What a kitchen should be like according to Feng Shui - basic rules for design, furniture and interior

Good day, dear reader!

In this article you will find all the materials for arranging a kitchen.

Southeast and east are the most favorable directions for cuisine

Modern man spends a lot of time in the kitchen. The kitchen is not only a place for preparing food, but also a place where the whole family gathers, as well as a meeting place with friends and a place for children to gather after school; some in the evenings turn it into an office to quietly work, read, and think.

In Japanese and Chinese culture, cuisine is given one of the places of honor; in the East, food is given healing properties.

People who practice Taoist medicine believe that properly selected food products help maintain health and guarantee longevity. Yin and yang and the elements of the five elements should be present in a person’s food in the same way as when building a house.

Water, wind and food bring the body everything it needs to maintain life, but at the same time they also bring us their qi energy. When we cook food, qi energy is everywhere and it affects everything. We drink and cook food in the kitchen, so we must take care that all the elements in the kitchen are harmoniously combined, although this is quite a difficult task to do in the kitchen, because it contains such incompatible elements as fire and water.

In this regard, the kitchen should be located in such a way as to reconcile these two elements. The most important thing is to find a place in the kitchen for the stove and sink. It is also very important which direction of the world you are facing when preparing food; the quality and value of the dishes you have prepared depends on this. The most favorable directions for the kitchen are the southeast and east. The qi energy in this sector is the strongest, which helps growth and activity.

In Ancient China, kitchens were oriented to the southeast; they had both windows and doors facing this part of the world, so that the morning breeze would help light the fire in the oven. All this suggests that man sought to live in harmony with nature. The energy of wood gets along very well with fire and water. The house is filled with energy coming from the kitchen and thus enriches the entire space.

The rays of the morning sun illuminate the kitchen, charging it with its energy. This is very useful if the kitchen also serves for eating, when they have breakfast in it. It is very bad when the kitchen is located in the northeast, where the qi energy is cold and changeable, and in the north the energy is also insufficient (therefore it is impossible to prepare sufficiently nutritious food there).

It is believed that the south is also not suitable for the kitchen, since it is a region of fire, too much fire is undesirable and can lead to a fire.


In Feng Shui, the stove symbolizes the crucible of life, hence the preference, it should be large. If the stove is facing a wall, hang a mirror above it, which will visually double the dimensions of the stove. In the old days, a mirror served as a precaution so that someone entering the kitchen would not frighten the cook, who could ruin the dish from surprise. In practice, such a mirror is not useless; the cook, while preparing food, will see what is happening behind him.

For the same purpose, you can use the shiny surface of some kitchen utensil to see who enters the kitchen without turning around. You can also hang an Aeolian harp at the entrance to the Kitchen, which, ringing, will warn you that a guest has come to the kitchen. Of course it is better if there is a stove with real fire. A gas stove is also suitable for cooking healthy food.

Electric stoves from the point of view of Feng Shui are not very useful, let's say. It is generally not recommended to use a microwave oven due to harmful radiation. The stove should always be clean. Where should I put the stove? Traditionally, the stove was placed in the middle of the kitchen so that you could approach it from all sides, this made it possible to see everything that was happening in the kitchen and stand in the most favorable direction for cooking.

Food energy is the basis of health and success

The amount of energy obtained from food is influenced by two factors:

  • The first is related to the origin of the product, its growth, storage and transportation.
  • The second one depends on the mood and well-being of the cook. Obviously, if a person is unwell or nervous, the food can be of very poor quality.

Note! Feng Shui teachings say that you can even get sick if you eat food prepared by a sick cook.

Feng Shui kitchens

Using the table below, check whether your items in the kitchen are located correctly.

North - unfavorable

Too calm, sluggish flow of qi energy, insufficient to maintain health and vitality.Add metal energy. These can be shiny stainless steel objects, lids, dishes - all objects that have a round shape or a metallic sheen. You can add the following “saving” colors: red, white and silver.

Northeast - unfavorable

Too fickle qi energy. Does not promote concentration at work. To even out the flow of qi and make it more constant, you need to place small porcelain bowls with sea salt in the southwest and northeast corners of the kitchen.

East - favorable

Fire and Water are harmoniously combined with the energy of Wood, which predominates in the east. Suitable location for both sink and stove. In this sector with a strong flow of qi there will be no stagnation of energy, so there is no need to resort to any additional Feng Shui remedies.

Southeast - favorable

This direction, represented by the element of Wood, also harmoniously combines with the elements of Water and Fire.In this sector, the flow of qi energy is not as strong as in the east, but still prevents the formation of stagnation in damp or dark corners.

South - unfavorable

Due to the fact that the energy of Fire corresponds to this direction, it is better not to place a stove here. Excessive fire can lead to a fire. Add the element of Earth - squat, flat objects made of clay, a clay bowl with wooden coal will do. “Saving” colors are black and yellow.

Southwest - unfavorable

This direction with an unstable flow of energy is considered unfavorable because it disorients a person.To streamline the chaotic movement of chi energy, place small porcelain bowls with sea salt in the southwest and northeast corners of the kitchen.

West - unfavorable

In this sector, the energy of Metal collides with the fiery plate (see Cycle of destruction) and the energy of Water in the shell (see Cycle of generation or support).Add the energy of the Earth (place a clay bowl with charcoal next to the stove). Place a metal jug with white flowers next to the sink (the resistance of Metal to the element of Water will increase).

North-west - unfavorable

In this sector, as in the west, the energy of Metal collides with the energy of the plate (see the Cycle of destruction) and the energy of Water in the shell (see the Cycle of generation or support).Add the energy of Earth to the energy of Fire (place a clay bowl with charcoal next to the stove). Place a metal jug with white flowers next to the sink (the resistance to the energy of the Metal element of Water will increase).

Recommendations of Chinese sages

This section provides instructions that will help you get as much positive energy as possible from your dishes and the time spent in the kitchen:

Another auxiliary table that you should follow when creating the interior of the room

  • Do not store cracked or chipped dishes; they should be thrown away immediately. And not in the trash can, as everyone usually does, but take it out of the apartment. The same applies to splinters and spoiled products.

Avoid clutter in the kitchen, it generates negative energies that are not easy to get rid of.

  • According to Feng Shui, indoor plants for the kitchen are preferable in the form of dwarf trees and shrubs that have a trunk and branches. Wood enhances the water and fire elements.

Such plants are beneficial not only for the kitchen, but also for other rooms in the apartment

Reminder! Trees are incompatible with the element of metal.

  • Try to consume food without haste and fuss. If you are trying to “eat” stress, then such food will not do you any good. Take a deep breath and chew all foods thoroughly. Do not try to swallow foods that are difficult to chew in large pieces.
  • You can’t quarrel in the kitchen; negativity can be absorbed into the interior items, and the harmony of positive energy will be disrupted.
  • Kitchen in the north is the element of water, do not confuse it with other cardinal directions. If you doubt the correctness of your choice, focus on balance: a little of all colors. It is better to give preference to neutral white tones.
  • Vintage family photos with the deceased have a place in the kitchen. This means you invite them to the table. Before eating, thank God for your well-being.

Five elements

Five elements in the kitchen interior.
The red kitchen, located in the south, will be overflowing with the “yang” energy of Fire, which needs to be calmed. Considering the diagram of the “Cycle of Generation and Cycle of Destruction,” we see that fire can be tamed by earth. Therefore, you need to place several vases or vessels carved from stone in an “energetically hot” kitchen, and replace some wooden surface with a stone one. You can also use blue towels, tablecloths, napkins, curtains, as well as glass objects representing the water element, which extinguishes fire. It is useless to place indoor plants for this purpose, since they belong to the element of wood and they will feed the fire.

Very often, modern designers offer kitchen furniture in one or two colors and reduce the number of items that remain on the surface to a minimum. If the color of the kitchen suits you, you can only be happy. But so that it doesn’t get boring in a monochromatic kitchen, add a few color accents that are suitable for this direction. You can use vases, colored glass bottles, napkins, coasters.

There must be five elements present in the kitchen. You need to ensure that the flow of qi flows freely throughout the kitchen. This cannot be achieved if the door to the kitchen is in line with the corridor and the kitchen is visible from the threshold of the house. The flow of qi energy will sweep away everything in its path; to stop the flow, you need to use the Feng Shui arsenal: screens, indoor plants, distracting objects. In cases where the kitchen window is located in line with the front door, the flow will be especially rapid.

If you cannot keep him on the threshold, you need to keep him in the kitchen by placing some objects on the windowsill that are pleasing to the eye, but so that they do not block the light. You can use a beautiful flowering plant for this. Vases and bubbles made of colored glass will be very good, but red glass is better. It’s easier, of course, to keep the kitchen closed. You can also put a large-leaved plant in a pot. You can also hang a picture or a trinket on strings in front of the door to the kitchen that will flutter in the breeze, like a crane made of wood chips.

But you should not place bulky objects in the way of qi; thus, the energy may not slow down its movement, but may even stop, blocked by this object. The most important thing in the kitchen is cleanliness, comfort and order. It should be light, clean and dry - these are the most basic conditions to be able to prepare nutritious food and make you feel great.

Sha – bad energy

Kitchen design according to Feng Shui takes into account not only the arrangement of objects, colors and decorations, the technique even concerns how sharp objects should be stored in the room: knives, forks, etc.

  • Under no circumstances should knives be left on the table. Sharp angles are capable of generating negative energy (Sha), which then splashes out on people. This leads to quarrels and illnesses.
  • Try not to put all sharp objects in one place.

Sha manifests itself not only in objects, but also in sharp corners of the room, where practically no light enters.

Remember! The light in the kitchen should be bright, illuminating all corners and objects. If somewhere is too dark, try to move the furniture so as to prevent the appearance of a curved space.


Good lighting in the kitchen is important; dark corners are undesirable - dust accumulates in them and the movement of qi energy completely slows down. And if sunlight does not reach deep into the kitchen, then you need to illuminate the dark corner with directional light, using a lamp. In general, directional light lamps are very good for the kitchen, since there will be no dark corners, which always exist if the kitchen has one source of artificial light, a ceiling lamp.

The kitchen should be ventilated as often as possible, letting in fresh air. A hood over the stove will not cope with this task; it will only stir up the flow of qi energy. Choose your kitchen cleaning products very carefully - this is important. Do not skimp on these products, take environmentally friendly and harmless ones, this will only make you better, so as not to harm your health. If your pets eat in the kitchen, keep their bowls clean. Unpleasant odors are bad kitchen Feng Shui.

Dinner table

For the entire apartment or house, the kitchen is a symbol of hearth and comfort, which has a beneficial effect on the wealth and prosperity of the family. However, you can forget about prosperity if the kitchen set disrupts the harmony of the room. More precisely, not the entire set, but the dining table, which is the very center of receiving positive charges and energy.

  • The table should be in the center of the room so that all family members can fit behind it. This arrangement symbolizes prosperity and unity of people gathered around the table. Almost like in the photo.

Round table for intimate conversations between all family members, forget about the saying “when I eat, I am deaf and dumb” - share a positive attitude

  • A single family circle allows you to absorb as much positive energy as possible. At the table, gathered as a full-fledged family, it is necessary to share thoughts, impressions, and listen to opinions. All this has a beneficial effect on a person.

Do not forget that Feng Shui in the kitchen is, first of all, the harmony of all living things, creating a cozy environment for all family members. Therefore, having achieved unity with each other, you will appreciate the benefits of Chinese teachings.


There is no need to overload the kitchen with kitchen utensils; it is better to store everything not in plain sight, but in cabinets. Keep the kitchen tidy and clean, constantly wipe dirty surfaces, and remove all unnecessary items. Don't forget to dust hanging drawers and clean closets regularly.

A low cabinet with a work surface will be well complemented by a row of hooks or shelves on which you can hang the necessary things for preparing food. Anything that is not essential items should be stored in closets.

Kitchen colors

I give you a table for practical use, which colors are suitable by zone, and which are completely unsuitable:

Gua Number








Red, orange






White, gold



















































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Sincerely, Stolbunets Lydia

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