Where should you sleep with your head: north-south, west-east

Tips for a good night's sleep

Along with the quality of the mattress and bed, your restful night's sleep depends on the direction of the bed. In 1987, Professor Gerhard Bauer from the Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Martinsried published one paper. He studied the sleep of eight subjects and positioned some mattresses in an east-west direction and others in a north-south direction. The result: if the mattress was positioned from east to west, the deep sleep phase began several minutes earlier than when positioned from north to south. This could be an argument for placing the bed in an east-west direction. But attention: science has not yet recognized the “theory of location relative to the cardinal points.”

It is curious that some babies turn around in their sleep just like a compass needle. We have combined several tips from the Far East and modern science that will help you wake up in the morning full of energy.

Orthodox recommendations

In the Orthodox tradition there are no exact recommendations on which direction of the world is better to sleep with your head. However, some information from folk wisdom is worth listening to.

  1. If you sleep towards the south, it causes irritability and aggression.
  2. The most suitable location for sleeping is the east.
  3. The West provokes the development of egoism.
  4. As for the north, you can sleep in its direction, but it is not recommended. It is believed that in this situation the connection with God and higher powers is lost.

In general, Christianity claims that every believer has the right to choose and can independently decide where it is better for him to lay his head. It is impossible to lose contact with God just because you rearranged the bed and changed the direction of your head in bed.

What should a bed be like according to Feng Shui?

Feng Shui places great importance not only on the location of the bed, but also on its shape. It must certainly be rectangular. It is better to use natural material. As a last resort, plastic covered with, for example, veneer will do. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it does not accumulate negative energy.

The Architects online store has beds for this case with an environmentally friendly wooden lifting mechanism.

Also pay attention to the mattress. For a married couple, it is better to buy a single double bed. If you buy two mattresses, this can negatively affect the energies of the couple, who will not be able to interact.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards the mirror?

It is believed that a mirror is a kind of guide to the other world. It is just beyond the line that another world exists. Representatives of all energies and religions believe that one should not reflect in the mirror at all during sleep. This slows down the spread of positive energy. Accordingly, you should cover the mirror before going to bed.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards the mirror?

There are a lot of superstitions and signs around sleep and rest. But church representatives believe that signs come into force only when you believe in them.

How to place a bed according to Feng Shui?

The direction of the bed has been worrying people for a long time. According to ancient Indian teachings, it is best to sleep with your head facing south or east. For the Chinese, things are a little more complicated.

In Feng Shui, there is no general rule for the optimal placement of a bed. The direction of the bed, which promotes deep and healthy sleep, is calculated individually.

Decisive factors for optimal sleep according to Feng Shui are the year of birth and gender. The result of the calculation is called the Gua number. If you want to calculate your sleep direction, there are online gua number calculators on the internet.

Along with advice on the direction of the bed, Feng Shui offers several other rules that should help you find the optimal place in the room for the bed.

Dream and cardinal directions

Any religion and ancient teaching indicates where it is better to sleep with your head. Based on the advice of different teachings, you can understand what each side of the world means:

  1. North. Helps normalize health and can also attract good luck and prosperity. Helps the family forget about problems and troubles. By falling asleep with your head facing north, you can embrace harmony and freedom. This position is suitable for adults and married couples.
  2. West. This direction of the head in a dream will help creative individuals to open up, gain life satisfaction and positive energy. This position is suitable for artists, writers, actors and other creative professions.
  3. East. After spending the night in this direction, a person becomes stronger and more active. Nothing can scare you, because heavenly forces will always come to the rescue. This is the best option for those who work hard and lead an active life.
  4. South. The best solution for those who strive for career growth. Having fallen asleep in this direction, a person is recharged with energy throughout the night, thereby bringing good luck during the day.
  5. Northeast. Option for older people. It is believed that this direction of the head helps restore energy and strength, and this position will also help get out of depression.
  6. Southeast. This position of the head during sleep helps to overcome fears and complexes.

Review of the main rules of Feng Shui for the bedroom

A strong wall at the head of the room so that “no one attacks you from behind.” A strong wall behind the head in Feng Shui means protection and safety. Away from windows and doors to avoid drafts. These air currents are called Qi energy in Feng Shui. They interfere with sleep. Thus, you cannot place a bed between windows located opposite each other or between a window and a door.

You can't let anything put pressure on you from above. You should not hang shelves or heavy picture frames directly above the head of the bed, they have a depressing effect. According to Feng Shui, it is better to leave this area empty.

According to Feng Shui, the wall against which the bed is located should be free of water pipes or electrical wiring. No large plants, the bed should remain stress-free. Most plants are not suitable for the bedroom. In addition, according to Feng Shui, they produce the so-called Yang Qi and interfere with the process of falling asleep.

If the room has a roof slope or beams, position the bed so that your view does not fall on the slopes and beams. You cannot place a mirror in front of the bed. Reflection also creates Yang Chi energy, which interferes with rest.

When planning a bedroom, you cannot follow only the principles of Feng Shui. We have collected the Top 9 mistakes when planning a bedroom.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards the window?

Most religions and ancient teachings say that you should not sleep with your head towards the window. This is due to the fact that evil spirits roam the earth at night. She can look in and through windows into the house. This is why a person can lose sleep and vital energy. He may develop health problems. In addition, there are drafts in the area of ​​the window opening, which is fraught with colds.

Is it possible to sleep with your head towards the window?

A few more tips for a restful sleep

As a general rule, most people sleep best in the direction of north to south, east to west, and west to east. The direction is from south to north, i.e. when the head is in the south, it interferes with sleep for many people. Except in cases where this direction corresponds to the received gua number.

Also, your bedroom should be free from electromagnetic fields. This means you need to remove the TV, smartphone and laptop from the bedroom.

Since we spend a third of our lives in bed, it's worth trying these tips for positioning your bed relative to the cardinal directions. If you also follow additional Feng Shui guidelines, then you are on the right path to restful sleep.

Healthy sleep is very important for good health, and the direction in which we sleep can have a positive effect on the quality of our sleep.

In which direction should you sleep with your head to be healthy?

The “correct” position of the head during sleep improves both health and inner harmony of a person. Irritability and constant feelings of fatigue and lack of sleep disappear.

The cardinal directions play a big role in this. Religions and teachings give different recommendations. It all depends on the cult and worldview.

For example, yogis believe that any living creature, as the personification of nature, also has poles: north and south. In this case, the south is considered to be the head, and the north is the legs. According to yogis, north and west are considered the correct and positive direction during sleep. Thus, the head should be located exactly in one of these cardinal directions. This gives a person unprecedented internal energy and strength. This explains the secret of the longevity of many yogis.

According to Feng Shui, the direction of the head during sleep corrects a certain aspect of a person’s life. If it is directed to the east, it leads to clarification of a person's consciousness. His brain begins to work more clearly and faster. It also relieves the sleeper from nightmares and insomnia. If the head is located towards the north, a person’s intuition and inner harmony become very developed. It is believed that such people easily avoid dangers and unpleasant situations. This explains the “luck” of a person who is considered lucky. Feng Shui recommends that childless couples sleep with their heads facing west. This strengthens the family unit and brings the birth of offspring closer. The southern direction teaches a person the right behavior. People develop a taste for good manners, a sense of tact, and a peaceful attitude. This explains the lack of conflict of such people and their excellent reputation in society.

Orthodoxy recommends based solely on popular beliefs. Popular wisdom says that you should not position your head to the west while sleeping. It is believed that this disrupts a person’s connection with God, worsens character, and disrupts inner peace. And if you sleep with your head facing south, on the contrary, you will attract longevity and good health. If you lie with your head to the east, then among the Orthodox this is considered an ideal position that can attract not only health, but also success in business. Thus, a person gets up “on the wrong foot”, and his day goes more successfully. The eastern location, as it were, programs the sleeper for success and health. The north undermines spirituality and tranquility in a person.

Buddhists believe that it is in a dream that a person finds himself, becomes himself. Therefore, sleep time in the east is not considered an idle pastime. There are certain rules here too. Previously, the older generation strictly followed the younger generation as a sign of preserving traditions and rules.

For example, it was strictly forbidden to sleep with your head facing west. This leads to illness and anxiety. A person becomes not himself, loses contact with his ancestors, and they stop patronizing him. Thus, a person gradually weakens not only physically, but also mentally.

Falling with your head towards the south is also not considered correct. This position of the body during sleep carries the danger of death. The old people said: “Sleeping with your feet to the north means waiting for your death.”

Sleeping with your head facing west is considered good. This brings peace and tranquility into life. A person becomes charming and attractive not only to people of the opposite sex, but in general. Relationships with the world are being improved. Internally he becomes more harmonious.

The ideal position of the body during sleep, according to Buddhists, is northern. If a person constantly sleeps with his head facing north, he feels a surge of strength and health. He is active and energetic, always in a good mood. People who sleep in the right direction have always been considered long-livers.

Many eastern techniques are similar in their judgments about the correct position of the body.

There are many more signs associated with proper sleep:

  • You can't sleep facing the mirror.
  • You can't sleep under the moonlight.
  • It is not recommended to sleep in front of a mirror.
  • In the old days, it was strictly forbidden to sleep in the light.

There is no one clear rule in which direction you should sleep with your head. Information will always differ from different sources. But besides all existing signs, there is human intuition. Any person subconsciously feels positive and negative sides for himself. If you wake up feeling groggy and tired, you should pay attention to the location of your sleeping place. Try changing the position of your head while sleeping, taking into account our tips.

Photo: https://pixabay.com/ru/


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