
  • taste – salty.


Metal ensures success in financial matters and brings abundance. The influence of Metal elements in the interior gives clarity of thinking and develops attention. The nature of this element:

  • direction – northwest (travel);
  • color - white, gray, silver, gold and bronze shades;
  • geometric figure - circle, oval, crescent;
  • material – metal products, electrical appliances, weapons;
  • season – autumn;
  • time of day - evening;
  • number – 6 and 7;
  • the taste is spicy.


The formula of the five elements would not be complete without the symbol of Fire. This element symbolizes success in society, recognition and glory. Its characteristics:

  • direction – south (glory zone);
  • color – red and orange shades;
  • geometric figure - triangles and acute angles;
  • material – candles, lamps, fireplaces, images of the sun and fire;
  • season – summer;
  • time of day – noon;
  • number – 9;
  • the taste is bitter.


Earth energies bring confidence and stability. The characteristics of this element are as follows:

  • direction – center (luck), southwest (marriage and sex), northeast (knowledge);
  • color – yellow and brown shades;
  • geometric figure - cube, square;
  • material – crystals, clay, marble, ceramic and faience products;
  • season – the last month of each season;
  • time of day – day;
  • number – 2, 5, 8;
  • the taste is sweet.

Feng Shui: Circle of Creation and Destruction

The elements in the Feng Shui Elements circle are arranged in a certain order, so as to nourish and strengthen each other.

Circle of Creation

When positive energy moves along a given channel, a circle of Creation arises: Water gives strength to the Tree, Tree feeds Fire, Fire warms the Earth - and so on.

Circle of Destruction

When the routine is violated, disharmony occurs. The elements no longer support, but weaken their “neighbors.” For example, the energy of Water directed into the Fire Zone will completely extinguish all dreams of fame and success. This incorrect arrangement of sectors is called the circle of Destruction.

How to use the circle of Creation using the example of love?

The Circle of Creation can be used not only to plan a home, but also to fulfill a cherished desire. First, determine what area it belongs to.

For example, you want to ask Fate for love. Therefore, it is necessary to perform the ritual in the Sector, which is located in the South-West. Prepare in advance objects that represent the five Elements: a tree branch, a container of clean water, a metal coin or talisman, a candle and some kind of ceramic souvenir (optionally a pot of soil). Now you need to close the circle, light a candle and voice your desire.

Rules for using the creative circle

Among the methods for achieving dreams in the teaching of the hairdryer, the “circle of creation” technique is the most powerful, a person is actively involved here. But success comes subject to following certain rules:

  • The desire to think through every detail, to break it down into several parts. Determine the timeliness of completion or cancellation at another time. For example, a person decided to work on the Internet, from which it follows: he needs to earn N amount of money and buy a computer. And only after that the work process will begin. The less load is given to the desire, the faster it comes true. Small steps towards a big dream.
  • A magical ritual is used only for a reason, and not for idle testing of capabilities. Otherwise, at another, necessary hour, you won’t be able to wait for help from him. Idle curiosity is punishable.
  • Spend on the waxing moon. This is done because something can only be achieved through a creative impulse. Be it to receive the ordered amount of money, to make a purchase of household appliances. In this case, the moon, with its energy reserve, as it grows, contributes to the rise of strength and the emergence of interesting ideas. Taken together, this helps to reveal your potential, to see the opportunities that open up, which you can use to fulfill any wish you have.


Represents power, strength, steadfastness and high conductivity. He is responsible for mental activity, firmness of thinking, justice and ideology. Its excess can lead to destructive actions and danger.

Men of this element believe in the persistence of their ideas and charge those around them with them. They extol their importance and are confident in their impeccability. These traits often lead to rigidity in achieving one's ambitious goals. Thanks to this, they often achieve their goals, sweeping away all obstacles along the way. But they lack a sense of satisfaction with what they have achieved, which sets them apart from other elements.

For women, iron is an indicator of fierce competitive ability without showing anger. She strives to be the best in everything, to be perfect. This helps her achieve high results, both in relationships and in her career. She fascinates and frightens at the same time, fully showing her feelings.


It is an integral part of all living things, from which everything appears and into which everything comes back. Earth is a manifestation of wisdom, knowledge, openness, but at the same time its reverse feature is tension, anxiety, and irritability.

Men with a predominance of this element personify calmness and balance. Such people will not act rashly without thinking through all the options. Leisurely and unhurried - these are the qualities that do not give them the opportunity to succumb to risky adventures. They love to act for their own pleasure and take everything from life. These are strong personalities, they cope well in emergency situations, and always get things done to the end. They will not leave you in trouble, they are true to their word. In relationships they are stable and devoted to their partner.

For women, this element brings harmony, sensual sexuality and naturalness in behavior. This woman captivates with her individuality and sense of style. But at the same time, she is jealous, distrustful, and can limit the freedom of her chosen one.

Practical tips for activating aspects of life

First you need to decide on the space you plan to improve. You can start with the smallest thing - by improving your workplace. If you dream of big changes, start decorating your office or apartment.

  1. The first stage is drawing up a layout of the premises and general cleaning of the rooms. Getting rid of unnecessary things, dust and dirt is one of the most important conditions for accepting the flow of free and positive energy.
  2. Divide the schematic drawing into a matrix consisting of nine squares of equal size. Do not rush to sign the zones of the squares, since first you need to decide on the cardinal directions, and for this you will need a compass.
  3. Stand in the middle of your office or home and use a compass to determine north, south, east and west. Record directions according to your plan. You can combine the compass values ​​with the diagram by drawing cross vectors (the same as on the device).
  4. Determine the exact directions (southwest, southeast, northwest, northeast) between the main cardinal directions and also reflect them on the plan. After this, you can safely sign the sectors, identifying them with zones of real space.
  5. Having decided on the zones, you can understand what is missing or what is destroying the vital flows of qi in this room. To make it clear, write in pencil the possible changes for each room in accordance with the definitions that were described earlier.
  6. The space should not be overloaded with symbolic figurines, figures, pictures. It should be functionally convenient and pleasant for your contemplation.
  7. Once changes are made, you must carefully maintain the existing order. If you put a tree in the family or wealth zone, it needs to be carefully looked after and watered. Dry leaves or dead roots will bring destructive shea energy, hindering your growth of wealth and family idyll.
  8. Get saturated with information about those objects that activate a particular sector. For example, if you lack fame or peer recognition of your talent and experience, it is not necessary to display all your awards and diplomas in the fame sector. It is enough to place a cone-shaped pyramid on the desktop. After all, it is triangular objects that personify fire (the symbol of the zone), the desire to strive upward and not stop there. And the pencil lying next to it will be a symbol of the tree that feeds your fire. And then you will be constantly fed with new ideas and goals that lead to success.


Represents water signs in any of their formations, from a small drop to a huge storm. This is a mystical element that reflects a person’s inner energy, his creative potential, peace, and tranquility. However, an excess of this symbol gives rise to indecision, stress, and fear.

For the male half, water gives a sense of the integrity of the world and diversity. Such a man has an excellent command of the art of love, and with his cunning and high diplomatic abilities he can charm beautiful female representatives. They know how to persuade and use this talent with ease. Due to the fact that such people can listen carefully, business negotiations are easy for them, they easily achieve what they want. However, despite their charm and irresistibility, they hardly open up fully.

Women have incredible communication skills, well-developed empathy, and amazing imaginations. They are capricious and demanding, but they achieve their goals with special cunning and resourcefulness. But, despite the constant changeability, they are always in search of constancy. They quickly get carried away and fascinated by her. She does not like conflict situations and tries to avoid them.

Yin and Yang of all elements

Absolutely all elements have both Yang and Yin characteristics. If we talk about Wood, then healthy, young, green plants will be an example of Yang, while dried flowers, wood, etc. will act as Yin. A soft and pliable metal, for example, silver, is Yin, but a hard and complex metal (steel) is Yang. In Water, Yin is represented by wavy curtains, paintings with ponds, and Yang is represented by fountains and aquariums. Very often, Fire is associated with Yang energy, but this is not entirely true, because soft candle lighting and incense are more related to Yin.

The flow of Qi energy symbolizes transformation and expansion, it passes through all five elements, thereby creating Yin and Yang. As a result of establishing balance, Qi flows freely in the environment, bringing people in this house or place peace, tranquility, and a break from worries and troubles. The art of Feng Shui involves using the elements to achieve balance and free movement of Qi. To achieve harmony and well-being, it is not enough to simply collect and place all the elements in the house; you need to carefully study their cyclicity so as not to accidentally harm yourself. There are destructive and constructive cycles in nature; their competent interaction creates balance.

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